Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by BILL
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Scenes from Oconto County Past.
Photographs, descriptions and history from the "old days."


1903 Great Stone Barn
Built in town of Chase this mammoth barn was constructed of fieldstone, wood and concrete. Materials that were in abundant local supply. The wooden end doors are 20 feet tall and open from the center to allow a fully loaded hay wagon,  complete with team, to enter,  unload and drive straight out the other side. The architect proudly incised the year and his name  on the cement plaques along the center of the long wall facing the roadway.  D. E. Krause was the architect, built in 1903.  Dr. Height at the peek of each end is over 40 feet and the oak roof  beams used inside are massive virgin forest wood.  There was a large covered pit well, line with stone walls, that sat just to the right of the power pole in the last photo.  It now stands on private land. Photos taken 2004.


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