Simon Butler 


Oconto County Reporter
August 22, 1885


At his late residence in town of Maple Valley, Oconto County, Sunday night, August 16th, 1885, Simon Butler, in the 53rd year of his age.

The deceased was born at Deer Island, New Brunswick, where he resided until his twenty-second year when he came to this city which was his home for eighteen years when he moved with his family to Maple Valley and settled upon a farm.

A widow and seven children, six boys and one girl, the oldest 18 and the youngest 2 years of age, an aged father, six brothers and sisters survive him.

He was an exceedingly popular man, loved and respected by all, a kind and affectionate husband and father, a good neighbor and citizen who will be missed from the walks of life. It can be said of him, that the hungry were never turned from his door unfed and the needy without assistance.

His funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon, at his late home, Rev. S. H. Couch preaching the funeral sermon, after which the casket from which the soul had fled was laid away to rest in the cemetery near by, being followed thence by a large train of his friends, neighbors and relatives, all testifying to his worth as a man.