"Mrs. Rachael Calligan, an old and much respected resident of this city, passed away at her home in the East ward at twenty minutes to two Monday morning, aged 86 years.
"Deceased, whose maiden name was Rachael Robinson, was born in Machiasport, Maine, Aug. 6, 1821 and with her children, came to this city in 1868, her husband, Hollis Calligan, who was a sea captain and made voyages from Maine to the West Indies, having passed away with yellow fever on the Island of San Dominge four years previous.
"Deceased never fully recovered from a sick spell she had about four years ago and had been gradually failing until the end came. She was a great sufferer, especially the last five weeks, during which time she was confined to the bed, not knowing a minutes relief until her demise.
"She is survived by one son, Tim Calligan and five daughters, Mrs. Mary Calligan, Mrs. T. H. Calligan, Mrs. J. P. Dorr, Mrs. Joseph Ryan and Miss Clara Calligan, all of whom reside in the city with the exception of Mrs. T. H. Calligan and Mrs. J. P. Door, who reside in Maine.
"Perhaps no one woman in the city was so well and favorably known by both young and old, as was Mrs. Calligan, for her many acts of kindness and sympathy, always ready to lend a helping hand. Although old in years she was always happy when with the young and will be greatly missed by them as well as others.
"The funeral services were held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Methodist church, Rev. J. T. Fish officiating and the remains conveyed to their last resting place in Evergreen cemetery. The pallbearers were her five grandsons, Frank and George Calligan, William and Edward Ryan, Henry Nineway and Henry Youngs.
"Those from out of the city who were present at the funeral were, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nineway of Green Bay, Joseph Ryan and son William of Nahma, Mich., and Frank W. Calligan of Norway Mich."