Patrick KELLY

The Oconto Falls Herald dated Friday, November 20, 1903

Patrick Kelly
 On Saturday last Patrick Kelly, of Kelly Lake, one of the pioneer 
settlers, crossed the great divide to "that bourne from which no weary
traveler e'er returns."  Mr. Kelly was something of a charactor and was
perhaps one of the most widely known residents in Oconto County.  In his
earlier days to the honorable occupations of farming and lumberman he
added the dignified role of justice of the peace, and possessed the rare
faculty of interpreting law with a rapidity and daring that made him
famous.  With the exception of one daughter, Mrs. John Gilligan of Amanda,
Mr. Kelly was alone in the world in the matter of relatives, his wife,
sons, and daughters all having preceded him on the great journey.  The
deceased was upwards of eighty years of age, and for several years past he
lived in a cabin on the farm of George Beyer, at Kelly Lake.