The Green Bay Advocate in speaking of the accident says: Nick Schoenborn of Lena, Wis., was brought to this city Sunday evening suffering from a gunshot wound in the side. He was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital. As yet the physicians have been unable to remove the shot and little can be said at this time as to his chances of life. Just how the accident happened is not known, and the patient is too weak to tell. He was hunting near Lena on Sunday and in some manner his gun was accidentally discharged and he received the full force of the load in his right side. He was taken to Lena and put on board the train that reaches here at 12:00. He was accompanied by Dr. Grant of Lena, Minahan was called for consultation and the injured man is now under the care of the latter. Little could be done, on account of his weak condition, and his wounds were only dressed and he was made as comfortable as possible.