John Reed 


Oconto County Reporter
August 22, 1885


At his late residence in this city, Monday, August 17th, 1885, at 9:00 in the evening, Mr. John Reed, in the 48th year of his age.

The deceased was a native of Germany but came to this country with his parents when but a small child and lived with them in Chicago for several years, when they came to this city over thirty years ago which was his home from that time until his death. About a year ago, he suffered a stroke of paralysis and for several weeks he hovered between life and death, but finally partially recovered, but was never as well and rugged as before. During the afternoon preceding his demise he was over in the city as jovial as was his want and when the news was heralded that Mr. Reed had received another stroke of paralysis, all experienced the fear that he would not survive it. He was removed to his home and soon became unconscious in which condition he remained until the spirit and body parted company. By his death, a wife is robbed of her protector and companion, five children, the oldest 18 and the youngest six years of age, of the council of an affectionate father, an aged mother of the society and help of a loving and dutiful son and three brothers and two sisters of his companionship.

The departed was a thoughtful and devoted husband, an indulgent father, a warm friend, and a good neighbor and citizen. He was universally esteemed and respected, being almost without an enemy and will be sadly missed by all, on account of his good nature, cheery ways and accommodating disposition.

His funeral took place Wednesday afternoon under the auspices of Oconto Lodge I. O. O. F., of which he was an honored member, the services being held at the residence. The services were conducted by the Rev. S. W. Ford who in his remarks, spoke feelingly of the virtues of the departed and in the void in the city made by his absence. The home was crowded and a multitude remained in the yard during the entire services and at the close, a large concourse of people followed the remains to the grave.