The deceased was a native of Marblehead, Mass., where she resided the earlier part of her life and where she was married. Thirty odd years ago she came with her husband and children to this state, landing in Milwaukee which was their home for a short time when they moved to this county, which was at that time an unbroken forest and hardships and privation the experience of all. She was of the material of which pioneer are made and passed through all the vicissitudes incident to pioneer life with fortitude and cheerfulness, doing good along the years, making the society of those earlier times better, and her neighbors happier, by her presence. She was a woman of strong judgment, opposed to display and a friend of the unfortunate and needy.
She was the mother of twelve children, nine of whom survive her, Mrs. John Leigh, of Leightown; Mrs. Maria D. Sweet, of Marinette; Mrs. Stephen Way, of Couillardville; Mrs. Angus McAllister, of Stiles; Mrs. Stephen Chase, of California; Mrs. J. W. Hall, of Oconto; and sons, William, of California; and Christopher and Alexander, of the town of How.
The funeral took place Sunday forenoon at 10:00, in accordance with her expressed wish in the schoolhouse at Couillardville, near the residence of her daughter, the Rev. Mr. Decker, of Abrams, conducting the services and preaching the sermon. The building was too small to hold all that had gone to pay her the last rites of respect and their sorrow was genuine, for a good woman, a noble woman who passed.