Katie L. Hall 


Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 16, 1884

Only Surviving Daughter

Of Typhoid fever, Feb . 8th, 1884, Katie L. Hall, only surviving daughter of R. L. and Abbie T. Hall, aged 19 years, 1 month and 8 days.

The funeral services of Katie Hall were held in the Presbyterian church on last Sabbath afternoon. The immense crowd of people present was an indication of the sympathy which exists in the community for the afflicted family. Nor was it only sympathy that drew so many there, for the ample and unaffiliated manners of the deceased had gained the love of many true friends. Schoolmates and companions – all were there to mingle their tears with those who were thus so sorely bereaved.

It is sad to see one cut down in death just at a time when life seems at it’s best. Just entering upon womanhood, she was called upon to lay down her life. But while thus snatched from any further realization of the possibilities of this life, she entered into the enjoyment of heavenly blessings and glories. Katie was earnestly striving to live a true Christian life, and would have been received openly into the fellowship of the Presbyterian church, at the next communion season, had she not been called up higher into the fellowship of “the general assembly and church of the first born, which are written in heaven.

Death truly loses it’s sting and the grave it’s victory, in the case of those who are thus upon trusting in Christ as a Savior. And while it was hard for her dear ones to part with her, yet this loss is her gain. The Christian hope is the only thing which can cast one gleam of life into the grave, and the new marble grave which contains all that is mortal of Katie is made bright with the glorious hopes begotten in Christ. Truly may it be said, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."