Death was caused by a complication of diseases. Long a sufferer from rheumatism he was stricken with paralysis last July and had been failing since. Mr. Cain was almost 61 having been born in Nov. 1, 1857 in Chilton, WI. He has resided here since 1876, his wife to whom he had been married 43 years was Carrie Rose. Mrs. Cain survives with eight children, Harry, who lives in Milwaukee, Mrs. V. H. (Gertrude) John, Albert, and Mrs. Frank Roseau of Oconto, Milton is with the troops in France now.
Few faces were more familiar and few figures better known for years in Oconto than Johny Cain, he had a host of friends and had grown up with the city, he will be greatly missed.
John P. Cain, a pioneer resident of the city, answered his final summons Tuesday, just about noon, death occurring at his home on Smith Avenue. For the past two years he had suffered with rheumatism and about ten months ago was stricken with paralysis.
Mr. Cain was born in Chilton, Wis., November 1, 1857, and when 19 years of age came to this city. He was married 43 years ago to Carrie Rose.
He leaves to morn his loss his wife and eight children, George of Laona, Harry of Milwaukee, Mrs. V. H. John of Crandon, Milton with the Rainbow Division in France, and William, James, Bert and Mrs. Frank Rouseau of Oconto.
The funeral will be held Friday morning from St. Peter's church, Rev. Fr. Looze to officiate, and his remains will be interred in Catholic Cemetery.