Jennie Furstenberg MEYER  

contributed by Greg Wickenburg  

Oconto Falls Herald
Friday July 26, 1901.

" Mrs. Carl Meyer"

"For the third time within two week it became our sad duty to chronicle the sudden departure of a soul from this transient life to the great eternal beyond, and a third home darkened with sorrow beyond the power of man to alleviate. On Tuesday night at eleven o'clock the summons came to Mrs. Jennie Furstenberg Meyer, wife of our esteemed citizen, Carl Meyer, and in cheerful obedience to the inexorable command her spirit took its flight to the brighter realms and the tired body was forever at rest."

"The immediate cause of death was a fall which had occurred to Mrs. Meyer the day previous. While standing on a box tacking paper strips over the kitchen screen door she lost her balance and fell backwards to the ground, and it is presumed received fatal internal injuries. She was able however, to get into the house, unaided, when loving relatives and medical skill did all in their power to alleviate her suffering and prolong her life, but without avail."

"Mrs., Meyer was born in Grimmen, Germany, April 30, 1837 and was consequently in the 65th year of her age. With her husband and two children came to America in 1870 and located at Pensaukee in 1871. Four years later they moved onto their farm near Morgan, which has been their home until last fall, when Mr. and Mrs. Meyer moved into this village intending to spend the evening of their lives in the enjoyment of that competence which industry and thrift had brought to them. The deceased was a most devoted and affectionate wife and a loving mother, and her sudden death leaves wounded hearts that time, with all its healing powers, will never heal this side of the line dividing time from eternity. Besides a grief bowed husband, five children are left to cherish the memory of the departed one, as follows: Mrs. C.P. Hanson of Chicago, Charles F. Meyer of Morgan, William A., John C. and David Meyer of Oconto Falls"

"The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Methodist church here, and were conducted by the pastor, Rev. T.W. Fessenden, in English, and in German by the Rev. Brientenbach, pastor of St. Paulus Lutheran church at Oconto, after which the remains, accompanied by a large concourse of relatives and sympathizing friends, were borne to Morgan and there deposited in the Lutheran cemetery to rest until the great resurrection morns."