The deceased was a native of the county Kerry, Ireland, where she resided until she was thirty-two years of her age, when she came with her children to this city which was her home until called to join her husband, who crossed to the other side before her departure, from New Brunswick. She was the mother of seven children. All boys, two of whom had gone before to welcome "mother" to that realm where there is neither death, parting or sorrow. Five remain, George, Edward, Charles and Dennis, residents of this city and John, a resident of Chippewa Falls.
The departed was a most estimable lady, and greatly beloved by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance, and will be missed by all, especially by those of her immediate circle. The memory of "mother" and "grandmother" will only be lost in the meeting beyond the boundary line of time.
Her funeral services were held Thursday morning at St. Joseph’s church, of which she was a member and communicant, and were conducted by Rev. Fr. Sweibach, assisted by Rev. Fr. Vaillant, of St. Peter’s and Rev. Fr. LaFrance. The church was crowded, and an immense train followed her remains to their last resting-place, the "silent city".