John Brazeau, a well known resident and pioneer of this county was killed by his horse Monday on his farm in the town of Brazeau.
Mr. Brazeau went out early Monday morning to do his chores, and soon afterward his daughter on looking toward the stable saw him lying near the door, his legs being outside and the upper part of the body inside the stable. She immediately called her brother, who hastened to the stable to investigate, and found his father, unconscious, lying under one of the horses feet. He was carried to the house and Dr. Conrad of Lena summoned, but he was past medical aid and died Tuesday morning, with out regaining consciousness. His hand was frightfully crushed and his body mangled.
The manner in which Mr. Brazeau met with the accident is unknown. It is supposed, however, that he was kicked by the horse and knocked down and trampled upon. The horse was a very nervous animal and ran away only a week before, and it is presumed that going into the stall Mr. Brazeau may have startled it, causing it to kick, this first attack rendering him unconscious or incapable of getting out from under the horses feet.
Deceased was fifty-four years of age and had resided continuously in Oconto county since 1869. He was one of the first settlers which now the prospering Brazeau settlement, in the northern part of the Oconto county. He was a son of Freeman Brazeau, also a resident of the town of Brazeau. He was industrious, honest and kind hearted, and his death is greatly deplored by all who knew him. He leaves four children to mourn his death, the eldest being a young man about twenty years of age.
His remains were brought to this city yesterday on the St. Paul train and interred in the Catholic cemetery beside those of his wife, who died about ten years ago. Funeral services were held at the Catholic church in Lena yesterday morning.