. Herman Rohrlack.


.OcontoCounty Reporter  .
.Oct 15, 1887 .
  Died – In this city, on Friday evening, .
. Oct 7, 1887, of paralysis,  .
. Mr. Herman Rohrlack, in the 60th year of his age..

  The deceased was a well-known resident of this place, being one of the oldest fishermen on the shore. On the day of his death he was out in the boat with his sons, and was in the act of lifting a net with a catch of fish, when he was stricken with paralysis in the left side, and dropped to his seat in the boat. His sons made all haste for the shore, upon reaching which one of the brothers immediately set out to procure medical aid for his father. The boat and fish houses being located about 10 or 12 miles north of the city, however, considerable delay necessarily occurred before Dr. Wolter could be summoned, and when he did reach the place Mr. Rohrlack was already cold in death. The deceased leaves a wife and five children – two daughters and three sons to mourn his absence. He was buried on Monday afternoon under the auspices of Oconto Lodge No. 190 I.O.O.F. of which he was a member, the funeral being held at the Presbyterian church, Rev. Mr. Luther officiating.