George Foral

contributor:  Nadene Korotev and Descendants

Union Farmer Herald - Oconto Falls
Jan 22, 1915

Foral, Of Spruce Run Over
Saturday Night
Coming Back From Lakewood During Blizzard
and Failed To See Logging Train

Lakewood - George Foral of Spruce logging company met with a violent death during the blizzard near Lakewood last Saturday night.

 He left Lakewood where he had been on business and walked west on the trail for about four miles, intending to catch the logging train of the Holt Lumber Co. at a sput, but the darkness and raging snow storm made it difficult for him to see his way. He stopped in McCurdy's camp and borrowed a lantern, after which he took the spur track, it is supposed with the intention of making the road to the spur logging railroad ahead of the train. The train, however, had reached the junction and was backing some empty flat cars down on the spur and it is conjuectured that Mr. Foral, owing to the blizzard, did not see or hear the train until he was struck.

The trainmen knew nothing of the accident until the discovery of the body of Mr. Foral next morning lying alongside the track. One leg had been amputated and several severe contusions were observed on his face and head and had been given apparently with sufficient force to render him unconcious. His body was forzen when found. A coroner's jury was impaneled by Coroner Geroge Jones of Oconto and this body rendered a verdict of accidental death.

 The body was brought to his home in Spruce and buried in the Behemian(sic) burial ground in that town Tuesday. There were 175 teams in the funeral cortege, which formed in a line one and a half miles along - the largest ever held in Oconto county.

 Mr. Foral was about 29 years of age and was a hardworking industrious man and this winter was putting in logs under a contract from the Oconto Lumber Company.

 He is survived by a wife and his aged mother. He was highly regarded by his lifelong neighbors and friends.