Gordon Francis McLean 

contributor: Richard A. McLean

Skykomish, Washington 

Logging Accident Proves Fatal to Well-Known Man
Gordon McLean Crushed
When Log Rolls on Him
While At Work Near Skykomish;
Was Well-Known in Northwest


Injuries received early Tuesday morning in a logging camp near Skykomish proved fatal to Gordon McLean, 43, who died early Thursday morning in the Everett General Hospital. In addition to severe injuries to his chest and back, Mr. McLean had sustained a fractured dorsal vertebrae in the region of his shoulders and surgical experts waiting on him had stated that recovery in such cases is not the rule.

McLean was engaged as a bucker for the Bloedel-Donovan logging camp near Skykomish and had not been at work long on Tuesday morning when the accident happened. He had just finished bucking off a log, when in some unaccountable manner it rolled down the hill and pinioned him between two logs. He was carried out of the woods on a stretcher and taken into Skykomish on one of the company's logging trains. An ambulance rushed him to Everett where examination disclosed the above fatal injuies.

The deceased is survived by his widow, and a number of brothers and sisters, none of whom live in Monroe.

Funeral services will be held Sun- day afternoon from the M. E. church at 2:30 o'clock.

* The entries have been transcribed exactly from the original so that any misspelling or errors of a person's name, place name, date, or any other entry is intentional.

Occupation: Logger/After a tree was felled, a bucker would come by with his eight-foot bucking saw and cut it up into sections, usually 25 feet in length.