Mrs. Ellen Howland  

contributor: Richard LaBrosse


The remains of Mrs. Ellen Howland, who died Friday at her home in Pritchard, Alabama, arrived at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Temple today. Her daughter, Mrs. Lucy Schaal and son Evan, with whom she lived in the south are driving up by motor and funeral plans are pending their arrival.

Had "Grandma" lived until June 11, she would have been 103 years of age. Details of her passing are not known. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Temple, Mrs. May Schaal and Mrs. Lucy Schaal, and several grandchildren and great grandchildren.

She was born in Haverhill, N.H. on June 11, 1833, but has resided in Oconto Falls and vicinity since its early pioneer days. During the early years of her life she did much hard work, but never lost her zest for living. She made many long trips, most of them with her favorite grandson, Evan Schaal, who was her most constant companion.