Other out of town relatives and friends include Mr. and Mrs. E.K. Wolfram, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Wagner, Detroit; Mrs. Theresa Wagner of Milwaukee; Mr. Oscar Wagner and daughter Iris, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Troubenbach and son Arnold, Mrs. Mat Wagner and daughter Eldora, Mrs. Paul Genke, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Genke Jr., of Suring; Mr. and Mrs. Gust Bocher, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stuelke, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wagner and daughter Alice of Gillett; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kelly, Mrs. Stella Haufe and sons Ted and David and Mrs. A.E. Broeger of Wausau. CARD OF THANKS We are very grateful to our neighbors and friends for their many kindly ministrations during the illness death and burial of our beloved mother Mrs. Christine Wagner. We especially thank the Royal Neighbors and express appreciation for the beautiful flowers and those who used cars in our service. Mr. and Mrs. E.K. Wolfram, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Wagner, Louis C. Wagner and Meta D. Wagner.