Chester & Arvilla Young  

contributor:  Nadene Korotev and Descendants

Masonic Service
Is Held For Chester F. Young

The Rev. Meldon Crawford, pastor of Memorial Methodist church Gladstone, officiated at funeral services at the Kelley funeral home Saturday afternoon for Chester F. Young, who died suddenly Thursday afternoon in the garage, at his home, 1315 Michigan avenue, at the age of 70.

Mr. Young, having been a member of Gladstone Lodge No. 396 F. & A. M., the Masonic service was conducted at the graveside with Henry Cassidy, chaplain in charge, and Masons, Herman Kinnie, Paisley Miller, John Campbell, Irving Simpson, C. C. Schuler and H. W, Smith, assisting.

The retired Soo Line conductor was a life member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Lodge No. 103, and the following members of that organization were pallbearers, J. P. Kegel, John Van Damme, Ed Cannon, W. A. Moore, Shirley Buckmaster, Wilfred Bedard, Ed Roland and Gilbert Lasky.

The son of the late James and Emma Young was born April 13, 1883 at Gillett, Wis., and became a resident of Gladstone with, his parents when he was a very small child. In 1909 he began training as a Soo Line brakeman and in 1917 became a conductor and served in that capacity for 31 years until he retired in 1948.

He leaves his widow Arvilla and a son, Vilas, of Manistique and two grandchildren.

Out-of-town people who attended the services were Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Young of Manistique, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hubbell of Clare, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hubbell and daughter of St. John, Cecil Hubbell of Harrison, Mrs. John MacGregor of Lansing and Syl Pufresne of Gary, Ind.

Escanaba Daily Press
Jan 25, 1960

Rev. Crawford Held Services
For Mrs. C. Young

Mrs. Chester Young. 73, of 1701 Like Shore Drive, died at St. Francis Hospital at 2:30 p. m. Sunday where she had been a patient for three days.

Mrs. Young was born July 28. 1884, in Ray Center, Mich. Her husband preceded hr in death.

She is survived by two grandchidren; three nieces; and two nephews. She had recently made her home with a niece. Mrs. S. J. Dufreane.

The funeral will Funeral will be held at Kelley Funeral home. Burial will be in Fernwood Cemetery.