Passed Away Monday
Mrs. John (Anna) Van Dyke a Great Sufferer For Six Years
Deceased was born in Germany, June 15, 1834. Previous to her coming to this city in the fall of 1880, she resided in Beucanan, town of Harrison, Calumet county, Wis., where she was married to John Van Dyke.
She is survived by her husband and one son, Herbert, of Florence, who was present at the funeral, another son having proceeded her a few years ago. Also by sixteen grandchildren and four great grandchildren. The funeral was held at 9:00 yesterday morning from St. Joseph’s church, Rev. Fr. Seibach officiating, with internment in the Catholic cemetery. Deceased was a member of the Christian’s Mothers of that denomination. Theo Van Dyke of Little Chute was also present at the funeral.