Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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researched by Cathe Ziereis



660 PAGE 


mills until 1864, then followed steamboating until 
1869. Was appointed City Marshal in 1868; was Deputy 
Sheriff in 1870-1. Was appointed jail keeper in 1877. 
Has held this office in all about seven years. For the
past ten years he has been State Treasurer Agent. 
Has been Constable of the South Ward the past 
four years. 

TRUMAN CAMERON, foreman at S. A. Coleman's 
mill, Oconto. Is a native of Rouse's Point, Clinton
Co., N. Y. In 1863, he came to Peshtigo, and the past
eighteen years he has followed the millwright 
business. The past three years he has been a resident
of Oconto, and now has charge of this mill. 

JOHN H. CARR, restaurant, confectionery, tobacco
and cigars, Oconto. Is a native of New Brunswick. 
Came to Oconto, in 1872, and was engaged in lumbering 
up to 1880, when he began his present business. He
is deputy Marshal of the city, and is a member of the 
fire department. 

EDWARD CAYO, proprietor Chicago & Northwestern Railroad House, Oconto. Is a native of Manitowoc
Co., Wis. There he grew up and followed farming 
and lumbering. In 1870, he came to Oconto, and 
has just taken charge of this house. He owns a farm 
of eighty acres of land in Manitowoc County, which 
is now rented; he also owns about 700 acres wild land 
in Oconto and Marinette counties, all of which he has acquired by his industry. Married, in 1871, to Adaline 
Valley; she was born in Manitowoc Co., Wis. They 
have three children, one son and two daughters. 


AUGUSTUS COLE, manager of the Holt & Balcorn
mill, Oconto, was born in Oxford, Chenango Co.,
N.Y., Dec. 30, 1830. He is the son of Calvin and 
Fayette Cole. Mr. Cole is of pure Yankee blood, his
father being born in Connecticut and coming to
Oxford at an early age, engaged in business as a farmer 
and a lumberman. He owned a mill in that town, 
which is situated on a branch of the Susquehanna, 
and for several years was in business with Uri Balcom, 
of the firm with which his son is now connected.
Young Cole followed much in the footsteps of his 
father, removing to Steuben County in 1851, where 
he was engaged in lumbering with Mr. Balcom, 
the latter being an uncle on his mother's side. Mr.
Cole's  father  is still  living  in  Oxford  at  the
advanced age of seventy-nine. His mother died 
two years ago. From Stenben County he ,removed
in 1856 to Oconto, engaging with Holt & Balcom in
the lumber business. With the exception of a part of 
1857-8, which he spent in the western part of this State
and in Chicago, looking around with a view of locating, 
Mr. Cole has remained with them ever since. 

In the Spring of 1866, Mr. Balcom removed to Chicago, and since then the latter has had the active management of the firm's extensive business. Mr. Cole has had little time or desire to figure in political circles since his long residence in Oconto. He has, however, been a member of the Village Board, and served several years after the war, as one of the three County Commissioners. He has spent his business life faithfully, managing with ability and vigor, a large and prosperous industry. Like all really successful men, he has given his strength and time to one thing - confined his energies in one channel. 

DR. S. A. COLEMAN, lumber, Oconto. Is a native of Ashtabula Co., Ohio. At the age of twenty-one years he commenced the study of medicine; graduated from the Willoughby Medical College in 1847. In 1851, came to Milwaukee; practiced there till 1853, when he came to Oconto, where he has since resided, and has been in constant practice till 1880; his time now being taken up in his lumber interests. He bought this mill in 1879 it has a capacity of 6,000,000 feet of lumber, 10,000,000 shingles, 2,000,000 lath. He has held the offices of County Treasurer and Register of Deeds. 

J. H. COMSTOCK, farmer and lumberman, P. 0. Oconto. His firm is on See. 28, Township 28, Range 21, and contains 220 acres. He was born in Ohio,  moved to Milwaukee with his parents, when quite young, and to Oconto in 1863. Has held the offices of Town Treasurer and Town Supervisor. 

REV. WILLIAM DAFTER, pastor of the Episcopal Church, parish of Oconto, Marinette and Peshtigo. Is a native of New Jersey. Attended Neshota Theological Seminary in 1855, and graduated in 1861. In May, of the same year, was ordained, receiving as his first charge Geneva Parish, where he preached until 1864 ; then went to Watertown, in charge of St. Paul's Church, for six years. In 1870, he was called to the pastorate of St. Paul's Church at Fond du Lac, and remained there till 1876. He then resigned and came to his present charge. 

EDWARD DAVIS, dealer in clothing, boots, shoes and furnishing goods, Oconto. Is a native of New Brunswick, and came to Oconto in 1863. Established his present business in 1872; carries about $10,000 in stock. Is a member of the Catholic Knights of America, and also member of St. Joseph's Temperance and Benevolent Society. 

FRANK DEIMER, manufacturer and dealer in furniture, Oconto. Was born in Austria. Came to America in 1868; located in Appleton, and worked as journeyman up to 1870, when he came to Oconto. In 1874, he established his present business. 

A. DILLON, proprietor Dillon House, Oconto. Is a native of Ireland. At the age of about eighteen years he came to Quebec, Can. ada. In 1864, came to Oconto ; followed the lumber business till May, 1869, when he took charge of this house, which he owns. He has been Alderman two terms.

JAMES DON LEVY, retired, Oconto. Is a native of Ireland was born in 1819. Came to New York in 1839; worked at the boot and shoe trade there till 1856, when he came to Oconto, and has since followed this business. He lost his store by fire, in 1871. and  has  since  rebuilt  a  block  consisting  of  six  or eight-brickstores. He has served as Clerk of the County Board, Town Supervisor, and Chairman of the Board, a member of the Village Board, was elected County Judge, but refused to qualify : was six years Alderman and member of the School Board. Married in 1841, in Rochester, N. Y., to Miss Elizabeth Morton, of Syracuse, N. Y. They have eight children - Williarn, now carrying on the boot  and shoe trade, Homer, Peter, George and Frank are in the lumber business, James, now book-keeper for the Oconto Company, Albert, carrying on the blacksmith trade, and Elizabeth, now Mrs Waggoner.  William, Homer and James served in the late war; Homer was promoted to sergeant on the field of battle at New Creek, Va., Capt. O'Rorke commanding, for gallantry displayed.  This company was attached to Mulligan's Battery.

J. P. DORR. land dealer, Oconto. Is a native of Gardiner, Me.; came to Oconto, July, 1872, has been employed at England & Taylor's mill about five years, two years of this time he had charge of their business; the past three or four years he has been engaged in lands, etc.

0. A. ELLIS, superintendent Oconto Co. is a native of Maine; when a boy he commenced working at the lumber business, which be has since followed. This Company was organized in 1867; the following year he was appointed to the responsible position, which he has since held. This Company employs  about  250 hands, their store, which they operate, carries on a business of about $175,000 per year. Mr. Ellis has for several years past been a member of the County Board. 

ROBERT ELLIS,  attorney,  Oconto.  Is  a  native  of  Maine, and  graduated  at  Bowdoin  College   in  1858 ;  studied 
law with  John  A.  Blanchard  in  Old  Town,  Me. ;  was  admitted to  the  Bar  in  1861 ; came to