The Gillett Woman's Club was chartered on February 25, 1927, and was fed-erated with the District, State, and General Federation of Women's Clubs. At first the meetings were held at the Public Library, which at that time was a large room upstairs in the Village Hall ( now the Municipal Building). At the first Board Meeting, arrangements were made to buy dishes. Each member bought a plate and cup. At first, members used an electric plate loaned to them by the Michigan Power Company, but later an oil stove was purchased to make coffee for the meetings. The hostesses did not have an easy time of it. In cold weather they had to come in the morning to start a fire in the wood stove to heat the room for the afternoon meeting. Before the Village Hall was connected to the water system, water was carried from the neighbors; and even after that, coffee and water had to be carried out as it still was not connected to the sewer system.
The object of the Woman's Club as stated in their charter was: "To promote through organized efforts the intellectual and social culture of its members and to aid all measures for the betterment of the community." So in line with this, the members soon set out for work in the community; and they found it at Zipple Park (now Gillett City Park). It was being used at this time to park graders, trucks, and unused culverts, etc. The women received donations of money, work and the use of trucks and graders to fill in and grade the area. They then got to work and planted shrubs, flowers, and in later years, trees. The next year, and in years after, they purchased such things for the school as music stands, scales, and sponsored the "Noah's Ark Dental Health Program."
During World War II members rolled bandages and had regular Red Cross Work Days, sent the Gillett Tines to boys in service, and sponsored patriotic programs.
The women who were active in founding the Woman's
Club were also responsible ..
for founding at the same time in 1927, the Gillett Public Library.
The club supports the library annually with donations of money and books.
Many of its members participate in the preschool story hours which are
held weekly at the library from November through April.
Scholarships are given yearly to deserving high school
music students; art students take part in the Helen Mears' Art Contest;
and a tea is held in the spring for graduating girls and their mothers.