Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by BILL
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. Cathe Ziereis

Bohemian Words Found In Genealogy Records

Bohemian (Czech)
Rozena (Roz.) Born
Zemrela (Zem) She died
Zemrel He died
Roky Years
Mêsicû Number of months
Rodina Family
Odpocivej v pokoji Rest in peace
Zde odpociva v Pane Here lies in the name of the Lord
Drahy otce Dear father
Zesnulá The deceased (female)
Zesnuly The deceased (male)
Rozena Bycav Born in the village of "Bycav"
V Cêchach In Bohemia/Cechy
Narozen Byl v He was born in
Otec Father
Matka Mother
Syn Son
Dcera Daughter
Manzelka Wife
Manzel Husband

Leden January
Unor February
Brezen March
Dubin April
Kveten (Maj) May
Cerven June
Cervenec July
Srpen August
Zari September
Rijen October
Listopad November
Prosinec December
Spi Sladce – Sleep sweetly dear one (male) 

Spi Sladce Draha- Sleep sweetly dear one (female)

Spete Sladce drazi rodice – Sleep sweetly dear parents

V atari ___ roku a dva mesice – at the age of _ years and two months

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