Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Attic Treasures
page 1939
all the
       Old Scrapbook articles that have no date
Sources unknown
These short articles are posted in the hopes of adding otherwise unknown aspects to family histories. They contain numerous individual names and describe the everyday life activities in Oconto County, Wisconsin's, past.
  Researched, transcribed and contributed by Richard La Brosse

June 1939—Mr. and Mrs. Wm Benninghaus announce the marriage of their daughter, Marian, and Walter Karsted, both of Milwaukee.  The nuptials were solemnized on June 17, 1939.  The bride graduated from the Oconto Falls High School in 1933.  Mr. Karsted was a member of the 1932 class graduating from the high school at Shawano.

1939 Oconto Falls—Dr. and Mrs. George W. Krahn announce the engagement of their daughter, Anita, to Dr. Martin L. Downs of Appleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Downs of Reading, Pa.


Herman Birr Observe 55th Wedding Anniv.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Birr, town of Morgan, quietly celebrated
their 55th wedding anniversary Sunday with the immediate
family and two sisters of Mrs. Birr present.  The nuptials
were solemnized in 1884 by the Rev. J. Kilian of Le Roy,
Dodge county.

Mrs. Birr (Marie Apfel)  was born in Mayville, Dodge county,
in 1862 and Mr. Birr was born in Germany in 1859.

Mr. and Mrs. Birr are living on the same farm they started on
55 years ago.  The original log house and log barn have been
replaced by modern buildings.  Both are very active and
enjoying good health.  Mr. Birr has been director of the
Morgan school for a number of years.

Seven children were born to the Birrs.  Two died in infancy.
The living are Mrs. Mathilda Klieforth and Waltor Birr,
Morgan;  Mrs. Paul Wendt of this city;  Mrs. Edward Krueger,
Eldorado, and Adolph Birr, Niagara.

A decorated cake was presented to the Birrs by C.F.Meyer and

August, 1939
Oconto Falls—Mrs. Norbert Kilmer, the former Miss Joyce Bergseng, after four years as teacher of American history, economic geography, Latin, and library in the Oconto Falls high school, has resigned her position here.  Mrs. Kilmer graduated with a B.E. Degree from the River Falls State Teachers College.  Her successor will be Miss Irene O’Connor, who will teach history and language.  Miss Lois Lynch is the alternate.

Oconto Falls—Oconto Falls will be represented at the 1939 commencement exercises of Marquette University in Milwaukee with James H. Wall of this community among those who are candidates for a degree.  Wall is a candidate for the degree of bachelor of philosophy in journalism.  He has been a member of the news staff of the Marquette Tribune, weekly student publication for two years, serving as news editor and as city editor.  He has been a member of the university Press club for four years.  Marquette’s 1939 graduation exercises will be held in the Milwaukee Auditorium, Friday night, June 9 with 8,000 relatives and friends of the 647 candidates for degrees and diplomas in attendance.  The commencement address will be given by the Rev. Raphael C. McCarthy, S.J., president of the university, who will also confer the degrees.  Baccalaureate services, preceded by the annual cap and gown precession from the school gymnasium, will be held at the Gesu church on Thursday night, June 8.  The sermon will be given by the Rev. Thomas F. Berry, principal of Pio Nono High School of Milwaukee.  Father Berry was graduated from Marquette in 1920.  Alumni and seniors will participate in their annual field day at the Westmoor Country club near Milwaukee.

Morgan—Mr. and Mrs. Herman Birr, town of Morgan, quietly celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary Sunday with the immediate family and two sisters of Mrs. Birr present.  The nuptials were soleminized in 1884 by the Rev. J. Kilian of Le Roy, Dodge county.  Mrs. Birr was born in Mayville, Dodge county, in 1862 and Mr. Birr was born in Germany in 1859.  Mr. and Mrs. Birr are living on the same farm they started on 55 years ago.  The original log house and log barn have been replaced by modern buildings.  Both are very active and enjoying good health.  Mr. Birr has been director of the Morgan school for a number of years.  Seven children were born to the Birrs.  Two died in infancy.  The living are Mrs. Mathilda Kliefoth and Walter Birr, Morgan; Mrs. Paul Wendt of this city; Mrs. Edward Krueger, Eldorado, and Adolph Birr, Niagara.  A decorated cake was presented to the Birrs by C.F. Meyer and family.

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