Ruth (Raw) Rose 1855-1907

Died 18 February 1907

Mrs James E Rose Was Beloved
by a Large Circle of Friends.

The funeral service of the late Mrs. James Rose was held on Friday at the Methodist church in Merrill and were largely attended. Rev J Gilbert, pastor of the church, officiated and preached an eloquent sermon. The remains were brought to the LeMars cemetery for interment and were followed to the grave by a large cortège.

The Merrill Record pays a just tribute to the virtues of the deceased who was well
known in Plymouth county. The Record says: Mrs. James E Rose died last Monday morning at her home in this city after an illness lasting scarcely ten days. The community mourns today with her relatives for she was a noble soul whose charity and good will knew no bound. Her daily life was a poem and a sermon, never complaining, always cheerful, kind hearted and sympathetic. Her own burdens and afflictions were always secondary to the comfort and happiness of those around her. Her visible presence is gone but the kindly disposition and Christian character will live while memory shall last and great world is far better for her having lived in it. Her Christian principals were no parade before the world by loud and boisterous words but kind acts and deeds of love that was for her a warm place in the heart of every one, in the home circle she was the same joyous good natured Christian woman.

Mrs. James Rose, whose maiden name was Ruth Raw, was the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. James Raw, of Shullsburg, WIS. She was born in Shullsburg, December 1855. In November 1886, she came to Merrill, Iowa where she has also resided. Thirty-two years ago the fourteenth of June she was married to James E Rose. She leaves a husband, three sisters, and three brothers.

The sisters are Mrs. Albert Muxlow, Mrs. Ralph Hodgson and Mrs. Anthony Alderson all residing near here in LeMars. The three brothers are Frank Raw and James Raw, of Darlington, Wis., and Thomas Raw, Dominion City, Manitoba. No children were born to Mr and Mrs. James Rose. However they were there to raise and educate John R. Burton and his sister Mrs. A. Lassen, who came to the Rose family at the age of nine and fourteen, also Fred Hodgson, son of Mr and Mrs. Ralph Hodgson at the age of three.

In religious life Mrs. Rose was zealous, efficient worker since she first joined the Primitive Methodist church at Wardsville, Wis, when she was only eighteen years of age. Since coming to Merrill she has labored faithfully in the Methodist Episcopal church doing valiant service for the Master and His people.

Submitter: Linda Ziemann--From the Family Scrapbooks of my Grandmother's first cousin, Fern Chapman Cooper, who was a “keeper.”  She kept scrapbooks for years.