Wesley Lancaster 1866-1902

Rural Lancaster, Wisconsin
Died 30 November 1902


Wesley Lancaster, the second son of Thomas and Maria Lancaster was born near Argyle, Wis., October 1st, 1866, and died near the city of Lancaster, Wis., November 30, 1902, at the age of thirty-six years and two months.

He was born and grew to manhood on the old homestead which is still the home of his parents, and was married December 31, 1897, to Miss Mary E. Pattinson of Lamont to whom three children were born, viz., George, Wesley, and Orval, all of whom with their mother survive.

Wesley was a good neighbor and steadfast friend, of a kindly disposition and seldom failed to represent the sunny side of life.

He was early taught habits of industry and being of a splendid physical make up, turned those qualifications to account in diligently striving for a livelihood, but, in the strength of early manhood, when hopes and aspirations quicken vigor to action, an evil visitation forever blighted his earthly life until “He who doth kill and make alive” released his troubled spirit here for eternal rest on high. 

The funeral service was held at the Centennial M. E. church, conducted by Rev. Geo. Brown.

Submitter: Linda Ziemann