William Knewstubb 1819-1887

Argyle, Wisconsin
Died 27 January 1887

After a lingering illness, caused by cancer of the stomach, Mr. William
Knewstubb, and old and respected resident of this vicinity, died at his
home Thursday morning, January 27. 

The deceased was born at Ravenstonedale, Westmoreland, England, Nov. 15,
1819, where he resided until 1852, when he emigrated to Illinois, living
there seven years and then moving to this county.  He was a faithful
member of the M. E. Church for 18 years, and has gone to meet the reward
that lies at the end of a Christian's race.  He leaves a wife and ten
children who were all at home to minister to his every want and receive
his last words and parting counsel ere he bid adieu to the scenes of
earth.  Funeral services will be conducted at the M. E. Church in this
village Sunday at 11:00 a.m.


Submitted by a Great Great Grandaughter: Linda Ziemann--From the Family Scrapbooks of my Grandmother's first cousin, Fern Chapman Cooper, who was a “keeper.”  She kept scrapbooks for years.