Thomas Hillery 1857-1931

Sioux City, Iowa
January 1931

Father of Journal Employee Succumbs to Heart Attack             

Following a heart attack Friday afternoon, Thomas Hillery, 73 years old,
508 Jones Street, died in a Sioux City hospital.  Mr. Hillery was
stricken shortly after he began his duties as a watchman at the Chicago,
St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railway shops.  He reported for work at
4 o'clock.

Mr. Hillery was born June 2, 1857, in New Diggings, Wis.  He had been a
resident of Sioux City 18 years.  He was the father of Ralph Hillery, an
employee of The Journal.

After residing in Wisconsin until he was 20 years old, Mr. Hillery came
to LeMars, where he lived and worked in the old English settlement.  He
was a resident of LeMars 35 years and was well known there.  He operated
a meat market there for many years.

Survivors include the widow; two sons, Ralph and Thomas W., both of
Sioux City; three daughters, Mrs. H.P. Hildebrand of Sioux City; Miss
Mildred Hillery, of Denver; and Mrs. William Marr, of Wallace, Ida.; two
brothers, Ralph and Moses Hillery, of New Diggings, Wis., and two
sisters, Mrs. Mary Winters, of New Diggings, and Mrs. Elizabeth Jahncke,
of Swanville, Minn.

The body is at Samuel's funeral home pending the completion of funeral

Source: The Sioux City Journal, January 31, 1931

Submitter: Linda Ziemann--From the Family Scrapbooks of my Grandmother's first cousin, Fern Chapman Cooper, who was a “keeper.”  She kept scrapbooks for years.