Bashford, James W. 1849-1919

Darlington Democrat (Darlington, Wisconsin)
Thursday, March 20, 1919

To many residents of Darlington, and vicinity the news of the death of Bishop James W. Bashford will come as a shock, although it has been generally known for some time that he was quite seriously ill. Bishop Bashford is recognized as the most illustrious son of Lafayette county for he was born in Fayette, May 29, 1849.  He had thus almost reached his seventieth birthday.  He received his early education in the country school at Fayette, afterward attending the University of Wisconsin from which he graduated with distinction in 1873.  His theological training was obtained at Boston University.  He was pastor of Methodist Episcopal churches in Boston and Auburndale, Mass., Portland, Maine and Buffalo, New York.  In 1899 he was appointed president of the Ohio Wesleyan University where for fifteen years he was a power in helping mould the characteristics of hosts of young people who came under his influence.  At the general conference of 1904, held in Los Angeles, California, he was elected bishop and in that capacity went to China which has since been the sphere of his laborers.

Bishop Bashford was not forgetful of his old home and boyhood associates.  Many times he visited Lafayette county and was always received with acclamation.  His last visit was in the latter part of June, 1917.  He delivered an address on his work in China before a large audience and the next day spoke before an immense out-door gathering in Fayette.  He was a man of great ability and noble character.  During his stay in China he was instrumental in guiding the hands of those reformers who were shaping the destinies of the new republic and was regarded by many competent judges as the most influential foreigner in the Orient.  His death will leave a vacancy in that land hard to fill.  The church which was so dear to him will mourn the departure of a martyr Christian.  But we must remember that though God buries His workmen. He carries on His work.


Submitter: Researcher