Agnes (Knewstubb) Alderson 1853-1909

Seney, Iowa
Died 19 August 1909

Death of Mrs. Jonathan Alderson 
Well Known Pioneer Passes to the Beyond

Mrs. (Agnes) Alderson, the wife of Jonathan Alderson, of Seney, died at her 
home on Thursday, August 19, 1909, from an internal malady which had menaced 
her health for some time. A few weeks ago she underwent an operation at the 
LeMars hospital for relief and sufficiently recovered to be taken to her 
home, although it was known at that time that her malady was incurable.

Mrs. Alderson was a long time resident of Plymouth county, having lived here 
since the early eighties and was held in the greatest esteem by a very large 
number of friends. She was a woman of splendid character, an ideal wife and 
mother, a warm friend and neighbor, zealous in good works, a Christian of 
the noblest kind, ever ready to succor the distressed or lend a helping hand 
to those on whom the burden of sorrow was laid heavily. As a slight 
indication of the respect in which she was held in the community where she 
lived so long, it may be mentioned that the church in Seney in which the 
last services were held was wholly inadequate to pay the last tribute to 
this honored woman.

Mrs. Alderson was born at New Diggings, Wisconsin, on June 25th, 1853. Her 
parents moved to Argyle, Wisc., when she was a young girl. Her maiden name 
was Agnes Knewstubb. She was united in marriage with Jonathan Alderson, 
March 18, 1873, and they came to Plymouth County, Iowa, in 1881, settling in 
Elgin township where they have since resided.

Four children survive with the bereaved husband. The children are: Mrs. Elam 
Chapman of Seney, Mrs. W. D. Kennedy who is at Las Vegas, NM at present, and 
Sadie and John who live at home. Mrs. Alderson was one of a family of four 
sons and six daughters and her death breaks the first link in the family 

The funeral was held at the Methodist Church in Seney, Iowa, on Sunday, Rev. 
Hartzell officiating, and was very largely attended. The remains were laid 
to rest in the LeMars City cemetery. Jonathan Alderson is a brother to 
James, George, and Thomas of this place, William of Omaha, Nebr, and John of 
Heber, Utah. ~Source: The Elgin Review, Elgin, Nebraska
Another obit appeared in the LeMars, Iowa, newspaper: 
The funeral of Mrs. Jonathan Alderson was held last Sunday from the M.E. 
Church at Seney, Iowa, of which she was a faithful member. She had been a 
sufferer of cancer of the stomach for several years and underwent several 
operations but of no relief. She was 56 years old and the mother of five 
children, four of which survive her: three girls and one son.

Rev. Hartzell paid a high tribute to the life led by this noble Christian 
woman. The church was too small for the large circle of neighbors and 
friends who came to pay their respects.

The remains were taken to LeMars for interment. John Beely had charge of 
the funeral which was one of the longest processions this writer has seen in 
this county. 

Alton Democrat 
August 28, 1909

We are pained to be called upon to chronicle the death of our friend, Mrs. Jonathan Alderson, which occurred at her home in Seney, Thursday, August 19th. Mrs. Alderson was an unusually sweet and lovable character and a Christian who faithfully followed the teachings of “The Golden Rule” in her daily life. She has been a patient sufferer from an insidious disease for a number of years to relieve which she underwent an operation several weeks ago at the hospital in LeMars from the effects of which she never completely rallied. The many friends of the estimable woman sincerely sympathize with the bereaved husband and children in their sorrow. The funeral services were conducted at the Seney church Sunday morning at ten o’clock—Rev. Hartzell officiating. She was laid to rest in the beautiful cemetery at LeMars.

There is another hand 
To Heaven’s harp strings given, 
Another gentle angel’s voice, 
Another star in Heaven. 


Submitted by a Great Granddaughter, Linda Ziemann--From the Family Scrapbooks of my Grandmother's first cousin, Fern Chapman Cooper, who was a “keeper.”  She kept scrapbooks for years.