List of Unclaimed Letters - 1838 from the Wisconsin Democrat (published 1838)
List of Letters
Remaining in the Post Office at Green bay,
W.T. quarter ending June 30, 1938.
Anthony, John Aiken, J.F. Abbott, E.B. Aiken, R. Aylward, John B
Goigette, Basil Ganyon, Hamable Gilliet, B.K. Gilmore H
Otsequet, Anthony P
A.D. 1838, to WIT:
No. 1, Horace F. Hood attending as an inspector of election,
2, J. Vesasie, attending as an
inspector of election,
3, O.E. Strong, attending as an
inspector of election,
4, B. Hinley, attending as an
inspector of election,
5, R. Field attending as an inspector
of election,
6, W.G. Vanbergen, attending as
an inspector of election, $1.50
7, J.G. Knapp, attending as an
inspector of election,
8, Francis, M'Carty attending
as an inspector of election, $1.50
9, J.A. M'Kesson attending as
an inspector of election, $1.50
10, W. Stuart as D'ty sheriff,
12, J.J.Driggs, as an inspector of election
14, D.W. Hubbard, Constable,
15, John P. Gallup, inspector of election,
30, to 63, each one dollar and fifty cents
attending as
of election, to wit:
S. Rayn,
J. Porlier, D.W. Hubbard, C.P. Gallup,
D. Evans,
V. Ford, H.S. Wright, F. McCarty,
J. Brown,
C.C.P. Arendt, D.M. King, J.G. Knapp,
C. Pier,
M.C. darling, A.D. Clark, P. Searle, R.M.
E. bailey, C.M. Alley, J. Tenel, J.W. Conroe,
C. Grignon;
amounting to the sum of thirty-seven
and fifty cents.
64, B. Hinkley, attending as an inspector
of returns $3.50
65, to 117, each one dollar and fifty cents,
of election, to wit:
P. Grignon,
J.V. Suydam, W. Palmer, W. Sylvester
A. Rouseau,
J. Jourdain, W. Armstone, J. Brook,
R. R.
Barns, A. Raymond, C. Benedict, S. Reybold,
H. Stone, A. Green, L. Conroe,
D. Giddings,
T.C. Morgan, L. Porlier, L. Tyler,
D. Johnson,
J.P. Gallup, J.H. Sessions, R. Field,
H.O. Sholes,
J.M. Husker, J. Bannister, E. Pier,
W.T. Sheppard,
R. Eberts, S. Strong, H.H. Bailey,
D. Merueger,
J. Filonger, G.G. Wallace, L. Filey,
A.W. Wriglet,
W.C. Ishbol, D. Clark, C. Dickinson,
A. Labord,
E.S. Thorp, R. Johnson, J.N. Arnod,
P. White,
M.L. Luce, J. White, J. Last, M. Farmin;
amounting to the sum of seventy-eight dollars
118, J.W. Conroe, attending as in. of election
119, C. Dickinson, attending as in. of election
120, L.R. Meeks, inspector fo returns
121, C.C.P. Arndt, canvassing election returns
122, W. White, canvassing of returns
123, R.J. Erwin, inspector of election returns
126, R.M. Eberts, inspector of election returns
128, G. White, inspector of election returns
19, C. Tular, (sheriff) for expenses of jail
& c.
20, M. Washburn, on contract fo building courthouse
and jail
22, W. M'Kutchin, attneding as witness at
district court $5.50
23, D. Whitney, on bridge acct.
16, D.W. hubbard, expense for I. Soule
24, C. Tullar, for jail expenses & c
25, J.V. Suydam, surveying road from D. river
Bay Settlement.
27, C.C.P. Arndt, services as assessor
26, C.C.Sholes, printing
28, B. Shackelford, making out tax list
29, H.P. Potter & Co. Ll'l book &
30, A. Labord, removing Indians
31, D. Johnson, removing Indians
32, E. Childs, surveying roads
33, C. Tullar, sheriff, judgement at the May
term of the
dis. d't
jail expenses &c.
35, A.B. Coye,
37, W. Jurdain, timber for bridges
38, President and Trustees of the Borough
of Green
Bay for
bridges in Aster,
M. Washburn,
on contract for building court
and jail,
M. Washburn
on contract for Courthouse and jail $50.00
34, C. Tullar, services himself and deputy,
at May
term dis't
c't - 1838, and blanket
127, C.C. Sholes, for printing
129, C. Tullar, jail expenses, & c.
C.M. Rogers,
tax money re-funded
L. Hagdon,
transporting paupers
132, S. Allard, iron work
133, W. Stuart, for interring 3 Indians
134, W. Ricker, for making 3 coffins
135, W. Perigue, expenses for I. Brown
M. Washburn,
on contract for building court house
and jail
139, "
140, "
141, G. Childs, for stove pipe , & c.
142, C. Tullar, jail expenses & c.
143, W. White, attending as a witness, May term 1838
144, P. White, expenses I. Brown
145, W. White, expenses I. Brown
146, C. Hall, expenses I. Brown
131, L. Cherbune, coffin for pauper
140, D. Barnett, coffin for pauper
151, D. Whitney for building bridge over Devil River
137, Doctor Strong
124, J.P. Arndt, boarding paupers
Total $3,023.48
RECIEPTS for the Tresurer,
at offic of the Board
of County Commissionersm
this 17th day of January,
A. D. 1839
$2, 590.90
G.Childs, Clerk