Leading Businessmen in Green Bay 1890
Leading Green Bay Businessmen who carved out the financial, industrial and commercial history of Green Bay in the 1890s are pictured below. Many have passed away leaving behind them flourishing business projects, which stand as memorials to their early efforts.
to Right:
First row:
Edward E. Lefebvre
James Tiernan
F. DeCremer
Nie Bur
F.T. Scherf
L.E. Nejedlo
Second row:
M.J. McCormick
F.J.B. DuChateau
J.J. Lurquin
A. Bungener
G. Kurz
Andrew Reis
Third row:
John M. Knell
J.F. Rothe
H. Vanden Heuvel
P. McCormick
J.P. Schumacher
Carl Manthey
W.H. Gibson
Fourth row:
Theodore Kemnitz
Peter Reuter
D.J. Brothers
John P. Reuter
H.B. Baker
Fifth row:
F.H. Hoberg
W.E. Duncan
H. McDonald
W.P. Wagner
John H. Ebling
Sixth row:
W.J. Fisk
D.W. Britton
John Hoberg
A.W. Moody
J.H. Tayler