CLASS of 1913

Elizabeth Williams, Irwin Frankenberg, Glenn Truitt, Irene Sefrit

Lillian Tift, Wilbert Anderson, Halbert Selby, Carolyn Conlee, Clarence Brown


E. J. Shives, A. F. Bechdolt, M. Pearl Bennett, Fannie E. Brayton, Claribel Chappell, P. H. Evanson, Allie L. Fallis, C. G. Flanagan, L. B. Fields, Anna Graham, Huldah B. Hainke, E. S. Howells, Fannie E. Lees

Rosalie A. Lee, Lillian R. Miller, Mabel Louise Parshall, Alice L. Persons, Jessie M. Priest, Alice F. Raymond, Mary E. Robb, Helen M. Sedgwick, A. E. Turner, Jennie M. Whitman, Phi S. Williams, Maude L. Williams, C. W. Whipple, Suzanne Tracy

Submitted by Diane Peck

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