

PRESIDENT - Alice Anderson
VICE-PRESIDENT- Madeline Davison
SECRETARY - Charlotte Davis
TREASURER - Muriel Thomas
MARSHAL- Robert Rogers

 diploma   CLASS OF 1908 1/2   diploma
Byers, Ella
Clark, Ethelyn
Crites, Newton
Easton, Martin
Ecker, Lester
Heaton, Edith
Lowery, Harold
Shields, Pearl
Udness, Astri

diploma    CLASS OF 1909   diploma
Alderman, Georgia
Anderson, Alice
Anderson, Felix

Armstrong, Cecil
Astles, Ada

Axtel, Ruth

Ball, Rilla
, Mary
Bergstrom, Olga
Blockberger, Theo.
Blockberger, Walter
Bratt, Hanna
Breakey, Hazel

Brown, Helen

Cade, Claude
Carver, Vida
Charroin, Florence
Clark, Olive
Clement, Melanie
Cook, Inez
Cordingley, Ruth
Cousins, Robert

Davis, Charlotte
Davison, Madeline
Dean, Ernest
Dickinson, Raymond
Donovan, Dorothy
Duxbury, Ruth

Egbert, Caroline
Emerson, Olga

Fegley, Mabel

Gamwell, Hester
Golden, Halcie
Goodrick, Blanche
Graham, Etta
Graham, Howard

Hadley, Virginia
Hanna, Hazel
, Teresa
Helm, Grace
Henderson, Maude
Houghtaling, Clinton
Hudson, Anna
Humphries, Delia

Jacobson, Manfred
Johnson, Ira

Jones, Edith
Jones, Theodora

King, Jennie

Macauley, Norman
Macomber, Eunice
MacPherson, Edna
Martinsen, John
McCurdy, Mable
Miller, Teresa

Oates, Bernice
Owen, Charles

Pebley, John
Plumb, Grace
Porter, Josephine
Purdy, Phyllis

Reasoner, May
Rogers, Elsie
Rogers, Robert
Ross, Edith

Shields, Ethel
Sorensen, Bertram
Spearin, Laura
Stewart, Archibald

Thayer, Robert
Thomas, Muriel
Tiffany, Martha
Todd, Nellie

Trembath, Aulda
Treutle, Dorothy

Wahlstrand, Emma
Wake, Gertrude
Wallace, Adeline
Wilkins, Marjory

CLASS OF 1909 1/2
Bowman, Hilding
Boyd, Violet
Christie, Ethel
Franklin, Era
Hazelton, Loyd
Hughes, Edna
Larson, Clyde
Olsen, Edward
Plumb, Charles
Poage, Alice
Rader, Ray
Schuman, Bertha
Sumner, Clayton

In Memoriam

GEORGIA WILLA RIDDLE  of the class of 1910. She was born April 23, 1891, and died the thirteenth of March, 1909, at seventeen years of age.

Abbott, Myra
Adams, Orville
Alexander, Ethel
Ambrose, Jessie
Anderson, Enoch

Bacon, Beulah
Beach, Lulu
Blake, Helen
Bradford, Sidney
Brennan, Georgia
Butler, Pearl

Campbell, Kenneth
, Elta
Cliffton, Luvada
Clough, Harry
Cole, Sylphia

DeHaven, Hazel
Dodd, Elmer
Dunagan, Low

Earlywine, V.
Ertle, Hilda
Evans, Harold
Everett, Laura

Farley, Nellie
Foss, Edwin
Frizell, Ralph

George, Clarence
Glenn, Jessie
Grimsted, Andrew

Hansen, Emma
Hazelton, Harry
Herndon, Beulah
Hillier, William
Holiday, Sylvia

Joelsohn, Dorothy
Johnson, Oscar
, Walter

Lacey, Lula
, Daisy
Lord, Clifford

Matson, Herman
McCombs, Mable
Montgomery, Emma
Morgan, Mabel
Mosely, John

Neil, Albert
Neterer, Elizabeth

Obermueller, Alma
Olsen, Edward
Osborne, Edward

Patton, Clotilde

Rathbun, Janet
Rembaugh, Harry
Reuter, Lee
Riddle, Willa (Deceased)
Rosecrans, Almon

Seaman, Faye
Schumancher, Margaret
Shanley, Earle
Stanbra, Glen
Sutherland, Wallace

Tenny, Will
Tucker, William

Turkington, May

Wakefield, Frances

CLASS OF 1910 1/2
Barker, Lewis
Bingham, Vernal

Creighton, Ethel

Decker, Percy

Erles, Grace

Fritz, James
Fuller, Alta

Galbraith, Hugh
Gibb, Earl
Goaliam, Claud

Hatfield, Georgia
Headrick, Grace
Honbloom, Howard

Jackson, Isabelle

Kleuter, Alma

Loggie, Adele

Marshall, Paul
McKay, Kenneth
Miller, Bessie
Morgan, Honye
Mussulman, Hazel

Neher, Angela
Nicholls, Lucile

Peters, John
Pettibone, Dwight

Reilly, William
Reuter, Josie
Rocky, Fred

Schmittlaps, Herman
Schumacher, Harold
Silver, Edward
Stewart, Maude
Sweet, Elsie

Wooldrige, Roy

Abild, Anna
Adams, John
Andrews, Pearl
Arnold, John Albert
Arnold, John Lewis
Ashby, Winnie

Battersby, Robert
Balter, Kirk
Bell, Beatrice
Benner, Nellie
Bissell, Allen
Blodgett, Myrtle
Bond, Mary
Brand, Agnes
Burpee, Clarence
Butler, Marguerite
Byrne, Elizabeth
Byrne, Mary Agnes

Canfield, Luzelle
Carroll, Ida
Carver, Foster
Charroin, Arthur
Clarke, Susie
Collins, Grace
Cosgrove, Carew
Cowgill, Lillian
Cropper, Elliner

Davenport, Wilson
Davis, Ernest
Depew, Susanna
Dickenson, Lee

Eager, Winnifred

Fegley, Walter
Fiedler, Anna

Gaaseland, Bertha
Garrett, Ruth
Gerry, Merville
Giles, Myrtle
Glenn, Laura
Gomes, George
Goddard, Ernest
Goodheart, Geraldine
Grue, Lillian

Harvie, Margery
Hefty, Katherine
Hintz, Forest
Holbrook, Frank
Horwitz, Alex
Houghton, Marguerite
Howard, Carl

Jeanson, Nellie
Johnston, Herbert
Johnston, Ruth

Kaufman, Edith
Kaufman, Katherine
Kelly, Helen
Kennedy, Myrtle

Lain, David
Landry, Loraine
Lewis, Stella
Locke, Grace

Macauley, Jessie
Macauley, Margaret
McCue, Henry
McLeod, Anna
McLeod, Hugh
McMahon, Anna
McMillian, Albert
McPherson, Andrew
Mead, Wendill
Miller, Elvena
Mitchell, Laura
Mizuki, Guchiro
Morrison, Bennett
Morrison, Elizabeth
Morrison, John
Morrison, Frasier
Moste, Joe
Munro, Irene

Nattress, Edwin
Nelson, Florence
Nielsen, Edna
Noble, Bertha
Nordstrom, Ellen

Oeser, Mae
Osier, Alexander
Owen, James

Parker, LaVerne
Payser, Ethel

Reuter, Lee
Rutherford, Archibald

Schuman, Marguerite
Scott, Sadie
Seigrifred, Peter
Sharp, Winnifred
Shaw, Elizabeth
Shelton, Maude
Smith, Mamie
Spenger, Dora
Spenger, Emma
Staddleman, Henry
Sutcliffe, Ralph
Sutherland, Starr

Tatman, Rae
Thomas, Arthur
Thomas, Nellie
Tidball, Watson
Toler, Virginia
Tuck, Effie

Waldo, Harvey
Wark, Huntley
Warmouth, Hazel
Warriner, Marjorie
West, Alma
Whaley, Julia
Williams, Linde

VanWyck, Mary

CLASS OF 1911 1/2
Anderson, Edith
Anderson, Ethel

Barnard, Rhea
Battersby, Nina
Blair, Ina
Boyd, Elva
Boyer, Helen
Brennen, Ethel
Brisbin, Clare
Brown, Pearl
Brown, Vaughn

Carlson, Ray
Christle, Sylvia
Cooke, Huldah
Currie, Jessie

Dahl, August
Dahl, Edwin
Darrin, Dorothy
Dean, Anna
Dunlap, Helen

Estergreen, Myrtle

Fletcher, Mabel

George, Gladys
Gilfinen, Lowell
Glenn, Winona
Gray, Margaret

Havan, Arthur
Helgren, Ida
Henry, Rachel
Hooker, Mary
Horst, Althea
Hughes, Mary

Johnson, Harry
Johnston, Ina
Julian, Harry

Keene, Daisy

Lander (Landen), Margaret
Larson, Anna
Larson, Arthur
Lebold, Robert
Lewis, Dixie
Lewis, Willahmine
Lusk, Jean

Matheson, Dagmar
Miller, Christiana
Moen, Sarah
Moultry, Charlotte

Peringer, Ruth

Rademacher, Esther
Rankin, Estelle
Rasmussen, Edith
Robertson, Muriel
Robinson, Bernice

Schuman, Lewis
Shields, Muriel
Snider, Arlo
Sorenson, Edgar
Stephen, Gladys
Stewart, Carl
Stewart, Leroy
Stoddard, Elsie
Strechland, Winnie

Taylor, Bessie

Udness, Ingried
Utike, Lizzie

Verstandig, Harriet

Wade, Ethel
Wetmore, Alice
Wherry, Kenneth
Whipple, Edna
Wright, Hattie

Yeatman, Richard

Adams, Pearl
Allen, Frank
Anderson, Marce
Anve, Ella

Barret, Grace
Berg, Daisy
Bethke, Alvina
Black, Marguerite
Blum, Felestine
Borgeson, Milton
Brooks, Harold
Brown, Garnet
Brown, Linda
Bradley, Elizabeth
Burdick, Floyd

Casey, Ileen
Chapman, Marie
Chesson, Sadie
Clark, Colburn
Clark, Garland
Clifton, Esther
Cook, Alice
Corcoran, Laura
Cosgrove, Mark
Cousins, Isabelle
Cowden, Dorothy
Cropper, Lucille
Cram, Hiram

Daily, Leo
Dahlquist, Clarence
Davis, Lloyd
DeCan, Lawrence
Dock, Maline
Donnelly, William
Donovan, Philip

Edson, Arthur
Egbert, Esther

Foss, Anna
Fox, Hazel
Fox, Mildred

Gaffney, Thomas
Gibb, Frank
Gifford, Gladys
Goddard, Charity
Gordon, Marion
Grimsted, George

Hinds, Grace
Holmes, Veryl
Hurley, Katherine

Jenkins, Ernest
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, George

Kaufman, Gretchen
Knight, Allen
Kohler, John

Ladiser, Edith
Langdon, Gertrude
Landry, Lloyd
Lubeke, Charles
Lyle, Halbert

Martin, Pansy
Marsh, May
McBeath, Kenneth
McCart, Margaret
McDonald, Mayme
McMeen, Lola
McMillan, Arthur
McNumis, Verlah
Mead, Rollin
Meader, Cora
Meek, Mildred
Morrison, Willie
Murphy, Frank
Mussulman, Pearl

Neterer, Inez
Neil, Rosa
Nobles, Theodore
Nolte, Winnifred
Noyes, Guy

Oates, Eunice
Offerman, Herbert
Olsen, Myrtle
Osier, Galen
Ottestad, Olga
Owen, Bernice

Park, Marie
Patton, Ysabel
Peterson, Agnes
Phillips, Fred
Poage, Doris
Pope, Olive
Powers, Margueretta

Rapelje, Clarence
Rembaugh, Anna
Ritter, Frank
Robinson, Carmen
Ross, Pearl

Sandhei, Anna
Sater, Henry
Schwartz, Nettie
Sergel, Roger
Siemons, Allan
Sleeper, Leslie
Sommers, Walter
Spearin, Emmons
Stenwig, Selmer
Strauch, Ella
Sundholm, Fred
Sutcliff, Clifford

Turbridge, Barbara
Tosen, Lillian
Tremain, Nettie

Utike, Albert

VanZandt, Ruth

Welb, Cora
Whitcomb, Gordon
Whittingham, Arthur
Williams, Esther

Youngquist, Clara

CLASS OF 1912 1/2
Anderson, Effie
Anderson, Dewey
Anderson, Pearl
Anderson, Maud
Anderson, Lillian
Ashby, Jessie

Bell, Ina
Bell, Georgia
Beyer, Cecelia
Borgeson, Clarissa
Boucher, Helen
Bowdish, Celia
Boyd, Maude
Brannick, Thomas
Brown, Clarence
Boul, Josephine
Burnett, Lora
Byles, Helen

Carroll, Anna
Christensen, Bernhard
Clark, Harley
Conley, Luella
Connell, John
Cooke, Clay
Coulthurst, Leon
Countryman, Linda
Cramer, Blanche

Daw, Myrtle
DeHaven, Edith
Doane, Jessie
Dodd, Alvin
Douglass, Owen

Ederer, Katie
Eklund, Viola
Elerding, Grace
Elkan, Clarence
Enies, Bessie

Ferguson, Wallace
Fisher, Dorothy
Fjeld, Anna
Foster, Bertram
Ford, Edna
Foss, Eva
Fretheim, Frithjof

Gage, Zetta
Gates, Anna
Gerry, Iva
Goodrich, Edna
Gunderson, Howard

Hanson, Agnes
Haracich, Glenn
Haynie, Mable
Holiday, Leo
Houlton, Elsie
Howard, Nettie
Hughes, June
Hulbert, Grace

Irish, Eloise

Jenkins, Alice
Jenkins, Fred
Jennings, Dawn
Johanson, Edward
Johnson, Mabel
Johnson, Ellen
Johnson, Coralie
Johnson, Elvera
Johnson, Ella

Kelb, Harry
Kelly, Samuel
Kenney, Jessie
Kimball, Roy
Krause, Katheryn

Langdon, Earl
Lee, Carl
Leitch, Ellsworth
Lenhardt, Alice
Lockwood, Lucinda

McLeod, Ella
McLennan, Margaret
McMahon, Jack
McMillan, Thomas
Meader, Laura
Miller, Blossom
Mokler, Kathryne
Moore, Bernice
Munro, Eliza

Neher, Elsie
Noorhn, Myrtle

Oberlatz, Robert
Oeser, Harry
Olson, Oscar
O'Ree, Annie
Owen, Mark
Owen, Ethel
Otto, Charles

Palmer, Harry
Peterson, Maud
Pickle, Frieda
Poling, Ruth
Purdy, Beatrice

Rasmussen, Theo.
Raymond, Laurence
Reed, Raymond
Rose, Cerlie

Scarseth, Mildred
Schram, Charles
Sells, Marie
Shaw, Ruth
Slater, Eva
Smiley, Etta
Smith, Margaret
Smith, Nettie
Spearin, Clifford
Strand, Josephine

Titcomb, Robert
Thompson, Ezra
Thompson, Myra
Thurman, Clara
Trimble, Carleton
Tremain, Hattie
Truitt, Glenn
Thurman, Ralph
Tuben, Gilbert

Umbrell, Ethel

Victor, Christina

Warnick, Irma
Wheeler, Howard
Williams, Elizabeth
Wilkins, Ella

Yarrow, Irene

Ziese, Elsie

 motarboard    FACULTY   motarboard 
EDWIN TWITMEYER, Principal - Franklin and Marshall College, Pa., A. B., A. M.
A. F. BECHDOLT, Lafayette College, Pa., A. B., A. M.; Franklin and Marshall College, Ph. D. - English, German.

JENNIE M. WHITMAN - Vassar College, B. A. Special work at University of Chicago - English.
ALICE M. TWITMEYER - State Normal College, Albany, N. Y. Special Work at Wellesley College - Latin.
FANNIE M. LEES - High School and Private Normal - Mathematics.
ANNA GRAHAM - Nevada University; University of California - Mathematics.
HILDAH B. HAINKE - Milwaukee State Normal; University of Wisconsin, Ph. B. - Physics.
MARY E. ROBB - Greenville (Ill.) College, Ph. B.; University of Chicago, Ph. M. - Latin.
EMILY B. CARTER - Washington State College, A. B.  Special at Columbia University - History and English.
ALICE M. FROST, A. B. - Hamlin Normal; University of Michigan - Physical Geography.
GRACE AULD - Bellingham State Normal; Hyatt-Fowell's Shorthand School - Business Department.
HELEN M. SEDGWICK - Iowa City High School.  Special in English and History, Iowa State University - English.
E. S. HOWELL - Seattle High School, University of Washington, A. B. - Chemistry, Physics, Physical Geography.
FANNIE E. BRAYTON - University of Wisconsin, A. B. - Ancient History and Latin.
M. PEARL BENNET - University of Washington, B. A. - History, Civics, Economics.
P. H. EVANSON - University of South Dakota, B. A. - English.
HORACE H. LESTER - University of Minnesota, B. A. - Botany.
ALICE L. PERSONS - Ohio Wesleyan University; University of Berlin, B. L. - French and German.
PHI SMYTHE - Marysville College, B. S. - History.
A. E. TURNER - Michigan State Normal College, B. S. - Algebra and Geometry.
C. W. WHIPPLE - International Correspondence School - Bookkeeping and Commercial Law.
M. M. MOSS - Vice-Principal - University of Washington, Ph. B. - English.
G. BERNARD CHICHESTER - St. Paul's College and St. Cathbert's College, London - Latin and French.
GRACE GLASGOW - University of Washington, B. A. - Latin and German.
CLARICE VAN EMAN - University of Michigan, B. A. - Mathematics and Botany.
W. C. WIER - Borden College, B. S. - Physics, Chemistry, Physical Geography.
ROXY PETERSON - University of Washington, B. A. - English and History.

motarboard     NORTH SIDE ALUMNI    motarboard 


Austin, George R. - Teacher, Seattle.
Gawley-Patch, Josie  - Weiser, Idaho.
Packer, Ray - Collector, Bellingham.


Burrows, Richard - Sacramento, Cal.
Strand-Robin, Mrs. Jennie - Portland, Ore.
Underwood-Collier, Mrs. Hattie - South Bellingham.
Atkins-Mason, Mrs. May - Bellingham.
Atkins, Burwell - Montana.
Coleman-White, Mrs. Nettie - Alberta.


Caulkins, Stella - Maple Falls, Wash.
Rodgers, Rose - Portland, Ore.
Howe-Boston, Mrs. May - Bellingham.
McBride-Stevens, Annie - California.
Richardson, Harry - Pastor, Nooksack.
Alexander, Will - Seattle.


Mitchell, Thomas W. - School of Finance, New York.
Strand-Pidwell, Mrs. Phoebe - San Francisco.
Wilmore, Carrie - Teacher, Seattle.


Pratt, Will D. - Deputy postmaster, Bellingham.
Lindberry, Charles R. - County surveyor. 
Childs, Frank - Lake Whatcom.
McRae, Harvey - Kendall, Wash.
McMillan, Emmett - Deceased.
Hadley, Roy A. - Seattle.
Calvert-Shaw, Mrs. Narcia - Tacoma, Wash.
Donovan-Bacon, Mrs. Mabel - Bellingham.
Howe-Childs, Mrs. Myrtle - Lake Whatcom, Wash.
Coleman-McLean, Mrs. Mamie - Everett, Wash.
Whiting-Sharpe, Mrs. Nellie - Rossland, B. C.
Penfield-Marchand, Mrs. Bertha - Everson, Wash


Caulkins, Glenn - Supt. of Schools, Phillipine Islands.
McLeod, Jennie - Executive clerk, Governor's office, Olympia.
Pratt, Hattie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Reasoner, Frank - Electrical Engineer, Concrete, Wash.
Lenhardt, Conrad - Bellingham.
Watkins, Nettie - Slum work, New York.
Pierce, Genera - Missionary work, Shiloh, Maine.
Johnson, Lillian - Deceased.
Lobe, Gussie - Stenographer, Portland, Ore.
Fouts, Edith - Teacher, Bellingham.
Stadelman, Pearl - Portland, Ore.
Griffith, Florence - Bellingham.


Berkman, Herbert - Real estate & insurance agent, Lynden, Wash.
Darwin-Winne, Marian - Deceased
Dellinger, Harriette - Art teacher, Bellingham.
Dunbar Fredson, Mrs. Cecelia - Shelton, Wash.
Fadden, Garfield - Law firm, Seattle.
Garness-Aniksdat, Bertha - Bellingham.
Gilligan, Edward - Deceased
Griggs, Stephen - Seattle.
Griggs, Urban - Deceased.
Knight, Gyneth - Teacher, Shelton, Wash.
Knight, Jessie - Olympia.
Laube, Will - Secretary of senate, Olympia.
Lee, Pearl - Teacher, Bellingham.
Likins, Fred - Bellingham.
Lutz, Walter - Pharmacist, Seattle.
McBride, Mary - Teacher, Bellingham.
Reid, John - Seattle.
Rogers, Roy - Contractor, Bellingham.
Simons, Lena - Bellingham.
Cissna-Waples, Mrs. Avilla - Lynden, Wash.

Ryan-Smith, Mrs. Gertrude - Bellingham.


Ambrose, James -Manager Diamond Brick & Tile Co., Portland, Ore.
Barbo-Chase, Mrs. Mae - Bellingham.
Bell, Carl - Deming, Wash.
Caldwell-Berens, Mrs. Ada - Tacoma, Wash.
Diehl, Hugh - Machinist, Bellingham.
Edens, Maude - Bellingham.
Fancy, Jay - Spokane, Wash.
Graham, Helen - Sanitarium,Cal.
Griggs-Brown, Mrs. Bessie - Bellingham.
Hobart-Prouty ,Mrs. Amy - Bellingham.
Jones-Curtis, Mrs. Nellie - Ferndale, Wash.
Lenhart, Katherine - Bellingham.
Lewellen, Sadie - Teacher, Bellingham.
McArthur-Gibson, Sadie - Bellingham.
McBride-Kellogg, Nellie - Bellingham.
Peters, Fred - Bellingham.
Price, Hattie - Shiloh, Maine.
Ryan, Mae - Stenographer, Bellingham.


Allfree, Barney - Mail carrier, Bellingham.
Beel-Clark, Mrs. Nella - Bellingham.

Brand, Nellie - Bookkeeper, Bellingham.
Cade-Mercy, Mrs. Essie - Bellingham.
Dakin-Bailey, Elsie - Bellingham.
Decker-Kline, Mrs. Manette - Bellingham.

Donovan-Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth - Prince Rupert, Alaska.
Edens, Olive - U. of Columbia, New York.
Gilligan-Carr, May - Bellingham.
Gloster, Richard - U. of W., Seattle.
Harris, Lucius - Mail carrier, Bellingham.
Jackson, H. Clare - U. of W., Seattle.
Latta, Nellie - Bellingham.

McElmon, Fred - Contractor, Bellingham.
Penfield-Byron, Mrs. Minnie - Bellingham.

Richendrer-Bradley, Alverna - South Prairie, Wash.
Smart, Susie - Seattle.
Spencer, Nellie - Bellingham.
Sweet, Laura - Teacher, Bellingham.


Bailey, Ralph - Dentist, Bellingham.
Biggs, Statira - Teacher, Mount Vernon, Wash.
Byer, Hebe - Deceased.

Griffith, Mabel - Bellingham.
Hadley, Clyde - P. L., U. of W., Seattle.
Jacobs, Cecelia - Teacher, Nooksack, Wash.
Johnson, Alice - Teacher, Laurence, Wash.
Jones, Evelyn - Teacher, Chuckanut, Wash.
Loop, Enzo - Teacher, Puyallup, Wash.
McGinnis Hildebrand, Mrs. Myrtle - Deceased.
Minton, Venna - Stenographer, Bellingham.
Palmquist, Mary - Deceased.
Pratt, Mrs. - Bellingham.
Richendrfer-Upp, Mrs. Mary - Chicago, Ill.
Shumway, Minnie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Stadleman, Francis - Stenographer, Portland, Ore.
Steen, Mabel - Teacher, Los Angeles, Cal.
Stenger, Edward - University of California.

Thompson, Harry - Pharmacist, Bellingham.


Baker, Edna - Private Kindergarten teacher, Evanston, Ill.
Chandler-Fisher, Mrs. Florence.
Cissna, Ray - Home Loan Co., Bellingham.
Dean, Oscar - Dentist, Blaine, Wash.
Donovan, Sidney - Stenographer Vaughan Real Estate & Ins. Co., Bellingham.
Halstead-Carley, Mrs. Lucy - B. S. N. S.
Harmon, Fred
Jackson, Lelah - Milliner, Everett, Wash.
Laube, Fred - Juneau, Alaska.
Leach, Kenneth - U. of W.
Linse-Morse, Gladys - Bellingham.
Loop-Burgess, Mrs. Maude - Noon, Wash.
Oertli, Henry - N. A. O. S. W., Bellingham.
Palmquist-Kelly, Mrs. Emma - Livingston, Mont.
Peters, Will - U. of W.
Raper-Bean, Mrs. Edna - Rone, Wash.
Turnbull, George - P. I., Seattle.
Wakefied, Louise
Wakefield, Sidney - Bellingham.
Wallace, Dorothy - Teacher, Custer, Wash.
White, Coral - Court house, Seattle.
Woody, Mabel - Teacher, Bellingham.


Austin, Edith - California.
Birney, Ethel - Bellingham.
Cade, Richard - Thiel & Welter, Bellingham.
Campbell, Nellie - City Hall, Bellingham.
Coffman, Myrtle - The Leader, Bellingham.
Douglass, Miss T. M. - South Bellingham.
Edens, Nettie - U. of Columbia, New York City.
Griggs, Mark - Portland, Ore.
Hadley, Earl - New York Sun, New York City.
Lilley, Clarence - Bellingham.
Miller, Madge - Nome, Alaska.
Palmer, Ernest - Deceased.
Raymond, Harry - New York City.
Roller, Floyd - U. of W.
Schenck, Grace - Bellingham.
Schroeder-Keefe, Mrs. Ella - Seattle.
Siemons, George - City Hall, Bellingham.
Simpson, Grace - Stenographer, Bellingham.
Spencer, Hattie - Leader Company, Bellingham.
Sweet, Ellen - Seattle.
Thayer-Peters, Mrs. Maude - Bellingham.
Thomas, Anna - Bellingham.
Turner, Marion - California.
Wescott, Mattie - Herald office, Bellingham.
Worthington, Allan - Collins & Co., Bellingham.


Ambrose, Julia - Teacher, Roslyn, Wash.
Bell, Grace - Postoffice, Bellingham.
Bell, John - Tacoma, Wash.
Biggs-Smith, Mrs. Doris - Bellingham.
Brown, Winnie - Bellingham.
Burman, John - Home Security Savings Bank, Bellingham.
Cooper, Alton - Stanford University, Cal.
Gilroy, John - Deceased. 
Gooch, Edwin - U. of W.
Hanna, Morton - Whatcom Dental Parlors, Bellingham.
Julien, Lester - Northwest Hardware Co., Bellingham.
Kern, Beulah - Bellingham.
Laube-Wood, Mrs. Leona - Bellingham.
Lea, Elizabeth - Bellingham.
Mackey, Walton - U. of W.
Miller, Helen - Teacher, Bellingham.
Pence, Ada - Teacher, Bellingham.
Rickerson, Hugh - Northwest Hardware Co., Bellingham.
Robins, Robert - Business College, Seattle, Wash.
Rogers-Cole, Mrs. Hattie - Bellingham.
Roth-Abbott, Mrs. Edna - Bellingham.
Spearin, Lena - T. M. Barlow Dental Parlors, Bellingham.
Spenger-Rath, Mrs. Elizabeth - Bellingham.
Smith, Grace - Teacher, Bellingham.
Stanbra, Pearl - Teacher, Bridgeport, Wash.
Stearns, Lucien - Stanbra's bicycle shop, Bellingham.
Tafel, Ernest - Stanford University.
Wahlstrand, Anna - Teacher, Bellingham.
Waples, Edna - Teacher, Bellingham.
Wilson, Ada - Bellingham.
Wyckoff, Halsey - U. of W.


Appleby-Wetherell, Nellie - Bellingham.
Armstrong, Grace - Teacher, Bellingham.
Baylor, Edna - Bellingham.
Brown, Earle - (U. of W. '10), Bellingham.
Brown, Roy - (U. of W. '10), Bellingham.
Bryan, Mabel - Stenographer, Bellingham.
Carlson, Earnest - Spokane.
Carver, Coston - Reporter Herald, Bellingham.
Chandler-Earp, Ione - Seattle.
Dakin, Warren - Nome, Alaska.
Drake, Fred - U. of W.
Evans, Winnie - (U. of W. '10), Ferndale, Wash.
Farnkenburg, Arthur - Art school, Chicago.
Ferris-Kelch, Pearl - Vancouver, Wash.
Fowler, Harry - U. of W.
Gooch, Mildred - Doe Bay, Wash.
Harvey, Lois - San Francisco, Cal.
Hughes, Nannie - Telephone Operator, Bellingham.
Hunt, Clara - Teacher, Bellingham.
Johnson, Ella - Stenographer, Sedro-Woolley, Wash.
Kildall, Louis - Bellingham.
Kistenmaker, Anna - Teacher, Bellingham.
Krieter, Gladys - Teacher, Bellingham.
Lewellen, Maud - Deceased.
Liddy, May - Oklahoma City, Okla.
Lindberry, Jennie - California.
Marsh, Ivan - Tacoma, Wash.
North, May - First National Bank, Bellingham.

Pebley, Walter - Deming, Wash.
Peters, Charles - Business College, Seattle.
Rickerson-Barlow, Mrs. Maude - Bellingham.
Selby, Irene - Teacher, Bellingham.
Siemons, Frank - (U. of W.), Bellingham.
Slater, Doy - (U. of W '10), Ferndale, Wash.
Souders, Bessie - Bellingham.
Stenger, Lottie - Bellingham.
Sutherland, George - Bellingham.
Sweet, Will - (U. of W.), Blaine.
Thompson, Everett - (U. of W.), Tacoma.
Van Ostrand, Pearl - Teacher, Ferndale.
Weisenburger, Marie - Bellingham.
Witter, Martha - B. S. N. S.
Wolldridge, Walter - Pullman College, Custer.
Young, Mabel - Teacher, Bellingham.


Ambrose, Juanita - Teacher, Lynden.
Bates, Clarence - U. of W.
Brown, Fred - Bellingham.
Canfield, Ione - Teacher, Bellingham.
Clarke, Mabel - Illinois Wesleyan University '09, Bloomington, Ill.
Cogswell, Vera - (U. of W.), Blaine.
Dean, Edna - Pharmacist, Seattle.
Des Aulniers, Frances - Teacher, Pleasant Valley.
Dickinson, Retta - Bellingham.
Glessman, Hazel - Teacher, Everett.
Grue, Carl - Bellingham.
Gunst, Jeanette - Corpus Christi, Texas.
Hughes, Edgar - Patternmaker, San Francisco, Cal.
Johnson, Carl - Electric Light Co., Bellingham.
Jones, Harold - Balfour Guthrie Co., Portland, Ore.
Keene, Alfred - Northwest Dental College, Portland, Ore.
Keene, Elsie - B. S. N. S.
Kline, Harry - Mt. Baker District.
Lee, Clifford - Perdue University, Lafayette, Ind.
Markley, Nina - Whitman, Walla Walla.
McLeod, May - Teacher, Acme.
Miller, Louise - Sedro Woolley.
Mitchell, Belle - Bellingham.
Morrison, Agnes - Whitman, Walla Walla.
Neterer, Samuel - Whitman College.
Osburn, Winnie - Marietta, Wash.
Osgood, Mabel - Teacher, Bellingham.
Parker, Tom - Marshall-Wells Hardware Company, Portland, Ore.
Raymond, Chester - U. of W.
Ross, Alfred - B. S. N. S.
Schneider, Earnest - Bellingham.
Schumancher, Charles - Home Telephone Company, Bellingham.
Smith, Blanche - Bellingham.
Speding, Hanna - B. S. N. S.
Swartz-Kirkpatrick, Roscie - Seattle.
Twiss, Edna - Lynden, Wash.
Wetmore-Stearns, Mrs. Maud - Bellingham.
Whims, Floyd - U. of W.


Andrews, Walter - Bellingham.
Barnett, Pearl - Teacher, Van Wyck, Wash.
Bowman, William - Teacher, Northwood, Wash.
Brand, Kenneth - Bellingham.
Brown, Cora - Custer, Wash.
Brown, Myrtle - Custer, Wash.
Brisbin, Leila - Bellingham.
Daupheny, Kathryn - Bellingham.
Dent, Vera - Bellingham.
Everett, Ivah - Teacher, Ferndale, Wash.
Fish, Effie - Teacher, Olympia, Wash.
Gage, Marguerite - Wells College, Aurora, N.Y.
Hildebrand, Alma - Bellingham.
Honrath, Emma - Teacher, Acme, Wash.
Honrath, Freda - Teacher, Acme, Wash.
Hope-Kincaid, Bernice - Rusticana, Wash.
Hughes, Hazel - Teacher, North Yakima, Wash.
Hughes, Edward - U. of W.
Hunt, Herbert - U. of W.
Kaylor, Howard - Bellingham.
Kaylor, Paul - U. of W.
Kimball, Mabel - B. S. N. S.
Kimball, Julia - B. S. N. S.
Lilley, Alice - Bellingham.
Mansfield, Austin - U. of W.
Marshall, Bert - Deming.
McCoubrey, Arthur - Bellingham.
McCullough, Craig - Reporter, American, Bellingham .
McLeod, John - U. of W.
Nakamoto, Yozo - U. of W..
Neilson, Zera - Ferndale, Wash.
Parks, Frances - B. S. N. S.
Pebley, Leon - Deming, Wash.
Peime, LeRoy - Eureka, Cal.
Peters, Howard - Bellingham.
Purdy, Mildred - Smith College,  Northampton,  Mass.
Richendrfer, Adah - Bellingham.
Roth, Victor - Perdue University, Lafayette, Ind.
Roeder, Aryeness - U. of W.
Schwartz, Morris - B. S. N. S.
Smaby, Leone - Bellingham.
Stewart, Katie - B. S. N. S.
Taylor, Irene - U. of W.
Teel, Marie - Whitman College.
Thomas, Marguerite - Portland, Ore.
Van Wyck, Philip - Perdue University, Lafayette, Ind.
Wescott, Maude - McMurray, Wash.
Welbon, Vida - Bellingham.
Welburg, Martha - Bellingham.
Williams, Robert - Ferndale, Wash.
Wycoff, Hulett - U. of W.
Wyman, David - Whatcom Co. Light Company, Bellingham.
Zobrist, Ida - Acme, Wash.
Ross, Alfred - Bellingham.


Ambrose, Adeline - Bellingham.
Anderson, Anna - Bellingham.
Anderson, Frederick - New York Dental Parlors, Bellingham.
Bishop, Lafayette - Bellingham.
Bonney, Parker - U. of W.
Brand, Vernice - Bellingham.
Calder, Adeline - Silver Beach, Wash.
Clifford, Claude - B. S. N. S.
Crites, Gertrude - U. of W.
Darrin, Marc - U. of W.
Dakin, Harold - Enterprise, Wash.
Dakin, Walter - Enterprise, Wash.
Dauphney, Elizabeth - Bellingham.
Donovan, Jack - Phillips Exeter, Andover, Mass.
Dunlap, Frances - Bellingham.
Easton, Erva - U. of W.
Elder, Eleanor - Bellingham.
Follman, Charles - Bellingham.
Gawley, Blanche - B. S. N. S.
Gifford, Lola - B. S. N. S.
Guard, Gladys - Friday Harbor.
Hansen, Eugene - Bellingham.
Hanna, Hazel - B. S. N. S.
Hardin, Grace - Bellingham.
Hawkins, Alma - Cornell, Ithaca, N. Y.
Hosford, Ellen - Student, Tacoma, Wash.
Hughes, Bert - Bellingham.
Kilmer, Florence - B. S. N. S.
Knight, Blanche - B. S. N. S.
Lain, Marion - B. S. N. S.
LaMar, Agnes - University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont.
Lobe, Hilda - B. S. N. S.
Lusk, Lizzie - B. S. N. S.
McChesney, Mabel - B. S. N. S.
McLeod, Pearl - Teacher, Dolphin Bay, Wash.
Nichols, Ethel - B. S. N. S.
Nolte, George - Bellingham National Bank, Bellingham.
Ossewarde, Mary - B. S. N. S.
Ottestad, Justin - U. of W.
Patterson, Lela - B. S. N. S.
Patton, Joseph - Bellingham.
Pitsch, Agnes - B. S. N. S.
Place, Addie - Acme, Wash.
Pope, Frederick - Bellingham.
Riddle, Nellie - Bellingham.
Rogers, Elsie - Bellingham.
Roney, Josephine - University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
Shepard, Alta - B. S. N. S.
Slater, Gladys - B. S. N. S.
Smaby, Otella - B. S. N. S.
Smith, Bonna - U. of W.
Souders, Laura - B. S. N. S.
SoRelle, Mildred - Teacher, Paradise, Wash.
Spenger, Fred - U. of W.
Stewart, Donald - Pullman College.
Starbuck, Georgia - Columbia Valley, Wash.
Teel, Gladys - Whitman College.
Trunkey, Harry - Bellingham.
Wade, Lillian - Bellingham.
Welbon, Vida - B. S. N. S.
West, Elmer - Bellingham.
Westover, Albert - Bellingham.
Wherry, Zoe - B. S. N. S.
Wight, Laurel - Teacher, Sumas, Wash.
Williams, Winona - Ferndale, Wash.
Young, Willis - Portland, Ore.

motarboard    SOUTH SIDE ALUMNI    motarboard 


Lehman, Nettie - Mrs. DeWitt, Bellingham.
McMillan, Clifford - North Western National Bank, Bellingham.


Day, Margaret - Mrs. Geddes, Vancouver, B. C.
Day, Pearl - Mrs. Rhandell, Nanaimo, B. C.
Heberdeen, William - Bellingham.
Roll, Anna - Mrs. Marion Edwards, Seattle.
Smith, Frank - Lumber business, Avon, Wash.


Barlow, Tony Marvin - Dentist, Bellingham.
Hallaran, George - Druggist, Everson.
Huntoon, Helen - Mrs. Marvin Barlow, Bellingham.
Johanson, Joel - Oxford.
Lunkley, Rollie - Seattle.
Mackey, Mary - Mrs. Buckstan, Orcas Island.
McNeil, Elizabeth - Teacher, Spokane.
Witter, M. B. - Deceased.
Wright, Edgar - Lawyer, Seattle.


Andrews, May - Deceased.
McDermoth, Isabel - Mrs. Sargent, Aberdeen.
Stevens, Bessie - Mrs. Mason, Seattle.
Stevens, Elizabeth - Deceased.


Ames, Walcott - Draughtsman, Seattle.
Andrews, Laura - Mrs. Fairhurst, Bellingham.
Clarke, Sarah - Mrs. Bryan, Bellingham.
Dodson, Ava - Mrs. Stevenson, Seattle.
Dodson, George - Merchant, Bellingham.
Griffin, David - Alaska.
Huntoon, Richard - Lawyer, Seattle.
Luthe, Hettie - San Francisco.
McDermoth, Maud - Mrs. Alburty, Aberdeen.
Salvo, Laura - Mrs. Murray, Seattle.
Woodin, Maud - Mrs. Oakley, Bellingham.


Boal, Alvira - Mrs. Forsith, Seattle.
Brightman, Frank - Lawyer, Seattle.
Burt, Emile - Los Angeles, Cal.
Filmore, Flora.
Hays, Grace - Mrs. Thomas, Bellingham.
Keller, Harry - Wisconsin.
Lindstrom, Alla - Mrs. Aignstrom, Tacoma.
Luce, Ethelyn - Mrs. J. E. Yuill, Bellingham.
McNeil, Alice - Deceased.
Miller, Lillian - Teacher, Seattle.
Nichols, Guy - Bellingham.
Padden, John - Bellingham.
Shidler, Ada - Burlington, Wash.

Witter, Clarice - Mrs. McLean, Steilacoom.
Wright, Ewart - Anacortes.


Anderson, Gertrude - Mrs. Carpenter, Bellingham.
Auld, Grace - Teacher, N. B. High School.
Black, Cecil - Bellingham.
German, Lavelle - P. A. F., Bellingham.
German, Will - Mail carrier, Bellingham.
Henspeter, Myra - Seattle, Wash.
Hopkins, Robert - Bellingham.
Hoskins, Eugene - Bellingham.
Makimo, Henry - Chicago, Ill.
Slattery, John - Washington D. C.
Slattery, Thomas - American-Reveille, Bellingham.


Cook, Mabel - Mrs. Biggar, Doe Bay, Wash.
Fowler, Frank - Denver, Colorado.
Frisbee, Zalia - Mrs. Milne - Lake Samish.
Griffin, Claire - Mrs. Peterson, Portland.
Hankins, Bertha - Mrs. Holbrook, Bellingham.
Hibbs, Laura - Mrs. Jenkins, Bellingham.
Hohl, Ross - Bookkeeper, Bellingham.
Ireland, Malissa - Ferndale.
Marsh, Mellie - Bellingham.
McGlynn, Robert - Olympia.
Smith, William - Plumber, Bellingham.
Stenvig, Hjalma - Teacher, Minneapolis.
Watanabo, Densaho - Japan.


Adams, Maud - Bellingham.
Auld, Ray - East Sound, Wash.
Bauer, Carrie - Bellingham.
Blevins, Lloyd - Deceased.
Charroin, Eugene - Bellingham.
Charroin, Ida - Teacher, Bellingham.
Crum, Rufus - Rancher, Idaho.
Dodson, Harley - Clerk, Bellingham.
Finnegan, George - Druggist, Bellingham.
Grant, Laura - Seattle.
Hanna, Bessie - Bellingham.
Hayaku, Fmiyarshi - Japan.
Hilton, Merle - Mrs. Curtis, Seattle.
Keene, Annie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Lehman, Rovella - Bellingham.
Little, Jocie - South Bellingham.
McNiel, Katherine - B. Normal School.
Morrison, Elmer - Druggist, Bellingham.
Murchison, Alice - Seattle.
Nichols, Matie - Mrs. Walsworth, Bellingham.
Sears, Florence - Teacher, Bellingham.
Smith, Lillie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Sweeny, Clayton - Bellingham.
Tabor, Justin - Deceased.
Thiel, Christine - Teacher, Bellingham.
Uhlmann, Freda - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Wells, Walter - Bellingham.


Cloak, Ellen - Mrs. Thebo, Seattle.
Hankins, Bessie - Bellingham.
Hipkoe, Max - U. of W., Seattle.
Merideth, Pearl - Mrs. Alexander, Bellingham.
McLeod, Mamie - Bellingham.
O'Neill, Angela - Teacher, Fortson, Wash.
Wall, Lenore - Teacher, Blaine.
Warinner, Emily - American-Reveille, Bellingham.


Brennan, B. - Teacher, Bellingham.
Craven, Leslie - Berkley, Cal.
Day, Grace - Mrs. Finnegan, Bellingham.
Dean, Homer - Druggist, Everett.
Drake, Bartlett - N. W. State Bank, Bellingham.
Eager, Vernon - Bellingham.
Fowle, Page - Seattle.
Gooch, Bessie - Bellingham.
Griffin, Joseph - Bellingham.


Drake, Fred - Bellingham.
Fowler, Harry - East Sound.
Gooch, Mildred - Bellingham.
Hankins, Lessie - Bellingham.
Henry, Tillie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Lang, Paul - Bellingham.
Moyer, Aimee - Teacher, Bellingham.
Salvo, Winnie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Uhlmann, Rosa - Bellingham.
Whitter, Martha.


Fowler, Stella - Teacher, Anacortes.
Norman, Venn - Dental College, Portland.
Pelegren, Mary - Bellingham.
Salvo, Willard - Bellingham.
Skatbo, Erling - Deceased.
Smith, Blanche - Bellingham.
Tiedje, Henry - Bellingham.
Van Curen, Viola - Teacher, Bellingham.
Wright, Newell - U. of Washington.


Abild, Christine - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Akan, Nellie - Bellingham.
Bruce, Bessie - Bellingham.
Clark, Morton - Seattle, Wash.
Day, Blanche - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Donley, Levi - Marcus, Wash.
Edwards, Clara - Bellingham.
Fegley, Lena - Mrs. Montgomery, Bellingham.
Grue, Annie - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Keel, Ella - Teacher, Bellingham.
McNeil, Grace - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Rodgers, Felix - Bellingham.
Skei, Alfred - Mt. Angeles, Ore.
Spencer, Raymond - Portland, Ore.
Spencer, Roscoe - Portland, Ore.
Templin, Mary - Teacher.
Watrous, Willis - Pullman, Wash.


Adams, Alfred - U. of Washington, Seattle.
Brennan, Grace - Bellingham.
Campbell, Allene - Bellingham.
Jockobson, Tillie - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Jones, Clara - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Mallahan, Sadie - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Parker, Sadie - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Rodgers, Anna - Bellingham.
Scott, Gertrude - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Tapping, Lillian - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Tiedje, Alice - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.
Watrous, Mary - B. S. N. S., Bellingham.

(Mt. Baker)

Volume Five    Nineteen Hundred Nine
Published by the Senior Class of Bellingham High School
Bellingham, Washington

Griggs Stationery and Printing Co., Bellingham.

Copied by Susan Nahas, July 2000.  

All pages on the Whatcom County, WA  GenWeb project are copyright protected. 

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