

PRESIDENT - Parker Bonney
VICE PRESIDENT - Mildred SoRelle
SECRETARY - Elsie Rogers
TREASURER - Agnes Lamar

  CLASS OF 1907 1/2  diploma
Anderson, Anna Louisa
Crites, Gertrude Bell
Easton, Erva
Hardin, Grace
Hosford, Ellen Kathryn
Hughes, Bert
Lain, Marion A.
Ossewarde, Mary
Patterson, Lila Margaret
Pitsch, Agnes
Siemons, Elsie Leona
Wade, Lillian
Welbon, Vida Flora

 CLASS OF 1908  
Adams, Alfred
Ambrose, Adeline M.
Anderson, Frederick Wm.

Bishop, Wm. Lafayette
Bonney, Parker Samuel
Brand, Vernice Joy
Brennan, Grace

Calder, Adeline Lucy
Campbell, Allene
Clifford, Claude William

Darrin, Marc Delephine
Dakin, Harold Morgan
Dakin, Walter
Dauphney, Anna Elizabeth
Donovan, Jack
Dunlap, Frances E.

Elder, Mary Eleanor

Follman, Chas. Frederick

Gawley, Blanche Alice
Gifford, Lola Leona
Guard, Gladys G.

Hanna, Hazel Wyman
Hansen, Eugene

Hawkins, Alma Helen L.
Jacobson, Thelda
Jones, Clara

Kilmer, Florence Rena
Knight, Blanche May

Lamar, Agnes Rosalie
Lobe, Hilda G.
Lusk, Lizzie Campbell

Mallahan, Sadie
McChesney, Mable Grace
McLeod, Pearl Nellie

Nichols, Ethel Dorah
Nolte, George Victor

Ottestad, Justin

Parker, Sadie
Patton, Joseph
Place, Addie Veva
Pope, Frederick C.

Riddle, Nellie Bean
Rodgers, Anna
Rogers, Elsie Laura
Roney, Josephine W.
Scott ,Gertrude
Shepard, Wylia Alta
Slater, Gladys Inda
Smaby, Otella Helen
Smith, Bonna E.
Smith, Minetta Elida
Souders, Laura Alice
SoRelle, Mildred
Spenger, Fred
Starbuck, Georgia May
Stewart, Donald B.

Tapping, Lillian
Teel, Gladys Augusta
Tiedje, Alice
Trunkey, Harry

Watrous, Mary
Wherry, Zoe Valera
Wight, Laurel
Williams, Winona Maud
West, Elmer
Westover, Albert Waldren

Young, Willis Jesse

CLASS OF 1908 1/2
Byers, Ella
Cade, Claude Lincoln
Crites, Herbert Newton
Cousins, Robert
Clarke, Ethelyn
Dean, Ernest DesMoines
Easton, Martin
Heaton, Edith
McCormick, Albert
Schneider, Anna
Shields, Pearl
Udness, Astri
Worthington, Everett

Armstrong, Cecil
Astles, Ada

Beaton, Mary
Bergstrom, Olga
Blochberger, Theodore
Bratt, Hannah
Breakey, Hazel

Carver, Vida
Clark, Carolyn
Clement, Minnie
Charrain, Florence

Davison, Madeline
Dexter, Edith
Donovan, Dorothy
Duxbury, Ruth

Emerson, Olga
Gamwell, Hester
Golden, Halcie

Hansen, Clarence
Hathaway, Teresa
Helm, Grace
Herndon, Maude
Houghtaling, Clinton
Hudson, Anna
Humphries, Delia

Jones, Edith
Jones, Lois

Kuney, Vernon

Laird, Zoe
Lowery, Harold Daniel
Martinson, John
Morrison, Wm.
Miller, Teresa
McMaster, Edna
McCauley, Norman

Owens, Charlie

Pebley, John
Porter, Josephine
Poyser, Grace

Reasoner, May
Roeder, Henry

Thomas, Muriel
Tiffany, Martha
Todd, Nellie

Wahlstrand, Emma
Wake, Gertrude
Wallace, Adeline
Wilkins, Marjory

CLASS OF 1909 1/2
Abbot, Myra
Alderman, Georgia
Anderson, Alice
Axtell, Ruth

Bacon, Beulah
Ball, Rilla
Blochberger, Walter
Bowman, Hilding
Boyd, Leola
Brown, Helen

Chalmers, Blanche
Chreistle, Ethel
Clark, Olive
Cook, Inez
Cordingly, Ruth
Creighton, Ethel

Davis, Charlotte

Fegley, Mabel
Franklin, Era
Glen, Jessie
Goodrick, Blanche
Graham, Etta

Hadley, Virginia
Hazelton, Lloyd
Hosford, Orcelia
Hughes, Edna

Jacobson, Manford
Johnson, Ira

King, Jennie

Larson, Clyde
Linse, Erna

Macomber, Eunice
Madden, Violet
McPherson, Edna
Morgan, Mayble
Olson, Edward
Oates, Bernice
Obermuller, Alma

Poage, Alice
Prouty, Blanche
Purdy, Phyllis

Ross, Edith

Schumann, Bertha
Shields, Ethel
Sumner, Clayton

Thayer, Robt.
Thomas, Nellie
Treutle, Dorothy

Vercoe, Thomas

Warmouth, Hazel

Adams, Orville
Alexander, Ethel
Ambrose, Jessie

Beach, Lulu
Blake, Helen
Bratt, Gertrude
Brennan, Georgia
Butler, Pearl

Carse, Elta
Campbell, Kenneth
Churchill, Charles

Dodd, Elmer
DeHaven, Hazel

Earlywine, Vitalles
Ertle, Hilda

Farley, Nellie

Foss, Edwin
Giggey, Nellie
Grimsted, Andrew
George, Clarence

Hansen, Emma
Hatfield, Georgia
Herndon, Beulah
Hilmes, Abigail
Hillier, Willie
Holiday, Sylvia

Joelsohn, Dorothy
Johnson, Walter
Johnson, Oscar

Lewis, Daisy
Lord, Clifford

Matson, Herman
Miller, Bessie
Mosely, John

Neil, Albert
Neterer, Beth

Osborne, Edward
Patton, Clotilde
Pancoast, John
Peters, John
Pettibone, Dwight
Philo, Leona
Plumb, Charles

Rader, Ray
Rathbun, Janet
Rembaugh, Harry
Reuter, Lee
Riddle, Willa
Rosecrans, Almon

Schumacher, Margaret
Siegel, Walter
Silver, Edward
Stanbra, Glen
Stearns, Ralph

Turkington, May
Tutz, James

Wakefield, Frances
Wallace, Wm.
Weagent, Kenneth
Williams, Lynde

CLASS OF 1910 1/2
Abrams, Norma
Andrews, Pearl
Ashby, Winnie

Bell, Beatrice
Borah, Fronia

Clark, Susie
Cowgill, Lillian

DuVal, Calla

Estabrook, Samuel

Fiedler, Anna
Fuller, Alta

Garrett, Ruth
Gordon, Rhona
Graham, Claude
Gullett, Mary
Hamel, Emma
Hamil, Arthur
Harvie, Margery
Hayes, Mina
Headrick, Grace
Hinz, Forest

Kleuter, Alma

Johnson, Ruth

Landry, Loraine
Locke, Grace
Loggie, Adelle
Lucille, Nichols

Macauley, Margaret
McCue, Annie
Mitchell, Laura
Musselman, Hazel
Neher, Angela
Noble, Bertha

Reuter, Josie

Shelton, Maude
Smidell, Della
Spenger, Emma
Stewart, Maude
Sweet, Elsie
Sweet, Inga

VanLiew, Edla
VanWyck, Catherine

Wetmore, Edith
Wing, Percy

Abild, Anna
Adams ,John Middleton
Aitken Evelyn
Anderson, Pearl
Arnold, John Lewis
Arnold, John

Barker, Louis Turner
Barnes, Elton
Battersby, Donald
Battersby, Clara
Benner, Millie
Bethke, Elvina
Bingham, Vernal
Bissel, Allan
Blair, Iva
Blogett, Myrtle
Bond, Mary
Boyd, Elva
Brand, Agnes
Brisbin, Clare
Brown, Myrtle
Brown, Garnet
Brown, Emilie
Bruce, Ruth
Butler, Marguerite
Byrne, Mary

Canfield, Luzelle
Carrol, Ida
Carver, Foster
Charroin, Arthur
Cloak, Wellington
Cloak, Victor Cory
Cook, Huldah
Cooper, Nellie
Cornelius, Clarence Chris
Cupples, Dorothy

Davenport, Wilson Earl
Deene, Laura
Depew, Suzie
Driggs, Marguerite

Eager, Winifred
Earles, Grace

Fletcher, Dana Martin
Fletcher, Mabel
Gaaseland, Lizzie
Gaffeny, Thomas
George, Gladys
Gerry, Merville
Gibb, William Earle
Giles, Myrtle
Glen, Laura
Glor, Arthur
Goodheart, Geraldine
Goddart, Earnest
Griffith, Donald
Grue, Lillie

Hathaway, Sylvia
Hazelton, Harry Bert
Hefty, Katherine
Hinds, Minnie
Holbrook, Frank Austin
Houghton, Alcina
Howard, Carl
Hoyt, Ina
Huddart, Alfred
Hughes, May

Jeanson, Nelle
Johnson, Vesta
Julian, Harrison Hayes

Kaufman, Edith
Kaufman, Katharine
Kelley, Helen
Keene, Daisy
Kennedy, Myrtle
Kilmer, Clara
Kohler, John

Leonard, Adair
Lusk, Constance
Lewis, Stella

Macauley, Jessie
Marshall, Paul
McGorman, Katherine
McLeod, Annie
McMahan, Anna
McMellen, James Albert
Miller, Elvena
Morrison, Lily
Munro, Irene
Murphy, Margaret

Neilsen, Edna
Nelson, Florence
Nordstrom, Ellen
Oeser, May
Oliver, Mary
Owen, James

Parker, LaVerne
Parsons, Maude
Philo, Mabel
Poyser, Ethel

Quackenbush, Leland William

Rademacher, Joseph George
Reeves, Berdie
Reilly, William Newland
Robinson, Bernice
Rockey, Fred
Rutherford, Bert A.

Schmittlap, Herman R.
Schumaker, Harold McKinley
Scott, Sadie
Sharp, Winifred
Shaw, Elizabeth
Shinozaki, Fred
Sletto, Pearl
Sly, Fern
Spenger, Dora
Stadelman, Harry
Strahan, Velma
Strickland, Winnie
Stoddard, Elsie
Sutcliffe, Ralph
Sutherland, Edward
Sutherland, Starr

Tatman, Roe
Thompson, Minnie
Thompson, Clara
Toler, Darris
Trombley, Newel Clarence
Tuck, Effie
Tucker, William Clarence

Verstandig, Harriet

Wade, Ethel
Waldo, Harvey Otis
Warren, Lizzie
Warriner, Marjorie
Wetly, Ethel
West, Alma
Whaley, Julia
Woody, Luella

CLASS OF 1911 1/2
Allen, Lewis
Allen, Frank
Anderson, Ethel
Anderson, Edith
Armstrong, Edwin
Arnott, Fred

Barnard, Rhea
Berg, Daisy
Borgeson, Milton
Bowdish, Celia
Bradley, Elizabeth
Brennan, Ethel
Brown, Pearl
Brown, Vaughan
Byers, Lola

Campbell, Emma
Carlson, Ray
Christle, Sylvia
Cousins, Isabell
Currie, Jessie

Dahl, Edwin
Dahl, August
Darrin, Dorothy
Daw, Myrtle
Donovan, Philip
Dunlap, Helen

Erickson, Alvin
Essig, Hattie
Estergreen, Myrtle

Felton, Florence
Ferguson, Eleanor
Fleury, Marguerite
Glen, Winona
Gordon, Marion
Gray, Margaret

Hansen, Walter
Headrick, Eva
Helgren, Ida
Henry, Rachel
Hooker, Mary
Hurst, Althea

Jenkins, Doris
Johnson, Iva
Johnson, Helga

Knight, Allen F.

, Max
, Anna
, Arthur
Lewis, Dixie
Lewis, Wilahmine
Logsdon, Flosse
Lord, Albert F.
Lyons, Edgar

Matheson, Dogmer
McCort, Margaret
Mee, Alice
Miller, Christina
Miller, Doris
Moen, Sarah
Moultray, Charlotte
Muller, Hans A.
Murphy, Frank
Mussulman, Pearl

Nobles, James T.
Offerman, Herbert
Ottestad, John Ray
Owen, Bernice

Peringer, Ruth
Peterson, Agnes
Pickney, Frank A.
Pope, Olive
Power, Marguerite

Rademacher, Esther
Rasmussen, Theodore
Robertson, Muriel
Royer, Helen

Sheedy, May
Shields, Muriel
Siemons, Allen R.
Snider, Orlo
Spearm, Emmons
Stegin, Susie
Stephen, Gladys
Sturbridge, Barbara
Sutcliffe, Clifford

Taylor, Bessie
Titcomb, Robert R.
Thoren, Agnes
True, Louise

Udness, Ingrid
Uhl, James F.
Upston, Mary
Utike, Lizzie

Wherry, Kenneth
Whetmore, Alice
Whipple, Edna
Whitcomb, Gordon
Whittingham, Eugene
Wright, Harriette
Wright, Effie

  FACULTY   cap

EDWIN TWITMYER, Principal - Franklin and Marshall College, Pa., A. B., A. M.
A. F. BECHDOLT, Lafayette College, Pa., A. B., A. M.; Franklin and Marshall College, Ph. D. - English, German.

JENNIE M. WHITMAN - Vassar College, B. A. Special work at University of Chicago - English, Algebra.
IRENE HUNT - University of Washington, A. B.; University of Nebraska - History, Civics, Chemistry.
FANNIE M. LEES - High School and Private Normal - Mathematics.
ANNA GRAHAM - Nevada University; University of California - Mathematics.
HILDAH B. HAINKE - Milwaukee State Normal; University of Wisconsin, Ph. B. - Physics.
ANNA M. BROADHEAD - State Normal University, Illinois; University of Illinois, B. A.; graduate work of University of Illinois - Botany, Physical Geography.
M. GENEVIEVE WILSON - Chico, California, State Normal; University of California, A. B. - Latin and English.
MARY E. ROBB - Greenville (Ill.) College, Ph. B.; University of Chicago, Ph. M. - Latin and English.
HARRISON G. MARTIN - State University, Tenn. Lebanon Law School, L. L. D.
EMILY B. CARTER - Wash. State College, A. B. - Mathematics.
ALICE M. FROST, A. B. - Hamlin Normal, Hamlin, Minn.; University of Michigan, '05, Ann Arbor, Michigan - English and Physical Geography.
GRACE AULD - State Normal School, Bellingham.  Northwest Business College, Bellingham; Wilson's Modern Business College, Seattle, Wash. - Business Department.
HELEN M. SEDGWICK - Iowa City High School.  Special in English and History, Iowa State University - English.
JESSE C. FRENCH - Madrid High School, Potsdam Normal School, Middleburg College, A. B. - German and History.
E. S. HOWELL - Seattle High School, University of Washington, A. B., 1907 - Geometry and Algebra.
FANNIE E. BRAYTON - University of Wisconsin, A. B., 1903 - English and Ancient History.



Austin, George R. - Teacher, Seattle.
Gawley, Josie  - Patch, Idaho
Packer, Ray - Teacher, Clearbrook, Wash.


Burrows, Richard - Sacramento, Cal.
Strand-Robin, Mrs. Josie - Portland, Ore.
Underwood-Collier, Mrs. Hattie - South Bellingham.
Atkins-Mason, Mrs. May - Bellingham.
Atkins, Burwell - Montana.
Coleman-White, Mrs. Nettie - Bellingham.


Caulkins, Stella - Maple Falls, Wash.
Rodgers, Rose - Portland, Ore.
Howe-Boston, Mrs. May - Bellingham.
McBride-Stevens, Annie - California.
Richardson, Harry - Music teacher, Bellingham.
Alexander, Will - Seattle.


Mitchell, Thomas W. - School of Finance, New York.
Strand-Pidwell, Mrs. Phoebe - San Francisco.
Wilmore, Carrie - Bellingham.


Pratt, Will D. - Deputy postmaster, Bellingham.
Lindberry, Charles A. - Assistant city engineer.
Childs, Frank - Lake Whatcom.
McRae, Harvey - Kendall, Wash.
McMillan, Emmett - Deceased.
Hadley, Roy O. - Seattle.
Calvert-Shaw, Mrs. Narcia - Tacoma, Wn.
Donovan-Bacon, Mrs. Mabel - Bellingham.
Howe-Childs, Mrs. Myrtle - Lake Whatcom.
Coleman-McLean, Mrs. Mamie - Everett, Wash.
Whiting-Sharpe, Mrs. Nellie - Rossland, B. C.
Penfield-Marchand, Mrs. Bertha - Everson.


Caulkins, Glenn - Teacher in Bellingham.
McLeod, Jennie - Governor's stenographer, Olympia.
Pratt, Hattie - Teacher Bellingham.
Reasoner, Frank - Am. Tugboat Company.
Lenhardt, Conrad - Bellingham.
Watkins, Nettie - Slum work, Liverpool.
Pierce, Genevia - In Mission School, Shiloh, Maine.
Johnson, Lillian - Deceased.
Lobe, Gussie - Stenographer, Bellingham
Fouts, Edith - Teacher, Bellingham.
Stadelman, Pearl - Portland, Ore.
Griffith, Florence - Bellingham.


Berkman, Herbert - U. of W. insurance agent, Bellingham.
Darwin, Mariam - Deceased
Dellinger, Hattie - Graduate Whatcom Normal, teacher, Bellingham.
Dunbar Fredson, Mrs. Cecelia - Shelton, Wash.
Fadden, Garfield - Ex-student U. of W., Seattle.
Garness-Aniksdat, Bertha - Bellingham.
Gilligan, Edward - Deceased
Griggs, Stephen - California.
Griggs, Urban - Deceased.
Knight, Gyneth - Teacher, West Seattle.
Knight, Jessie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Laube, Will - Law firm, Seattle.
Lee, Pearl - Teacher, Bellingham.
Likins, Fred - Bellingham.
Lutz, Walter - Pharmacist, Bellingham.
McBride, Mary - Teacher, Bellingham.
Reid, John - Tonopah, Nevada.
Rogers, Roy - U. of W., Seattle, Wash.
Siemons, Lena - Bellingham.
Cissna-Waples, Mrs. Avilla - Lynden, Wash.


Ambrose, James - Assist. manager Diamond Brick & Tile Co., Portland, Ore.
Barbo-Chase, Mrs. Mae - Bellingham.
Bell, Carl - Deming, Wash.
Caldwell-Berens, Mrs. Ada - Seattle.
Diehl, Hugh - Machinist, Bellingham.
Edens, Maude - Seattle, Wash.
Fancy, Jay - Spokane, Wash.
Graham, Helen - California.
Griggs-Brown, Mrs. Bessie - Bellingham.
Hobart-Prouty ,Mrs. Amy - Bellingham.
Jones-Curtis, Mrs. Nellie - Ferndale, Wash.
Lenhart, Katherine - Teacher, Bellingham.
Lewellen, Sadie - Teacher, Bellingham.
McArthur-Gibson, Sadie - Bellingham.
McBride, Nellie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Peters, Fred - Bellingham.
Pierce, Hattie - Shiloh, Maine.
Ryan, Mae - Bellingham.


Allfree, Barney - Mail carrier, Bellingham.
Beel-Clark, Mrs. Nella - Bellingham.

Brand, Nellie - Bookkeeper, Bellingham.
Cade-Mercy, Mrs. Essie - Bellingham.
Dakin, Elsie - Teacher, Shelton, Wash.
Decker, Manette - Bellingham.

Donovan-Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth - Seattle.
Edene, Olive - Teacher, Bellingham.
Gilligan-Carr, May - Bellingham.
Gloster, Richard - U. of W., Seattle.
Harris, Lucius - Mail carrier, Bellingham.
Jackson, H. Clare - U. of W., Seattle.
Latta, Nellie - Bellingham.

McElmon, Fred - Philadelphia, Penn.
Penfield, Minnie - Teacher, Silver Beach.

Richendrer, Alverna - Teacher, Bellingham.
Smart, Susie - Portland, Ore.
Spencer, Nellie - Bellingham.
Sweet, Laura - Teacher, Bellingham.


Bailey, Ralph - Ferndale, Washington.
Biggs, Statira - Teacher, Mount Vernon.
Byer, Hebe - Bellingham.

Griffith, Mabel - Bellingham.
Hadley, Clyde - Stanford University, California.
Jacobs, Cecelia - Teacher, Nooksack, Wash.
Johnson, Alice - Teacher, Badger, Wash.
Jones, Evelyn - Teacher, Chuckanut, Wash.
Loop, Enzo - Diamond Palace, Bellingham.
McGinnis Hildebrand, Mrs. Myrtle - Bellingham.
Minton, Venna - Stenographer, Bellingham.
Palmquist, Mary - Deceased.
Pratt, Mrs. - Bellingham.
Richendrfer, Mary - Tacoma.
Shumway, Minnie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Stadleman, Francis - Stenographer, Bellingham.
Steen, Mable - Teacher, Anacortes, Wash.
Stengler, Edward - University of California, Berkley.

Thompson, Harry - Pharmacist, Everson, Wash.


Baker, Edna - Northwestern University, Chicago.
Chandler-Fisher, Mrs. Florence.
Cissna, Ray - Home Loan Co., Bellingham.
Dean, Oscar - Dentist, Blaine, Wash.
Donovan, Sidney - Clerk, Pettibone Abstract Co.
Halstead-Carley, Mrs. Lucy - Clipper.
Harmon, Fred - Bellingham.
Jackson, Lelah - Teacher, Enterprise.
Laube, Fred - Student U. of W.
Leach, Kenneth - Student U. of W.
Linse, Gladys - Teacher, Beach.
Loop-Burgess, Mrs. Maude - Maple Falls, Wash.
Oertli, Henry - N. A. O. S. W., Bellingham.
Palmquist-Kelly, Mrs. Emma - Livingston, Mont.
Peters, Will - Student U. of W.
Raper-Bean, Mrs. Edna - Bellingham.
Turnbull, George - P. I., Seattle.
Wakefied, Louise - Bellingham.
Wakefield, Sidney - Bellingham.
Wallace, Dorothy - Teacher, Bellingham.
White, Coral - Student U. of W.
Woody, Mable - Teacher, Bellingham.


Austin, Edith - Teacher, Clear Lake, Wn.
Birney, Ethel - Teacher, Bellingham.
Cade, Richard - Alaska.
Campbell, Nellie - Student, Pullman, Wash.
Coffman, Myrtle - Leader Company, Bellingham.
Edens, Nettie - Clerk postoffice, Bellingham.
Griggs, Mark - Portland, Ore.
Hadley, Earl - Stanford University.
Lilley, Clarence - Home Security Savings Bank, Bellingham.
Miller, Madge - Stenographer, Bellingham.
Palmer, Ernest - Bellingham.
Raymond, Harry - Teacher, Stanwood, Wn.
Roller, Floyd - U. of W.
Schenck, Grace - Stenographer, Bellingham.
Schroeder-Keefe, Mrs. Ella - Seattle.
Siemons, George - Bellingham.
Simpson, Grace - Stenographer, Bellingham.
Spencer, Hattie - Leader Company, Bellingham.
Sweet, Ellen - Teacher, Everson, Wash.
Thayer-Peters, Mrs. Maud - Bellingham.
Thomas, Anna - Bellingham.
Turner, Marion - California.
Wescott, Mattie - Herald office, Bellingham.
Worthington, Allan - Philadelphia, Penn.


Ambrose, Julia - Teacher, Everson, Wash.
Bell, John - Bell Grocery Co., Tacoma, Wash.
Biggs-Smith, Mrs. Doris - Chicago, Ill.
Brown, Winnie - Bellingham.
Burman, John - Home Security Savings Bank, Bellingham.
Cooper, Alton - Bellingham.
Gilroy, John - Postal clerk, Bellingham. 
Gooch, Edwin - Bellingham Herald, Bellingham.
Hanna, Morton - Dentist at Tacoma, Wash.
Julien, Lester - Bellingham.
Kern, Beulah - Stenographer, Anacortes, Wash.
Laube, Leona - Bellingham.
Lea, Elizabeth - Bellingham.
Mackey, Walton - U. of W.
Miller, Helen - Teacher, Sedro-Woolley.
Pence, Ada - B. S. N. S.
Rickerson, Hugh - Northwest Hardware Co., Bellingham.
Robbins, Robert - Business College, Seattle, Wash.
Rogers-Cole, Mrs. Hattie - Bellingham.
Roth, Edna - U. of W.
Spearin, Lena - Whatcom Dental Parlors, Bellingham.
Spenger-Rath, Mrs. Elizabeth - Bellingham.
Smith, Grace - Bellingham.
Stanbra, Pearl - University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash.
Stearns, Lucien - Stanbra's bicycle shop, Bellingham.
Tafel, Ernest - Stanford University.
Wahlstrand, Anna - Bellingham.
Waples, Edna - Bellingham.
Wilson, Ada - Bellingham.
Wyckoff, Halsey - Railway postal clerk, Bellingham-Anacortes.


Armstrong, Grace - B. S. N. S.
Baylor, Edna - Bellingham.
Brown, Earle - U. of W.
Brown, Roy - U. of W.
Carlson, Earnest - U. of W.
Carver, Coston - U. of W.
Chandler, Ione - U. of  W.
Dakin, Warren - Alaska.
Drake, Fred - U. of W.
Evans, Winnie - B. S. N. S.
Farnkenburg, Arthur - Art Institute, Chicago, Ill.
Ferris, Pearl - Teacher, Vancouver, Wash.
Fowler, Harry - U. of W.
Gooch, Mildred - Doe Bay, Wash.
Harvey, Lois - San Francisco, Cal.
Hughes, Nannie - Telephone Operator, Bellingham.
Hunt, Clara - U. of W.
Johnson, Ella - Bellingham.
Kistenmaker, Anna - Teacher, Mt. View, Wash.
Krieter, Gladys - Teacher, Whatcom County.
Lewellen, Maud - Ferndale, Washington.
Liddy, Mae - Hegg Photographer, Bellingham.
Lindberry, Jennie - Los Angeles, Cal.
Marsh, Ivan - Tacoma, Wash.
North, May - Citizens Bank, Lynden, Wash.

Pebley, Walter - Deming, Wash.
Peters, Charles - Bellingham.
Rickerson-Barlow, Mrs. Maude - Bellingham.
Selby, Irene - Teacher, Blaine.
Siemons, Frank - Siemon's Shingle Company, Bellingham.
Slater, Doy - U. of W.
Souders, Bessie - B. S. N. S.
Stenger, Lottie - Bellingham.
Sutherland, George - Bellingham.
Sweet, Will - Commercial Photographer.
Thompson, Everett - U. of W.
Van Ostrand, Pearl - B. S. N. S.
Weisenburger, Marie - Barker's florist shop, Bellingham.
Witter, Martha - B. S. N. S.
Wooldridge, Walter - Washington State College, Pullman.
Young, Mabel - U. of W.


Ambrose, Juanita - B. S. N. S.
Bates, Clarence - U. of W.
Brown, Fred - Fisk Grocery, Bellingham.
Canfield, Ione - B. S. N. S.
Clarke, Mabel - Northwest University, Evanston, Ill.
Cogswell, Vera - U. of W.
Dean, Edna - U. of W.
Des Aulniers, Frances - B. S. N. S.
Dickinson, Retta - Bellingham.
Glessman, Hazel - Teacher, Everett, Wash.
Grue, Carl - Bellingham.
Gunst, Jeanette - Corpus Christi, Texas.
Hughes, Edgar - Patternmaker, San Francisco, Cal.
Johnson, Carl - Everett, Washington.
Jones, Harold - Balfour Guthrie Company, Portland.
Keene, Alfred - Gibbert Dental Parlors, Bellingham.
Keene, Elsie - B. S. N. S.
Kline, Harry - Mt. Baker District.
Lee, Clifford - Machinist, Bellingham.
Markley, Nina - Bellingham.
McLeod, May - Teacher, Bellingham.
Miller, Louise - B. S. N. S.
Mitchell, Belle - Bookkeeper, Whatcom R. R. & Light Company, Bellingham.
Morrison, Agnes - B. S. N. S.
Neterer, Samuel - Pullman College, Pullman, Wash.
Osburn, Winnie - Marietta, Wash.
Osgood, Mabel - Bellingham.
Parker, Tom - Marshall-Wells Hardware Company, Portland, Ore.
Raymond, Chester - U. of W.
Roos, Alfred - Bellingham High, Post-graduate course.
Schneider, Earnest - Bellingham.
Schumacher, Charles - Home Telephone Company, Bellingham.
Smith, Blanche - Bellingham.
Speding, Hanna - B. S. N. S.
Swartz, Rossae - U. of W.
Twiss, Edna - B. S. N. S.
Wetmore, Maud - B. S. N. S.
Whim, Floyd - U. of W.


Andrews, Walter - Bellingham.
Barnett, Pearl - B. S. N. S.
Bowman, William - B. S. N. S.
Brand, Kenneth - Whitman.
Brown, Cora - Custer.
Brown, Myrtle - B. S. N. S.
Brisbin, Leila - Bellingham.
Daupheny, Kathryn - Bellingham.
Dent, Vera - Stenographer, Bellingham.
Everett, Ivah - Teach. Beach, Wash.
Fish, Effie - B. S. N. S.
Gage, Marguerite - Wells College, Aurora, N.Y.
Getz, Carrie - Bellingham.
Herndon, Ethel - B. S. N. S.
Hildebrand, Alma - B. S. N. S.
Honrath, Emma - B. S. N. S.
Honrath, Freda - B. S. N. S.
Hope, Bernice - Long Beach, California.
Hughes, Hazel - B. S. N. S.
Hughes, Edward - U. of W.
Hunt, Herbert - Bellingham.
Kaylor, Howard - Bellingham.
Kaylor, Paul - U. of W.
Kimball, Mabel - Wilson's Business College.
Kimball, Julia - Wilson's Business College.
Kreidl, Ida - B. S. N. S.
Lilley, Alice - Bellingham.
Mansfield, Austin - U. of W.
Marshall, Bert - Deming.
McCoubrey, Arthur - Aberdeen.
McCullough, Craig - Reporter, American Reveille.
McLeod, John - Bellingham.
Nakamoto, Yozo - Japan.
Neilson, Zera - Ferndale.
Park, Frances - Van Wyck.
Pebley, Leon - Deming.
Peime, LeRoy - Lynden.
Peters, Howard - Bellingham.
Purdy, Mildred - Wells College, Aurora, N. Y.
Richendrfer, Adah - Bellingham Bay Institute.
Roth, Victor - U. of W.
Roeder, Aryeness - Washington D. C.
Schwartz, Morris - B. S. N. S.
Smaby, Leone - Bellingham.
Stewart, Katie - B. S. N. S.
Taylor, Irene - U. of W.
Teel, Marie - Whitman.
Thomas, Marguerite - Long Beach, Cal.
Van Wyck, Philip - Perdue, Ind.
Wescott, Maude - B. S. N. S.
Welbon, Vida - Post-graduate.
Wiburg, Martha - B. S. N. S.
Williams, Robert - Bellingham.
Wycoff, Hulett - U. of W.
Wyman, David - Bellingham.
Zobrist, Ida - Wickersham.
Zobrist, Gertrude - Wichersham.
Roos, Alfred - Bellingham.



Lehman, Nettie - Mrs. DeWitt, Bellingham.
McMillan, Clifford - Cashier, First National Bank, Bellingham.


Day, Margaret - Mrs. Geddes, Vancouver, B. C.
Day, Pearl - Mrs. Rhandell, Nanaimo, B. C.
Heberdeen, William - Bellingham.
Roll, Anna - Mrs. Marion Edwards, Seattle.
Smith, Frank - Lumber business, Avon, Wash.


Barlow, Tony Marvin - Dentist, Bellingham.
Hallaran, George - Druggist, Everson.
Huntoon, Helen - Mrs. Marvin Barlow, Bellingham.
Johanson, Joel - Rhodes' scholarship, Oxford.
Lunkley, Rollie - Seattle.
Mackey, Mary - Mrs. Buckstan, Orcas Island.
McNeil, Elizabeth - Teacher, Spokane.
Witter, M. B. - Seattle.
Wright, Edgar - Lawyer, Seattle.


Andrews, May - Deceased.
McDermoth, Isabel - Mrs. Sargent, Aberdeen.
Stevens, Bessie - Mrs. Mason, Seattle.
Stevens, Elizabeth - Deceased.


Ames, Walcott - Draughtsman, Seattle.
Andrews, Laura - Mrs. Fairhurst, Bellingham.
Bollong, Ethel - Mrs. Beauchamp, Bellingham.
Clarke, Sarah - Mrs. Bryan, Bellingham.
Dodson, Ava - Teacher, S. B. High School.
Dodson, George - Merchant, Bellingham.
Griffin, David - Alaska.
Huntoon, Richard - Lawyer, Seattle.
Luthe, Hettie - San Francisco.
McDermoth, Maud - Mrs. Alburty, Aberdeen.
Salvo, Laura - Mrs. Murray, Seattle.
Woodin, Maud - Mrs. Oakley, Anacortes.


Anderson, Gertrude - Mrs. Carpenter, Bellingham.
Auld, Grace - Teacher, N. B. High School.
Black, Cecil - University of California, '06.
Boal, Alvia - Seattle.
Brightman, Frank - Lawyer, Seattle.
Burt, Emile - Los Angeles, Cal.
Fillmore, Flora.
German, Lavelle - P. A. F., Bellingham.
German, William - Mail carrier, Bellingham.
Hayes, Grace - Mrs. Thomas, Bellingham.
Henspeter, Myra - Seattle, Wash.
Hopkins, Robert - Brakeman, N. P. R. R.
Hoskins, Eugene - Letson & Burpee, Bellingham.
Keller, Harry - Wisconsin.
Lindstrom, Alla - Mrs. Aignstrom, Tacoma.
Luce, Ethelyn - Mrs. J. Eterling Yuill, Bellingham.
Makimo, Henry - Chicago, Ill.
McNeil, Alice - Deceased.
Miller, Lillian - Teacher in High School, Seattle.
Nichols, Guy - Machinist, Bellingham.
Padden, John - Alaska.
Shidler, Ada - Burlington, Wash.
Slattery, John - Washington D. C.
Slattery, Thomas - American-Reveille, Bellingham.
Witter, Clarice - Mrs. McLean, Steilacoom.
Wright, Ewart - Anacortes.


Cook, Mabel - Mrs. Biggar, Bellingham.
Fowler, Frank - Denver, Colorado.
Frisbee, Zalia - Bellingham.
Griffin, Claire - Mrs. Peterson, Portland.
Hankins, Bertha - Mrs. Holbrook, Bellingham.
Hibbs, Laura - Mrs. Jenkins, Bellingham.
Hohl, Ross - Bookkeeper, Bellingham.
Ireland, Malissa - Ferndale.
Marsh, Nellie - Bellingham.
McGlynn, Robert - Olympia.
Smith, William - Plumber, Bellingham.
Stenvig, Hjalma - Teacher, Bellingham.
Watanabo, Densaho - Japan.


Adams, Maud - Bellingham.
Auld, Ray - Bellingham.
Bauer, Carrie - Bellingham.
Blevins, Lloyd - Deceased.
Charroin, Eugene - Teacher, Bellingham.
Charroin, Ida - Teacher, Bellingham.
Crum, Rufus - Rancher, Idaho.
Dodson, Harley - Clerk, Bellingham.
Finnegan, George - Finnegan & Morrison, druggists, Bellingham.
Grant, Laura - Seattle.
Hanna, Bessie - B. B. I. Mill, Bellingham.
Hayaku, Fmiyashi - Japan.
Hilton, Merle - Mrs. Curtis, Seattle.
Keene, Annie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Lehman, Rovella - Clerk, Bellingham.
Little, Jocie - Teacher, Mount Vernon.
MacNiel, Katharine - Teacher, Mount Vernon.
Morrison, Elmer - Druggist, Finnegan & Morrison, Bellingham.
Murchison, Alice - U. of W., Seattle.
Nichols, Matie - Mrs. Walsworth, Bellingham.
Sears, Florence - Snohomish.
Smith, Lillie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Sweeny, Clayton - P. A. F., Bellingham.
Tabor, Justin - Deceased.
Thiel, Christine - Teacher, Bellingham.
Uhlmann, Freda - Teacher, Bellingham.
Wells, Walter - Bellingham.


Cloak, Ellen - Mrs. Thedo, Bellingham.
Hankins, Bessie - Clerk, Bellingham.
Hipkoe, Max - U. of W., Seattle.
Merideth, Pearl - Mrs. Alexander, Bellingham.
McLeod, Mamie - Bellingham.
O'Neill, Angela - Teacher, Fortson, Wash.
Wall, Lenore - Teacher, Blaine.
Warinner, Emily - American-Reveille, Bellingham.


Brennan, B. - Teacher, Bellingham.
Craven, Leslie - Univeristy of California.
Day, Grace - Mrs. Finnegan, Bellingham.
Dean, Homer - Druggist, Everett.
Drake, Bartlett - Northwestern State Bank, Bellingham.
Eager, Vernon - Pullman, '08.
Fowle, Page - Seattle.
Gooch, Bessie - Beach, Lummi Island.
Griffin, Joseph - Timekeeper, Bellingham.


Drake, Fred - Dorr & Hadley's law office, Bellingham.
Fowler, Harry - U. of W., Seattle.
Gooch, Mildred - Beach, Lummi Island.
Hankins, Lessie - Student, B. S. Normal School, Bellingham.
Henry, Tillie - Student, B. S. Normal School, Bellingham.
Lang, Paul - Bellingham.
Moyer, Aimee - Student, B. S. Normal School, Bellingham.
Salvo, Winnie - Teacher, Bellingham.
Uhlmann, Rosa - Millinery dept., Leader, Bellingham.
Witter, Martha - Student, B. S. Normal School, Bellingham.


Beckwith, Oral - Bellingham.
Fowler, Stella - Student, B. S. Normal School, Bellingham.
Norman, Venn - Dental College, Portland.
Pelegren, Mary - Millinery dept., Leader, Bellingham.
Salvo, Willard - Bellingham.
Skatbo, Erling - Nelson, B. C.
Smith, Blanche - Bellingham.
Tiedje, Henry - Bellingham.
Van Curen, Viola - Student, B. S. Normal School, Bellingham.
Wright, Newell - Lake Samish.

Note: The class of '99 and the class of '00 were not identified separately and so both groups are listed under Class '99.

(Mt. Baker)

Volume Four    Nineteen Hundred Eight
Published by the Senior Class of Bellingham High School
Bellingham, Washington

Griggs Stationery and Printing Co., Bellingham.

Copied by Susan Nahas, May 2000.  Thanks to Darilee, the Book Store Lady, for making this yearbook available.

All pages on the Whatcom County, WA  GenWeb project are copyright protected. 

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