Whatcom County Obituaries

Surnames Beginning with "Z"

ZELLERS, Lillie (d. 1937)

Funeral services for Mrs. Lillie Zellers, aged 79 years, beloved wife of the late John Zellers, Civil War veteran, who passed away at a local hospital Wednesday, December 1, after one months' illness, were held in the Cathedral Chapel of the Homer Mark Mortuary this morning, December 3, at 9 o'clock, with the Rev. Frederick W. Carstens, pastor of the First Baptist Church officiating. The remains were taken to Retsil, Washington, where interment was made. Mrs. Zellers had been a resident of the State of Washington for the past thirty-two years, ten years of which she had resided in Bellingham. She was a member of the Women's Relief Corps of the G. A. R. Surviving relatives are one brother, George Bowden, city; one sister, Mrs. Anna Hinchcliffe, in Florida, and several nieces and nephews.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 3, 1937) Submitted by site coordinator.

ZENOR, Howard (d. 1931)

Howard Zenor, Civil War Veteran, Passes
Funeral services for Howard H. Zenor, Civil war veteran, who died at a local hospital Monday, aged 89 years, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Bingham-Dahlquist funeral home. The Rev. Fred Alban Weil, formerly of Bellingham, and the Rev. James M. Wilson will officiate. Cremation will follow. Mr. Zenor had lived in Bellingham twenty-three years. In the Civil war he served with the Fourteenth Indiana infantry, Company F, and was a member of the George H. Thomas post of the G.A.R., Deer Lodge, Mont. Relatives surviving are the widow, Mrs. Helen Zenor; one son, Nicholas Howard Zenor, Phoenix, Ariz.; one sister, Reta Zenor, Indiana; one brother, William Zenor, Indiana, and two grandchildren.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 28, 1931) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

ZIEMBA, Martin (d. 1938)

ZIMMER, Ferdinand (d. 1912)

Ferdinand Zimmer, aged 83, father of John Zimmer of Mt. View, died at his residence last Monday, of stomach trouble and senile decay. The funeral took place from the Mennonite Church on Wednesday last, and the interment was Mt. View Cemetery. Deceased was born in Austria in January, 1829. He came to this county, located in Nebraska, where he resided until the death of his wife some seven years ago, when he came to this state and has since that time resided with his son John. He has been a constant sufferer and death came more as a relief than a regret to him. He was well liked and respected by all.
(From The Ferndale Record, August 16, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

ZINN, Katherine (d. 1891)

Mrs. Katharine Zinn, mother of Mrs. J. A. Kerr, of this city, died at the home of her daughter at 10:30 o'clock Monday night. She had been in ill health for years, and never fully recovered from an attack of la grippe, which came upon her months ago. Mrs. Zinn was born at Van Wort, Ohio, September 28, 1836. While quite young she moved with her parents to Elkhart, Ind., where he childhood and youth were passed. In October, 1856, she became the wife of Mr. S. E. Zinn, who survives her. They removed to Newton, Iowa, where they lived for twenty-seven years, until they removed to Fairhaven, in February last. Mrs. J. A. Kerr, of this city is the only surviving child of the deceased.
(From The World, Fairhaven, Wash., Dec. 4, 1891) Submitted by site coordinator.

ZOBRIST, Godfried (d. 1893)

Godfried Zobrist, 32 years of age, a resident of Acme, who was brought to St. Luke's hospital suffering with lung trouble, died yesterday. His remains will be taken to Acme for interment. He is a brother of Peter, John and Fred Zobrist.
(From The Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 5, 1893) Submitted by site coordinator.

ZOBRIST, Michael (d. 1937)

Mike Zobrist, who will be remembered by many of the old time residents of Acme, Clipper and vicinity, passed away at the home of his niece Margaret Braas in Seattle on April 4th, according to word received this week. Mr. Zobrist was a former resident of Clipper, where for many years he lived on a ranch. He has made his home in Seattle for the past 17 years and was 86 years of age at the time of his death. Funeral services were held from the parlors of the Home Undertaking Co. in Seattle on April 7th and the remains were cremated.
(From The Deming Prospector, April 23, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.

ZWEEGMAN, Leonard (d. 1918)

In the presence of a large gathering of friends by whom he was universally honored, funeral services for the late Leonard Zweegman were conducted Wednesday afternoon at the Christian Reformed Church by the Rev. E. Breen. Mr. Zweegman passed away Sunday, following an illness of five months. He was born August 3, 1876. He was married to Miss Margaret Schuyleman in 1898, and came to Washington seventeen years ago. During his long residence in Lynden, he won the respect and esteem of the community, and his passing will be generally mourned. Besides his widow, he is survived by his father and mother, four children -- Ernestina, Marie, Lewis, and Frances G. -- four sisters, Mrs. G. Vander Griend, Mrs. Jacob DeBoer, Mrs. Arnold Blankers, Mrs. D. Rutgers, and one brother, Jacob Zweegman.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 28, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.

ZWICK, Angeline (d. 1918)

Mrs. Angeline Zwick, aged 89 years, passed away this morning at the home of her son, Charles W. Zwick, of Deming, after an illness of several months. Mrs. Zwick had resided in Deming for the past eight years and was much loved by the large number of friends left to mourn her loss. She is survived by one son and one daughter, Charles S. Zwick, of Deming, and Mrs. B. Orr, residing at Glenn Miller, Ont.; also one grandson survives, Corporal George R. Zwick, Camp Harney, Cal. Funeral services will be held Sunday, March 17, at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from the Zwick home, Deming, with Rev. B. K. McElmon, of Bellingham, officiating. Interment will be made in Deming cemetery.       Image
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 15, 1918)

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