Whatcom County Obituaries

Surnames Beginning with "N"

NACE, James B. (d. 1919)

Pioneer friends of the late James Nace gathered in Lynden Tuesday afternoon for the funeral of one of Lynden's prominent early settlers. Mr. Nace passed away at 2 o'clock Saturday morning at a Bellingham hospital as the result of an accident Friday afternoon, when he fell to the pavement while he was helping a youth load a wagon on to an auto truck. His skull was fractured. Rev. W. O. Benadom conducted the services at Knapp's Parlors. The pall bearers, all pioneer friends of Mr. Nace, were J. C. Anderson, Geo. Taylor, T. H. Tobiasson, Ed Edson, R. E. Hawley and Harvey Slade. Mr. Nace had been living at Custer for the past seventeen years. He is survived by two sons and two daughters.
(From The Lynden Tribune, October 16, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

NASH, Daniel P. (d. 1906)

Mr. Daniel P. Nash died in Bellingham March 16th 1906 of consumption. He was born in the state of Ohio, Lake County, in the town of Perry in the year 1861. He was 44 years old. He moved with his parents to Michigan at the age of three. In 1876 he was married to Miss Inez Mann. He moved to the state of Washington with his wife and daughter in 1878 where he has since resided. After the death of his first wife he was married July 4th 1901 to Mrs. Nancy E. Thompson. He leaves a wife, two daughters, an aged mother, a half brother and sister and a step-father aged eighty-two, one full brother and a host of friends to mourn his loss. He was a member of the church of God and died trusting in the Lord. He came to Blaine in the time of the boom. He was a kind man with a heart big enough to love everyone. The bereaved family mourn his loss and the vacant chair no more to be filled by him.
(From the Blaine Journal, March 31, 1906) Submitted by site coordinator.

NEFF, Henry W. (d. 1911)

Another Sad Bereavement.
Henry Webb Neff was accidentally killed at Arlington, Washington, about three o’clock Thursday afternoon, January 13 1911, by a flying fragment of rock from a blast set in blowing out a stump. He had gone to Arlington to work for his friend, L. Heath, who was clearing off a piece of ground preparatory to building a fine residence on his ranch near town. Mr. Neff was assisting in the clearing and while the blasts were being fired by an expert, he was on the public road to prevent any one attempting to pass and when struck down was fully 700 feet from the blast and looking down the road. The rock that killed him struck him in the back of the head, to the left of the right ear and his death was instant and painless. The remains were at once sent by Mr. Heath to an undertaking establishment where they were embalmed and prepared for burial, arriving at his home in Acme on the afternoon Northern-Pacific train. Here they were met and cared for by Protection Camp M.W.A., of which organization he was a member.
The funeral was held from the Acme
Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock, a.m. on Sunday January 15, the services being conducted by Rev. B.K. McElmon, pastor of the church and Rev. A.O. Quall, pastor of the Acme M.E. church. The service was very solemn and touching and very appropriate and the remarks of the pastors on this occasion were calculated to console the bereaved ones and prepare them for the future, while the choir could not have furnished music and song more appropriate than on this occasion. Notwithstanding the severe weather the church was crowded to its capacity with relatives and friend to pay the last sad tribute to the loved one who had been so suddenly taken from us.

Henry Webb Neff was born in Greenville, Ohio, May 30, 1875, the son of Samuel and Mary Neff, and at the time of his death was 32 years, 7 months and 13 days of age. With his parents he moved to Pineville, McDonald County, Missouri, in 1884, where he grew to manhood. In June, 1898, he enlisted as a private in "G" company of Second regiment Missouri Volunteers in the Spanish-American war and served with credit until March, 1899, when , by reason of the closing of the war, he was mustered out at Albany, Georgia. On November 25, 1903, he was united in marriage with Martha E. Peterson in Pineville, Missouri, where he continued to reside until January, 1905, when he came to South Bellingham, at which place he remained until June 1909, when he located in Acme and secured for himself property of which he was making for his family a comfortable little home. He was a sober, upright, honest, hard working man, esteemed and respected by all who knew him, no matter where he lived. He leaves a wife and three children – two girls and one boy, ranging in age from one to six years – to deeply mourn the loss of a kind and considerate husband and loving father. The aged father and mother, three sisters, four brothers, two brothers-in-law and three nieces residing in Whatcom county attended the funeral and deeply and sincerely morn the untimely demise of the departed one. One other brother resides in Oronogo, Missouri, to whom we at once conveyed the sad news.

If we remember correctly, H.W. Neff was a charter member of the M.W.A. camp at Pineville, Missouri, from which camp he transferred to the camp in South Bellingham and from there to the camp in Acme when he made this place his permanent home. the funeral being conducted under the auspices of Protection Camp M.W.A. of Acme, and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Saxon. Mr. Neff never lived at any place or spent a month anywhere but what he could count as friends everyone with whom he became acquainted and his acquaintance was always among the best citizenship of the community. Here in Acme he counted as friends every man, woman and child in the town and vicinity, and when the news of his death was received a pall of deepest sadness and gloom fell upon all. Mr. Heath, the gentleman for whom he was working, regarded him as one of the best men of his acquaintance, and at once made all funeral preparations and at his own expense. The death of this husband, father, son, brother and uncle was a severe blow to all of us and its crushing weight will long be felt by each and every member of the family. His loss to the writer, is that of a dear, kind and considerate brother. He was a brother-in-law of the editor, and since early in 1893 we had been more intimately acquainted with him than with our own brothers, having been with them but very little since 1891, and now the chronicling of his death seems the saddest duty we have been called upon to perform in many long years. Farewell brother, thy memory will remain with us to the end. On behalf of widowed wife, fatherless children, bereaved father and mother, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews we thank the Modern Woodmen of American and citizens of Acme and the pastors of their churches for the sympathy and great kindness shown to all of us in our hour of greatest sorrow and bereavement.
(From The Acme Prospector, January 20, 1911)Submitted by Sherry Smith Sharpe.

NEFF, Samuel (d. 1912)

Samuel Neff, aged 78 years, a veteran of the Civil war and a former resident of South Bellingham, passed away at the family home at Acme, this county, Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, death being due to the infirmities of age. Mr. Neff came to this city several years ago from Pineville, Mo., residing here about four years and later removing to Acme, where he has since resided. Mr. Neff was a member of C. R. Apperson post No. 59, Grand Army of the Republic, of South Bellingham. He enlisted in the regular army of the United States in 1850, serving until the breaking out of the Civil war, when he re-enlisted as a private of the Sixty-ninth regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, and later served as ordnance trainmaster of the Second division, Fourteenth army corps. Mr. Neff is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nancy Neff, of Acme, Wash. at which place also resides two daughters, Mrs. J. W. Kelly and Mrs. W. P. Barnes, and three sons, John, Samuel and Charles Neff. A daughter, Mrs. Mary Warsing, resides at Goshen, this county, and one son, Fred Neff, lives at Oronogo, Mo. Funeral services will be held from the Methodist Episcopal church at Acme Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the pastor, Rev. Quall, officiating. Interment is to take place in the Saxon cemetery, under the direction of Mock & Hill, the local funeral directors. The members of C. R. Apperson post No. 59, G. A. R. have been especially requested to attend the funeral.
(From The Bellingham Herald February 29, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

NEHER, John (d. 1911)

The funeral service for Mr. John Neher, who met his death by drowning May 16, aged 78 years, will be held Friday, May 19, at 2 o'clock p. m., form the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, Rev. G. Wenning, pastor of the German Lutheran church, will officiate. At the time of Mr. Neher's death he was making his home with his son, Mr. Martin Neher, 2015 A street. He was born in Germany in 1833, serving for six years in the German army, and came to America in April, 1884, locating in St. Paul, Minn. After residing there for six years, he moved to Whatcom county April 5, 1890, making his home here since that time. He is survived by one son and one daughter, Mr. Martin Neher and Mrs. Lorenz Neher, residing at Bellingham; several grand-children and a large number of friends to mourn his loss. The funeral car will leave the corner of I and Gerard street at 1:45 p. m. for the convenience of the family and friends. Interment in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 18, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Anna (d. 1902)

Mrs. Nels Nelson died at her home one mile north of the city Saturday, Oct. 18th, after an illness of nearly three months. Mrs. Nelson, whose maiden name was Miss Anna Lind, was born in Sweden, July 7, 1865, and came to this country in 1891. She came directly to Lynden and this place has been her home ever since. She was married to Mr. Nels Nelson on March 25, 1893, and they have resided upon a ranch one mile from the city. To them one child, a son, now seven years old, was born, who with the bereaved husband is left to mourn the loss of mother and wife. Four sisters, Mesdames Hugo Erholm of Whatcom, Jorgen Anderson of Sumas, E. Booman and Carl Swenson of this place and one brother Nels Lind of Lynden, are the other relatives in this vicinity.

Mrs. Nelson had been ill for nearly three months with dropsy and succumbed to the inevitable just before noon Saturday. The funeral was held from the home Monday, the 20th, the Rev. Mrs. Storrey conducting the services. The remains were interred in the cemetery west of the city. `The entire community sympathizes with the husband and son Alfred in their affliction. The home circle is broken and the mother is waiting in the heavenly realm for reunion, where parting shall be no more.
(From The Pacific Pilot, October 23, 1902) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Anna (d. 1926)

Mrs. Anna Nelson, age 37 years beloved wife of Hans Nelson, passed away at the family home after a lingering illness Aug. 7, 1926. She was born in Ironwood, Mich., Nov. 8, 1888, and came to Whatcom county when seven months old with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dahlberg. The deceased was married to Hans Nelson Jan. 14, 1905, and lived here until her death. There leaves to mourn her loss her husband and five children, Lillian, Leroy, James, Florence and Irlene; and also her mother, five sisters and three brothers, John, Carl, Oscar Dahlberg of Ferndale, Mrs. Terrel Pope of Ferndale, Mrs. Emma Scrieber of Ferndale, Mrs. R. Johnston, Mrs. Tilda Bring of Bellingham and Miss Lillian Dahlberg of Ferndale.
(From The Ferndale Record, August 12, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Arthur (d. 1908)

Arthur Nelson, aged 24 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, died at the family home at Deming at an early hour this morning, death being due to pulmonary tuberculosis. Mr. Nelson is survived by his parents, four sisters and four brothers. The funeral will be conducted at the Presbyterian church at Deming tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the interment will follow in the I. O. O. F. cemetery at that place, under the direction of W. H. Mock & Sons.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 25, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Axel (d. 1922)

Funeral services were held at the family residence Saturday afternoon in the presence of a large gathering of friends for the late Axel Nelson, who passed away last week at Washington, D. C. Music was furnished by a quartet from the M. E. Church. Rev. E. O. Grimes conducted the services. Many beautiful floral offerings were received, among them some from the Masonic order at Washington, of which Mr. Nelson was a member. Carl Nelson, a younger brother, of Jamestown, North Dakota, arrived with the body Friday.

Axel Nelson was born in Sweden July 31, 1883. He passed away April 19, 1922. He was a student for a time in Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota, and later in the State University of North Dakota. While still in college, he accepted a position in the War Department of the Government, and was then transferred to the Department of the Interior and sent to Bismark, North Dakota, to work in the Land Office. Some time before his death, he was graduated in law at Columbia University, where he studied at the same time he held a position in the Patent Office. Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Nelson, and his sister, Miss Huldah Nelson, of Lynden, he is survived by a sister and three brothers, all residing in North Dakota.
(From The Lynden Tribune, May 4, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Caroline C. (d. 1933)

NELSON, Henry (d. 1902)

The funeral of Henry Nelson, of Cedarville, who died of heart diseease, was held Sunday afternoon, conducted from the residence. Services were also held at thee grave near the Lawrence Lutheran church in both the Swedish and English language, Rev. Erickson officiated. Deceased was a native of Sweden and was 43 years old. He had been ailing for some time. On the day of his death he started to chop down a stump near his home. After a few strokes he dropped his axe and started for the house but fell stricken in death before reaching it and never spoke again. Mr. Wilson (sic) was a good man; a shingle weaver by trade, and had lived at Cedarville for thirteen years, where he had a good home and 70 acres of land. He was highly respected by his neighbors and all who knew him. A wife and three sons survive him.
(From The Daily Reveille, October 21, 1902) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Henry R. (d. 1920)

Roscoe Nelson died at seven o'clock this morning, after turning suddenly worse yesterday. His last hours were filled with violent coughing spells with a semi-conscious condition all through. Deceased had passed through two serious operations and friends had bright hopes for recovery for a time, only later to see a gradual weakening.

The funeral services over the remains of H. R. Nelson were held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in the M. E. church, Rev. Pollock officiating. The service at the grave was in charge of the Odd Fellows of which the deceased was a member. Deceased came to Blaine in December, 1906, from Newark, Mo., and has lived here since. He was a man of jovial nature and made friends quickly, as was evidenced by the crowded church at the funeral. For several years past he seemed to have been visited with more than his share of misfortunes, first his wife having died and his oldest son following a few months later. His last illness grew from an injury to his knee two years ago which developed into a disease of the bone and later amputation of the leg. Two children, Mildred and Robert, are left, besides the grandparents, several brothers in the east and a sister.
(From The Blaine Journal April 2 & 9, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Ida C. (d. 1925)

Mrs. Ida C. Nelson passed away at a late hour last Sunday evening, Sept. 20, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rodney Linn, at Van Zandt, Wash., at the age of 63 years. She leaves to mourn her, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Linn of Center City, Minn.; three daughters; Mrs. Lillian N. Nelson, of Charleston, Wash.; Mrs. C. J. Sorenson, Bellingham, Wash. and Mrs. Rodney Linn, of Van Zandt, Wash.; two sisters, Mrs. R. C. Tador [Tudor?], Sumas, Wash. and Mrs. Esther Strand, Clipper, Wn. Six brothers, Edward and A. W. Linn, Sumas, Wash.; George and Elmer Linn, of Los Angeles, Cal.; Louis Linn, Center City, Minn., and Fred Linn, Kelthter, Saskatchewan, Canada, and a host of friends she has made during her long residence in this city and Whatcom county. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the Harlow Mortuary Home, Holly and Forest streets, with the Rev. Luther Cornay officiating, assisted by the Rev. Richardson, of Sumas. Interment took place in the family plot at Bay View Cemetery, beside her husband, M. R. Nelson, who passed away in this city, January 11, 1923.
(From The Deming Prospector, September 25, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, John (d. 1923)

John Nelson, for many years a resident of Whatcom county, died shortly before 6 o'clock Wednesday evening, Nov. 14, at his home near here, aged 86 years and 7 months. Mr. Nelson was born in Sweden, April 15, 1837. He came to St. Peter, Minn., fifty-two years ago, his family arriving one year later. About thirty-five years ago he moved his family to this state, living the last seventeen years on his life where he passed away, except four years spent at the home of his son of McMurray. Mr. Nelson is survived by his aged wife, two sons, N. A. Nelson, of New Kensington, Pa., and J. A. Nelson, of Sedro-Woolley; one daughter, Mrs. Emma Mansford, of Toppenish, Wash.; twenty-eight grand-children and a number of great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held on last Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family home, and interment was made at Mt. Hope cemetery under the direction of Undertaker J. C. Gillies, of Sumas.
(From The Deming Prospector, November 23, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Josephine M. (d. 1916)

Josephine M., wife of H. R. Nelson, passed away at the family home here Friday night at 9:30 o'clock after an illness of more than five months. Her condition had gradually grown weaker from the time she was first taken to her bed more than five months ago, although she fought bravely and everything was done by the husband and family. Tuberculosis coupled with several complications, was the cause of her death. The funeral services were held in the M. E. church of which she was a faithful member, on Monday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. J. Fletcher Long officiating, and interment was made in the Blaine cemetery.

Josephine M. Kaylor was born in Newark, Missouri, July 10, 1880, and at the time of her death was 35 years, 6 months and 11 days old. On May 15, 1901 at Newark, Mo., she was united in marriage to H. R. Nelson, who survives her. Four children were born to this union, one dying in its infancy. They are as follows: Eugene, aged 13, Mildred, aged 10, and Robert, aged 6. On Dec. 15, 1906, she came with her family to Blaine and has resided here since. A father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Kaylor, a brother, Floyd C. Kaylor, of Seattle, and a sister, Mrs. Mary Farr of Sidney, Oregon, are left to mourn a faithful daughter and sister, and all of whom were present at the funeral. Two uncles reside in this county, W. F. Kaylor of Blaine, and J. B. Kaylor of Bellingham, besides three aunts in Missouri. The deceased was a faithful wife and mother and during her long illness her devoted husband was almost constantly at her side administering to her wants and leaving nothing undone that might contribute to her comfort. The bereaved husband, children, parents and brother and sister have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.
(From The Blaine Journal, January 28, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Katrina (d. 1905)

Mrs. Katrina Nelson, aged 27 years, died at Redlands, California, Sunday, the 18th inst., of tuberculosis, with which she had been a sufferer for two years. Death was not unexpected. Mrs. Nelson was the wife of Petrus Nelson, proprietor of the Home Restaurant, near the corner of Chestnut street and Railroad avenue, this city. She went to California for the benefit of her health last December, being joined by her husband in February of this year. The husband and two small children were with her at the time of her death. Mrs. Nelson has two sisters living here, her father, R. P. Lauritsen, resides at Ferndale. Mr. Nelson is bringing the body home, having left Redlands last Wednesday. Mrs. Nelson was, at the time of her death, a member of Bellingham Lodge, No. 43, order of Rebekahs. The funeral will be held under the auspices of that order. The body is expected to arrive in the city Sunday, when it will be taken in charge by W. H. Mock & Sons.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, June 24, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Magnus R. (d. 1923)

The death of M. R. Nelson, of Clipper, occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sorenson, of Bellingham, January 18, 1923. He had been suffering for many months from a cancer and had rapidly weakened for the past few weeks, so his death was not unexpected. Mr. Nelson had lived many years in this valley and was a member of the Acme I. O. O. F., a large number of whom attended the funeral services, which were held in Bellingham, Saturday, January 13. He also had many other friends and neighbors who will sadly miss the genial companionship of this respected and honored pioneer. The entire community join in extending sincere sympathy to the bereaved members of the family.
(From The Deming Prospector, January 19, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Mary (d. 1914)

Mrs. Henry Nelson passed away at the Ferndale hospital Monday morning about 1 o'clock. She had been operated on for appendicits on March 1st and until Friday night to all appearances was doing well. From then on she was much worse suffering severely till the end. The deceased was born at Black Mountain, N. C., Nov. 13, 1891. Funeral services were held from the M. E. church on Tuesday. F. A. Acheson, of Seattle, officiating. Interment was made at Enterprise cemetery. The floral offerings were beautiful and suggestive of a pure young life. Mrs. Nelson was much loved by all who knew her and leaves a large number of friends to mourn for her. Besides the husband and baby daughter Inez, she leaves a father, A. S. Milton [Melton], of Asheville, N. C., a sister, Rosa Milton, of Ferndale, and two cousins, Mrs. C. Davidson and Mrs. R. F. Gaddis, also of this place.
(From The Ferndale Record, March 13, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Ogeth A. (d. 1934)

Ogeth Adele Nelson, aged 35 years, passed away at a local hospital Saturday, May 19, following a short illness. Mrs. Nelson had resided at Clear Lake, Wash., for the past four years, previous to which time she resided in Mount Vernon, where she was a member of the Order of Vasa. Surviving relatives are the husband, Axel T. Nelson, Clear Lake; her mother, Mrs. Laura Berg, and one sister, Mrs. George R. Fosmo, of Bellingham; one half-brother, Henry Mollar, and one half-sister, Mrs. Selma Thorason, of route 4, Bellingham, and Peter and Sam Peterson, also half-brothers, of Oakland, Cal.; also four sisters in Norway. The remains are resting at the Harlow-Hollingsworth Funeral Home, where funeral services are being arranged to be announced later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 21, 1934) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Swan H. (d. 1922)

Swan H. Nelson, a former resident of the Lynden district, passed away at his home in Bellingham Tuesday morning (June 1, 1922), at the age of 46 years, after nine months illness. Mr. Swanson (sic) had resided in Bellingham for the past eighteen months and had lived in Whatcom County eleven years, where he has made many friends who will mourn his loss. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Anna Nelson and five sons, Elmer T., Arthur H., Verner E., Carl S., and Harry L., all at the family home; two brothers and one sister also survive. Mrs. Anna H. Nelson, Chicago; N. E. Nelson, Valley, Neb., and Andrew Nelson, Benson, Minn. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon.
(From The Lynden Tribune, June 8, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Thomas (d. 1911)

Thomas Nelson, age 37 years, passed away Monday morning at St. Joseph hospital, after a lingering illness. Mr. Nelson was married last July and leaves a wife to mourn his death. Other surviving relatives are two sisters, Mrs. Mary Lee and Mrs. Wilhelmina Arp, two brothers, August and John P. Nelson, who reside at Taylor, Neb. He was a member of Fairhaven lodge No. 79, I.O.O.F. Funeral services will be conducted from the residence of W. H. Eager, 1310 Easton avenue, October 11, at 2 o'clock, p.m. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery under the direction of Undertaker A. G. Wickman. The officiating minister is B. Been, Baptist minister from Tacoma.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 10, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

NELSON, Thomas (d. 1915)

Funeral services were held last Thursday morning at North Prairie for the late Thomas Nelson, who passed away Wednesday, Dec. 29. The body was shipped to Kansas for burial, Miss Mattie Nelson and Robert Nelson accompanying it. Thos. Nelson was born at Abbington, Washington Co., Va., Dec. 10, 1842. In 1861, he enlisted in Company A, 1st regiment Va. volunteers, Stuart's division of Lee's army of Va., and was severely wounded at Gettysburg July 3, 1863. He was graduated from Medical College of New Orleans, La., in 1867 and was married to Miss Leona Jackson, Jan. 6, 1876 at Little Rock, Ark. To this union nine children were born, eight of whom are still living; one daughter, Katie M., dying in infancy. He moved to Lynden in 1912 from Platte, S. D., where he continued to reside until called home. He leaves to mourn his death five daughters and three sons, and three grandchildren, namely, Mrs. C. H. Wells, Mrs. J. C. VanHorne, Mrs. Leag Williams, Mrs. J. P. Cramer, and Miss Mattie Nelson, R. E., T. J. and J. E. Nelson, all of whom were at his bedside during his last illness.
(From The Lynden Tribune, January 6, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

NESS, Hanna (d. 1937)

NESSET, Ole T. (d. 1936)

Funeral services for Ole T. Nesset, aged 72 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Signe Nesset, who passed away at the family home, Saxon, Wash., May 1, after an illness of about one months' duration, were held at the Lutheran Free church at Saxon, Wash., this afternoon, with the Rev. C. M. Iverson, of Bellingham, officiating. Interment was made in the family plot in Saxon cemetery, under the direction of the Homer Mark mortuary. Mr. Nesset, a Saxon farmer, had been a resident there for the past eleven and one-half years, and was a member of the Lutheran Free church. He leaves to survive besides his widow, one brother, Lars Nesset, Saxon, Wash.; one sister, Mrs. Engeborg Nesset; five cousins, and numerous nieces and nephews. Casketbearers were E. J. Sinnes, L. J. Sinnes, A. J. Sinnes, Andrew Bakke, Sven Bakke, M. J. Meling.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 4, 1936)

NEWELL, Alex (d. 1917)

Alex Newell, one of the earlier residents of Blaine, an honored citizen and a man of steadfast Christian character, passed away Saturday afternoon at the home of his son, Volney. Mr. Newell has steadily failed in health for more than a year, suffering from hardening of the arteries. For several weeks he has been confined to his bed awaiting the summons that he knew would soon come. Months ago the deceased realized that life's span with him was drawing to a close. This was intimated strongly to the writer, who prized a close acquaintance with him. But it seemed to mean little to him. He had for many, many years lived a beautiful Christian life. There was no occasion for any eleventh hour repentance - no regrets for years spent in idleness or dissipation. He was ready for the end. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon in the M. E. church, of which he was a member, Rev. Long officiating.

Alex Newell was born Aug. 25, 1847, and was 70 years old on Aug. 25 last. At Pleasant Ridge, New Brunswick, his birthplace, he grew up to manhood, and was married there in April, 1889, to Miss Ada J. McKinney, who preceded him beyond several years. Two children - Mrs. Inez Jarrett, and Volney B. Newell - were born to this union, both now residents of Blaine. Immediately after their marriage they came to Blaine and have lived here since. Mr. Newell followed the occupation of lumberman during his entire life, and was a skilled worker in the woods. He never lacked for work, as his labor was in demand at all times. He actively followed his occupation up until about two years ago and up until the last it is said that he set a pace that younger men would have difficulty following. Mr. Newell was the last of four brothers. Beside the daughter and son, above noted, he leaves a nephew, S. M. Newell of Anacortes, and two nephews and a niece in New Brunswick. Many years ago he was converted and joined the Methodist church remaining a faithful member throughout his life.
(From The Blaine Journal December 21, 1917) Submitted by Lynda Azalde

NEWELL, Ida J. (d. 1912)

The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. A. Newell were held in the Methodist church at 2 o'clock last Friday afternoon, Rev. C. B. Seely officiating, and the interment made in the Blaine cemetery. Ida Jane McKinney was born in New Brunswick, December 9, 1862, and was united in marriage to Alex Newell there on April 16, 1889. On their wedding day they started for Blaine and have lived here since their arrival. After several weeks of severe and trying illness, during which time all was done that human skill knew, she took her departure on June 20 for that other land which she had learned to love. In young womanhood she was wonderfully converted and joined the Methodist church, which, during her lifetime she served in many ways, acting as steward and as Sunday school teacher.

During the years of her residence in Blaine her picture of health and cheerfulness will not be forgotten, for the ambition of her life was to make her home and her community all that it ought to be, never sparing herself in strength and labors till in her declining days, when health failed. She always appreciated a kindness and her life was such as to leave an evidence of her firm faith in her Creator. There is left to mourn her loss, a husband, a son, Volney; a daughter, Miss Inez, and a host of friends.
(From The Blaine Journal June 28, 1912) Submitted by Lynda Azalde

NEWINGER, Michael (d. 1915)

Michael Newinger, aged 74 years, passed away suddenly at him home, 2314 G street, Wednesday, january 27, 1915. Mr. Newinger had been a resident of Bellingham for the past five years and had made many friends and acquaintances. He was a member of the First Evangelical church of this city, and is survived by Mrs. Newinger, six sons, Edwin M. and C. A., of Seattle; J. J., of Los Angeles, Cal.; Otto A., of Lethbridge, Canada; William H., of Attica, N. Y.; Michael R., of Wyoming, and three daughters, Mrs. A. Houghlan and Mrs. J. J. Yeager, of Sheridan, Wyoming, and Miss Jennie M. Newinger, of Salt Lake City, Utah, and three brothers and three sisters residing in the East. The remains are being cared for at the undertaking parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street. Funeral announcement will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 28, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.

NEWKIRK, Israel A. (d. 1918)

Israel A. Newkirk, who died of heart trouble Saturday at his home, 2515 Elizabeth street, and whose funeral was held at the Ferndale M. E. church, under the auspices of the G. A. R., with the Rev. Mr. Moles as officiating clergyman, was one of the best known Civil war veterans in the city. He was born in Clinton county, Ohio, January 12, 1847. He enlisted in the Civil war October 6, 1864, in Company A, Thirteenth infantry, and was honorably discharged in 1867. He came to this county in 1889 and was a resident of Ferndale until 1912. He was a charter member of the Ferndale M. E. church. In 1916 he was commander of J. B. Steedman post, G. A. R. The following relatives survive him: His widow, whom he married in 1873, four sons, four daughters, one brother and one sister, Perry B., Salt Lake City; Arthur W., Bruneau, Idaho; and Guernsey A. and Jay J., of Pocatello, Idaho; Mrs. S. A. McCormick, Woodinville, Wash.; Mrs. J. P. Anderson, Bellingham; Mrs. Oscar Lindstrom, Ferndale, and Mrs. James Kerlee, Burlington; Marcus L. Newkirk, Ferndale, brother, and Mrs. Hannah Kerlee, Burlington, sister. Interment was made in Woodlawn cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 15, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.

NEWKIRK, Nancy (d. 1923)

Mrs. Nancy Newkirk, widow of I. A. Newkirk, Civil war veteran, died at Bellingham Wednesday at the age of 78 years. One surviving son, Guernsey Newkirk, was one of the owners of the Ferndale Record when founded. Mrs. Newkirk came to Ferndale in 1889 and for the past nine years has lived in Bellingham. Surviving are P. B. Newkirk, Cleveland; A. W. Newkirk, Bruneau, Idaho; G. A. Newkirk, Bellingham; Mrs. S. A. McCormick, Seattle; Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs. Oscar Lindstrom, Bellingham and Mrs. James Kerlee, Mount Vernon. Funeral services will be at 2 p. m. Sunday from the M. E. church, Rev. J. W. Moles officiating, and interment will be made at Woodlawn under George A. Monroe's direction.
(From The Ferndale Record, February 23, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.

NEWTON, Edward G. (d. 1932)

At the family home in this city on Friday, September 23, 1932, occurred the death of E. G. Newton, old and respected resident of this city since 1906. E. G. Newton was born February 24, 1868, in Minnesota and was united in marriage to Miss Julia Colby October 7th, 1892. To this union four children were born, two daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Boardway of Cordova, Alaska, Mrs. Nellie Sheedy, and two sons, Grant and John, all of Blaine. In 1903 the family moved from Minnesota to Missouri and from that state to Blaine, Washington, in 1906, and here they have since resided. Besides the four children, the deceased is survived by his wife, one brother, Charles, of Minnesota, and one sister, Mrs. Geo. Colby, of North Dakota, also one grand child, Catherine Sheedy, of this city. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the Purdy Funeral Chapel and interment was made in the Blaine cemetery, Rev. C. B. Seely of the Methodist Episcopal church, being in charge of the services. E. G. Newton leaves a host of friends that will regret to learn of his passing.
(From The Blaine Journal, September 29, 1932) Submitted by John Rausch, typed by Merrily Lawson.

NICHOLS, Albert (d. 1922)

FERNDALE, March 6. - Funeral services for Albert Nichols well known Civil war veteran, who died at Retsil will be held here Wednesday. The dead veteran is survived by his wife, Mrs. Carrie Nichols, of Ferndale; a daughter, Mrs. Grace Meade, of Maple Falls, and a son, R. E. Nichols of Port Townsend, Wash. The remains will be laid to rest in Bay View cemetery, Bellingham. Mr. Nichols was a member of company C of the famous First Michigan cavalry.

FERNDALE, March 7. - Funeral services for Albert Nichols, well known Civil war veteran, who died at Retsil at the age of 75 years, will be conducted from the Monroe funeral parlors here Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock instead of Wednesday afternoon as announced yesterday. The change in funeral plans was announced today by Arthur Meade, son-in-law of the dead veteran. The widow and R. E. Nichols, the son, are accompanying the remains here from Retsil and are expected to arrive tonight. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery, Bellingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 6 & 7, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

NICHOLS, Carrie (d. 1923)

Mrs. Carrie Nichols, for many years a resident of Ferndale, died Friday at the home of her son, R. E. Nichols in Seattle. Mrs. Nichols has resided at Retsil for the past four years. Her husband, Albert Nichols, a veteran of the civil war died about a year ago. Mrs. Nichols was a resident here for about 15 years and surviving relatives here are Mrs. Grace Mead a daughter, and Mrs. G. H. Abers, her mother. Funeral services were held at Monroe's chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the body laid to rest in Bay View cemetery, Bellingham. Rev. T. W. Harris, of the Baptist church, officiated at the services and a large number of friends of the deceased were present to pay final respects.
(From The Ferndale Record, February 9, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.

NICHOLS, Daniel B. (d. 1940)

Another Bellingham Civil war veteran joined the departed ranks Saturday, Daniel B. Nichols, 92, member of the now almost extinct J. B. Steedman Post No. 24, Grand Army of the Republic. Mr. Nichols' death came Saturday morning after two weeks of illness. It left only one G. A. R. veteran, venerable Alvah Peck, 97, to answer the post roll call. Born in Vermont in 1847, March 26, Mr. Nichols and his family pioneered South Dakota and at the age of 17 years he enlisted in Company M, First Minnesota Heavy Artillery, to fight for the North in the Civil war. He served ten months.
He was a charter member of the G. A. R. post in Milbank, S. D., and since coming to Bellingham with his wife and family in 1907 had been active in the Steedman post, both as a member and officer. At the time of his death he also was an honorary member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and United Spanish War Veterans. His wife passed away in 1938 at the age of 89 years, after seventy-two years of married life.
Mr. Nichols' survivors run back four generations including one daughter, Hattie L. Ecker, 112 East North street, where he resided; three sons, John E. and Clinton C., Bellingham, and Arthur E., Parma, Idaho; Sixteen grandchildren; twenty-nine great grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild. The great-great-grandchild is 1-year-old Lane Ecker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Ecker. His oldest surviving son in Arthur, 71 years of age. Mr. Nichols never smoked and had no drinking habit. He commented at the time of his 91st birthday that he tried to during the Civil war but never could learn to because it always made him sick. The aged veteran was a member of the Garden Street Methodist church.

Two other Bellingham veterans preceded Mr. Nichols in death during the past year. Daniel Thompson passed away last summer at the age of 99 years, and George Paine last spring. Alvah Peck and O. D. McDonald, the latter a county resident, not a member of the Steedman post, are the lone Civil war survivors in this county. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home with Rev. James E. Milligan officiating. Burial will occur in Greenacres Memorial park.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 2, 1940) Submitted by site coordinator.

NICHOLS, Martha M. (d. 1908)

Mrs. H. D. Nichols died while under an operation at St. Luke's Hospital last Thursday. Martha Malinda Storrey was born in Montreal, Canada, April 27, 1857. She died July 2, 1908, age 51 years, 2 months and 5 days. She was married to Homer Densmore Nichols in 1875 at Allegan, Mich. For the past five Mrs. Nichols' health had been failing and for the last two years she had suffered greatly. One June 27, she was operated upon for a tumor, which resulted in her death. The funeral was held from the Methodist church, of which she had been a member for many years. Friday afternoon, July 3d, the remains were peacefully laid to rest in the Lynden cemetery. Rev. Berringer of Ferndale conducted the services as he is an old friend of the family from Allegan, Mich. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, in Allegan, three daughters and a son, Mrs. Rolla Handy, Misses Myrtle and Vera Nichols and Clarence, Nichols, all of Lynden; two sisters, Mrs. D. L. Steffe and Mrs. Barnie Collins and a brother, John Storrey, all of Lynden; and another brother, George Storrey, of Seattle. Mrs. Nichols will be greatly missed by her many friends in Lynden. She was a kind and loving mother and always thought of her children and everyone else before herself. During her long illness, though she was severely afflicted at times, she was ever patient and uncomplaining.
(From The Lynden Tribune, July 9, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

NICHOLS, Oran (d. 1903) (From The Fairhaven Evening Herald, March 24, 1903

NICHOLS, Samuel G. (d. 1919)

Samuel Nichols passed away this morning at a local hospital, where he had been but two days. Since last January Mr. Nichols has been very ill, suffering a very great deal much of the time and needing very skilled and untiring care. Mr. Nichols was 78 years of age, a veteran of the Civil war and a member of the J. B. Steedman post 24. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Samuel Nichols, residing at the family home, 2528 Cherry street; two sons, Burtis, of this city, and Walter, of Seattle, and one daughter, Mrs. Lemuel Flinn, of Seattle. Seventeen years ago Mr. and Mrs. Nichols came to Bellingham from Auburn, Ore., and have resided here ever since. Funeral announcements will be made later by Harry O. Bingham, who has charge of the body and funeral arrangements.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 27, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

NICHOLSON, Eugene P. (d. 1903)

On Saturday morning, January 10, 1903, Col. E. P. Nicholson died in his new home at Fort Bellingham, where he had resided only a little over three months. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hurlbut on Eldridge avenue, Whatcom, a large number of friends paying their last tribute of respect and the members of the Whatcom County Bar association escorting the remains to their final resting place in Bay View cemetery. The funeral service was simple and appropriate, Rev. W. A. Mackey delivering a sermon in which he reviewed the eventful life of the deceased. The funeral was in charge of Undertaker H. S. Noice. May beautiful floral pieces were placed upon and about the casket.

Eugene Pendleton Nicholson was in the 79th year of his age at the time of his death. He was born in Jackson, Mississippi, April 4, 1824, his father having been for many years a justice of the supreme court of that state and for a number of years chief justice, which position he occupied at the time of his death. Col. Nicholson was graduated from the Harvard law school at the age of 22 years and immediately began the practice of law in New Orleans. At the outbreak of the Rebellion the claims of northern wholesalers against southern retailers filed for collection through his law office and confiscated by the Confederates amounted to more than $60,000. He joined the Confederate cavalry and **during the war earned and received the rank of colonel for distinguished service in the field. After the war he removed west and became a prominent figure in Kansas City, founding the district there known as Nicholson's addition, all of which he lost in the panic of 1873, including his home which as since been sold again for $80,000. In New Orleans in 1846 he married Miss Elizabeth Griffin, the union yielding nine children, seven of whom, four sons and three daughters, survive. Mrs. Nicholson died in Weatherford, Texas, December 18, 1891. In 1895 Col. Nicholson came to Whatcom, where he resided ever since. All his life he was devoted to the practice of law. He was an exceptionally well-informed man, and a noteworthy authority on historical and religious literature, his private library being particularly well selected along those lines.
**NOTE: He was called "Col." E. P. Nicholson in the Dallas Herald of Nov. 26, 1860.
The Blade of January 14, 1903 lists the survivors as: E. L. Nicholson of this city, A. W. Nicholson, Frank Nicholson, C. M. Nicholson, Mrs. C. B. Hayne, Mrs. C. H. Hurlbut, both of this city, and Mrs. G. B. Johnston, who resides in Seattle.
(From The Fairhaven Times, January 17, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

Col. E. P. Nicholson died at his country home near Fort Bellingham Friday night.
Col. Nicholson was 79 years of age at the time of his death. He has been a resident of this city for the past nine years, having been engaged in the practice of law the greater portion of the time. He was a member of the law firm of Nicholson & Hurlbut. He was a highly respected citizen and a patriot in every sense of the word. During his sojourn on the Bay he won a host of loyal friends, who sympathize with the mourners in their hour of bereavement.
The children left to mourn the loss of a father are: E. L. Nicholson of this city, Dr. C. M. Nicholson of St. Louis who arrived here Wednesday, Judge E. W. Nicholson of Texas, who arrived last night, Mrs. C. H. Hurlbut and Mrs. Hayes of this city and Frank Nicholson of New York who is expected to arrive tomorrow.
The funeral will take place Monday afternoon, January 12th at half past two, from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Hurlbut, 2806 Eldridge avenue. Following are members of the Whatcom County Bar Association who will act as pall bearers: A. E. Mead, Parker Ellis, Ed. E. Hardin, T. G. Newman, O. P. Brown, A. P. Loomis.
(From The Fairhaven Evening Herald, January 10, 1903)

NICHOLSON, Melinda (d. 1919)

After an illness of several months, Mrs. W. O. Nicholson, 27 years a resident of Bellingham and prominent church and lodge worker, died last night at her home, 2230 Victor street. She was a member of the First Christian church, where the funeral will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. W. F. Reagor officiating, and of Sehome Chapter, No. 17, Order of the Eastern Star, which will have charge of the services at the grave. She is survived by her husband, W. O. Nicholson, one daughter, Mrs. A. C. Blake; one granddaughter, Miss Helen Blake, of this city, one grandson, George N. Blake, who was with the American army in France and is now at Camp Merritt, N.J., and one sister, Mrs. J. J. Fribley, of Barte Springs, Kan.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 7, 1919) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

NICHOLSON, Thomas (d. 1923)

Thomas Nicholson, 17 years a resident of Ferndale, died early Monday morning at the family home here, after a brief illness with a complication of diseases. He had been in poor health recently but death was brought on by pneumonia which he contracted a few days previously. Mr. Nicholson was nearly 72 years old, having been born July 20, 1851, at Watton Grange, Yorkshire, England. Prior to his coming here, he resided for some time in Colorado. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Katherine Nicholson, two sons, Harold W., of Seattle, and Roy T., of Everett; one brother, Harold Nicholson, of Vancouver, B. C. and brothers and sisters residing in England. Mr. Nicholson was a member of the Ferndale Baptist church and funeral services were held from there Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. T. W. Harris.
(From The Ferndale Record, March 9, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.

NICHOLSON, William O. (d. 1936)

Caption below picture:
The ranks of Civil war veterans here were cut to eight Wednesday when W. O. Nicholson, 95, died. He was a prominent Mason and churchgoer and had resided in Bellingham forty-four years.

A Mason for approximately sixty-six years and a church attendant for longer than that, W. O. Nicholson, who held membership in many Masonic units, was a member of the G. A. R. and of the First Christian church, died early Wednesday at 2327 Park street, the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary J. Blake, with his death, at the age of 95 years, only eight members of J. B. Steedman post of the G. A. R. survive. In the Civil war, Mr. Nicholson, who had lived in Bellingham forty-four years, was a private in Company G. New Hampshire Infantry Volunteers. He received a life membership at Bellingham Bay lodge No. 44, F. & A. M., last year. He was an honorary member of Fairhaven lodge No. 151, F. & A. M.; past worthy patron of Sehome chapter No. 17, O. E. S. and past master of No. 44. Other memberships were held by Mr. Nicholson in the following: Bellingham council No. 16, Royal and Select Masters; Hesperus commandery No. 8, Knights Templar, and was past grand commander of the grand commandery of Knights Templar of Washington; Lafayette Lodge of Perfection No. 3; St. Andrews chapter Rose Croix; Bellingham Knights of Kadosh; Bellingham consistory; Nile temple of the Shrine; Royal Arch Masons, Bellingham chapter No. 12.

Notable for his church attendance, Mr. Nicholson when interviewed at the age of 87 for The Herald, recalled that he had gone to church regularly for sixty-two years. He was an elder in the First Christian church. Born in Enniskillen, Ireland November 4, 1841, Mr. Nicholson removed to Montreal, Canada, with his parents when 1 year of age. He came to the United States in 1864, serving thereafter in the Union cause. Mr. Nicholson was made a Mason in November, 1870, at Ulrichsville, Ohio. In March, 1892, he came to Bellingham. For years Mr. Nicholson conducted a meat shop on State street. He was very popular in that capacity, especially with the children, whom he often slipped a wienie or a piece of bologna. He had a cheery disposition.

Funeral services will be held at the Bingham-Dahlquist funeral home Friday at 2 p.m. Rev. James M. Wilson will officiate. Interment will follow in Bay View cemetery, where Bellingham Bay Lodge No. 44 will give a ritualistic service. Relatives surviving, aside from Mrs. Blake are two grandchildren, Mrs. John Roy Williams and George N. Blake; three great grandchildren, Edward, Jane and John Blake; one sister, Mrs. J. Edwards, Ontario, Canada; three nieces and one nephew.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 7, 1936) Submitted by site coordinator.

NICKERSON, Seth G. (d. 1913)

Seth G. Nickerson, aged 51 years, passed away at the family residence, 2829 Franklin street, Friday, May 9, after a brief illness. Mr. Nickerson, with his family, has been residents of Bellingham for the past five years. He was a member of the carpenters' union of the city and of Bellingham tent No. 1436, Knights of Modern Maccabees. The surviving relatives are: Mrs. Nickerson and one daughter, Vera Nickerson, residing with her parents; also one sister and one brother in California, one brother in Michigan and one brother in Maine. The remains are being cared for at the home by Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 8, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

NICKERSON, Vina A. (d. 1915)

Mrs. Vina A. Nickerson, 64 years of age, died at her home 2835 Franklin street, yesterday morning. Mrs. Nickerson attended the Knox Presbyterian church of which she was a member, Sunday, and had scarcely returned home when she was overcome with dizziness, at the same time saying to her daughter, "I hear bells ringing in my ears." Mrs. Nickerson leaves one daughter, Miss Vera, of this city; two sisters, Mrs. James Farr, of Bellingham, and Mrs. Anna Grey, of Maine, and one brother. She was a member of Hive No. 972, Ladies of the Modern Maccabees. The funeral will be held at Bingham's parlors tomorrow afternoon, the Rev. Edwin S. Secrest, of Knox Presbyterian church, officiating.
(From The American Reveille, February 23, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.

NICOLL, Leslie (d. 1914)

The community was shocked Tuesday afternoon by the announcement of the sudden death of Leslie Nicoll, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Nicoll. The deceased went to work that morning as usual as sawyer in the Weatherwax mill, but later in the forenoon was taken sick and went home about 11 o'clock. He became unconscious about 2:00 o'clock and died without rallying at 4:30. He was taken with pain in the back of the head, but his mysterious ailment has not been diagnosed. Leslie Nicoll was born in Nebraska, October 17, 1886, and came to Blaine with his parents about twelve years ago. He was a model of young American citizenship, quiet, mannerly and industrious, and his friends were legion. His sudden taking from this life is one of the mysteries that are not for us to understand, although we are taught that such things are for the best. The sorrowing parents and brothers and sister have the sincere sympathy of everyone in their great load of sorrow. Besides the parents he leaves three brothers and two sisters as follows: Thomas, Sidney and John, who reside here, Miss Phila, also residing at home, and Mrs. Jensen of Lynden. The funeral services were held in the Baptist church, of which the deceased was a regular attendant, yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. L. L. Cloyd officiating. Blaine lodge I.O.O.F., of which the deceased was a member, attended in a body as a mark of respect to the one who had been an honored and faithful member.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 13, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

NIENABER, Gustav W. (d. 1928)

Gustav W. Neinaber (sic), aged 58 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Neinaber, 2331 Walnut, passed away at a local hospital Wednesday morning, September 19, after a short illness. Mr. Nienaber has been a resident of Bellingham for the past thirty-seven years, and besides his widow is survived by four sons, Roy, Arthur, Wilbert and Leo, all of this city; five daughters, Mrs. C. A. Miller, Everson; Mrs. J. Meyers in California; Mrs. Phillip Atkinson, of Bellingham; Mrs. Herbert Schmidt, of Yakima, Wash., and Miss Grace Neinaber, of Seattle, and ten grandchildren. He was a member of the German Lutheran church and of the Whatcom County Dairymen's Association. The body is resting at the Harlow Mortuary Home, Holly at Forest and funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 19, 1928)

NILES, Harvey B. (d. 1941)

NOBLE, Wesley M. (d. 1937)

Wesley Mack Noble, aged 49 years, passed away at his home, 1414 Monroe Street, Sunday, November 7, (1937) following a short illness. Mr. Noble had been a resident here for the past thirty years and for twenty-eight years was a salesman for the Northern Grocery Company. Deceased was a member of the Garden Street M. E. Church and of the United Commercial Travelers of this city. Surviving relatives are the widow, Cora M. Noble and one daughter, Lucille Noble, Bellingham; four brothers, Ben and Claude, Charles City, Iowa; Joe, at Everett, and E. Roy Noble, Bellingham; three sisters, Mrs. Alva A. Jones, Charles City, Iowa; Mrs. LaVerne Knight, Waverly, Iowa; Mrs. Eva Krieger, Oak Harbor, Ohio, and one half-brother, Henry Noble, Nashua, Iowa. The remains are resting the the funeral home of Harlow-Hollingsworth where funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. E. A. Wolfe, Wednesday, November 10, at 1:30 p.m. Interment will be made in Greenacres Memorial Park.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 9, 1937) Submitted by site coordinator.

NOFFSINGER, Lucinda W. (d. 1900)

Died - In this city on the 18th inst., Miss Lucinda W. Noffsinger, aged 73 years, 6 months and 17 days. The subject of this brief sketch was born in Frederickton, Pa., October 1, 1826, and spent the earlier part of her exemplary life in her native state. Ten years ago herself and brother William, father of Mrs. Lester W. David, of city city, removed to Blaine where they have since resided. Miss Noffsinger is survived by two sisters who reside in Iowa, beside the brother who was at her bedside when the change occurred. Miss Noffsinger was remarkably active for one of her age and had been confined to her bed but two weeks. A complication of stomatic trouble was the cause of her death. Thus has passed to her reward one who was of an exemplary character and whose life was spent in making the world better for her being. The sympathy of legions of friends are with the bereaved in this their hour of sore affliction, and may their cup be soothed with the remembrance that she who has gone has left behind her the record of an emtable life, doing good to others. The funeral was held from the family residence on Harrison avenue Thursday afternoon, amid a large concourse of friends and relatives, Rev. W. E. Dawson of the Congregational church officiating.
(From The Blaine Journal, April 20, 1900) Submitted by site coordinator.

NOFFSINGER, William (d. 1906)

William Noffsinger was born June 19, 1836 at Fredricktown, Pennsylvania, of English parents. He learned the trade of ship builder and excelled in the work. During the Civil war he had charge of government work on Monitors. In 1889 Mr. Noffsinger came to Seattle, Wash., and carried on the business of boat builder for about three years. In 1892 he located in Blaine where he has since remained. For a number of years he has resided with his daughter, Mrs. Lester David. His active and industrious disposition kept him at work most of the time and he had just completed three of the most convenient and handsome homes in this city when he was stricken with Bright's Disease. For months he has required constant attendance of two nurses. Most of this time, his daughter also remained at this bedside. All that the best medical skill and loving attention could do for him was done. He died April 25 at 6 A. M. having lived the allotted three score and ten years.

Two sister, Mrs. Shallenburger and Mrs. Holly, of Spokane, Wash. and his daughter, Mrs. Lester W. David, of Blaine survive him. He was buried in Blaine from the home of his daughter, Thursday, Apr. 26. His funeral was attended by a large number of relatives and friends, who sincerely mourn his departure. The Ladies of the Maccabees manifested their love and sympathy for their bereaved sister, Lady David, by their tender assistance and rich floral tribute. A male quartet assisted the Rev. G. D. Hyden in the fuenral service. A large number of carriages followed the remains to the cemetery, and tender, loving hands heaped his grave with flowers and beautiful set pieces. ...
(From The Blaine Journal, April 27, 1906) Submitted by site coordinator.

NOLAN, Edward J. (d. 1913)

Just a few days after he came into possession of a small fortune from the estate of his daughter, who was killed in an automobile accident in Portland, Edward J. Nolan, 77 years old, died at the family home in Geneva yesterday. Mr. Nolan was a veteran of the Civil war and has been carrying the mail to the residents of Geneva for about three and a half years. He has lived in this county for twenty-one years. Cancer was the cause of death. After the death of the daughter in Portland a dispute arose between Mr. Nolan and other members of the family over the property, including a number of jewels. This was settled just a few days ago while the aged veteran lay on his deathbed. Through the settlement Mr. Nolan received about $5,000 and this will now go to his surviving wife and children.
Edward J. Nolan, age 77 years, passed away at his home at Geneva, Sunday, November 30, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Nolan has been a resident of Bellingham and Whatcom county for twenty-one years. He was a veteran of the Civil war, enlisting with the Thirty-sixth regiment, Wisconsin infantry. He had been employed as mail carrier from Bellingham to Geneva for three years and four months at the time he was taken sick. He is survived by wife, Mrs. Mary Nolan; two daughters, Mrs. Katherine Hayes, Lynden, and Mrs. May Griffith, Ehrlick, Wash.; two sons, Edward and H. C. Nolan, residing at Geneva. The funeral services will be held Wednesday, December 3, at 10:15 a. m. from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, Rev. E. M. Eskey, pastor of the Trinity Methodist church, officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery. The funeral car will leave from Geneva Trail, on lake line, at 9:35 for the convenience of the family and friends. All members of the Grand Army of the Republic are invited to attend the services.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 1, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

NOLTE, Charles F. (d. 1929)

Former State Representative Charles F. Nolte was summoned by death on Tuesday in a Los Angeles sanitarium early in the day at the age of 60 years. Nolte had been a patient at the sanitarium several months. His wife, Mrs. Minnie A. Nolte, was at his beside when the end came. Funeral arrangements had not been completed today. The body will leave Los Angeles Thursday and will be received here Saturday evening by the Bingham Funeral home. The remains will be accompanied by the widow, the mother of the surviving nephews, Mrs. Clara Adamson, and by H. L. Murphy, their half brother, and his wife.

Four Nephews Here
Mr. Nolte is survived by his widow, four nephews, George V., Edwin R., Earnest and Fred W. Nolte, all of Bellingham, and by one niece, Mrs. J. Fassett, of Seattle. Mr. Nolte served two terms on the city council, he was for five years president of the Chamber of Commerce and for a number of years thereafter was its first vice president, and he was state representative two terms, from 1924 to 1927. In reference to his legislative activity, Representative James E. Masterson said today that he was able and conscientious and was a hard worker. He was well liked by his colleagues, said Masterson.
Active in Business Life
Mr. Nolte's death brought to a close a very active business and civic life. Coming here in 1889 from Kalama, Wash., he and his brother, the late George Nolte, engaged in the meat business and pursued it for fifteen years.
In Real Estate
Later the brothers entered the real estate business under the firm name of Nolte Brothers. In 1903 they branched into the lumber business, organizing the Mogul Lumber Company, with George Nolte and president and Charles Nolte as secretary-treasurer. In August 1904, they formed the Clearbrook Lumber Company with the same officers and in the same year Charles Nolte was one of twelve who organized the Bellingham National Bank, of which he had since been vice-president and a director.

Mr. Nolte was married September 25, 1896, to Miss Minnia A. Brownson. He was active in many civic enterprises including Liberty loan and Red Cross drives during the war. He also served at one time as a member of the board of trustees of St. Luke's hospital. Mr. Nolte was a Scottish Rite Mason, a Shriner and also belonged to the Elks' lodge, St. Paul's Episcopal church and the Bellingham Golf and Country club.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 14, 1929) Submitted by site coordinator.

NOLTE, George (d. 1921)

George Nolte, pioneer busines man of Whatcom county, a stockholder in the Mogul Logging company and other corporations, including the Bellingham National bank and the Whidbey Island Sand & Gravel company, died at 10:30 last night in a Portland hospital, where he had been confined several weeks. He had been very weak for a number of days and his death was not unexpected. The body will arrive here to-night, accompanied by members of his family, who were at his bedside when death came. Funeral announcements will be made by Harry O. Bingham.

Mr. Nolte was one of the best known men in Whatcom county and he had been identified with its development for nearly thirty years. Coming to Bellingham in 1893 Mr. Nolte, with his brother Charles F. Nolte who came in 1890, engaged in the meatmarket business, conducting the Pioneer Meat Market on West Holly, near E street, rapidly branched out into other lines, all with marked success won by devotion to whatever he undertook. Hard work contributed as much as anything else, his friends know, to his success. The major part of the deceased man's activities took him outdoors much of the time and he enjoyed robust health, rarely ever suffering illness. Late last fall his health seriously was affected but he overcame the attack and enjoyed his usual good health for a time. A few months ago, however, the attacks returned and in an effort to overcome his trouble, he went to Portland to consult specialists. He entered a hospital there, but it was impossible to offer relief. His family had been with him there almost constantly. His sufferings were ended last night when death won its fight against what physicians determined was one of the most valiant efforts in their knowledge.

George Nolte was born at Bruce Mines, Canada, province of Ontario near Sault St. Marie, November 11, 1862. In the early 90's he left his home and settled at Kalama on the Columbia river, this state. Three years later he decided to locate on Bellingham Bay and came to what then was Whatcom. Since that time his life was spent here, although his business activities were not confined to this locality, resulting in his accumulating property in several cities of the northwest. He was married here to Mrs. Clara Murphy. Surviving him are Mrs. Nolte and four sons, George V. Nolte, Fred Nolte, Ernest Nolte and Edward Nolte, and one daughter, Clara Nolte, the last two named living at the Nolte home, 2203 Elm street. His only surviving brother, Charles F. Nolte has been associated in business with him for the last thirty-one years. The business association of the two brothers is one of the most noteworthy in this part of the state. Membership was held by the deceased man in Bellingham Bay Lodge No. 31 I.O.O.F. and Bellingham Lodge No. 194, B. P. O. Elks, and the Encampment, a branch of Odd Fellowship.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 6, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

NORSTROM, Johanna (d. 1933)

Mrs. Johanna Norstrom, aged 76 years 9 months and 29 days, beloved pioneer of Whatcom county, passed away at her home south of Everson Wednesday morning, April 5, following an illness of many months. Johanna Norling was born June 6, 1856, in Sweden. She, with her brother, John, came to America in 1882. She was united in marriage to J. E. Norstrom on October 21, 1882, to this union two children were born, one daughter and one son. She, with Mr. Norstrom, settled in Old Whatcom, where Mr. Norstrom hadd the first steam sawmill. Later they moved to the Everson district, where Mrs. Norstrom resided until her death. Mr. Norstrom having passed away in 1915. She was loved by all who knew her and her many friends will mourn her demise. She leaves to mourn her passing, one daughter, Mrs. Lousia Mecklem; one son, Gus Norstrom, and one granddaughter, Coleen Norstrom; also two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Reid, Bellingham, and Mrs. Mia Johnson, South Everson. Private funeral services will be held in the Homer Mark Mortuary on Friday, April 7, at 11 a. m., Rev. O. J. Ordal officiating, followed by cremation, under the direction of the Gillies Mortuary, of Sumas. Honorary pallbearers, Herb Furness, William Piest, Ed Edson, Lou Durr, Archie Mathews, Elmer Hall.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 6, 1933) Submitted by site coordinator.

NORTON, Fannie (d. 1897)

On Wednesday evening, the 25th inst. at 11 o'clock occurred the death of Mrs. Luke Norton of Haynie. Deceased was 22 years of age, a native of California, where she had resided continuously until the time of her marriage about 10 months ago, when she migrated with her husband to this state. In the early prime of her life she was taken away, leaving a sorrowing husband and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her demise. During her short residence in Haynie she became loved and respected by a large circle of acquaintances who will sadly miss her. Drs. Briggs of Whatcom and King of this city were with her for several hours before death, and everything was done to alleviate her sufferings. To the husband, relatives and friends the Journal extends sympathy.
(From The Blaine Journal, August 27, 1897) Submitted by site coordinator.

NORTON, John S. (d. 1890)

Died, of abscess of the liver, J. S. Norton, aged 51 years, on September 21. Mr. Norton was born in Milwaukee, Wis., and spent the greater part of his life in that state. He lived for several years in the state of Missouri, and served a term as treasurer of Lyn county, and assisted at different times in the county clerk's office, otherwise his time was employed as a school teacher. He came to Mountain View seven years ago, and proved his ability as a teacher the first two winters. Though of a quiet and unobtrusive disposition, he held a high place in the hearts of the people, and his loss is deeply felt in this community. He leaves a wife and four grown sons and an aged father at the home in Mountain View, and a married daughter in Missouri to mourn his loss. The funeral on Sunday at the church was largely attended by friends and relatives from the surrounding county, Fairhaven and Lynden.
(From The Morning Journal, October 1, 1890) Submitted by site coordinator.

John Norton was born in Milwaukee, Wis., April 10, 1839; died at his home near Ferndale, Wash., September 20, 1890, aged 51 years, 5 months, 10 days, leaving an aged father, a wife and four sons, one daughter who is married and now residing in Missouri. In 1847 he removed with his parents to the then new country of Farmington, Washington county, in the same state. In his boyhood days on the farm he was taught lessons of earnestness, diligence and sedulousness. As a student in school he manifested the same becoming qualities, which during his entire life shone forth from an undaunted character -- noted for good principles -- with honesty for its foundation. He followed school teaching for several years, teaching in all about 140 months, possessing the gift of good government and securing obedience to his rules with seemingly no effort on his part. In 1859, October 9, he was married to Harriet Haner, of Cedar creek. Three times he volunteered to go into service in the late war, but was rejected on account of a disabled arm. In 1867 he was offered the principalship in the Barton high-school, but he moved to Cass county, Missouri, where farming on the prairies offered greater inducements.

Though a staunch republican in politics, and duly respecting those who held different views, he was in 1875 the successful candidate for treasurer in the strongly democratic county in which he lived, and served one term to the satisfaction of the people. In 1880 he removed from his farm and spent two months with his sister, Mrs. U. ?. Bolton, of Minneapolis, five months in Clay county, Iowa, and three years in Missouri. In 1884 he settled on his pleasant farm near Ferndale, Washington, where he lived till his death, an honored member of society, respected and highly esteemed by all who knew him; unpretentious, unassuming, never seeking the praise of men or endeavoring to being himself into prominence. This characteristic he possessed in a high degree. He was an admirer of mental culture, and his desire was to see his sons have their minds stored with useful knowledge, and be men fitted to live lives of usefulness. He has gone from our midst to join the two children and other loved ones who have preceded him, yet as neighbors and friends his memory will be cherished by us long. His family are not all who will miss him, but others who have learned to respect and honor him.

This community was greatly shocked to hear of his death. All knew of his sickness, and expected his speedy recovery, but our fondest hopes were blasted, and we now mourn the loss of one of the best of men. Enriched by nature with rare endowments, both physical and mental, his mind was richly stored with all the ordinary branches of education, so that it was esteemed quite a privilege and a treat to converse with him. Although possessed of great strength of body, he was gentle and refined as a woman, yet withal firm as a rock for what he believed to be right. Never did a coarse or vulgar word or sentiment pass his lips, and anything dishonorable or "tricky" he abhorred. As a neighbor he was kind and obliging to all, frank and honest in his dealings; everyone knew his word was as good as his bond. In his home he was revered and loved by all. Toward his aged father he exhibited the most touching solicitude. A loving and affectionate husband and father, and as his life so was his death. When informed that the end was near he met it bravely, saying, "I'm all right," and turning to his son, said: "Be straightforward and honest, boys, because it is right, and you will never regret it. There is a good deal there in only a few words." And so he departed, to await the resurrection of the just.
(From The Daily Reveille, October 9, 1890) Submitted by site coordinator.

NOTEBOOM, Jenneke (d. 1916)

Mrs. Cornelius Noteboom passed away early this morning at her home following a brief spell of sickness. She was able to be out this week, but suffered an attack Wednesday from which she never rallied. She has been a resident of Lynden for eleven years. The news came as a distinct shock to her many friends in the Lynden district. She is survived by her husband, her sons, Abe, Gerrit and Will Noteboom, and her daughters, Mrs. Leonard Lensen, Mrs. S. _ Vander Meer, Mrs. Dan Vander Meer and Mrs. P. Kraft, all of Lynden. Mrs. Noteboom was 69 on February 17. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
(From The Lynden Tribune, June 1, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

NOTEBOOM, Jennie (d. 1920)

Many Attend Services for Late Mrs. Abe Noteboom
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon for the late Mrs. Abe Noteboom, who passed away Friday after a long illness. Rev. H. K. Pasma conducted the services in the presence of a large gathering of friends. Mr. Zuidersma spoke at the John Kortlever home, and Mr. D. J. De Hoogh at the cemetery. The services were held at the Reformed Church on Grover Street. Mrs. Noteboom was born in Iowa Oct. 15, 1892. She was married on Jan. 20, 1918. Besides her husband, she is survived by a little son, Cornelius, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kortlever, two brothers, Hugo and John Kortlever, and three sisters, Mrs. John Burgraff, Mrs. Herman Pen and Mrs. R. Van Diest.
(From The Lynden Tribune, October 28, 1920) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

NUGENT, Henry (d. 1924)

Henry Nugent, aged 60 years, passed away at his home at North Bellingham Sunday afternoon, August 3, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Nugent had resided in this county for the past thirty-five years and was the proprietor of the store at North Bellingham and was a member of the Garden Street Methodist church. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Rebecca Nugent; five sons, Melzar, Herschel, Grant, Lyle and Leslie, all at home; two daughters, Mrs. Beulah Hardin of Seattle and Mrs. Libbie Gulbransen of Davenport, Ia.; two step-sons, Noah Williams of Seattle and Leo Soulis at home, and four brothers, James and William in Michigan and Richard and Thomas of Bellingham; three sisters, Mrs. William Warren of Burlington, Wash., and Mrs. John Warren and Mrs. W. J. Sullivan of Bellingham, and ten grandchildren. The body is resting at the Harlow mortuary home, Holly and Forest streets, where funeral services will be held Tuesday morning, August 5, at 5 o'clock with the Rev. J. C. Harrison officiating, and interment in Bay View cemetery will follow.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 4, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.

NUGENT, Thomas (d. 1926)

With four of his former police department associates and two other friends acting as pallbearers, the body of Thomas E. Nugent, who for more than ten years was city detective, was laid to rest this afternoon in Bay View cemetery. The funeral services were conducted at the A. C. Harlow mortuary at 1 o'clock with Rev. Father James F. Barrett, pastor of the Church of the Assumption, officiating. Nugent had a wide acquaintance in Bellingham and was regarded at a clever and daring police officer. He was appointed under civil service on December 19, 1905, and was 35 years of age at that time. He served as detective on the department until June 30, 1916, at which time he left the department. At the time of his sudden death he was employed at the cement plant. Former police associates of Nugent who acted as pallbearers today were Pat Jessup, George Sybrant, Chief Nick Rust and Assistant Chief Neil Blue. The other pallbearers were Messrs. Paget and Fazon.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 3, 1926; WGS Collection)

NYBERG, Erik (d. 1919)

The funeral of Erik Nyberg, brother of Mrs. Seholm, who resides on the pipe line road, was held Sunday afternoon from Potter's undertaking parlors and burial made in the Blaine cemetery. Rev. Pollock officiated. Deceased died last week in Providence Hospital in Seattle and the body was shipped here for burial. He was born in Sweden, June 6, 1877, and leaves an aged mother and a sister and brother in this country. He was engaged in railroad contracting.
(From The Blaine Journal, December 19, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

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