Thursday, May 12, 1892:
A bright little girl came Friday to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred SAAR. I. S. GILL has opened up a barber shop in the CONNOR building north of SHARPE's hardware and is prepared to give you a stylish hair-cut or a smooth shave on short notice. Quite a delegation went on the early train to Whatcom last Monday. Among the group we noticed A. R. JOHNSON, S. J. RECORD, Attorney LAMBERT, J. M. WHITE, Peter SAAR, "Buck" WOODS and others. The Sumas Dramatic Company is organized and will give an exhibition in about six weeks for the benefit of the I. O. G. T. The name of the play is "Under Cloud." Members of the cast: J. H. BIGELOW, E. M. SMITH, Martin OLSON, Howell GILKIN, Jim MYERS, Ella THALLHEIMER and Mrs. BROWNING. Merchant SCHUMACHER has bought a show-case from LARSON BROS. and filled it full of choice cigars. He has a fine display of cigars now, all flavors and prices. J. LOUDEN, the brickmason and plasterer, has just completed a good chimney for the new THYGESON business building. C. H. MOTT has the interior of his building nicely painted and the windows have been artistically decorated with goods.
Messrs. Harry HINTON and S. L. TODD were here over election and report progress
in the shingle industry at Custer.Miss Pauline JACOBS, the efficient teacher at Delta, was visiting home and friends here Saturday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, November 3, 1892:
At Sumas the election officers appointed by the board of County Commissioners were: A. SCHUMACHER, inspector, Phil A. LAWRENCE and A. C. VAIL, judges. At Columbia Valley: O. S. COLEMAN, inspector; W. A. ECKHART and Louis SELL, judges. At Clearbrook: Oliver TILTON, inspector, J. C. NATTRASS and H. HINTON, judges. About a dozen parties took advantage of excursion rates to Whatcom on account of the old soldier's convention yesterday. Among the Old Soldiers attending from here were WRIGHT, A. G. and E. R. HOPKINS, WALRATH, CONNER and others. On Friday, Oct. 28th, Mrs. HARRISON's remains were laid to rest. The service was simple and viewed by many people. James INNES had his foot hurt by a falling shingle bolt Tuesday at the shingle mill and laid off Wednesday. E. TRIMBELL is making an improvement in the way of plastering the kitchen of his dwelling. W. A. EASTERBROOK's youngest daughter Clara, is quite sick this week. Henry EHLERS was in town Tuesday. Merchant MADDEN of Clearbrook was in town Monday. Mr. MCCASKILL, of Everson, was in town the first of the week. G. H. GARRISON is receiving congratulations over the arrival of a very fine boy baby at his home on last Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. L. I. WALRATH are now comfortably settled in the building opposite the post office, belonging to G. W. STORMS. Charles FERRY, who was shot through the jaw by a drunken colored woman last week, was brought home by his cousin Mr. ROSE, last Saturday. He is doing well we are glad to say.
-Mrs. John KELLEY and daughter, Carrie, were in Sumas last Sunday. -The Clearbrook school reports the following pupils as neither absent nor tardy during the month ending Oct. 28th: Charlie ALEX, Alfred ALEX, Laura BOYER, Maud BOYER, Eddie HAGIN, Grace HAGIN, Nettie HAGIN, Mary HAMMELL, Annie HARKNESS, Charlie HARKNESS, Eddie HARKNESS, Charlie HINTON, Minnie HINTON, Johnnie NATTRASS, Nellie NATTRASS, Augusta SMITH, Esther SMITH, Maud SMITH and Warren SMITH. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, April 12, 1894:
L. E. POTTER and Joseph KING transacted business at Whatcom Thursday. Mrs. CARTER has her milliner shop very neatly and attractively arranged. She is now located near the Commercial Hotel on Columbia street. Isaac LANNING, father of Mrs. EATON, of this place died at Lynden last Friday. He had been ill for a long time and his death was not unexpected. He was about sixty-five years of age. Henzel SCHROLL has returned to Sumas after an absence of several months. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. met at Mrs. S. G. BUELL's Friday afternoon April 6th. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. S. N. CEDERBERG, Vice President, Mrs. A. H. MARSH, Recording Secretary, Mrs. S. G. BUELL, Treasurer, Mrs. M. S. KENYON.
Sumas, Wash. April 2d, 1894
-C. L. HAMMELL has his new house ready for occupancy, and will move his family into it in a few days. -Mrs. MCDONALD was taken to the hospital again last Sunday, but died the same evening. She had been rapidly declining for some time. She leaves a husband, father, mother, and one sister and two brothers to mourn her loss, and they have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday, July 10, 1909: Mr. and Mrs. GILLIES of Nooksack spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Sewell MARSH. Isaac DEETER and family have moved from their ranch and are now living in the south part of town. Leo KELLOGG came up from Seattle to spend the Fourth with his parents Mr. and Mrs. DIGNAN. Mrs. Geo. ALEXANDER, of Matsqui, B. C., accompanied by her cousins, spent Monday here enjoying the celebration. Miss Alta HARDEMAN, who has been clerking in BARLOW's confectionery store for some weeks, returned to her home in Kendall this week. Mr. and Mrs. [hole] WEATHERBY, of Columbia Valley spent the week with Mrs. WEATHERBY's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. LINDSEY. Mr. and Mrs. BALDWIN, Miss Myrth BALDWIN and Ralph BALDWIN, from Van Buren, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Rees THOMAS. Hon. R. S. LAMBERT came home last Sunday from Olympia. The legislature has taken a recess until August 11th, at which time Mr. LAMBERT will report for duty. Mrs. E. REMINGTON, of Clayborn, who has been in Dr. DALTON's hospital for the past two weeks returned to her home this week much improved. Wm. LUBWIG, who moved from here several months ago to the Wenatchee country, arrived in Sumas a few days ago for an indefinite stay. Mrs. LUBWIG came a short time before her husband. David ERB, a prosperous shingle manufacturer, of Maple Falls, was a visitor in the city Sunday afternoon. Dave, as he is familiarly called in these parts, was returning from his old home at Everson, where he had been spending the holidays with friends. Nate HARKNESS, than whom there is no better known or more popular young man in this section, came over from Eburne, B. C. last Saturday, to visit relatives in Everson and mingle again with boyhood friends. On his return, Mr. HARKNESS stooped a short time in this city, and was kept busy shaking hands with old-time acquaintances.
Mrs. LUNDWELL serves ice cream and cake, as well as furnishing light lunches to order. Mr. A. B. HAMEN, special collector of customs, of Seattle, was in town on business Thursday and Friday of this week. Mrs. LAPOINT and children are visiting friends, at Marysville, Snohomish county, this week, and Bryan is looking for sympathy on account of his enforced bachelordom. Messrs. BARLOW, HENDRICKSON and TRIMBELL leave on Monday for Idaho and Montana where they will take a chance in the government drawing in Indian lands in those states. Registration books for this drawing will be opened July 15th. Quite a number of others in this city contemplate taking a chance in the drawing. Our old friend, "Billy" BARLOW, narrowly escaped a very serious accident. He was holding a cannon firecracker, one of very large size, and having lighted the fuse he was about to cast it under the feet of some unsuspecting, unsophisticated countryman, when he caught sight of a pretty girl coming his way. Billy immediately forgot everything else but suddenly biff! bang! he returned again to earth to find his fingers badly bruised. Billy will keep his eye on the cracker next time. Theo N. EMERY recently of Sedro Woolley, but now a resident of Sumas prairie, just across the line, spent the Fourth in this city. Mr. EMERY is associated with O. S. COLEMAN, of the forest service, and is arranging to open the well known Coleman bungalow, or hunting lodge on the prairie, this season. Mr. EMERY is a gentleman, a professional caterer; and the sportsman, or party who are fortunate enough to enjoy his hospitality and good fellowship during the coming season will never regret it. As an entertainer Mr. EMERY is a prince. Mrs. DELGHETTA, of Seattle, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. HOWELL. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. KERR, residents of Sultan, spent the week in this city, the former home of both. They arrived in time for the celebration but remained to visit with friends. S. R. BREWER and little daughters Mable and Vera, started for Greeley, Colorado, Tuesday morning. They will make their home there, and Mr. BREWER will take up his work as plasterer. |
Transcribed by Susan Nahas 2001-2004