The Daily Reveille
New Whatcom, WA

Extractions by Susan Nahas
Tuesday, January 12, 1897:

Ed DURGAN, lighthouse keeper at Stewart island, is in the city.

Mrs. E. L. HEDDON, mother of Mrs. E. T. NOBLES, started yesterday for San Francisco.

Born - To the wife of Chas. HILDEBRAND of Lake Whatcom, a son on Jan. 9th, 1897.

Mrs. Ella I. SYLVESTER, wife of W. W. SYLVESTER, died at Issaquah of pneumonia on December 18, 1896. She was aged 42 years.

Cal McCARTY, the veteran who died suddenly on Saturday evening near his home on North Elk street was buried yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Bay View cemetery. The funeral was under the charge of W. H. BRACKETT. Rev. WHITE conducted the services at the grave. The funeral was attended by a large number of veterans living on the bay.

F. S. GRANDIN died suddenly yesterday morning at his home on the corner of F and 17th streets of cerebral hemorrhage. He had been indisposed since last Wednesday but the illness was not considered at all dangerous, and the night before when the doctor visited him he appeared to be nearly recovered. His relatives live in Tidioute, Pennsylvania, and his body will be take there for burial. Mr. GRANDIN was a young man, only about 32 years old. He came to Whatcom about six years ago.

Wednesday, January 13, 1897:

Mortuary services will be held today at the residence of the late F. S. GRANDIN. On account of limited room none but invited friends are expected to be present. Mrs. GRANDIN will accompany the body of her husband to Pennsylvania and his brother will join her on the road. Miss TEMPLIN accompanies her to Seattle.

The bridge at Marietta has been completed and is nearly fifty feet longer than before.

Jim ESPY returned yesterday from Cincinnati where he has been for five months.

--Work is being done on the cemetery, stumps taken out and a street graded through the center.
--The singing school conducted by Mr. MARSH in the West Mountain View school house is in a flourishing condition.
--Mrs. Rose COLLINS of Anacortes, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. BATSTONE, returned to her home on Sunday.
--Mr. BUCK of Sumas, who is interested in the cheese factory, moved his family to Ferndale a few weeks ago.

Thursday, January 14, 1897:

COFFMAN of Lynden has been appointed janitor of the court house by the county commissioners, to take the place of Charlie CUDWORTH, who has made a very satisfactory janitor for five or six years.

Dr. CROSS returned early yesterday morning from Deming, where he was attending Conductor McGAFFEY, who is very seriously injured. The conductor was running a freight train and at Deming was switching three cars from the sidetrack. He was on a box car himself attending to the braking. The cars cramped someway in turning on the switch and the conductor jumped from the box car. He struck a piece of timber on the ground and broke the largest bones of both legs just above the ankles and dislocated the small bone of one leg. He was taken to Walter PARKER's rooms and the doctor attended to the injuries. Arrangements were made yesterday and he was taken to his home at Seattle.

The body of the late F. S. GRANDIN was taken to Pennsylvania yesterday on the Great Northern for interment. Mrs. GRANDIN and a brother of the deceased, who met her on the road, accompanied the casket. Short funeral services were held at the house before leaving by Rev. W. A. MACKEY in the presence of as many of the friends as the limited room would permit. Miss TEMPLIN accompanied Mrs. GRANDIN to Seattle.

Friday, January 15, 1897:

Albert C. VINE, a resident of Walla Walla, yesterday bought land, from Emery McGINNIS as agent, located at Mountain View. He will make his home there. He returned to Walla Walla last night for his household goods and will come back immediately and begin work.

B. L. WILLIAMS, of the YOUNG & WILLIAMS cannery of Blaine, is in town.

F. R. HOLMES will go east as far as Wyoming and remain for two or three months to recuperate. He has never recovered fully from an attack of the grip a long time ago.

Frank GANNON is around after a two months' siege of typhoid. He was taken sick before election and lingered on a couple of weeks and then had to take to his room where he has been till very lately. His strength all went to his whiskers while he was sick.

--Dr. KELLEY of Whatcom, came out on Sunday to see J. W. DUANE, who has been confined to his bed at D. A. GRIFFIN's for the past two weeks.
--M. J. GATES was elected president of the Welcome Social Club, at the last meeting of the club.

--B. FERGUSEN is seriously ill with the grippe.
--G. L. JACKSON is grubbing land for Mr. MORGAN.
--G. W. CROCKER is improving the looks of his new house by building a neat picket fence around it.
--Sam HARDEN has rented R. SHIELD's farm.

Saturday, January 16, 1897:

Born - To Mr. and Mrs. W. F. S. DILLON, a daughter, on Thursday, Jan. 14th.

Dr. BIRNEY has moved his office into the corner room of the Lighthouse building just vacated by MAXWELL & ROMAINE.

A telegram was received from Mrs. GRANDIN from a station 28 miles east of Spokane where Chas. GRANDIN, brother of F. S., met her and will accompany her to Tidioute.

Alex VARETT, Bert VAN LUVEN, Gordon McDONALD and Frank WATERBURY all of Blaine have gone to catch the steamer Topeka at Seattle for Fort Wrangel, Alaska, where they go to work for the summer.

Sunday, January 17, 1897:

E. H. BRANIN, formerly agent at Custer and later N. P. agent at Winlock, is visiting his brother A. BRANIN, for a week.

Mrs. Charles GREENBERG leaves today for Seattle to meet her sister, Miss FRANK of San Francisco. They will visit with Mr. and Mrs. GOTTSTEIN of Seattle for a couple of weeks before returning to the city.

W. B. TIFFANY of Orcas Island is on the Bay.

Earl MILLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Julius MILLER, had the misfortune to be seriously hurt yesterday afternoon while coasting on C street. In the throng his sled was shied off to one side and he fell hard enough to kill a grown man. The back of his head is badly bruised and he was stunned for the time.

Mr. and Mrs. Neil BLUE are visiting in the city. Mr. BLUE was jailer under DeLORIMER.

Tuesday, January 19, 1897:

Miss Madge DAY visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. DAY of Fairhaven, over Sunday and left yesterday for Vancouver, B.C., where she will live.

Mrs. O. P. BROWN returned yesterday morning from Arkansas.

Key APPLEBY left yesterday with Rossland as his ultimate destination.

Architect SKILLINGS is in the city making his final estimate on the normal school.

--Will BELL, who has been knot sawing at OWEN's mill, was taken to his home in Whatcom last week on account of sickness.
--Miss Netty PROUTY and Miss Florence GRIFFITH, who have been attending the high school in Whatcom this winter, are with us again.
--Misses Minnie and Carrie ARONES are visiting friends in Whatcom.
--Dr. OWEN's and family will move to Whatcom this week where the children will attend school.
--Mrs. WOLF and family left last week for Ohio where they will join Mr. WOLF who has been absent from this place more than a year.
--W. BOYD, who has been employed at LOVEALL's mill, had the misfortune to lose a finger last Tuesday.

Wednesday, January 20, 1897:

Mrs. Isaac JOHNSON of Happy Valley died on Monday of consumption and was buried in Bay View cemetery yesterday afternoon.

W. J. PRATT's house, corner of F and 17th caught fire yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A small boy in the family was playing upstairs and by some means set fire to some clothes and the smoke began to roll out as if there was danger ahead. It was put out quickly by the family without calling the department.

--Miss Alice SMITH closed a five months term of school on Friday.
--H. KENNEDY was surprised by about thirty of his young friends on Friday evening, it being the anniversary of his 21st birthday. Music and games were indulged in till a late hour when lunch was served.
--Mrs. BALL and J. SHETLER of Ferndale, attended the singing in the West Mountain View school house on Tuesday eve.
--Rev. MULCHER of Lynden, preached in West Mountain View school house on Sunday.

Thursday, January 21, 1897:

J. T. COFFMAN, the new janitor at the court house, took possession yesterday and was shown around by Charlie CUDWORTH, who steps out this morning as a private citizen once more. Mr. COFFMAN comes from Lynden.

Asahel DILLON is in Blaine this week.

H. G. BARKLEY came home yesterday from Tacoma.

Mrs. J. H. ANDERSON and son went over the Great Northern yesterday to Rossland.

Walter RUTZ, NICHOLSON's clerk, has gone to a visit at his home in Port Townsend.

J. M. FORTIER has leased the room now occupied by the Queen Restaurant in the Holly block and will move into it about the first of February.

Walter MORTIMER, a Washington school boy, slid down the outside banisters at that building at noon yesterday a little too fortissimo and struck mother earth with his head. It jarred the ground and stunned Walter. He was unconscious and his playmates were scared. At length he recovered somewhat and they took him home and he is getting around all right. The lesson to be learned from the accident is that boys should always slide up the banisters.

BIRCH BAY -- Mr. WESTMAN, who has the contract to build the new school house is rapidly completing the structure.

Friday, January 22, 1897:

Chas. FRANK and J. B. POWELL went to Rossland this week.

E. B. CRUM has been appointed second lieutenant of Co. F.

J. H. SCHIVELY made a talk to the A.O.U.W. at Fairhaven last night.

O. M. JENKINS has been engaged as watchman at the new normal school building.

S. R. GARRETT, brother of Mrs. Will SANDERSON, left yesterday for his home in Minnesota.

Miss Anna BURTON fainted and fell from her chair yesterday. She was taken home in a hack and soon recovered from the attack.

Two divorces were granted yesterday, FOSS vs FOSS and THURSTON vs THURSTON. Both these were on complaint of the wives of the two men on the ground of asking a divorce was desertion.

Nine out of ten people in Whatcom don't know how to ring telephone calls. This is the way it is done. You ring twice, shortly, for the central office, then give the number you want to central and hang up the receiver and wait. You don't have to ring once for the person you want to talk to. The centeral office does that. If after waiting awhile you don't get a return ring from the person you wish to talk to, then it is proper to ring once for them as they may have been out of the room when central rang for them.

--A. J. SOPHER is building a new eight room farm residence.
--Prof. A. T. WILLIAMS is spending a few days with his sister Mrs. PEBLY at Welcome.
--Frank SEFTON, who has been sick for some time, is able to be around again.
--A petition is being circulated to have John HOLMES appointed postmaster at Hollingsworth.

Saturday, January 23, 1897:

C. M. ATKINS leaves today for Butte, Mont., where he has accepted a position as book keeper.

Joe JENSEN is now the regularly appointed traffic agent for the Bay City and will rustle for that popular old standby.

Mrs. D. S. JENKINS was adjudged insane yesterday and will be taken to Steilacoom today. Unbalanced over religious questions is the cause.

A. F. KIRKMAN's little five year old daughter that burned badly on Thursday falling against the stove is recovering as rapidly as time will permit.

D. C. JENKINS and Miss Mable RICE were married on Thursday evening by Judge R. J. ANDERSON. They will live in Olympia where D. C., who is a master of the practical work of a newspaper office, will have a good position.

A literary society has been started at Nooksack.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. George CHARLOT on Friday, January 22, a daughter.

The Blaine schools begin on Monday. G. C. WHITNEY, Miss Nellie CORNISH and Mrs. GOTCHY will be the teachers.

A post office to be called Strandell has been established at STRANDELL's store at Roeder.

Geo. DUNN left for Seattle last night where he will make his head quarters.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Randolph CURRY of C street, a son Thursday, January 21st.

Wednesday, January 27, 1897:

Died - At D. A. GRIFFIN's, Hollingsworth, on Sunday morning the 24th, after one month's illnes, W. J. DUAINE, [or DUANE], aged about sixty years. Mr. DUAINE has been a resident of the valley of the Middle Fork for the past eight years, and owned a homestead of one hundred and forty acres, he was widower without children. A short time before his death he executed a will bequeathing the estate to an only sister supposed to be living in the state of New York. In the death of Mr. DUAINE, the Middle Fork loses a quaint character, who will live long in the memory of the people of the valley.

--Mr. and Mrs. Elmer SMITH have sold their house and lot to Mrs. POWELL, recently from Australia. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH will moved to Eugene City, Oregon in about two weeks. they came to Ferndale about five years ago. Mr. SMITH founded the Ferndale Clipper, he sold out to the ROGERS' Bros'. about two years ago, and bought shares in the CLARK shingle mill which he sold later to Mr. DeCANN. They have many firm friends here, who deeply regret their departure. We wish them prosperity and happiness in their new home.
--Mrs. Charlie BRYSE is still sick at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. BATSTONE.
--Mr. Will MAXFIELD, who has been spending the holidays with his family at Port Angeles, has returned to his field of labor in the DAVIS mill.

Saturday, January 30, 1897:

The Queen restaurant is defunct for the present. Mr. QUACKENBUSH who has conducted a restaurant there for some time that was a credit both to the city and the proprietor has sold his outfit and rented the room to J. M. FORTIER. Mr. FORTIER will move his saloon from the Lighthouse building to the new location and in the rear a first class cafe will be conducted under Mr. FORTIER's supervision. The cafe will be a short order lunch room during the day except from eleven till two when a business mans lunch will be served. The new proprietor aims to make it a popular place. He takes possession today.

Rev. T. J. MASSEY, pastor of the First M. E. Church died of heart failure on Friday night at the M. E. Hospital in Spokane. Three weeks ago he preached his last sermon in Whatcom and got leave of absence for a month to go in search of better health. For the last five years he has been more or less an invalid and lately had grown worse. He started east and got to Spokane where he was compelled by physical prostration to enter the hospital. On Thursday his wife received a telegram that he was very low and yesterday news came that he had died. His body will arrive here tomorrow noon and the funeral will be a private one from the residence on Front street on Monday at 2 p.m. Union memorial services, taken part in by all the M. E. churches on the Bay will be held in the First M. E. church tomorrow at 11 a. m. Mr. Massey was 42 years old. He was born in Chester, Illinois. He has been on Puget Sound since '86, was two years a pastor at Tacoma, was presiding elder of that district, was agent of the Puget Sound University, has been twice pastor in Whatcom and was presiding elder of this district. His wife and four children, the eldest 15 years old, live in the Judge SCOTT house on Front street.

Prof. J. M. HATCHER left on Monday for San Luis Potosi, Mexico, where he teaches English literature in a university.

M. J. HENEY is back again from the east and still talks hopefully of the building of the Blaine & Eastern from Blaine to Nooksack, or thereabouts, via Lynden.

ORTEIG Bros. have leased the room formerly known as the Grand Restaurant on Holly street and will open a first class French restaurant as soon as they can get things arranged.

Dr. THOMPSON of Nooksack was taken suddenly ill in Vancouver, B. C., this week and for some time the matter was viewed very seriously and Mrs. THOMPSON was telegraphed for. He recovered and is now at home.

G. M. SORELLE, formerly of Whatcom and later of Custer, last week sold a quarter interest in the North Exchange mine in the Slocan country. There is a tunnel in 60 feet in the North Exchange and men are at work on it.

Saturday, February 6, 1897:

George W. WELCH of Nooksack has been granted an increase of pension.

Mrs. Alexander BOWEN of Sumas, has been visiting Mrs. Dr. PURDY the past few days.

Sunday, February 7, 1897:

     Joe COSGROVE was crushed by a log at the Blue Canyon bunkers yesterday at 3:30 p. m. and died at eight o'clock. He was semi-conscious for a short time after the accident and spoke to one of the men who was helping to carry him but never was conscious and was delirious at the hospital.
      He was hind brakeman on the logging train that is such a familiar sight to the people of the city as it goes and comes to and from the various logging camps on the Blue Canyon route. Many times a day the train goes puffing out into the country and returns with a train load of big logs of fir and cedar that are dumped with a great splash down the long chute at the bunkers. The conductor is the head brakeman and he and Joe have been running the train since Fred HAMBURG was killed at the bunkers eighteen months ago.
      Yesterday the train came in with a long load of logs. The conductor was riding on the engine and Joe was on top of the last car. The train stopped at the bunkers. The men on the front were startled by shouts from a man down the track and went to the rear. There they found Joe under a thirty foot log, which was diagonally across him. It was a cedar log two and a half feet in diameter. He was crushed and broken so that he couldn't possibly life long. His legs, one arm, ribs on one side and his body generally suffered and the doctor's said that the side of his body and the leg that was on the under side were worst broken so that he must have been rolled over once at least. BLOEDEL took a hack and hurried Drs. BIGGS and HENDERSON down to the bunkers and they tried all means known but they were powerless to do anything except perhaps prolong his life for an hour. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital and died there four hours afterwards.
      No one knows how the accident happened for no one was near the car. There is always more or less danger about a logging train for the weight of the logs themselves and the movements of the heavily loaded train make a man of no more account than a pasteboard toy in case of an accident, but Joe was always very careful seemingly and he was killed on the side of the train where there is considered to be no danger. The logs are all dumped to the right down the chute and the left side of the track is seemingly safe. The best explanation is that the train stopped and as it did so Joe jumped off the hind end of the last car as he always did and went round the car. There is a curve at that point and the top log, which perhaps wasn't well set in its place, by the jar of stopping and the cramping of the logs on the curve, became displaced and slid off just as Joe got round to the side of the car, just in time to catch him with the tremendous force that a thirty foot log would acquire in sliding from the top of a high carload.
      Joe was a young man, probably 26 years old, and unmarried. He is the youngest brother of the COSGROVE family, Ed, John and Pat being the other members, and was always popular among his associates. The arrangements for the funeral are not yet made and will be announced later.

Thursday, February 18, 1897:

There were 34 applicants for certificates at the examination last week. These are the names of the successfuls:
Second Grade - W. Frank MOYER, Esther SUTHERLAND, Carrie O. WILMORE, Nettie LEHMAN, John W. GODFREY, J. F. DEAN, Mabel DONOVAN, Miss Rose WILSON, Geo. R. AUSTIN, Mattie BIRD, Geo. H. ROBINSON, Nellie H. ABBOTT, Alice SMITH, Lillian GRIFFITH, Chas. A. LINDBERRY, Mary M. MACKEY, David DUNAGAN, Herbert A. BERKMAN, William JONES.
Third Grade - Marian COLE, Luella AUSTIN, Mildred STUBBS, Myrtle TROTT, Emma WHEELIS, Fanny AUSTIN, Maude HUMPHRIES, Geo. M. NETERER.

Ed GOODING and Miss Lizzie REED are to be married tonight at the home of Miss REED.

March 27, 1897:

Hattie C. PARK, daughter of C. M. PARK of Acme, died at noon on Thursday of consumption. She was 22 years old. The funeral will be held on Sunday under the superintendence of W. H. BRACKETT.

May 9, 1897:

Mrs. SCHLATER's daughter from Semiahmoo who has been totally blind for three weeks and is under the care of Dr. HOLT recovered her sight yesterday and could see across the street.

Teachers Elected.
The following teachers were elected yesterday afternoon at a full meeting of the school board. Everything was unanimous at the meeting:
Harry PATTISON city superintendent;
E. E. WHITE principal high school;
J. N. SELBY, Anna GRAHAM and Virgil PERINGER, assistants;
Mary D. CAREW, Joh LEE, Fannie E. LEE, R. SIMPSON, principals of grade buildings;
Alice M BIGGS, Emma CAMPBELL, Feronia JOHNSON, Mollie CARPENTER, Hattie UNDERWOOD, Clara SMITH, Mrs. M. F. KNIGHT, Rose ROGERS, grammar grade;
Nettie COLEMAN, M. Dee BACUS, May ATKINS, Anna McBRIDE, Will D. PRATT, Carrie WILMORE, Mrs. GETCHELL, Rose MORGAN, intermediate grade;
Nellie LEE, Florence LEES, Rose DOBBS, Jessie CALLVERT, first primary grade.
The music teacher hasn't been elected yet as the board adjourned before that order of business was reached. The term was fixed at nine months for next year and the wages will be the same as this year.

BORN - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. F. N. CULVER on Wednesday, May 5th.

June 8, 1897:

Mrs. THOMPSON of Blaine, mother of Mrs. Dr. KING and Miss Nell THOMPSON of that city, died at her home on Sunday at noon. She was buried in the Blaine cemetery yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Mark JUKES of this city conducted the religious exercises. The funeral was very largely attended as Mrs. THOMPSON and relatives were among the most widely known people of Blaine, she having come there in 1889.

October 10, 1897:

Died. -- The funeral of Mrs. A. H. STRAUB will be held at the family residence on 12th street, Fairhaven, this (Sunday) afternoon at 4:30 p.m.

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