The Daily Reveille
Bellingham, WA

Extractions by Susan Nahas
April 5, 1895:


The Sea Gives Up Its Dead; Body drifts Ten Miles, and is Washed Up at Fort Bellingham; Over $600 Sewed in the Clothing; VOGT Proposed to Ride Ashore

     The storm of Tuesday night lingered, Wednesday, only in an unusually heavy rain which ceased about 3 o'clock. At that time a peculiar spectacle presented itself on the water front. The tug Boyden was seen steaming south in the harbor before the city, towing some submerged thing from near the mouth of the Nooksack. The two was said to be the steamer Buckeye, which the tug had picked up off Fort Bellingham, where the wreck had drifted after she capsized at Le Grand quarry—ten miles away. There was nothing to indicate a steamer in the tow as the cabin had been washed off and a few heavy deck timbers only rose above the water, and over these the water dashed. The wreck was taken to Fairhaven and beached at the Ocean dock. There was some curiosity manifested as to whether the body of H. KAUTZMAN had been recovered, but as he was lost from the raft, after it had been cut loose from the steamer, the inquiry was unwarranted.
      The wife of the deceased, bruised and wounded, was cared for at the home of A. M. LOUX, and she was nearly delirious all night, and raved of her husband and his bloody appearance on the wreck when she saw him for the last time.
Body Found.
      The body of KAUTZMAN was found on the beach at Uncle John BENNETT's place, near Fort Bellingham, yesterday afternoon, by two boys named MITCHELL and GEER, and was taken possession of by Coroner BRACKETT. The body showed several bad cuts, which were bleeding. The coroner found $635 in gold in little sacks pinned to his undershirt, and some small change. His watch had stopped at 4:08. He was neatly dressed, and wore a diamond pin in his shirt front. His watch was a fine gold instrument. The coroner will hold an inquest because of the life insurance, of which the deceased carried policies for $8,000.
Tales of The Survivors.
      Tony VOGT, who escaped in the life boat, was taking care of his cattle in the bow of the boat when the heavy seas commenced to strike the steamer. The waves washed over the top of the doors and drenched him, and he began to realize it was time to go. He launched a skiff, bow first, which was engulfed by the waves and lost, and then helped cut away the dingy, to which all rushed. ASHER and BENNETT saw that the boat would not carry all of them and climbed out again and took to a craft. KAUTZMAN had succeeded in wriggling out of the window, badly cut and bloody and had taken possession of one life raft, BOWDEN had another, and ASHER and BENNETT took the third, all of which were tied to the steamer. This was the most terrible time. The woman had been forced into the boat by VOGT, and was frantic upon being separated from her husband, who was covered with blood, and a hideous sight. The passengers and some of the crew were screaming, and it seemed that the whole party would be swallowed up by the waves, which came roaring in and tossed the wreck, rafts and dingy up in the air, and then engulfed them in the seething brine. The boat pulled out and disappeared in the waves. Those who were not rowing bailed out the water. Will D. JENKINS at one time lost a rowlock, but very fortunately it fell inside the boat, or the voyage would have ended at once. VOGT states that they were using shoes, hates, and hands to keep the water out of the boat. When the great rollers came roaring at them, and heaving over them like a mountain, he was apprehensive that he was about to have to swim, and then and there made up his mind if the boat swamped to ride the cow, which was swimming after them, to shore. The boat as they approached shore was capsized by a huge wave and the people were driven pell mell upon the rocks, bruising and laming them.
      VOGHT (sic) carried the woman two miles to shelter. The captain hastened to Fairhaven six miles away, through the brush, on the run, secured the tug Boyden, and the men on the rafts are indebted for their lives to his promptness. The tug rescued ASHER, BENNETT, and BOWDEN as they were ready to drop into the water from cold and exhaustion.
      KAUTZMAN's raft was found floating, but KAUTZMAN had disappeared.
The Life Preservers.
      It is thought that KAUTZMAN was weakened by loss of blood, which caused him to be washed off the raft. He and all the wrecked party, had on “life preservers” better calculated to sink a swimmer than save him. One of them was brought up town by Mr. T. C. DARNELL, yesterday, and is a revelation of the iniquity of inspectors and captains. The heavy and cumbersome article was stuffed with what might have been tules, or sea grass, at one time, but which appeared like rotten straw pressed together. T is an open secret that nearly all the life preservers used on the Sound, and which are placed so conspicuously under the births to give the sleeper confidence, are of the same material, and utterly worthless, whether of tules or sea grass. All a passenger need to is to rip one of them open with a penknife and he will discover the fraud. The captains claim they are forced to purchase such articles by the inspectors, but unless the inspector hypnotists them this is no excuse.
The Deceased.
      The drowned man, KAUTZMAN, was landlord of the Wilson HOUSE in Anacortes and a liquor dealer, and was coming to Whatcom to pay the county taxes on Elk street property, $140, and to go into the liquor business. He was 55 years old, and leaves a wife and two grown sons in Anacortes. He belonged to the Odd Fellows, A. O. U. W., sons of Herman, Knights of Pythias, and other societies.

The funeral of Robert ANDERSON, who died Monday night at St. Joseph's hospital, from the effects of injuries received at the Sucia Island quarry, took place yesterday. The body was removed from the hospital to his late home on 22nd and Douglass streets. Rev. McDermot of the First M. E. church, delivered a short address at the residence, after which the remains, accompanied by a large concourse of friends, were placed on the cars and conveyed to its last resting place in Bay View Cemetery.

July 2, 1895:

The funeral services over the remains of Andrew COLEMAN were conducted Sunday afternoon by the Progress Club at their hall on Forrest street. Rev. McMILLAN preached the funeral sermon, in an able and impressive manner. The song service was rendered by the Progress Club choir, assisted by Prof. GRIFFIN on the organ. The opening hymn was "Jesus Lover of My Soul," and the closing "Rock of Ages." Deceased was a stranger in a strange land, and the large gathering present testified to the christian spirit which prevails among his countrymen. Long before the service began the hall was crowded, and before it ended the sidewalk and street in front of the hall was covered with people, nearly all of whom followed the remains to the cemetery.

Accidentally Shot.
A seven-year-old son of Fred VAN DOREN, who resides three miles north of Ferndale, was accidentally shot by his thirteen-year old brother, yesterday, and was seriously injured. The older boy had just returned from a hunting trip and as he was passing through the yard his younger brother called to him to make him throw up his hands. The older boy playfully pointed the gun and told his brother to throw up his hand, when the gun was fired and the heavy load of buckshot struck the boy on the left side of the breast, glancing over the bone tearing the flesh and passing through the right shoulder. Dr. CROSS, who was called to attend the boy, states that he extracted one shot, but thinks there may be more in the shoulder. The boy has a small chance of recovery.

Ex-Policeman CAMERON's big mongrel dog which bit the little son of Philip MARTIN so terribly, Saturday, has been shot by MARTIN.

F. B. CHANDLER, of Lynden, has been awarded the contract for furnishing, driving and capping the piles for the approach to the Lynden bridge.

The Lummi Indians will try their canoes in a boat race at the mouth of the Nooksack at 2 o'clock, today. Adam BUNT and the sail boats will carry the passengers.

Mr. and Mrs. F. P. KEYES and Mr. and Mrs. John CARR, of Ferndale, were visitors in the city last Sunday. They made the trip down and back via a Great Northern hand car.

Mr. and Mrs. O. H. CULVER, Blanche and Pearl SIMPSON, Leslie DARWIN and Lew BERENS went to Orcas Island, Saturday evening, and returned yesterday in the sloop Model.

Mr. John KASTNER and Miss Lillie SPRUCE, both of New Whatcom, procured a marriage license from Auditor DILLON, and were married by Justice HARDIN, yesterday. The young couple will reside on Garden street.

Capt. MAY and Barney VERRICK came over from Orcas Island in the sloop Ruby, yesterday.

Miss Maud HIATT and Miss Marion McDONALD, of Seattle, are spending a week visiting with Miss Lulu JENKINS.

Miss Edith WEST, of Mt. Vernon, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carmi DIBBLE and will remain until after the 4th of July.

The steam launch Trilby for charter by the hour or day; terms reasonable. Apply to Lester JENKINS, master.

H. B. BATEMAN and C. J. FREYGANG went on a fishing tour to Lake Whatcom Saturday and returned with a nice catch.

At Rest.
The last sad rites over the remains of Miss Mamie McCARTHY, who died Friday evening at her home on Humboldt street, were performed Sunday afternoon at her late home. The service began with the singing of the hymn, "Come Ye Disconsolate," by a quartette consisting of Mrs. A. S. COLE, Miss KORTHAUER, Messrs. PARK and EASTERBROOK. Rev. J. A. McARTHUR then read the burial service and offered prayer. "Safe in the Arms of Jesus," was then sang (sic) by the quartette, following which Rev. McARTHUR delivered an appropriate funeral sermon, and the service concluded by the singing of the hymn, "He Knows." A large number of people from all parts of the Bay cities attended. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. Twenty carriages containing relatives and friends were in the procession which accompanied the remains to Bay View where interment was made.

July 3, 1895:

The ADAMS brass band consists of 15 members, Dr. F. D. ADAMS, the well known cornet soloist being the leader. Charley ADAMS and Harry INGRAHAM are members of the band, and the entire personnel is closely identified with the city. Their grand ball the night of the Fourth will be an elaborate and select affair, and the proceeds will be for the perpetuation of a good musical organization. Buy a ticket even if you do not dance.

At St. Lukes.
--Willie VAN DOREN, who was accidentally shot by his brother near Ferndale, Monday evening, was brought to St. Lukes yesterday. Drs. CROSS and AXTEL removed a portion of the bone from the right shoulder at the arm socket which had been shattered. The flesh on the lad's breast is terribly torn, but the shot did not penetrate the chest cavity, and he may recover.
--Rev. HAINES, of Ferndale, was operated upon for appendicitis by Drs. BIRNEY & GOODHEART assisted by Dr. APPLEBY at St. Lukes hospital, yesterday.

Auditor DILLON, yesterday, issued marriage licenses to the following named parties:
Edward R. TAIT of Vancouver, B. C., and Alice RICE of Everson, Wash.;
Hugh R. BROWN, of New Whatcom, and Mary E. HARKNESS, of Clearbrook;
Frank G. MARCHAND and Annie C. OHLSEN, of Seattle;
George HENRY and Aurora BEGGERSTAFF of Marietta.

H. G. VAN REYPEN leaves today on the State of Washington to join the crew of the Myth at Seattle.

J. M. DUGAN and party of friends arrived in port yesterday in the launch, Flirt, from Sucia Island.

It is the general impression that when the Chuckanut road is completed it will be the most picturesque drive in the state.

Edward R. TAIT, of Vancouver, B. C., and Miss Alice RICE, of Everson, were married by Justice HARDIN yesterday afternoon.

Mrs. Martha HADLEY and Mrs. H. E. HADLEY, who have been spending two weeks visiting friends in Oregon, have returned.

J. A. KERR and C. W. DORR returned yesterday, from Seattle, where they had been attending to legal business connected with the Point Roberts fish case.

The burglary case against WEITZEL and HERZOG was brought up for hearing in Justice ANDERSON's court, yesterday, and was continued till 10 o'clock, Saturday.

Mrs. E. E. HARDIN and children, returned yesterday from Beach Grove, Ky., accompanied by Dr. W. M. HARDIN, brother of E. E. HARDIN, who will probably locate here.

Dr. MARKLEY states that Mr. MOULTON, who lives some six miles up the river from Ferndale, is afflicted with a peculiar and rare disease, the whole arterial system and valves of the heart are becoming calcified.

July 4, 1895:

The Sehome hotel was the scene of a very pleasant event, last evening. Mr. Jacob D. Custer, the well-known merchant of Blue Canyon, was united in marriage to Miss Maggie M. Warman, Rev. J. W. Savage performing the ceremony. The many friends of Mr. Custer will congratulate him upon this new and important departure.

Auditor DILLON, yesterday, issued a marriage license to John MARTIN and Miss Ellen BEITLAND, both of this city. The young couple were married last evening by Justice HARDIN at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. AUSTIN.

Senator W. H. GILBERT, wife and two daughters, have arrived from Walla Walla, and will spend the hot season in this city.

An eleven-pound boy is the latest acquisition to the home of Postmaster and Mrs. BOYD. The little fellow arrived, last Tuesday evening.

Alexander ALEXANDERSON, first mate of Myth No. 2, was knocked into the sea off Hale's passage by the mainsail boom, was tangled in the sheet, dragged a half mile, and rescued more dead than alive.

Mr. Dawson SWEARINGEN, of Pendleton, Oregon, arrived yesterday on a visit to his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. STENGER are the proud parents of a new daughter, which arrived yesterday.

Sudden Death.
William J. HALLOCK, a prominent citizen of Ferndale, a farmer, a man of family, and greatly respected, died, Tuesday night suddenly, of heart failure, aged 54 years. He was in the village an hour before he died, as well and happy, apparently, as ever in his life. He was stricken with death when retiring. He leaves a wife, three married daughters, and one unmarried daughter. The married daughters are Mrs. John REAVES, Mrs. D. WELCH, Mrs. L. QUACKENBUSH, all residing near the village, and all of whom came from Dakota together in 1889. He leaves his family well provided for. The funeral occurs today at 2 p. m. In consequence of this death the celebration at Ferndale is abandoned.
(For more details see the account below published July 14, 1895)

July 12, 1895:

Mr. William J. HALLOCK departed this life July 2nd, 1895, at his residence at East Ferndale, of heart disease, aged 5_ years. Mr. HALLOCK was a native of Owings [Owen?] Sound, Canada. He moved with his parents to Iron Ridge, Wisconsin, and from there to Melrose, Wisconsin, in 1859, where he wooed and won his bride, the present Mrs. HALLOCK, nee Miss Imogene SMITH. They moved from there to Clark county, Wisconsin, in 1865, where he took charge of his father's farm. In 1881 he located on a homestead in Brown county, Dakota. From there he moved with his family to Ferndale in April, 1890, and purchased a forty acre farm of Wm. SISSON, where his widow now resides with her daughter, Alpharetta, aged 13 years, and her aged father, Mr. SMITH. He has served the public in his various homes, always to the credit of himself and best interests of his country. He leaves a wife and four daughters. His sudden death was a great shock to his family and friends. On July 2nd he went to Whatcom with his team, returned, eat (sic) his supper, and went down town and chatted with his friends on the street. He went home and retired for the night at about 9 o'clock, apparently as well as usual. In half an hour he complained of feeling ill, and had one of his old spells, such as he has been having at intervals for the past year. The usual remedies were applied, but were of no avail, his suffering being intense, but fortunately for him of short duration. Death came to his relief about 10 o'clock. The funeral services were held at the house, and were conducted by Rev. McMILLAN, whose address was eloquent and impressive. The house was crowded, as were also the grounds surrounding the house. The beloved husband, the kind, indulgent, and beloved father, the honored and highly esteemed friend and neighbor was laid to rest in Woodlawn cemetery. The Odd Fellows paid their tribute of respect to their departed brother at the grave. The family has the heartfelt sympathy of the community, and a host of friends who mourn with them.
(See also the account published above on July 4, 1895)

July 14, 1895:

Mrs. T. G. NICKLIN is visiting her parents at Ten Mile.

Mr. D. H. EVANS, of Lummi, was in the city, yesterday.

Ex-policeman Sam LEITCH left, yesterday, for the Kootenai country.

Miss Minnie BARKER, of Toledo, Ohio, is visiting Mrs. E. M. WILSON, of Fairhaven.

John F. WOODS took out his final citizenship papers before Judge WINN, yesterday.

C. C. VAN ETTEN and wife, of Chicago, are in the city. Mr. VAN ETTEN is a heavy property holder on the Bay.

July 19, 1895:

Mount Baker Active.
Last Sunday Sumas was all excitement. Mount Baker, after a long slumber, awoke and belched forth great volumes of smoke and steam, which would spout up in columns hundreds of feet above the dome, when it would float away and be succeeded in a few minutes by another eruption. This continued for nearly two hours and hundreds of persons in Sumas and vicinity viewed this grand scene. -Sumas News.

Marriage licenses were issued, yesterday, to Ephraim ELDRIDGE and Janie BURNS, both of New Whatcom, and Gust FRANK and Michahna PRYKOWSKA, both of Acme.

S. L. JONES, the efficient book keeper of R. I. MORSE & Co., will, next Monday, take his first vacation in five years. He will visit his parents, who live in the White River valley and spend some time with friends in Seattle and Tacoma.

J. S. JAMESON's camp is fairly opened at Clearbrook, and he will commence to bring in logs to the B. B. Improvement Co.'s mill, Tuesday. He has 35 men at work, and expects to be six months in cutting timber on the 320 acres he has secured.

Mrs. Dora OTTMAN, formerly Mrs. KEESLING, returned from Albany, N. Y., to Whatcom, on Saturday. She has rented Mr. VERNON's residence on Henry street, and will make Whatcom her future home.

Miss Clara VINUP, who was injured in the accident returning from Weiser, is slightly better. She is at the home of J. HARDENBURG, of Lynden. He left side is numb and partly paralyzed, owing to the spinal shock. Yesterday, she was suffering very much.

A party of 14 bicyclists visited the Slater flax field, about 12 miles from town, beyond Ferndale, Sunday. The party consisted of Judge and Mrs. SCOTT, J. B. BALDY and wife, D. D. FAGAN and wife, R. C. HIGGINSON and wife, N. D. CHETHAM, Geo. DUNN and two others whose names were not given. They returned at 6 p. m. satisfied that the flax was all right.

Aaron EVANS left, yesterday for Wathena, Kansas, having received a telegram announcing the illness of his wife.

E. C. BOWMAN, J. D. LEEDY's partner in the Whistler mine, returned to Slate creek, yesterday.

Mrs. R. E. BRAND, of Whidbey island, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Frank GREEN.

Henry KORTHAUER returned from Galesburg, Illinois, yesterday.

F. C. LAWRENCE, formerly of Whatcom, is in business at Ashcroft, B. C.

Frank BATTERSBY is holding down a brakeman's brakeless position, on a passenger train between Seattle and Tacoma.

July 30, 1895:

The funeral of Victor CHAROIN (sic) [CHARROIN] was held at the family residence on Donovan avenue, in Fairhaven, yesterday afternoon, and was attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends, including many of his old neighbors of Mountain View, where he had long resided before retiring from his farm to spend his last days in Fairhaven. Rev. Isaac DILLON officiated and made some deeply interesting remarks concerning the history of the dead man. Mr. CHAROIN [CHARROIN] was born in France, and was the son of a veteran under the first Napoleon, a survivor of the memorable retreat from Moscow in which the magnificent French army was annihilated. Years after Napoleon had paid the debt of nature the elder CHAROIN removed to America with the deceased, then a lad of seven years. Mr. CHAROIN had been a resident of Whatcom county twenty-two years, and, dying leaves a widow, five daughters, three sons and fifteen grandchildren. He was a relative of Mr. C. X. LARRABEE. The funeral cortege consisted of three electric cars and the interment was at Bay View.

August 2, 1895:

Fire at Lawrence.
The dry house at the BLANKENSHIP mill at Lawrence caught fire, yesterday, and rumor says a large number of shingles were burned. George GAGE, who is controlling the property for the present, and Emery McGINNIS, who had some insurance on the shingles, drove out last evening.

The steamer Brick, completely remodeled, is doing business again.

T. W. LOWE, the new foreman of the Reveille composing rooms, has rented a cottage on Garden street, and has sent for his family.

H. Julius MILLER has removed his law office to the Jones & Carlyon building, corner of Elk and Holly streets. A. B. ROGERS is associated with him in his new rooms.

August 9, 1895:

Death at Blaine.
Donald ROTH [ROSS], a prominent citizen of Blaine died Thursday, the 1st inst. He came from Scotland to Arizona, thence to Blaine. He lived on the Pacific coast for more than 40 years. His physician told him that he could live but two or three hours, and to this he replied: "I don't owe anybody a cent." A short time after this he turned in his bad and suddenly expired. Deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church. He was over 70 years of age.

August 16, 1895:

The BASS Family.
Captain BASS and his brethren arrived per boat from Seattle, yesterday morning, and are commodiously located in the captain's block, under the excellent care of Mrs. BASS. The quartette are Charles, Alexander, T. J., and Samuel, each six feet high, each of 200 lbs. weight and each over 60 years of age. Alexander is a San Domingo planter, and has been in the West Indies 43 years. He shipped 24,000,000 lbs. of sugar last season. T. J. lives in San Francisco, and is president of the BASS-HUNTER Paint Co. Charles lives in New York and has retired from business, while the captain needs no introduction. The captain has seen none of these brothers in 40 years, and is as proud of them as of his grandchildren.

The county auditor issued a marriage license, yesterday, to Andrew LOFGREN and Miss Wendla M. CARLSON, both of New Whatcom.

The ODELL Tragedy.
The funeral of George ODELL was held at the home of his brother-in-law, Geo. W. FRANKLIN, near Lynden, yesterday, at 3 p.m., Mr. FRANKLIN informing Undertaker BRACKETT that the condition of the body would not permit of delay, although Leila ODELL, sister of the deceased, was expected on the San Francisco steamer, Saturday. Mr. ODELL was a member of a party who were out for a bathing and picnic frolic, and which intended to return to Lynden the same night. He was bathing and had an oar in his grasp when he sank, and his disappearance was noted first by Ed. EDSON, who plunged into the lake with his clothes on, but was unable, after several attempts, to dive to the bottom of the lake, although he made an heroic effort. Frank GANNON had better success, and recovered the body. Miss Anna ODELL, and Mrs. FRANKLIN of Lynden, sisters of the deceased, and their father, who also resides at Lynden are the only family members of the family in the county.
(See Aug. 23 below)

Another Wedding.
W. M. SISSON of Ferndale, and Miss Nettie HOSMER of the same place, were married at noon yesterday in the presence of a number of friends, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. M. M. ROE. Justice ANDERSON performed the ceremony. Mrs. SISSON was formerly a resident of Minnesota and Mr. SISSON is one of the pioneer merchants of Whatcom county.

Fire at Fairhaven.
P. J. HENNELLY's fine residence was almost totally destroyed by fire shortly after 12 o'clock Wednesday night. This was one of the finest residences on the bay having been built in 1890 at a cost of about $15,000. How the fire started is a mystery, and as a brisk breeze was blowing at the time, it attained a good start before the fire department arrived on the scene, making it impossible to save the building, or much of the fine furniture with which it was filled. It is said that there was $7000 insurance on the building and $5000 on the furniture and wearing apparel of Mrs. HENNELLY, all held by companies represented by FREYGANG and ALEXANDER. Mrs. HENNELLY's remarkable parrot and thorough bred Scotch terrior were lost in the flames much to her regret. It is not known whether Mr. HENNELLY proposes to rebuild or not.

August 23, 1895:

George N. ODELL, drowned while bathing in Weiser lake August 14 about 2 o'clock p. m.
The subject of these lines was born near Berrien Springs, Mich., September 16, 1873. During his early boyhood his mother passed to the other side, where he has just followed. In 1883 his family moved to Dakota, living there until 1889, when they removed to Lynden, Wash. In the spring of 1891 he decided to join the ranks of the journalists, and as a preliminary step entered the office of the Lynden Pioneer Press. It was during this time that he first appeared in the editorial world as joint editor of the brief but brilliant Morning Glory. Afterward going to Everett he was employed on the Everett News. In March, 1894, in company with Mr. J. F. SEAMAN, he leased the Lynden Pioneer Press. In October of the same year Mr. SEAMAN retired, and Mr. ODELL, assuming the editorial chair, conducted the paper ably and successfully until June, of this year. He was exceptionally bright, quick, energetic and ambitious, and had he remained would, without doubt, have achieved an enviable career in the profession he had chosen. Socially, few would be missed much, with a wit as sparkling and unfailing as a mountain stream, he was the life of whatever company he was the life of whatever company he was in. Generous, kindly and cheerful, he was deservedly popular, and beloved by all who knew him. Brief as has been his life here he has left behind a memory full of brightness and smiles, though his going has veiled it with a mist of tears. Besides the many friends he leaves to mourn him a father, Mr. G. N. ODELL, living at Lynden, and three sisters, Mrs. E. L. FRANKLIN, of Lynden, Miss Anna ODELL, in San Francisco, and Miss Lella ODELL, one her way home from San Francisco at the time of the accident.

A New Firm.
Mr. Martin OLSEN who has just returned from a two years' course in the Chicago Business College, after a residence on the bay of five years previous to that time, will, on Monday, August 19th, be admitted as a partner in the grocery store now run by Harry ABBOTT, on Elk and Maple. The firm will be know as ABBOTT & OLSEN, grocers and provision dealers. Mr. ABBOTT has been a resident here for the past seven years, working on the railroads of Whatcom county, and for the past three years has had an active interest in the shingle business, which he still retains, being a member of the firm of the Mt. Baker Shingle Co. ABBOTT & OLSEN have a large acquaintance both in city and county, and will be well remembered as engineer and fireman of the B. B. & C. R. R. They solicit a share of the patronage of the people, both city and county, guaranteeing fair prices and honorable treatment.

New Business College.
Aug. WILSON, principal of the Lynden Business College, is in Whatcom looking up a location. If he finds suitable rooms he will remove here at once. There is no other Business College north of Seattle. He has been in Lynden since 1891, is a graduate from Quincy, Illinois, and has made a success of his work.

Mrs. Agnes BOWMAN, of Seattle, daughter of Harry AUSTIN, is visiting relatives in Whatcom.

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