The Daily Reveille
Bellingham, WA

Extractions by Susan Nahas

Friday, June 22, 1894:

Bad Accident.
Joe KRICK knew it was loaded for bear, but his foot slipped on a log, and he may thank his stars that he received only part of the charge of buck shot. As it is he is at St. Luke's hospital with a crippled arm, which is liable always to be crippled. A portion of the charge entered the biceps and ranged upward, breaking and splitting the bone, but missing the artery. Drs. MARKLEY and BIGGS attended the patient, and fear nothing worse than that the patient may have a flail joint. The accident took place near Silver Beach, Sunday afternoon. The patient suffered intensely, but was under the influence of anesthetics when the wound was cared for.

Sunday, June 24, 1894:

Joe KRICK had quite a severe secondary hemorrhage Saturday morning, caused by the sloughing of the mangled flesh. His general condition is favorable.

Wednesday, June 27, 1894:

The funeral of Joseph KRICK will be from the residence this afternoon. The funeral will be conducted under the auspices of North Star Lodge No. 120, I. O. O. F. The firemen will also attend.

The fire bells tolled a sad farewell to poor Joe KRICK, who was laid to rest in Bay View cemetery this afternoon. The Odd Fellows, who had charge of the funeral, attended in a body, as did the members of the fire department, to which he belonged.

Friday, June 29, 1894:

Accidental Drowning.
Deloy WARD, the four-year-old grandson of Mr. and Mrs. L. BOULANGER, of Silver Beach, was drowned in Lake Whatcom, Sunday at 11:30 a.m. The little fellow was in the boathouse with his grandfather a few moments before the accident and ran out to play on the wharf. He was not missed, as he was in the habit of doing so, until his grandmother came down the stairs for a pail of water. Under the wharf at the foot of the stairs of their house, his hat floated on the water, and she was horrified to see his body lying face downward on the bottom in four feet of water. He was taken out and Dr. BIRNEY called, but all efforts to resuscitate him were in vain. He had been in the water about ten minutes. His parents, who live in Spokane, were notified, but were unable to attend his funeral, which took place at 3:45 yesterday afternoon.

Joseph KRICK Dead.
From Tuesday's Daily.

Joseph KRICK died at St. Luke's hospital at 8:30 last evening. He accidentally shot himself in the arm, a week ago Sunday, and Saturday lost considerable blood from the effects of sloughing. Yesterday afternoon Drs. MARKLEY, APPLEBY, BRAGG, BIRNEY and GOODHEART held a consultation and decided to amputate the arm, which was done at the shoulder joint. The operation proved too great a strain for his already much weakened system, and resulted fatally. He was a brother-in-law of H. C. BELL, and was well known in the city.

From Thursday's Daily.
Herbert JAMESON was run over by a hose cart last evening. When the company was practicing; the fireman in front of JAMESON stumbled, throwing him down and the cart passed over his body. It was at first thought that he was not injured, but his father, Dr. JAMESON, later was quite alarmed; fearing that he had received in internal injury.

Friday, July 13, 1894:

From Thursday's Daily.
Mrs. Jennie HAYES died at 2:40 a.m. yester, of a complication of diseases, at her resident on E and Sixteenth streets. She leaves a husband, John HAYES and two children, a girl aged 3 and a boy 4 years of age. She was the daughter of J. C. MERRIAM, of this city. Mrs. HAYES was 35 years of age, and was born in Missouri, and she moved to Illinois and then westward having resided in Whatcom eleven years. She had been ailing for five or six months, but had been confined to her bed four weeks. Last evening at 6 o'clock she became unconscious and did not again recognize any of her anxious relatives. The funeral will be from the house at 2 p.m. today, J. H. SCHIVELY officiating. Interment in Bay View cemetery.

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