Whatcom Reveille
Whatcom, Whatcom County, Washington Territory

Extractions by Merrily Lawson
Friday, January 4, 1884:

An Old Timer.
Prof. James HEARD, one of the parties who accompanied the pioneer excursion of old timers to the eastern states, is in town with a view to locating a homestead in this County. The Tacoma News, referring to Heard, says:
He is an old-timer on the Pacific coast, twenty-five years ago having been a resident of Olympia. In 1850 he was one of the company which brought out the press and material for the Portland Oregonian. Last summer he joined the pioneer excursion to the east, and it is interesting to hear him relate his experiences ...

Two Aces.
Major A. J. ROGERS, formerly Chief of Police of Detroit, Mich., and one of nature's noblemen, has purchased the Whatcom Hotel at that promising town, and will conduct it as a first class hostelrie. Al ENSIGN accompanied the genial Major to Whatcom, and while in that favored region will finish his forthcoming book on "The Uses and Abuses of Clams."--Seattle Sunday Star

Colony Officers.
The annual election of officers for Washington Colony was held at the company's office on Tuesday, the 1st inst. Following were elected for the ensuing year:
President, J. H. STENGER; Vice President, Will D. JENKINS; Secretary, W. H. PENFIELD; Treasurer, J. H. STENGER. Directors, T. G. NICKLIN, E. M. CUDWORTH, L. LUDWIG, D. W. RANSON, John MYERS, W. D. ALEXANDER and D. V. REED. Over 600 shares were represented at the meeting.

Daniel Shea Shot and Killed by R. H. Roper.
A Drunken Spree with its Usual Sequel.
      Semiahmoo and vicinity have been prolific of items and stirring events during the past few weeks, but the tradegy (sic) enacted there on Christmas day was one of a far more serious nature that has transpired in that vicinity for many years. Reports claiming to give particulars are so conflicting and contradictory that it is utterly impossible to give, from this distance, an authenticated statement of the details attending the tragedy. From Rev. W. C. CARR, a resident of that portion of the County, we have obtained the following: On Monday of last week the loggers, among whom were Tom O'BRIAN, Daniel SHEA and others, were indulging in a holiday spree. In this they were joined by R. H. ROPER, the hotel keeper at Semiahmoo. On the day following, the loggers returned to the spit on which the hotel is situated, and attempted to renew the hiliarity (sic) of the preceding day, but to this Mr. ROPER interposed an objection and refused to participate with them in continuing the spree over Christmas. Daniel SHEA insisted that ROPER should drink with them, and gave him the bottle for this purpose. Mr. ROPER stepped outside the door and threw the bottle and contents over the fence. This greatly enraged SHEA, who immediately proceeded to administer a castigation in the way of severe blows and kicks upon the person of Mr. ROPER. Whether or not SHEA's friends interposed to separate the combatants, is not stated but at any rate Mr. ROPER extricated himself from SHEA, and went inside of the house. He shortly returned to the door with a double barreled shot gun, and immediately discharged the weapon at SHEA, whom, it is stated, was then being taken away by his friends and was nearly one hundred feet from the house. The entire charge of buck-shot took effect, two of the missels penetrated the lower portion of the heart. SHEA sank to the ground and expired a short time afterwards. Another report states that SHEA, after having beaten ROPER, again attempted to enter the house, and that ROPER then shot him in self defence. (sic) The real facts will probably not be known until the matter is brought before the court. ROPER was bound over by the justice of the peace at Semiahmoo, in the sum of five hundred dollars, for his appearance before the grand jury in this city, next week. It is said that Mr. ROPER's injuries are such that he has been unable to leave his room since the day of the fatal shooting.
      SHEA was about 24 years of age, and came to this country from Straightshore, near St. Johns, New Brunswick. He weighed 190 pounds, and is said to have been a fine specimen of physical manhood. He was buried the day following the shooting, the Rev. H. B. FRIEND officiating at the obsequies. The funeral discourse is said to have been a very able one, and its eloquent impressiveness affected every one present. Mr. ROPER, who is apparently a very quiet, unobtrusive and inoffensive man, has a family of twelve children, and is in very close circumstances. He came to this County from Kansas less than a year ago, and the writer of this, being partially acquainted with him, is loth to believe the he would have committed the deed had he not been drive to it as a matter of self defense. Public opinion at Semiahmoo seems to be some what divided on the question of provocation, and as the Reveille does not desire to prejudice public sentiment upon either side, it withholds for the present any further comment.

Semiahmoo News.
Locally in this place everything is looking up. Three months ago, we had but one weekly mail, if the steamer comes now we have four mails per week, two per steamer and two overland from Whatcom, via Ferndale. New stores, postal routes, post offices and new roads are being opened up in all directions. A new town called Concord is being laid out by the CAIN Bros. along the north side of Draton (sic) Harbor, which for anchorage and protection is fully equal to any bay on the Sound. Religiously I know of no denomination that is not here represented and preaching can be heard every Sunday. Two Sunday schools are in full operation, one here in the morning and one at Birch Bay in the afternoon. For a Christmas tree the two were united and last night the affair came off in the Methodist Church, which was well filled with a happy company of children and parents. The exercises were opened by prayer by the pastor, Mr. JOHNSTON, and consisted of pleasing declarations and dialogues by the children and teachers. Miss L. B. LINDSAY who is a remarkable successful teacher in both schools, presided at her organ and with her choir of children voices discoursed such music as to bring down the applause of all hearers. The tree with its trimmings and presents was a thing of surpassing beauty. Under the skillful management of the committee, Mrs. McHEFFY, Miss BEANIE, D. HENSPETER and Miss L. B. LINDSAY, some $30 were realized with which to purchase decoration for the tree and place, and those confectionary delicacies to agreeable to the tastes of children ...

Whatcom Academy Examination.
Arithmetic. The result of the examination of the class in the complete arithmetic, from the beginning of the book to decimal fractions; five weeks' study; fifteen questions; graded on the scale of 100.
Grammar. Five questions. graded on the scale of 100.
Flora Axton .................................... 93-1/3
Laura Penfield ............................... 91-1/3
Rilla Fouts ......................................
Mary E. Hart .................................. 80
Ella Mayhew................................... 74-1/3
Lewis Mayhew ............................... 83-1/3
Mortimer Wampler ..........................100
Wm. Frank .....................................
Mary E. Hart ..................................87
Rilla Fouts ......................................91
Flora Axton ....................................91
Laura Penfield ...............................93
Eva Penfield ...................................90
Ella Mayhew...................................88
Emma Stubbs .................................35
Emma Celene .................................00
Mortimer Wampler ..........................95
Wm. Frank .....................................00
1. What is aritmatic (sic)? What is notation? What is numeration? Give the rule of each.
2. What is an abstract number? What is a denominate or concrete number?
3. Define addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
4. A farmer sold a farm for $18.050; he sold fifty acres for $60 per acre, and the remainder at $50 an acre; how much land did he sell?
5. What are properties of a number?
6. What is a prime number? Resolve into its prime factors the number 829. 7. Find the greatest common divisor of the numbers 1134 and 2079.
8. Find the least common multiple of the numbers 5, 10, 15, and 20.
9. What is a proper fraction? What is a complex fraction? What is a compound fraction?
10. Reduce to lease common denominator the fractions three-fifths, four-ninths and seven-eighteenths.
11. Define addition and division of fractions. Solve the following problems:
      a. Two-thirds of ten-elevenths divided by sixteen-elevenths of one-third.
      b. Six-elevenths of two-thirds multiplied by nineteen-twenty-fourths.
12. A drover bought 64 sheep at $7-3/4 a piece. He then sold 30 of them at $6-7/8 apiece; then sold the remainder at $8-7/8 a piece. Did he gain or lose, and how much?
13. A can mow a piece of grass in 4 days. B can do it 2 days. how long will it take both to do it?
[Each question properly and fully answered will receive a credit of 6-2/3.]

Council Proceedings.
Whatcom, Dec. 22, 1883
Council met pursuant to previous action.
Present -- His Honor the Mayor J. P. DeMATTOS, and councilmen DONOVAN, HEMENOVER, JACKSON and LATTA.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion, Council proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing year, and the following were:
City Clerk -- A. E. JONES.
City Treasurer -- W. T. COUPE.
City Marshal -- Byron BADGER. On motion the Reveille was designated as the official paper of the city for the ensuing year.
On motion Ordinance No. 1, relative to city seal, was adopted, and Coucilmen DONOVAN and LATTA appointed a committee to procure said seal.
M. C. LATTA, Sec. pro tem.

MOORE's Hotel
The first class house of Whatcom -- Wash. Ter.
Open day and night. Free boat to and from the steamers. Terms reasonable. The finest fare and rooms in the city. Commercial rooms attached.
H. A. MOORE, Prop.

Local Brevities.
--Prof. POWELL and daughter, of Seattle, have been in the city visiting during the past week.
--Miss Ladys AUSTIN has returned to Seattle University after a holiday visit among friends here.
--We learn that night-watchman CURTIS has prevented two fires in the Washington Hotel during the past month.
--J. J. EDENS, one of our old commissioners, and a prospective commissioner of Skagit county, spent a few days in Whatcom this week.
--Last Sunday night a young man from New Whatcom called on Dr. SPERRY to have a cut on his head dressed. He said it had been done by "a friend of his."
--Frank CHAMBERS has been here for a few days from Whatcom, and has every faith in that place and is perfectly satisfied that it will be the great city of the northwest in a few short years.— Seattle Herald
--J. P. FERRY, son of ex-Governor FERRY, who has been employed on the Reveille for several months, has returned home to Seattle for a time. He leaves a vacancy in the band that will be hard to fill.
--Deputy Sheriff LECKIE went down to LaConner on last boat with the colored man who has been a charge on the city for the past week. He is evidently insane, and should be adjudged so, and lodged in the asylum.
--This office is under renewed obligations to Alderman HEMENOVER for New Years compliments in the way of high toned champagnes, Havana cigars, Cutter's best, and such other luxuries as printers are allowed to indulge in only upon "occasions of this kind."
--PRESBERGER & ROSENZWEIG have made an assignment to their creditors. They began a heavy business here on small capital and sold very low to meet bills. This only plunged them deeper in debt and the inevitable crash came. They sold goods very cheap, but could not continue it. Further comments are withheld for the present.
--The Colony case is now being argued at Seattle before Judge GREENE. The last proposition made to the PEABODY heirs et. al., by the Colony, was on a basis of fifty per cent of the June contract The proposition was rejected. By bringing about a speedy settlement of the difficulty, Judge GREENE will relieve a long suffering community.
--Dr. KALLOCH is now with his two sons at New Whatcom. His lecture on the "use and abuse of the revolved," contains a great deal of common sense. He argues that the unjust delays and decisions of courts of law are in a measure responsible for many of the crimes and murders committed. The lecture is replete with good things, and we should very much like to have him deliver it on the Bay at an early day.
--Wm. MUNKS, of Fidalgo, showed up at these headquarters last Thursday. Mr. MUNKS is one of the earliest settlers on the Sound, and like all over men possessed of good judgment has heeled himself financially. He now owns one of the handsomest farms on Puget Sound, and is surrounded by all things that go to make worth living for. Munks' Landing, at Fidalgo, is one of the old landmarks of the Lower Sound ...
--The Good Templars of this city are now fully organized, and meet on Tuesday of every week at Reveille Hall. Following is a list of officers:
       Rufus STEARNS, W. C. T. and L. D.; F. W. DONN, Chaplain; Mrs. M. J. WAUMPLER, W. V. T.; B. A. HOBSON, Marshal; W. A. FRANK, L. H. S.; M. WAUMPLER, R. H. S.; W. L. WHEELER, F. S.; J. W. CAIN, Sec.; Ada FOSTER, Treasurer; W. H. EVANS, O. G.; Laura PENFIELD, I. G.; Ella MAYHEW, D. M.
The lodge starts out with a membership of fifteen, with prospects of a rapid growth. The lodge will be open for charter members until Tuesday, Jan. 8, its next regular meeting.
--W. H. WHITTLESEY, Esq., has a neat office in Seattle, in the Stone block, where his Whatcom friends will find him until spring, when it is hoped that the real estate business will justify his permanent removal here. Of course "Whit" finds other attractions in Seattle which contribute to make life bearable in that hamlet during the winter.
--Maj. McPHERSON has disposed of his interest in the Birch Bay logging camp to his son-in-law, J. H. NESSELROAD. The firm will hereafter be known as NESSELROAD & Co.
--Messrs. W. L. MILLER and Frank CHAMBERS have returned from Seattle, where they spent the holidays. "There is no place like home."
--Another Seattle man has distinguished himself. John UNDERWOOD, has eloped from Seattle, leaving creditors to mourn his loss $1,500 worth.
--The Whatcom news depot firm has changed, and now reads D. L. SLATTERY & Co. Our enterprising young friend, F. M. BLOMQUIST, is the company.
--Councilman HEMENOVER's wife has finally recovered so far as to be able to be about. Dr. MANLY has had the case in charge.
--Mrs. R. L. CREED, of New Whatcom, has gone to Oregon on a visit.
--Capt. ROGERS, of the Whatcom hotel, has gone east.
--F. H. RICHARDS has just returned from Seattle.
--Judge GREENE will open court here on Tuesday.
--Geo. SMART has gone to Tacoma on a visit.
--Frank NORTHRUP has been up Sound on a pleasure trip.
--Mayor DeMATTOS went to LaConner Wednesday on legal business.
--H. A. BIGELOW is in the city. Harry is a popular and enterprising business man, interested considerably in Whatcom.
--A great number of Whatcom people would like to have the PEABODY heirs live up to promises and make deeds to the lots which have been bonded. Promises are growing stale.
--Jack BELFORD and family, from Rawlins county, Kansas, are recent Jayhawker arrivals at Whatcom. They have come to stay. BELFORD contemplates engaging in the business of raising stock, and with this object will cast about shortly for a good ranch.
--Mr. E. H. MARCY returned from Kansas, last week, bringing with him a party of about ten "grasshoppers," among the number being two sons. They all expect to make homes among us. Mr. MARCY reports times fair in the Sunflower state, but no sale for real estate back there.
--Unintentionally the Reveille omitted to mention last week the names of several ladies who were prominent factors in bringing about the success of the Ladies' Fair. Mrs. W. H. FOUTS and Mrs. A. J. ISMERT, as well as many others rendered assistance in making it the success that it proved to be.
--Mr. Allen WEIR, of Port Townsend, writes the Reveille that he had shipped to this place in the early part of November, a white horse, and that he has heard nothing concerning the whereabouts of the animal since it was landed at the wharf in New Whatcom. This is probably the same animal that was advertised in the Reveille as having been taken up as a stray. Parties having information concerning the horse and its whereabouts should correspond with Mr. WEIR.

Practical Division.
That the Hon. Orin KINCAID, of Skagit County, is determined to unite with his division theory that of practical multiplication also, is evident from the following item clipped from the Seattle Herald of the 29th ult.: Hon. Orrin KINCAID, and Mrs. CLEEVES, of Whatcom County, were married last evening at the parsonage of the M. E. church, by Rev. J. N. DENNISON.

Best Time on Record.
The steamer Monroe, BROWNFIELD master, on her trip from Seattle to Whatcom last Friday, made the best time on record. She came through in exactly 9 hours and 29 minutes from the time the lines were cast off at the Seattle wharf until she made fast on the New Whatcom wharf. Five landings were made on the trip. The Monroe is establishing a reputation as the fleetest boat on the Sound, and with BROWNFIELD as master and McCORCKLE as engineer, she will readily sustain and maintain that reputation.

It seems that the report of Mr. PENTLAND's appointment as Clerk of our Court last week was untrue. The Seattle Chronicle says: "Tuesday Judge Greene appointed J. F. CASS, Esq., Clerk of the new County of Whatcom. For several months Mr. CASS has been Deputy Clerk at the office here, in the absence of Mr. LUDLOW. His natural business ability and the familiarity with court procedure he has acquired in the discharge of his official duties, render the new appointee peculiarly well qualified for the position which he has been given. Mr. CASS leaves for Whatcom on Monday and will make that place his residence." The Herald also remarks: "A handsome set of books for the new County of Whatcom is being bound at ANTHONY's establishment in this city. The first case that will be recorded in these volumes is that of H. PRESBERGER et al. vs. Their Creditors, which was yesterday filed with Mr. CASS, the newly appointed Clerk of Whatcom County."

Advertised Letters
Following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for at the Whatcom Post Office:
DeCAMP Henry C

City Officers.
At the City Council meeting on Thursday evening last, Mr. Byron BADGER was elected marshal, A. E. JONES, city clerk, and W. T. COUPE, city treasurer. The appointments are good, and are well received by the people. Each have filed the required bond and entered upon the discharge of their respective duties.

Knights of Pythias.
Sunset Lodge No. 11, Knights of Pythias, was duly instituted at this place on Thursday evening, December 20, 1883, by D. S. C., Geor. W. ALEXANDER, assisted by Knights from Tacoma, Seattle, Walla Walla, Dayton, Ferndale and other places throughout the territory. Following is a lists of officers elected and installed: L. C. AXTON, P. C.; C. I. ROTH, C. C.; W. M. LEACH, V. C.; T. C. AUSTIN, Prelate; J. H. THOMAS, M. at A.; Will D. JENKINS, K. of R. & S.; F. M. BLOMQUIST, M. of F.; Samuel STUBBS, M. of E.; W. A. UTTER, I. G.; Geo. MERO, O. G.; L. LUDWIG, Lee MARCH, Paul HERMANN and M. PRESBERGER, attendents. Among the visiting brethren present were O. O. DENNY, Chas. COWDIN, D. J. McKENNY and Wm. LESLIE, of Seattle; E. P. EDSON, Walla Walla; J. H. JANNETT, R. D. HARRINGTON and A. O. ROY, of Tacoma; Jas. ROPER and W. T. SCOTT, of ____astle; J. B. ROBINSON, Harry COWDIN, J. A. TENNANT, B. BAKER, W. W. STRYKER, John EVENS, Jas. BAKER, Wm. STERRETT, John HICKEY and Fred Van DOREN, of Ferndale. Sunset Lodge will meet every Friday every (sic) at Reveille hall.

Killed by a Falling Tree.
OPPEAL Arnold, a German, living near Semiahmoo, was killed on the 24th ult., by a falling tree. Mr. OPPEAL and Mr. PERKINS, the latter a painter from this city, were occupying the same building, which, owing to its location on the line between their respective claims, served as a residence for both. The tree, which was an unusually tall fir, had been set on fire several hours before, and it was presumed that the tree would fall in an opposite direction from the building. This however, proved to be a mistake. The tree fell with a terrible crash, completely demolishing the building in which Messrs. OPPEAL and Perkins were at work. The former was killed instantly, and the latter sustained severe injuries. OPPEAL was buried near the scene of the fatal occurrence. This should be a warning to others who are in the habit of falling trees by fire near their buildings. As a matter of fact, there is no possibility of calculating the direction in which a tree will fall when burned. No trees should be felled in this way when in near proximity to the dwellings.
Later: Mr. Perkins has returned, and his report is substantially in accord with the foregoing. He says that OPPEAL was formerly from New Philadelphia, Ohio, where he supposed to have relatives residing.

Birch Bay Items.
--Our citizens are clearing the brush and logs off the road recently surveyed from Birch Bay P.O. to intersect the Semiahmoo and Ferndale road, some six miles east of us, and will soon have it passable for teams.
--Our thriving Teutonic neighbor, Mr. MARTINSON, has made considerable improvements to his barn this fall. He also raised quite a disturbance the night of the 18th in his immediate neighborhood whooping round through the woods over the advent of another boy at his house. He says he will have to buy some more land soon.
--Last Sunday night two youths went to a lone widow lady’s house on California Creek and presented a shot gun and a pistol at her; demanded her money, and when she would have hollowed for help, they choked her. The secured one dollar and two finger rings, when they left. They were arrested the 20th; confessed and restored the rings and seventy-five cents of the money. They were bound over for their appearance at court, and failing to give bail were sent to Seattle for confinement. Their names are Cain and Renched, aged about 17.
--Mrs. BRUNS, who is the most graceful equestrienne on the Bay, takes a ride round the beach once a week, calling on her neighbors, who are always glad to see her. Mr. BRUNS is remodling (sic) his ditch which the late fro??et had damaged.
--Nesselroad & Co. will soon have another boom of logs ready for the two boat. They are rustlers.
/s/ B. Babler, Birch Bay, Dec 22.

The Entertainment.
The entertainment given in the school house, at Bellingham, on New Year’s eve was a success in every respect. It was given for the benefit of the school and netted about $26. The admission was only 25 cents, and the house was crowded. It opened with a song of welcome by the male quartet -- Messrs. Chas. SHANK, K. ROBINSON, Arthur PIERCY and Fred BISSELL. Mr. Oscar FARRAR, of Lynden, followed with a song: "Mary of the Glen." Next came a dialogue, the "Sailors' Return," by Miss Maud KELLOGG, Messrs. SHANK, WELLMAN and PREBBLE. They all did well, but Miss Kellogg especially distinguished herself. Fred BISSELL gave the girls some good advice by singing "Don’t Mary a Man if he Drinks." The "orchestra" consisted of Miss Lillie KNOX, who presided at the organ during the entire performance. Mrs. Oscar FARRAR, the "vocal cornet," rendered "Marching Through Georgia" in an amusing manner. Miss Maud Kellogg’s rendition of Will Carleton’s “Mortgage Foreclosure” was excellent. "Paper of Pins," dialogue between Miss Hattie KELLOGG and Fred BISSELL, heartily applauded. It will be remembered that he didn't marry her. "Moonlight on the Bay," by the male quartet, was also good. As also was FARRAR's violin and cornet duet.

Bellingham Bulletin.
--Mrs. G. W. JONES is sick.
--Miss Maud KELLOGG is indeed a successful school teacher.
--Another death on the Bay revives again the question of a cemetery.
--James WEED has a good organ for sale cheap. It is of good make and almost new.
--Miss Hattie KELLOGG, who is attending Seattle University, spent the holidays at home.
--J. M. SOWDER continues to supply the people good fresh meat at reasonable prices.
--SHANK & ROBINSON will build an addition to their store in the spring and put in a stock of dry goods.
--The ELDRIDGE & BARTLETT Mill Company pay out about $3,000 per month to workmen employed in the construction of their new mill. The buz of its saws will soon be heard.
--J. M. SOWDER has gone to Seattle again to purchase more goods. He has a good trade and finds it hard to supply the demands ...
--Mrs. Chas. COAKES died at Bellingham on New Year's morning, after a long illness. Mr. COAKES has traveled with her from place to place hoping to benefit her health, but in vain. Her husband and a little girl of six years are left to mourn her loss.
--Mrs. Eliza DIFFENBACHER, mother of Mrs. Judge KELLOGG, recently died at Great Bend, Kansas. She will be remembered by old settles as having visited her daughter here several years ago. Her home is in Iowa. Mrs. KELLOGG had just returned from a visit with her moth when the sad news came of her sudden death. Her ages was 77 years.

January 11, 1884:

Fern Leaves from Ferndale.
--Born, Dec. 29th, to the wife of James BUCHANAN, a daughter.
--Professor LEELON has been delivering a course of temperance lectures at this place, with good results. He organized a lodge of Good Templars here with twenty members.
--The holidays passed off quietly at Ferndale. The dance on Christmas night was a success, every one present thoroughly enjoyed themselves as they always do here. The supper gotten up by D. ROGERS was all one could wish for.
--There is to be a calico ball here, in the new hall, on the 18th of this month. Music by Professors GOODWIN, COWDIN and OXFORD.
--The K. of P. lodge installed new officers on last Saturday night, as follows:
D. ROGERS, P.C.; J. A. TENNANT, C. C.; J. B. ROBINSON, V. C.; H. COWDIN, P.; John EVANS, M. of E.; Charles TAWES, N. of E.; W. W. STRYKER, K. of R. and S.; B. BAKER, M. of A. They have now thirty-six members, and will soon be comfortable located in their new and commodious hall on the west side of the river.
--Mr. and Mrs. Charles CHILBERG who were guests of Mrs. C's parents, Mr. and Mrs. JENKINS, of Ferndale, during the week of Christmas, have now returned to their home at La Conner.
--The little son of Mr. JENKINS, who has been very sick, has so far recovered as to be able to be in town with his parents on Saturday.
--Mrs. ROESSEL and daughter, Maggie, have returned from Seattle where she went to spend Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Captain McALPINE.
--Mr. WHEELER's family will move into their new house on the west side of the river, on Monday next.

Semiahmoo, W.T., Jan. 1st, 1884.
To Hon. C. M. BRADSHAW, Prosecuting Attorney, Third Judicial District:
We, the undersigned, residents of Semiahmoo district, have known Mr. Robert H. ROPER for some time, since he moved to this place last April from Kansas, and since his residence here up to the present time we have found him an honest and peaceable citizen. The unhappy homicide which happened at Mr. ROPER's house on Christmas day, December 25, 1883, we are satisfied was done in self-defense. At the present time Mr. ROPER is unable to get around, as he is suffering, and is in charge of the physicians.
J. M. SCOTTS (Juror)
J. H. MARTIN (Juror)
Mrs. J. A. MA??IN
Charles McCARTHY
Thomas O'BRIEN
James E. MUR
Alfred KITE
J. A. MARTIN (Juror)
Thomas LOCKE
Chas. MORG??RD (Juror)
Robert KUNTZ
Reuben TARTE
Wm TARTE (Juror)

District Court Items.
District Court for Whatcom county convened in this city, last Tuesday, at 11 o'clock a.m., the dignified Roger S. GREENE presiding, with Jas. F. CASS as Clerk of the Court, and Jimmy O'LAUGHLIN, of Skagit county, officiating sheriff; assisted by Stewart LECKIE, of Whatcom county, as deputy. The later, with E. C. PENTLAND, were appointed bailiffs, with J. W. SEIGFRED as crier. In the absence of Hon. C. M. BRADSHAW, prosecuting attorney for this district, the Court appointed the Hon. J. P. DeMATTOS to conduct the prosecutions on the part of the Territory, advise with the grand jury, etc. Thus opened the first district court of Whatcom county.
Pending the assembling of the grand jury, the following attorneys were admitted to practice in the courts of this Territory: Isaac M. KALLOCH, Wm. H. HARRIS, E. P. SINE and W. STANFIELD.
On the suggestion of His Honor, Judge GREENE, eight of the female portion of our voting population had been duly summoned on the grand jury -- thus equally divding (sic) with the ladies that blessed privilege of unearthing and investigating the criminal conduct of evil doers. The following were sworn in as grand jurors for the term:

Mrs. Will D. JENKINS

The Court appointed R. STEARNS foreman, and the members elected Mrs. POWELL clerk of the jury. The jury retired to cozy quarters over the city drug store, in the rooms occupied by the B. B. R. & N. Co., the officers of the company having temporarily vacated the quarters for the accommodation of the jury, or rather out of courtesy to the female portion of the jury.
The following cases were called on the first day:
Jno. EVANS et al, vs. Henry WEST et al. Order entering a default of defendants. DeMATTOS appeared for plaintiffs.
Floyd CAIN and Hiram RINCHED, indicted by the grand jury at La Conner for robbing Mrs. PERRY at Semiahmoo, were arraigned and withdrew the former plea of not guilty, and entered a plea of guilty, as charged in the indictment. Judge JACOBS appeared for CAIN, and Judge HOWELL for RINCHED. The boys were sentenced each TO EIGHTEEN MONTHS AT HARD LABOR IN THE PENITENTIARY AT Seattle. The Judge intimated that he would favorably entertain a motion for stay of execution until an appeal for executive clemency could be made to Gov. NEWELL. The attorneys filed a motion in accordance with the suggestion. The unripe years of the young criminals, together with evidence adduced in court showing that they were not naturally depraved, induces an effort for clemency.
Wednesday -- On motion of attorney MITCHELL, for the creditors, Loomis ABRAMS of Seattle, was appointed Receiver of the stock of goods recently assigned to creditors by PRESBERGER & ROSENZWEIG ...


U. S. Land Office, at Olympia, W.T. January 7, 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office by John R. DEMOREST against Newton J. DERICKSON, for abandoning his Homestead entry, No. 4504, dated November 2, 1882, for Lots 1, 2, and S1/2 of NE1/4 of Section 6, Township 39 north, Range 2 east of Willamette Meridian, in Whatcom County ...

Final Proof Notices.
U.S. Land Office at Olympia, W.T. January 3, 1884
Notice is hereby given that Charles H. STADELMAN has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Charles DONOVAN, County, auditor, at his office in Whatcom, W.T. on Saturday the 1st day of March A.D. 1884 on Pre-emption D.S. No.6007, for the NW 1/4 of Section 31, Township 40,k north, Range 2 east. He names as witnesses: Christopher ENGENBRITSON, S. A. MANN, R. R. SHIELDS and R. SHIELDS, all of Ferndale, Whatcom county, W.T.
/s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

--Frank CHAMBERS is badly under the weather.
--Capt. BARNETT made a flying visit to Whatcom last week.
--J. W. FORST is rebuilding his new house on a better foundation.
--A poem by Reuben FOUNTAIN arrived too late for his issue, but will appear next week.
--I suppose w'’ll have to pay road tax or work it out, now that we are voters.--Lady Grand Jurors.
--ONDERDONK, the contractor, is having a legal squabble with the British Columbia authorities.
--J. W. BLUNDON is erecting a two story building next to the post office. It will be a good business place.
--Robert KNOX has had the plans made of a fine large building which he contemplates erecting near the court house.
--I didn't think that attachment on Rogers was loaded at both ends or I would not have tired the things off so soon.--Pettibone
--The Vancouver Independent says: Judge DENNISON's wife is Notary Public, the first woman in Washington Territory to occupy that position.
--J. P. STONE, who brutally murdered M. P. HOPKINS near Slaughter [now Auburn] station, King county, some weeks ago, is still at large, no clue having yet been discovered that would lead to his capture.
--Semiahmoo district was pretty well represented in the city this week. Among others the Reveille observed M. H. UPSON, Wm. LOGAN, John ELWOOD, Edw. HOLTZHEIMER, J. F. CAIN and Rev. CARR.
--Mr. J. M. GALE has returned from San Francisco with an elegant and improved outfit of roller skates, and will open a rink in LUDWIG & MALLORY's building in about a week. Then there will be fun for young and old.
--A man named Keith has been brought down from Skagit, charged with having murdered Wm. MORTON while laboring under an attack of delirium tremens. His trial will take place in Portland. -- Seattle Herald.
--Washington Hook and Ladder Co. met and elected new officers for the ensuing term last Friday evening. T. J. SMITH was elected President; Wm. POWELL, Foreman; Stewart LECKIE, 1st ass't; Billy UTTER, 2d ass't; A. E. JONES, Sect. W. L. STEINWEG, Treasurer.
--T. J. SMITH, of the hardware firm of SMITH & PARSONS, left on Friday last for San Francisco, where he will lay in the largest stock of shelf and heavy hardware ever brought to the lower Sound. Mr. SMITH will do valuable service for the commercial interests of Bellingham Bay during his visit to the Golden Gate.
--Maj. CORWIN will leave within a few days for San Francisco, where he goes to have an operation performed upon his eyes. The Major has suffered intensely from granulation of the eyes for the past six or eight months, and proposes to secure relief at any cost. During his absence Mr. Wm. POWELL will attend the business at the Red Front Store.
--Mrs. S. E. EDDY, of Nooksack crossing, sent her compliments to the Reveille this week in the shape of a bushel of delicious apples, samples of the Nooksack productions. If there is any section of the globe that can produce better apples or more of them to the square rod than can Whatcom County, we want o know it. In this connection we may add that Mrs. EDDY has one of the very best fruit orchards in the Nooksack valley.
--Edward McTAGGART has been reappointed by Governor Newell as inspector of saw-logs for District No. 1, including the counties of Snohomish, Skagit, Island and Whatcom, with headquarters at Utsalady. He entered upon the discharge of his duties in the new district on Monday last. Mr. McTAGGART is one of the best men for this position that could be found in the territory. In the faithful discharge of his duties, he recognizes neither friends or foes, and we have yet to hear of anything that would reflect upon him as an officer. Gov. NEWELL acted wisely in making the appointment.
--Jimmy VanZANDT, with the aid of crutches, walked into the Reveille office on last Wednesday. In view of the fact that the attending physicians a few weeks ago entirely despaired saving either life or limb, his recovery now seems almost like unto a special dispensation of Providence. His entire recovery is almost absolutely certain. For a period of nearly seven months he was confined to his bed, and during the entire time suffered intense agony. Within a few more weeks he will be enabled to walk without the aid of crutches.
--Representative KINCAID has bestowed upon Spencer VanZANDT a scholarship at his disposal in Seattle University. This is very kind of Mr. KINCAID, and he has shown good judgment in making the selection of such a worthy young man. Spencer will improve the good opportunity thus afforded.
--John FRAVEL, E. McTAGGART, W. J. OSTERMAN, G. DEAN, W. R. MOULTRAY and several others of the old times on the Lower Sound, congregated in a body at HEMENOVER's last Monday night and entertained us tenderfeet with reminiscences of the "days that were."
--Messrs. JACOBS & JENNER, the old reliable law firm from Seattle, have been in attendance at the district court in this city this week. This firm stands at the head of the Seattle bar, and is one in whom the people have great confidence.
-- LECKIE Deputy Sheriff took G. W. MADDOX to the asylum for the insane last week, after having had him adjudged insane. MADDOX reveled in the idea that he had a duty to perform in burning Whatcom.
--There will be a fancy dress ball at J. C. MERRIAM's new building, near the court house in this city, on Friday evening, February 22d. Full particulars next week.
--The attention of loggers and mill men are called to Inspector McTAGGART's letter, published elsewhere. Adherence to this suggestions may save a great deal of trouble.
--It is said that ROGERS will return soon and institute a suit for damages against the PETTIBONES for closing his hotel. DeMATTOS has the case in charge.
--J. H. STENGER has gone to Seattle.
--H. AUSTIN has bought the shoe shop of Fred FICKE.
--W. H. WHITTLESEY made a flying visit to Whatcom last boat.
--Washington's Birthday will be the next legal holiday--February 22d.
--Al. PETTIBONE went before Justice REINHEART yesterday and plead guilty to striking Mayor DeMATTOS.
--Taxes are now delinquent and ten per cent penalty is the result. Treasurer COUPE has been very busy during the past month.
--What about that red hot aristo-democratic paper with which the PETTIBONES were going to annihilate the Reville? Hope the atmosphere is not becoming chilly.
--Will Capt. BEECHER, of the mail steamer Evangel, inform an anxious public why he does not supply the increased service between New Whatcom and Semiahmoo as ordered by the department?
--A. A. CRANE and wife, from Dayton, Oregon, are recent arrivals at Whatcom. Mr. CRANE will engage in business in this city, and very determinedly expresses his intention of remaining. The Reveille welcomes him to a citizenship among us.
--W. H. HARRIS is about to open a law office in SMITH & MILLER's new building. Mr. HARRIS is a graduate of the Law Department of the Michigan University, of the class of 1877, and has since been in active practice up to the time of his immigration to Whatcom to establish his home. He was admitted to this bar upon certificate on Tuesday.
--John H. PLASTER and Squire S. D. REINHART held a reception at the City Drug Store, last Tuesday evening, at which a limited number of personal and political friends were invited. As the two parties dialated somewhat upon the past political record of each, the entertainment was replete with valuable pointers to those who had the good fortune to be present at the matinee.

Special Dispatch to the Reveille.
LaConner, Jan. 10. -- Rather a light vote was polled throughout the county, owing to bad weather. One hundred and seventy-seven votes were cast at LaConner, Dunlap, Edens and Newland for Comissioners:
WHITE, for Probate Judge; CLEAVES, for Treasurer; Miss BRADLY, for School Superintendent, are getting large majorities. The Democratic ticket is ahead at Samish, which, together with the Skagit vote, will make the vote for commissioner close, except DUNLAP, DOWNS and O'LAUGHLIN have no opposition. Cleaves is believed to be elected Treasurer.

Christmas on the Nooksack.
The latest occurances (sic) of interest on the Nooksack are the excessive high water ... The exercises, which were of a deeply spiritual and mental character, with suitable selections of vocal music by the choir, conducted by our able leader, C. S. KALE, and several pieces rendered by different families in the neighborhoods and addresses by the Rev. B. K. McELMON, Presbyterian minister, and our Sunday School Superintendent, and an original poem by our esteemed friend and neighbor, Ruben FOUNTAIN ...

Concord -- Its Location, Etc.
This place is beautifully situated on the north side of Draton (sic) Harbor and extends to the boundary line. It is surrounded on three sides by the best farming lands in Whatcom county and is well watered. There is also three small streams in the neighborhood that afford each a very good water power, and only await capital to improve and utilize them. The town is now being surveyed and platted, and I am informed that town lots can be obtained on the most advantageous terms by persons wishing to improve or go into business ...

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