Whatcom Reveille
Whatcom, Whatcom County, Washington Territory

Extractions by Merrily Lawson
Friday, June 15, 1883:

Local Brevities.

--Whatcom has a complete telegraph office, which connects us with the wide, wide world. Auditor DONOVAN presides over the lightning.
--Ninety-seven new buildings will be built in this city as soon as the mill can supply the lumber. New buildings are going up on every hand, and the boom has scarcely begun.
--Joseph MITCHELL has been appointed general timber and material inspector of the Northern Pacific Railroad from Puget Sound to the Rocky mountains.

The Reveille published every Friday at Whatcom by T. J. NICKLIN and W. D. JENKINS
Opening Remarks - In issuing a new paper it is customary to make a great many good promises which time never fulfills. We have no promises to make, but will let the future speak for itself. The Reveille will be run on business principles, and bases its claims for support on its merits. It will be devoted to Puget Sound and Washington Territory in general and Whatcom county and Bellingham Bay in particular; showing the grand resources of this county and the time field for capital and labor. The large amount of money expended in the Reveille office and building is a sufficient guarantee that we are here to stay. The Reveille will be Republican in politics, independent in principle…

THE NEW SURVEY, Seventy Thousand Acres of Land Soon to be Thrown Upon the Market
Mr. O. B. IVESON and party are now engaged surveying townships 37, 38 and 39 north, in range 4 east, in this county. This tract of land is situated six miles east of Whatcom, and embraces within its limits not only the finest body of timber land in the Territory, but also some very desirable agricultural lands…

The Murderer of Long Haired HARRIS Again Under Arrest
      Sheriff O'LOUGHLIN left last week for Victoria to secure and bring to trial in this county "Greek Charley," the principal actor in the Semiahmoo tragedy of last January. Referring to the matter the Victoria Standard of recent date says:
      On Saturday last Sergeant BLOOMFIELD, of the Victoria police force, arrived from the mainland, having in custody Charles MITCHELL, charged with the murder of John HARRIS, at Semiahmoo, W. T., on the 11th of January last. The deceased was commonly known as "Long Haired HARRIS," and the prisoner went by the name of "Greek Charley." The facts in the case appear to be that a dispute arose between the dead man, who was well advanced in years, and the prisoner, MITCHELL. So far as can be ascertained, HARRIS went to MITCHELL's house at Semiahmoo, armed with a double-barrelled shot gun, and after an altercation, the deceased fired at MITCHELL, the charge passing through the skirts of his coat. MITCHELL, still seeing that the deceased was bent on doing him great bodily harm, seized the gun, wrested it from the old man and holding it with both hands, it is alleged, struck HARRIS on the left side of the head and over the breast, inflicting wounds from the effect of which HARRIS died. Two or three days later MITCHELL was arrested and had a preliminary hearing before a justice of the peace at Semiahmoo, and was discharged on the grounds of justifiable homicide or self-defense. He remained in the vicinity about a fortnight after the trial and, according to this statement, made no effort to escape with the intent of evading justice. Subsequently, however, he crossed the boundary line and went to Canoe Pass, and proceeded to follow his avocation of a fisherman. Previous to this he had again returned to Semiahmoo, where he thought he might pursue his trade profitably, but there being no fish running, he again went back to British Columbia. HARRIS died on January 14th, and on April 19th the law firm of DAVIE & WILSON, of Victoria, acting for the authorities of Washington Territory, and being instructed by Mr. BRADSHAW, Prosecuting Attorney for the county of Whatcom, where the crime was committed, applied to Justice McCREIGHT for a warrant for MITCHELL's arrest under the extradition law. The warrant was issued and given to Sergeant BLOOMFIELD, who proceeded to the mainland last week, and after tracking the prisoner to the place where he had built a shanty, took him into custody under authority of the warrant and brought him to Victoria.
      MITCHELL is a powerfully built man, standing about six feet high. He has always been considered a Greek by birth, but his appearance - his light hair and blue eyes - would appear to denote that he is either a Swede or a native of Poland. He does not attempt to deny the fact that he struck the deceased with a gun, but alleges that what he did was done in self-defense, Harris having previously shot at him and the charge having passed through his clothing. He was brought up before Justice McCREIGHT, and the counsel for the Washington Territory authorities applied for a remand for the production of material witnesses. MITCHELL manifests no reluctance in his statement as to the affray.
      On reaching Ladner's Landing Sergeant BLOOMFIELD had to secure the assistance of Indians, and traveling with them in a canoe in the darkness of the night, with the drenching rain coming down, the locality of MITCHELL's residence was at last reached. MITCHELL was taken by surprise, and at first did not like the idea of being arrested for an alleged crime for which he considered he had already been tried and acquitted.


--L. R. Martin has purchased a half interest with G. W. TANSEY, in the barber shop and confectionery business.
--Twelve hundred tons of Chuckanut stone, from Capt. ROEDER's quarries south of town, have been contracted for by Seattle builders.
--Elder ATWOOD and Rev. HARRINGTON, two eminent divines of the M. E. church, came down from the upper Sound last week.
--Wm. P. CRONIN, formerly proprietor of the Golden Eagle restaurant and Saloon at Sacramento, has located in this city and will engage in the same line of business. He has secured a lease of one of the rooms in the Commercial Block.
--J. H. HILL has leased the Sehome Hotel to Messrs MUDD & CREED.
--The Reveille returns many thanks to Mrs. Van ZANDT for a dish of large, delicious strawberries.
--John M. KING, whose leg was broken while at work in the mill a few weeks ago, is slowly recovering.
--C. S. REINHART, son of Squire REINHART, of this place, came up from Goldendale this week to visit friends and relatives in this county.
--Attention is called to Prof. E. O. TADE's advertisement, published elsewhere, offering town lots for sale in the new city of Bancroft, on Fidalgo Island.
--Strawberries fully 6-1/4 inches in circumference, and possessing excellent flavor, were presented to this office by G. F. KEESLING, one of the enterprising farmers and horticulturists near town.
--Ex-Sheriff G. W. L. ALLEN has had surveyed and platted a new town on the Samish, that will hereafter be known as Atlanta. Further notice next week. See "ad" elsewhere.
--Mrs. Dr. Van ZANDT left for Seattle Tuesday morning to join her husband, who has been absent in that city several days on business connected with the Colony interests.
--That a good wagon road must soon be constructed from here to Ferndale, is an established fact. The road has got to be built even if the Reveille is compelled to build it alone.
--Editor WEIR, of the Port Townsend Argus, recently returned from San Francisco, bringing with him a brand new power press to add wings to the speed of his neat little daily.
--Capt. W. H. FOUTS, U. S. mail agent on the steamer Hope, obtained a few hours leave of absence last week, and took advantage of the occasion to cultivate the acquaintance of his family in this city.
--Mr. Jacob GALER, of Seattle, has secured a pre-emption claim on California Creek, near Semiahmoo, and has already let the contract for slashing 40 acres, and intends in the near future to have at least 100 acres slashed and cleared. He then proposes to stock the ranch with a fine grade of blooded cattle and horses. Mr. GALER is a man of sufficient means to put his plans into immediate execution. The grazing and propagation of a fine grade of live stock will mark and important era in that branch of husbandry on Puget Sound.
--Leonard STENGER, Judge GAZLEY and other prominent citizens of Canyonville, Oregon, have been in the city for several days past. Judge GAZLEY holds considerable Colony stock, and is otherwise largely interested in the welfare and prosperity of Whatcom. Mr. STENGER is the father of John H. STENGER, the enterprising young man who owns a controlling interest in the Colony stock. It is possible that Mr. STENGER, Sr., will dispose of his property in Oregon and invest in Whatcom. There is plenty of room here for all such enterprising men as the Reveille believes Mr. STENGER to be.
--Work was begun on Mr. C. E. FRANK's photograph gallery.
--Mr. E. SHEPARD returned from Seattle on Monday, bringing his family.
--N. F. BLOMQUIST, of Seattle, will shortly open a boot and shoe store at this place. Sensible.
--Messrs. MOULTRAY and Lockwood are building a livery stable on Fourteenth street.
--Rev. John A. TENNANT informs the Reveille that a camp meeting, commencing July 11th and continuing one week. Will be held at Ferndale, this county. Presiding Elder ATWOOD and Rev. W. S. HARRINGTON, of Seattle, and many other ministers of the M. E. Church stationed throughout the Puget Sound District will be present. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody.
--The new wharf now being constructed at this place by the enterprising members of the Colony mill company, is slowly but none the less surely approaching completion. When finished the wharf will be by far the most substantial and extensive on the lower Sound. Capt. JEPSON's pile driver is doing the work. The outer end of the wharf is being capped and planked and will be ready for the reception of freight within a very few days.
--Rev. J. WICHSER informs the Reveille that lots have been secured on which to erect a Baptist Church and that it is the intention to build, not later than September next, and edifice 24x40. Messs. (sic) ROEDER and WILLIAMS donated the lot, and subscription papers will be circulated to secure funds sufficient to procure material. It is understood that when the building is not in use by the Baptists, other denominations will be permitted to hold services therein. Under these conditions our citizens should subscribe liberally.
--Following is the committee having full charge of the Fourth of July celebration in Whatcom: C. DONOVAN, Capt. ROEDER, T. G. NICKLIN, S. D. REINHART, W. L. STEINWEG, Dr. E. Van ZANDT, E. McMACKIN, S. LECKEY and Mr. POWELL for the city; J. H. FRAVEL, Samish; H. A. JUDSON, Lynden; C. COWDEN, Ferndale; H. MOULTRAY, Nooksack. Dr. Van ZANDT was elected President of the Day; C. DONOVAN, Marshal, T. G. NICKLIN, Sec'y. To date $615 have been subscribed, and a grand day of sport is assured. Full program next week.
--W. L. STEINWEG has received the appointment of postmaster oat this city, and will enter upon the discharge of his duties within a few days. His predecessor, W. H. FOUTS, resigned, has held the office several years, and during the entire period has rendered universal satisfaction, but owing to press of other business could not, in justice to himself, keep it longer. Mr. STEINWEG is thoroughly qualified for the position, and his extensive acquaintance with the people of Whatcom and vicinity is a sufficient guarantee that the duties of the office will be discharged in a satisfactory manner.
--H. A. WHITE, of Smith county, Kansas, arrived last Monday. Mr. White is enthusiastic in praises o this country. He has traveled extensively throughout the United States, and has never yet seen a country that can compare, in grand possibilities and natural wealth and resources, with Whatcom county. The soil, the climate, the timber, the mineral wealth, the lakes, bays, rivers, water-falls, mountains, picturesque scenery, etc., all of these are enchanting and exercise their peculiar fascinations over those who are fortunate enough to come to this country. Mr. WHITE will make Whatcom his future abiding place.

      The first issue of the Reveille would not be complete without kindly mention of Sehome, Bellingham and Fairhaven - three little towns on the Bay, all lying within two miles of Whatcom, and which will in a short time share one common name with Whatcom.
      Sehome is the most ancient, having been a busy place, during the working of the coal mines. The town site is a very pretty one, owned by the Bellingham Bay Coal Company, who have withdrawn all their lots and lands from market. Mr. H. HOFERCAMP has charge of the property. It is known that the Coal Company expect to re-open their coal mines soon, which will afford employment for a large force of miners.
      The town site of Bellingham is most beautifully located on the fine Bay from which it takes its name, and is owned by Messrs. ELDRIDGE and BARTLETT. A new wharf has been completed, and a fine new hotel is about ready for occupancy. A new saw mill of large capacity will be built at Bellingham this fall. Mr. E. ELDRIDGE, the moving spirit of the town, has been on Bellingham Bay for thirty years, and is a man of superior attainments and ability.
      Fairhaven is just what the name represents - nestled on Harris Bay where Daniel J. HARRIS first landed nearly thirty years ago. The town has not long been laid out, but there is a good hotel and several houses already built, and a large saw mill in prospect. On the town site may be seen the smouldering earth-works behind which the early Spanish navigators fortified against the Indians.


Little Johnny CELENE, aged seven years, son of Mr. And Mrs. Chas. CELENE, of this city, was drowned near the mill, at the mouth of Whatcom Creek, during high tide on Thursday afternoon last. Little Johnny, in company with playmates, was playing on a boom of logs that lay in the bay, and it is presumed that he either missed his footing and slipped, or the rolling of a log suddenly precipitated him into the water. When found, he was lying in the water, immediately below the falls, face downward, and it is presumed that he had been in the water several minutes. Everything possible was done to resuscitate and bring him back to life, but all without avail, and little Johnny, who had only a few minutes before left his home in cheerful glee, was carried back a corpse to this parents, brothers and sisters. Funeral services were held on Friday evening following. Rev. HILL officiating. Six little boys, school-mates of Johnny, acted as pall-bearers and the remains were laid to rest in the glen on the south bank of Whatcom Creek, abreast the falls. The Reveille hopes that it may be many years old before it has occasion to record the death of another under such sad and painful circumstances.

Located at Whatcom.

      Robt. KNOX of Abilene, Kansas, arrived in this city Wednesday evening last, and went through to Seattle, where he remained two days, thoroughly examining that city. He then returned and subjected New Tacoma to the same kind of scrutiny, his verdict being altogether favorable to this place, so far as situation, site and scenery are concerned. He intends to locate somewhere on the Sound, and as he is a man of some means and general intelligence and enterprise, he will be a welcome accession. - Tacoma News
      After visiting all parts of the Puget Sound basin, Mr. KNOX demonstrated his usual good judgment by locating at Whatcom. He has invested several thousand dollars in this city and, leaving his family here, has returned to Kansas for the purpose of disposing of his extensive real-estate interests in that State; after which he will return and become a permanent citizen of Whatcom. He will also bring with him many others who will likewise invest liberally in Whatcom real estate and business enterprises. The Reveille extends unto them a hearty welcome.

H. B. WILLIAMS is putting matters in shape to return home to Glenwood, Iowa, where important business interests demand his personal attention. He has done a good work for Whatcom and the PEABODY heirs, who he ably represents, in materially assisting Captains ROEDER, UTTER and the Colony in straightening up matters of title, etc. The owners of Whatcom town site now make warranty deeds for realty, thereby insuring first-class title The Reveille hopes that Mr. WILLIAMS may find it to his interest to make Whatcom his future home.


WILLIS - June 7, 1883, to the wife of R. S. WILLIS, of Nooksack Valley, a son.
HENLY - June 1, 1883, to the wife of J. S. HENLY, a daughter.


PEASE-KILCUP - At the residence of the bride's parents, on the Nooksack river, May 29, 1883, by Rev. B. A. HILL, F. A. PEASE, of Seattle, to Miss Louisa KILCUP, of Whatcom county.
HARKNESS-KROHN - In Lake District, Vancouver Island, B.C., June 7, 1883, by Rev. MALACHI, David HARKNESS, of Nooksack, to Miss Annetta S. M. KROHN, of Vancouver.


CELENE - Drowned in Whatcom creek, Friday, June 8, 1883, John Edward, aged 7 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles CELENE.

Commissioners' Proceedings.

Auditor's Office Proceedings of May 7, 1883-9 a.m.
This being the day designated by law for the meeting of the County Commissioners, B. H. BRUNS, County Commissioner, and C. DONOVAN, Clerk, met and for want of a quorum to do business, adjourned to 1 p.m.
At 1 p.m. met and adjourned to 6 p.m.
Proceedings of May 7, 1883-6 p.m.
Board met. Present: J. J. EDENS, (Chairman), I. DUNLAP and B. H. BRUNS, County Commissioners, and C. DONOVAN, Clerk, and adjourned to 9 a.m. May 8, 1883.

Proceedings of May 8, 1883-9 a.m.
Board met as per adjournment. Present: J. J. EDENS (Chairman), I. DUNLAP and B. H. BRUNS, County Commissioners, and C. DONOVAN, Clerk, and proceeded to the examination and correction of the assessment roll of 1883, and continued such examination and correction (with the exception of occasional interruptions caused by pressing business of the term, during Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and up to 10 a.m. Saturday, May 12th, when further action on the same was deferred until near the end of the term, to enable the public to consult the roll.
During the term the following named persons were appointed viewers and surveyors, to meet on the dates and at the places mentioned, and view and survey the roads below mentioned, viz: O. KELSO, E. A. SISSON and Ike JENNINGS, with County Surveyor, to meet June 2, 1883, at beginning of proposed road and view and survey portion of La Conner and Samish road.
H. P. O'BRYANT and L. BLACKINGTON, viewers, with Arthur WHITE as surveyor, to meet June 4, 1883, at place of beginning proposed road over Guemes Island.
T. S. HURD and Wm. CALKINS, viewers, with H. E. WELLS, as surveyor, to meet June 2, 1883, at place of beginning proposed road running south from WELL's road.
H. HENSPETER and F. M. SEVIER, viewers, with County Surveyor, to meet June 11, 1883, at place of beginning proposed road from Ferndale road to Birch Bay.
L. HOLTZHEIMER and Wm. RAY, viewers, with County Surveyor, to meet June 13, 1883, at the place of beginning proposed roads from Birch Bay to California Creek.
S. B. BEST and Robt. SHARPE, viewers, with Arthur WHITE as surveyor, to meet June 54, 1883, at place of beginning of proposed road to Burrough's Bay.
G. C. SINGLETON and C. SCRIMSHER, viewers, with County Surveyor, to meet June 16, 1883, at place of beginning of proposed road from SW corner of Township 39, 3 east.

Following named persons were selected to act as jurors.
Grand Jurors for June, 1883, term District Court:

Petit Jurors for June, 1883, term District Court:

Grand Jurors for December, 1883, term Distsrict Court:

Petit Jurors for December 1883, term District Court:

The following named persons were appointed Road Supervisors to fill vacancies caused by elected but not qualifying supervisors and where no elections were held.

10. C. VOGHT
14. Peter BELL
21. Otto KELSON
25. David P. THOMAS
24. Christian TUTTLE
16. Thomas WYNNE
23. Wm. DEAN
No 2. Frank BENN
15. J. KILT
27. J.. J. BROWN
18. S. P. HUGHES
26. Shade WOOTEN
36. J. M. WARNER
33. T. R. JONES
32. Porter DURLEY
No 6. M. T. TAWES
24. Jasper GATES
19. M. H. UPSON
37. John LORENZA
4. M. B. COOK

Following named persons were granted leases of school land:
D. DEALEY, of land in Section 16, Township 38, 2 east; BYRNES and BREWSTER, of land in Section 16, Township 33, 3 east; J. S. LEWIS, of land in Section 36k, Township 36, 2 east.

Retail licenses and license to keep billiard tables were granted to the following named persons when they shall comply with the Statutes by filing a good and sufficient bond in sum of $1,000, filing the written consent of the owner of the building where such business is to be conducted, and paying into the County Treasury at the rate of $100 per annum for retail license and $10 per annum for billiard license:

      The report of appraisers in matter of claim for damages by E. McALPINE and others being received, and also a remonstrance signed by nineteen persons, it was ordered that the claims for damages be not allowed and that the change in road be not established.
      The report and ________ in matter of the claim for damages by J. L. MADDOX being received, it was ordered that said J. L. MADDOX be allowed damages in the sum of $40, for improvements lost by reason of the washout and relocation in County road in front of his place.
      In matter of the change in La Conner and Samish road across the land of G. W. JOHNSON, the board being satisfied that said changed and new road is in every respect equal to the old portion, it was ordered that said new road be declared a public highway and duly recorded, and that the old portion be vacated.

Ordered that statement of O. KALSO, Deputy Road Supervisor District No. 21; be accepted after a reduction for $5, charge for team work, and $1 error, leaving balance of 19 cents due road district.
Ordered that the official bond of W. T. COUPE as Treasurer be approved.
Ordered that liquor bond of P. O'BRIEN be approved.
Ordered that resignation of C. T. COWDEN as Road Supervisor of Diststrict No. 16, F. A. GRAHAM, Justice of the Peace of Ship Harbor Precinct, and J. H. PLASTER, Constable of Ferndale Precinct, be accepted.
Ordered that petition of M. B. COOK and others for new voting precinct be laid over to August, 1883, term for further consideration.

Following billes were allowed:
    H. B. WILLIAMS, payment for lot 11, block 5, Whatcom 250.00
    Hall's Safe and Lock Co. two safes 900.00
    T. R. JONES, services as surveyor 5.00
    T. HASTIE, services as chainman 2.00
    E. GOOD, services as viewer 2.00
    M. FRITZ, services as viewer 2.00
    H. P. DOWNS, services as appraiser 2.00
    D. H. BYRNES, services as appraiser 2.00
    T. P. HASTIE, services as appraiser 2.00
    G. E. HURTSON, services as School Supt.. 50.85
    SMITH & WILLARD, professional services 10.00
    J. E. FREESE, services as Coroner 22.80
    D. S. MILLER, services as juror 5.60
    S. P. HUGHES, services as juror 5.80
    F. M. CAIN, services as juror 5.80
    C. CAIN, services as juror 5.60
    J. ELWOOD, services as juror 5.20
    J. ATKINSON, services as witness 2.00
    Josephine ATKINSON, services as witness 2.00
    John WILLIAMS, services as witness 2.00
    Fred WILLIAMS, services as witness 2.00
    J. FREESE, Justice of the Peace 12.00
    B. KINGSLEY, Constable 25.30
    James ATKINSON, services as witness 5.20
    Josephine ATKINSON, services as witness 5.20
    John PETERSON, services as witness 5.20
    John WILLIAMS, services as witness 5.40
    Fred WILLIAMS, services as witness 5.40
    J. W. FRESER, services special constable 1.50
    J. W. FRESER, services as witness 2.00
    J. H. BROWN, services as juror 2.20
    Jno. McPHERSON, services as juror 2.20
    Martin THORPY, services as juror 2.20
    Thos. LAHOE, services as juror 2.20
    J. S. LEBALLISTER, services as juror 2.20
    R. NEWMAN, services as juror 2.20
    M. L. ROGERS, services making coffin 10.00
    G. HOFFMAN, assistance making coffin 1.00
    D. P. THOMAS, J. P., fees as Coroner 18.60
    R. NEWMAN, services digging grave 4.00
    B. H. BRUNS, visiting C. MILLER 24.00
    J. J. EDENS, visiting Martha MILLER 6.00
    R. B. MILROY, Making 10 township plats 25.00
    C. B. BALEY, one copy of Code 4.50
    O. LANSTROM, burial J. Brown 5.00
    Chas. NAHER, one calendar clock 10.00
    E. SIBLEY, bringing election returns 4.00
    A. CARLSON, use of room for Grand Jury 5.00
    J. H. McGRAW, for keeping GOWAN and JOHNSON 218.00
    James POWER, publishing delinquent tax list 100.50
    J. L. MADDOX, damages sustained by relocation of road 40.00
    Mrs. W. T. COUPE, services as member Board of Examiners 6l.00
    Miss E. J. HAGADORN, services as member Board of Examiners 9.60
    J. O'LOUGHLIN, as Assessor, making roll and taking census 616;.40
    John PETERSON, services as witness 2.00
    W. H. WHITTLESEY, services as agent in selling town lot 5.00
    J. O'LOUGHLIN, attendance on Board 25.00
    W. T. COUPE, services, cash paid out 16.50
    C. DONOVAN, Auditor's Clerk's fees 157.80
    C. DONOVAN, making abstract of town lots 40.00
    C. DONOVAN, cash paid out 77.75
    J. J. EDENS, County Commissioner's fees and per diem 55.60
    I. DUNLAP, County Commissioner's fees and per diem 59.00
    B. H. BRUNS, County Commissioner's fees and per diem 58.00
    Directors School District No. 4, rent of Court House 1.00

Ordered that the Auditor and Treasurer accept the sum of ten dollars from R. PITTOCK and issue him a receipt in full for all taxes due from him on his town lots in RICE's additions to the town of Sehome and Whatcom.

Ordered that the Auditor, Treasurer and Sheriff accept the sum of forty dollars from T. I. MCKENNY and issue him a receipt in full for all taxes due from him on land in Section 13, Township 38 north, Range 2 east.

Ordered that proposal of L. MARTIN to least lot 19, block 3, town of Whatcom be rejected.

Ordered that the liquor bond of J. Fraser YORK be approved.

Ordered that liquor bond of K. E. HUNSICKER be approved.

Ordered that Thomas HEACOCK be given a receipt in full for all his personal tax due from him, upon his paying into the County Treasury the sum of $7.50

Ordered that county warrant No. 473k, issued to A. N. SHAGRIN Feb. 12th, 1883, for support, care and board of C. MILLER, pauper, for $45, be destroyed.

Ordered that lot 19, block 3, town of Whatcom be sold, and that W. H. WHITTLESEY be appointed agent under Section 2674 of the Code to conduct such sale.

Ordered that Auditor, Treasurer and Sheriff be authorized to settle in full with Eugene CANFIELD for all back taxes against R. W. GATES, L. A. WINSLOW and J. J. and B. HACKNEY, for the sum of $150, on condition that said CANFIELD waive all claim against the county on account of double assessment and errors.

Ordered that the Clerk of the Board notify J. S. CONNER to appear and show cause why he should not be assessed with amount of mortgages held by him on hands in this county.

Ordered that the Auditor be empowered to accept the sum of $12 from B. F. SHAW in full for all back taxes against his (SHAW's) town lots in Whatcom….

…Ordered that the application of J. and G. GACHES for license to charge wharfage be laid over to the August, 1883, term.

Ordered that action upon the communication of H. McMICKEN in regard to field notes of U. S. Surveys be deferred to the August, 1883, term.

Ordered that application of S. D. REINHART for the use of the northeast ground floor of Court House for use as justice's office be granted on condition that it shall be used exclusively for holding trials in J. P. Court, and only during such trials or examinations.

Ordered that C. DONOVAN be appointed agent to sell and make a deed for Whatcom County of lots 2,3, 5 and 6, in block 16, town of Whatcom, according to Section 2675 of Code of Washington and instructions of this date.

A Little Giant.
Amos MARKEL, a well known and reliable gentleman, writes to the Post-Intelligencer from Mt. Baker, Samish river,Whatcom county, W.T., under date of May 7, 1883, as follows:
"You are at liberty to publish the following facts in your paper: A fir tree was cut and hauled at MOON & MUNROE's logging camp on Joe LEARY's slough, last Saturday, containing four logs. The first measured 24 feet long 80 inches in diameter, and contained 5424 feet of lumber, board measure; the second was 24 feet long and 71 inches in diameter, and contained 4749 feet of lumber; the third, 24 feet long and 66 inches in diameter, contained 4212 feet of lumber, the fourth was 34 feet long and 61 inches in diameter, and scaled 4779 feet - making a grand total of lumber in this one tree of 19,166 feet. This is one of the largest trees cut in this section during the present season, and I took pains to get its accurate dimensions, thinking it might be of interest to your readers."

Friday, June 22, 1883:

Officers and Directors Washington Colony
[Chartered under the Laws of Kansas, at Topeka, January 2, 1880.]
Dr. E. Van ZANDT, President
R. STEARNS, Vice-President
T. C. AUSTIN, Secretary
J. Y. COLLINS, Treasurer

Architect and Builder
Whatcom, W.T.
W. J. BRYANT.     A. L. TEELE.
Law, Land and Insurance
Whatcom, W.T.
Dealer in
Groceries, Provisions, Flour,
Canned Goods, Fruits and Nuts
Fred OSER,
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Provisions, Flour and Feed

Local Brevities.
--Judge GAZELEY says lumber is king of Puget Sound.
--E. B. COLLINS, of Ten Mile, returned yesterday from a trip up Sound.
--The day may come when a cemetery will be found useful on Bellingham Bay. It will not always be so healthy as now.
--The building boom in Whatcom still continues unabated. The colony mill cannot furnish lumber fast enough, and large quantities are being shipped in.
--Mrs. H. HOFERCAMP, of Sehome, has placed the Reveille under obligations to her for a large, handsome boquet (sic). She has one of the most beautiful fruit and flower gardens in the territory, and knows how to make a boquet(sic).
--Captain BAKER is preparing to put a new boiler in the little propeller Saranac. This boat will ply on the bay as a tow boat, and will come very convenient. It has a history, which will be written in the Reveille when the boat is launched.
--An apple tree on the farm of Judge REINHART was peeled of its bark at the base in March, leaving it entirely naked, and preventing the sap from supplying the tree in the usual way; but, strange to say, the tree is now burdened with fine fruit, just as though nothing were wrong.
--Rev. Henry Ward BEECHER is expected to visit Whatcom early in July. His son is purser on the Idaho, plying between this place and Seattle, and the Rev. BEECHER will of course take a trip on the boat to see the young giant city of the Sound. Wonder if he could be persuaded to deliver one of his brilliant sermons here?
--Mr. A. WHITTAKER is preparing the ground in ELDRIDGE's place on the mouth of the Squalacum(sic), one mile above this city, on which to establish a brick-yard. This will be most gratifying intelligence to the citizens of Whatcom and vicinity. Mr. WHITTAKER informs the Reveille that the material here found is of a superior quality, and that he will turn out about 200,000 excellent bricks this season. Further mention will be made of this enterprise in subsequent issues of this journal.
--Mr. F. F. LANE, of Lummi, called at Reveille headquarters last Saturday. Mr. LANE is an old-timer in these diggings, having first come to the country twenty-five years ago. He has waited long and patiently for the good times that are now dawning upon Whatcom county. Mr. LANE is in possession of a vast amount of information concerning the early history and reminiscences of this part of the territory, and will, in the near future, give the Reveille the benefit of his extensive knowledge in this direction.
--Prof. E. O. TADE is offering some excellent bargains in city lots in the new town of Bancroft. This tract of land is beautifully situated on the island of Fidalgo, overlooking the bay, and is especially adapted to pleasant summer houses and residences. It already has far better prospects for becoming a large and prosperous city than many of its more pretentious neighbors on the Sound. For information concerning sale of town lots in Bancroft see ad published elsewhere in this issue.
--C. K. JENNER, of the law firm of JACOBS & JENNER of Seattle, was in town several days last week. Mr. JENNER owns extensive real estate interests in this part of Whatcom county. Three hundred and twenty acres of handsome land at the lower end of Whatcom Lake is owned by Messrs. C. K. JENNER & D. B. WARD. The fact that they have withdrawn the same from market would seem to indicate that they have the utmost confidence in the future development of the Bellingham Bay country.
--The work of excavating for ELDRIDGE & BARTLETT's new steam saw mill at Bellingham has already commenced. The mill-wright, a gentleman from San Francisco, is expected to arrive this week to take full charge and superintend construction of the works…
--H. WALLACE, Esq., member of the firm of MARDER, LUSE & Co., type founders, San Francisco, was in Whatcom last week. This reliable firm furnished the material upon which the Reveille is printed, which speaks for itself…
--"Lake Whatcom is the most picturesque body of water on the Pacific Coast," so says United States Surveyor D. B. IVERSON, and the Reveille banks heavier on Mr. IVERSON's opinion on such matters than it would on the combined statements of all the real estate owners in the territory.
--A new town at or near the present postoffice, known as Lummi, at the mouth of the Nooksack river, has recently been laid off and platted. The plat will probably retain the name of Lummi. Mr. J. A. TENNANT, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, did the surveying and platting.
--The professional card of MUNCH & FENNER appears in this issue. They are civil engineers who have had experience in many of the cities of the United States.
--Mr. KENOYER is about to add another saw to his shingle mill, which is located at Ferndale. Let the good work go on.
--P. A. McMACKIN deserves credit for the manner in which he has graded the street in front of his hotel. Let others follow suite.
--You will notice the card of Dr. GARROW, published in this issue. He comes from Detroit, Mich., where he graduated in his profession. At present he may be found at the Washington Hotel.
--Milt C. AXTON, from the Ten Mile neighborhood, came in last Saturday and reported that part of Whatcom county in a prosperous condition. Milt is the happy possessor of a 160 acre ranch, and frankly admits that he would not exchange it for a whole section of the best land in Kansas.
--E. R. BRUSH - everybody knows BRUSH has been rusticating in the dells and glens off from Samish for the past few days. He put in an appearance at this place yesterday, obtained a square meal, took a stroll through the business portion of the city, and departed for Seattle, where business matters are demanding his attention.
--Mr. Daniel J. HARRIS says the new sawmill machinery has been bought in Chicago and shipped, and may now be expected any day. It affords the Reveille much pleasure to announce that, in the near future, three of the finest sawmills in Washington Territory will be running on Bellingham Bay. It does not require the wisdom of a sage to predict a greater boom than ever for this place.
--Elsewhere will be seen the "ad" of L. L. BALES, scout and guide. He is a "dandy" in his business, and knows the mountains, lakes and forests as well as any white man on the coast. He is one of the very few men who have crossed the Olympic range to the coast, over high cliffs, through deep gorges, snows and floods. Yesterday he started for the head of the Nooksack with a prospecting party, to be gone three weeks. BALES found gold in paying quantities on Mt. Baker recently, and also discovered a large body of table or prairie land between the head waters of the Nooksack and Samish rivers.
--Hon. Thos. H. CAVANAUGH, well and favorably known to every Kansan in this Territory, arrived on the Sound a few days ago, but thus far has failed to call at the metropolis of the lower Sound country. The Reveille is informed that Mr. CAVANAUGH will locate permanently at some point in the Territory, and further that he will visit Whatcom before deciding definitely upon a location.
--Dr. Sherie H. MANLY late of Beloit, Kansas, has located at Whatcom to remain. He enjoyed an excellent reputation at his former home and comes here with splendid professional endorsements. The editors of the Reveille knew him in Kansas, and do not hesitate to recommend Him.
--There is danger that John M. KING may lose his leg by his recent accident in the mill. He does not want to go the Seattle hospital, but prefers to remain in Whatcom under the treatment of Dr. Van ZANDT. A little house will be built for him, in order to give him better attention.
--Mrs. W. W. GARDNER, of this city, has recently executed some neat work in the line of landscape sketching. The towering pine trees, majestic cedars, bold mountain outlines, the glens and gorges, lakes, and scenes on the bay-all afford excellent subjects and material for the artist.
--Much credit is due unto C. DONOVAN for the gallant manner in which he entertained our distinguished visitors--the Edmunds party--last Sunday. Had it not been for Mr. DONOVAN's efforts, the party would doubtless have returned without leaving their steamer.
--H. A. JUDSON, of Lynden, was in the city yesterday, enroute to Seattle for the purpose of purchasing a stock of dry goods and groceries for his new store. Mr. JUDSON is an old settler on the Nooksack, and he will make the merchandising business a success.
--Alf. D. BOWEN, the rustling business manager of the Seattle Daily Chronicle, came down yesterday. Under Mr. BOWDEN's shrewd business management the Chronicle is realizing an era of financial prosperity unequalled by any other journal on the Sound.
--Samuel CALDWELL, who has a fine farm about one mile below Nooksack crossing, dropped in and added his name to the Reveille family last week. He is an old resident, and was first to take a wagon over the old Sumas road to Nooksack crossing.
--The advertisement of Mr. J. P. LOWE, watchmaker and jeweler, La Conner, appears elsewhere…
--H. B. WILLIAMS, attorney for the PEABODY heirs, will leave today on his return home to Glenwood, Iowa. He will be absent several weeks, and on his return may conclude to locate permanently at this place.
--Capt. D. ROGERS, merchant at Ferndale, came up from Seattle yesterday. Capt. ROGERS reports business good over in the valley, and the town of Ferndale keeping pace with the boom.
--A gentleman named GARLAND, from Maine, has leased the new mill to be erected at Bellingham for a term of six years, beginning October 1st.
--Mr. Robert L. CREED has bought out the interest of Mr. MUDD in the Sehome Hotel, and will continue to keep a first-class house.
--Mr. E. BARTLETT, of San Francisco, heavy owner in Bellingham town site, is expected here in a few days.
--E. H. M. SELL, of New York City, and C. B. M. SELL, of Allentown, Pa., arrived in the city yesterday.
--Mrs. W. H. FOUTS has been in Seattle for the past few days purchasing a stock of merchandise.
--W. H. WHITTLESY returned from a trip to Seattle yesterday.
--Rev. Mr. HOMAN, of Kirwin, Kansas, arrived yesterday.

Our Distinguished Guests.
Last Sunday Senator EDMUNDS, Lieut. ARTHUR and Supt. BUCKLEY, of the Northern Pacific road, arrived at Whatcom on the steamer North Pacific. They had heard of the famous trout fishing in Whatcom Lake, and wished to give it a practical test, which they did to their entire satisfaction, taking away with them about fifty fine large specimens of the beautiful fish. Dr. Van ZANDT, H. B. WILLIAMS, Judge GAZELEY, C. DONOVAN, W. H. WHITTLESEY, O. P. IVERSON and Capt. DODGE, accompanied the distinguished party to the lake, and report a good time. Senator EDMUNDS and Lieut. ARTHUR were delighted with the fine scenery of the lake and expressed a desire to return again. The party left on their steamer on Sunday evening. It seems that the fame of Whatcom Lake has gone abroad, and all that is necessary to make it a popular resort is hotel accommodations. Only last week, publisher BANCROFT, of San Francisco, and party, were rusticating on the lake, camping in a rude cabin. A hotel should be built there immediately.

Run Out of Town.
Last Sunday, Billy ADAMS, known on the coast as a vag, card sharper and petty thief, was tendered a polite invitation to leave the town of Whatcom or accept a necktie festival at the hands of those who have known him to their sorrow. He stole various articles from the Terminus House a few days ago, and is supposed to be one of the gang who relieved the Whatcom House guests of about $200 recently. This is a peacable city and can get along very well without such toughs, who should be given a reception more remarkable for its warmth than hospitality.

Hotel Arrivals
Washington Hotel

J M TAYLOR, Oregon
L GOEPFERT, Cincinnati
Mr. BURKE, Seattle
Mr. STOTTARD, Seattle
Judge GAZELEY, Oregon
C I ROTH, Chicago
Dr J GARRON, Detroit
W L MILLER, Beloit Wis
Wm MILLER, Nooksack
D DALEY, Pendleton W T
G W PALMER, Victoria
J H THOMAS, Nooksack
D SLOANE, San Francisco
H A JUDSON, Lynden
Mr CARR, Lyton B C
Fred CLINE, Ferndale

Whatcom House

A G HOPKINS, Nooksack
E SHEPARD, Seattle
G W L ALLEN, Samish
D KEEFE, Samish
Q E PAYNE, Steamer
C D McKELLER, Canada
L E MORSE, Seattle
A M WILSON, Seattle
Mrs KYLE & Dan, Nook'ck,
E C WHITNEY, Portland
Rev BARRETT ,San Fran'so
John J BURR, Ladner B C
H BIGELOW, San Francis'o
R P BUCKLEY, La Conner
W H HOWARD, Seattle
L J HOMER, Seattle
James de LONG, Seattle
H B CORWIN, Whatcom
J J PARR, Grass Val'y Cal
G W PARR, Grass Valley

Titles All Right.
The claim of Frank PEABODY to the PEABODY homestead claim covers only a small fraction of the Whatcom townsite, which embraces nearly a whole section of land; the PEABODY donation, on which the town proper stands, being not in dispute. R. V. PEABODY had both a donation and homestead claim, which should not be confounded with each other by those not versed in the early history of Whatcom and surroundings. -LaConner Mail.

Friday, June 29, 1883:

Local Brevities.
--Mr. Frank NORTHRUP's new boat has been launched, and is very popular. It rides the water like a thing of life.
--AUSTIN & SHEPARD have recently completed the survey of four new town plats, viz: Bellingham, Fairhaven, Atlanta and Samish.
--Dr. MANLY was called on Tuesday to attend the child of A. E. JONES, who had taken on overdose of hive syrup. Proper treatment restored the little one.
--Thos. WYNN, one of the first settlers in this county, was in town last week. Mr. WYNN came to Whatcom in 1853 and at the present time owns a handsome farm near Ferndale.
--Word arrives that Robert KNOX has disposed of his property in Abilene, Kansas and will soon be here to remain permanently. He will be a valuable accession to our young city.
--Capt. Curtis BROWNFIELD has retired from the command of the steamer Washington, and is succeeded by Capt. Jno. S. HILL, master and owner of the Fannie Lake, recently burned on the Skagit river. We are not informed as to Capt. BROWNFIELD's intentions, but presume he will not remain long out of the service.
--Charley O'HARRA, of the "cottage-by-the-Sea" saloon, Seattle, has found a bonanza in the shape of 90 acres of the rich Swinnomish flats, situated in the extreme northwest corner of that handsome body of land. This 90-acre tract borders on the slough, and has remained vacant until quite recently. The land is worth, probably, $40 per acre. O'HARRA has built a cabin, donned a suit of ducking, and is now batching on the land.
--H. KENOYER's new portable sawmill has arrived and will immediately be put in running order at Ten Mile, two and one-half miles east of Ferndale, on the road leading from that place to Nooksack crossing. The mill will have a cutting capacity of five or six thousand feet per day, and will be running within two weeks. As an evidence of the great demand for lumber, Mr. KENOYER informs the Reveille that he will immediately close a contract for sawing a million feet for one individual. The establishment of this mill will give a new impetus to the building boom in that locality. Several new buildings will now be erected at Ferndale.
--J. R. JENKINS, one of the prominent real estate owners in Whatcom, and at present engaged in farming on the Nooksack, came to town last week in order to take personal observations of the boom prevailing under the new era. Mr. JENKINS invested in Whatcom during the halcyon days of 1860, and when the collapse came and everybody left, he remained, never for one moment loosing confidence in the ultimate outcome of the town and country. He is the owner of the property on which the Whatcom Hotel, with its extensive additions, is located, and also owns a valuable ranch bordering on lake Whatcom. Mr. JENKINS as furnished this journal some pointers with reference to the coal deposits here, and the operations of the Bellingham Bay Coal Company's operations at this place prior to the closing down of the mines, all of which will be given the publish in due time.
--Col. HAWKINS, an earnest advocate of temperance, who has established some fame as a lecturer, gave the people of Whatcom the benefit of his talents in this direction last Saturday and Sunday evenings. While the Reveille desires to place itself on record as opposed to intemperance, and will heartily lend its influence to any project that has in view the bettering of society generally, yet it is not prepared to say that Col. HAWKINS' lectures are productive of much good. His illustrations are altogether too extravagant, and with earnest, thinking people of the present day, they are considered altogether too gauzy. The Colonel is laboring in a good cause, but at this end of the line at least, he succeeded in establishing a better reputation as a constitutional growler and fault-finder than as a successful temperance lecturer. The Reveille throws this out as a pointer hoping that the Colonel will read it and profit by it.
--Mr. Frank NORTHRUP, of this city, was quite well acquainted with Princess Ruth KEELIKOLANI, of the Sandwich Islands, who died last week, in her 65th year, at Honolulu…
--John BENNETT, the florest (sic), horticulturist and landscape gardner (sic), has the thanks of the entire establishment for courtesies extended. Mr. Bennett has the finest nursery and fruit farm on the coast, and being situated less than two miles from Whatcom, renders it very valuable property. The Reveille will, in the near future, give a full description of Mr. BENNETT's farm, and will continue, from time to time, to publish articles descriptive of the many handsome farms and pleasant homes throughout the county of Whatcom.
--F. M. WALSH, a first-class news and job printer, late foreman of the Reveille office, left last Saturday to accept a situation on the Mail, at La Conner. Mr. POWER, member of the Territorial Council, will soon be required at Olympia, and during his absence Mr. WALSH will have entire control of the Mail. Mr. WALSH is a through printer and a good writer and his services on the Mail will soon be made conspicuous.
--Mrs A. C. MARSTON has the combined thanks of the Reveille outfit for a generous supply of delicious strawberries. And this reminds us that cherries are now ripening very rapidly, and that the season will soon be far advances-that ye printers are especially fond of cherries, and that their appetites in this direction have not yet been sufficiently appeased. No harm in mentioning the matter, you know.
--John K. RAE, of the Nooksack, complains that sufficient care is not exercised by people along the river to keep it clear of brush and logs. There is little use trying to clear it of jams if more care is not exercised by those living on or near the stream.
--Attorney BANKS, pushed the season a little on Monday and took a bath with his clothes on, caused by an unruly boat. He might give the projectors of the bath house some points on the mean temperature of the waters of Bellingham Bay, but he wont.
--Mr. HUNTOON and others, of Bellingham, contemplate the erection of a fine large block of buildings. It will be 60x100 feet, and will be used for general business.
--Mr. MUDD won the gold watch at the raffle at the Commercial saloon. He threw forty-three and "took the cake."
--MOULTRAY & LOCKWOOD's new livery barn is rapidly approaching completion.
--CRONIN, the Saddle Rock Restaurant man, has sold his establishment to Mr. S. BELFORD.
--Mrs. L. H. EDELEN, of Philadelphia, has been investing in Whatcom real estate this week.
--Mr. HARRIS, of Fairhaven, has painted his hotel, which improves its appearance very materially.
--ROSS & CO. have the material on the ground for a new drug store, 20x45 feet, two stories high, and will commence the building immediately.
--Thanks are hereby returned to Mrs. BECKER for a fine boquet (sic) of beautiful flowers. Florida had better look to her laurels as the land of flowers.
--Mr. WILLIAMS left for home on Friday. The PEABODY heirs should have a permanent legal representative here to transact their increasing business.
--Another handsome boquet of rich roses, bearing the compliments of Mrs. F. H. STEPHENS, the stylish dress-maker, was left on the Reveille desk last Monday. Thanks.
--W. L. STEINWEG & Co., in order to accommodate their rapidly increasing trade, have erected a 10x40 foot warehouse on the wharf in the rear of their mercantile establishment.
--Mrs.W. J. SHINN, who has been severely prostrated with fever for the past few weeks, is slowly recovering, and hopes to be enabled within a few days to accompany her husband and family to their home on White River.
--C. E. FRANK's photograph gallery will be completed this week and in active operations by the 4th of July. Mr. FRANK is an operator of several years experience and bears the reputation of doing first-class work. See ad. Elsewhere.
--Mrs F. H. STEPHENS, fashionable dress-maker, now boarding at A. C. MARSTON's farm, north of the city, will remove to town within a few days, when she will be prepared to receive and execute orders in the line of dress-making.
--The Reveille contemplates giving each of our sister cities that can sustain it a department head in this paper, which will approach as nearly as possible a home newspaper. It will be to all intents and purposes a newspaper for each important town in this vicinity.
--Mr. J. H. TAYLOR, of Lummi, came in Tuesday and added his name to the Reveille book. He is an old settler and worked about the Sehome coal mines years ago. He says that coal crops out on Lummi Island and, in his opinion, the Bay is underlaid with a good quality of coal.
--Arnold R. SMITH, who has just returned from Alaska, states that the mining excitement there is a fraud, gotten up by steamship companies to cause a rush there. He paints a dark picture of desolate Harrisburg and Sitka, in the wet and snowy hills of Alaska, where Chinese only can get employment.
--Mrs. HOFERCAMP, of Sehome, never forgets the printers, for the reason, perhaps, that her son Louis belongs to the craft. At any rate the printers are always most kindly remembered in her generous distribution of cherries. She sent to this office yesterday a bushel basket full of luscious, ripe cherries - a quantity sufficient to founder any ordinary establishment. The timely arrival of the junior member of the Reveille firm, however, prevented any general calamity of that nature that might have otherwise ensued. To make it plainer, seven gallons of cherries disappeared through the capacious maw of that junior. of course, the cherries were good, the finest that we have ever seen, and this office returns its thanks to the donor for the treat.

Hand Badly Cut.
Geo. W. BROWN, one of the Iverson surveying party now at work on Whatcom Lake, had one hand almost severed with an ax on Monday. In clearing away the brush to run a line, Mr. Brown got upon a bent tree and cut off the top, not apprehending danger. Released from its fetters the sapling upon which he was standing shot back to an upright position throwing Brown heavenward about twenty feet. In falling he hurt his arm and hip, and his ax fell with the blade across his hand, severing one or two leaders. He is now at the Whatcom House under care of Dr. MANLY, and is doing very well.

The Ferndale Road.
T. C. AUSTIN has been engaged this week surveying the Whatcom and Ferndale road. This project was advocated in the first issue of this journal and it is indeed gratifying to be enabled to state that the road will be built immediately, and the enterprising town of Ferndale and the lower Nooksack valley be given an outlet to the county seat. The settlers along the route, and the business men of Ferndale and Whatcom, have contributed liberally to this enterprise. By way of the new road the distance from Whatcom to Ferndale will be less than ten miles.

Just Twenty Years Ago.
From a private letter to Capt. ROEDER and family, written by A. M. BULLOCK, now of Hayward, Alameda county, Cala., under date of May 8th, 1883, we are permitted to make the following extracts, which, at this remote date, will be interesting not only to the old settlers here but also serves as a pleasant reminisence of the early days in Whatcom.
* * * * "Just twenty years ago! How vivid the picture rises before me, awakening a revival of the pleasant memories of those good old days - the days of my boyhood passed in Whatcom. The Fraser river gold mining excitement; the journeyings along the beach to the old Fort, and also further along to the mouth of the Nooksack river; the stroll along the trail to the coal mines; the many pleasant hours spent with John DAVIS, at New Sea Home; the evenings in Mr. RICHARDS' brick store; the canoe rides with the Indians; the building of Capt. ROEDER's scow and the voyages to Victoria, Port Townsend and the Islands, with Capt. ROEDER as master of the same - all these are yet fresh in my memory. But the brightest and most pleasant recollections are those associated with my visits to your pleasant home out on the Sumas Trail, where my crude endeavors at mechanism met with such hearty recognition and kind sympathetic encouragement from your most excellent wife. And how I remember Johnny ROEDER - who, as I now learn, has reached manhood - sitting in the high chair that it was my privilege and pleasure to contrive for him; also the baby, whose name just now escapes my memory. I also remember your beautiful home, situated in the wilderness of woods; and how, on Sundays, Mrs. ROEDER would get out the pen, ink and paper for the purpose of communicating with the loves ones back in Ohio. That was twenty years ago, yet time flies so fast that those recollections are as fresh in my memory as though it were but yesterday."

Whatcom County School Teachers.
G. E. HARTSON, Superintendent of Public Schools, furnishes the Reveille with the following list of teachers holding certificates and qualified to teach in the public schools of Whatcom county:
Miss Alice FOSTER
Mrs. N. C. COUPE
Mrs. Maggie J. CHILBERG
Mr. William CAIN
Miss Carrie GRAHAM
Miss Alice ROGERS
Miss Pauline POLSON
Miss Nellie GRAHAM
Mr. Thomas WYNN
Mrs. Grace O'NEIL
Miss Lottie ROEDER
Mrs. Ada M. PYEATT
Miss Lelia J. TURNER.

St. John's Day Duly Observed.
The basket picnic held in the grove last Sunday by the Masonic fraternity of this city and community, was indeed a very pleasant affair. Owing to the non-appearance of the chosen orator of the occasion, a slight hitch occurred in the program, but fortunately, however, sufficient talent was present to afford an excellent substitute for the absentee. The exercises were opened with prayer by Dr. S. H. MANLY. Mr. E. H. MARCY, chairman of the occasion, delivered the opening address. His remarks were timely, and indicated a thorough understanding of the subject in hand. This was followed by select reading on topics pertaining to Masonry, by J. P. DeMATTOS and Will D. JENKINS. Dr. C. H. MERRICK then responded to the toast "Fraternity." A basket dinner was then thoroughly enjoyed by all present. After refreshments had been partaken of, Dr. S. H. MANLY favored the audience with an excellent selection from the Voice of Masonry. Mr. T. C. AUSTIN then responded to the toast "The Three Great Lights of Masonry." Mr. E. H. MARCY then closed the exercises with an address that elicited the applause of all present. The program throughout was interspersed with excellent instrumental music by H. A. WHITE, violinist, and Miss Flora AXTON, Organist.

Steamer Mail Service on the Skagit River.
Steamer mail service will be put on the Skagit river, commencing Monday next. This is a service that has been needed for several years past, and the people living along the route may consider themselves under obligations to that indefatigable worker, Mr. Edward McTAGGART, for the final consummation of the project. In the month of September last, Mr. McTAGGART drew up a petition praying for semi-weekly mail service from Mukilteo to Snohomish county, via Stanwood, Utsalady, Fir, Skagit City, and Mat Vernon in Whatcom county….

Public Schools of Whatcom County.
Mr. G. E. HARTSON, County Superintendent of public schools, informs the Reveille that there are now 34 regularly organized school districts in Whatcom County, and that 1051 children of school age are enrolled. The public school fund apportionment amounts to $2.80 per capita. On the admission of this Territory to Statehood this apportionment will, by judicious legislation, amount to at least $7 per capita. Under the existing circumstances, the vast body of school land in the Territory can not be disposed of, nor the proceeds from the sale thereof be utilized for school purposes.

All are cordially invited to attend. Bring the spirit of 1776 with you, and what Provisions you can afford, for a Social Basket Picnic party. Marshal of the Day - A. CHARLES
Firing one Gun for each Territory at Daylight - By E. CROAK
Instrumental music by Thos OXFORD.
Prayer by Rev. John TENNANT.
Vocal Music - "Hail Columbia" - By the Choir
Reading Declaration of Independence - By J. J. WELCH.
Vocal Music - Star Spangled Banner - By the Choir
Oration by Rev. John TENNANT.
Vocal Music - "America" - By Choir
Speeches and Toasts.
DINNER - By the Ladies
The Sport to conclude with a Social Party in the evening. Good music will be in attendance.
By order of
A. CHARLES, Chairman Com.

Frank NORTHRUP - Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates Furnished. Whatcom, Wash. Ter.
Dr. A. A. DOHERTY, Dentist, has permanently located in Whatcom. All kinds of dental work done. Chloroform and Ether administered. All work warranted.
H. S. HULL, Contractor and Builder. Architecture a specialty. Plans and specifications furnished. Whatcom, W.T.
AUSTIN & SHEPARD, Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Terms reasonable. Office near postoffice, Whatcom, W.T.
F. M. BLOMQUIST, Sign and Show Card Writer, House and Steamboat Painting, Decorative Paper Hanging, Whatcom, W.T.
C. H. STADELMAN, Steamboat repairing, iron working and general blacksmithing, Whatcom, W.T.
-Arnold R. SMITH, Tonsorial Artist of repution (sic) and long experience, has opened a shop up stairs, near the Washington Hotel. Shaving and Hair-cutting in the best style known to the art. Will soon remove to the ground floor.
-TANSEY & MARTIN, Tonsorial artist. Shaving, Hair-cutting and Shampooing neatly executed. New outfit at the old stand, in the Laundry office, Whatcom, W.T.

Friday, July 6, 1883:

Fourth of July.
Grandest Celebration Ever Held on Puget Sound.
        The Fourth of July celebration at Whatcom for the year 1883 goes on record as a grand success. It has required a vast amount of hard labor and heavy outlay of cash, but the parties having the matter in charge have reason to feel proud of the result, which is a credit to our enterprising citizens generally…The procession was formed by Marshal DONOVAN on Division St., at ten o’clock, and headed by the New Westminster Brass Band, at once marched to the grove on the hill. The assembly was called to order by President VANZANDT, and opened with prayer by Rev. HILL. The President of the Day then delivered a brief but well worded address of welcome to all on behalf of the citizens. The Doctor very neatly welcomed our British cousins to help celebrate the sweet remembrances of the time when we found it necessary to thrash them. This was followed with music by the choir, Prof. H. S. HULL leader, Miss Flora AXTON organist. In a very clear and distinct tone W. H. WHITTLESEY read the Declaration of Independence. The rendition was comprehensive and able.
        The oration of the day was then delivered by Senator Eugene CANFIELD, of Illinois… By request, Mr. E. H. MARCY responded to the toast, “Our Flag.” He paid a handsome tribute to the starry emblem that floated above the land of the free and the home of the brave. The only piece of hunting on the ground was a ten cent flag under the table, but that did not mar the ardor of the eloquent speaker, who retired amid a round of applause. Judge DEMATTOS was called upon to respond to the toast, “Washington Territory,” which he did in an able and appropriate way. After reviewing the boundless resources of this fair land the Judge, in his peroration, plucked hands full of tail feathers from the proud bird of freedom, and demonstrated the fact that he is capable of making a sensible, eloquent address… “Old Settlers” was responded to by Hon. E. ELDRIDGE, who made a neat addres (sic), touching upon the vicissitudes incident to pioneer life, and the rich rewards that must certainly follow early privations…
        C. I. ROTH made a very creditable response to the toast, “New Comers.” He expatiated on the grand advantages offered here to new comers, and believed the day was not far distant when the busy hum of factories and the rolling of mills – especially rolling mills – would be heard at Whatcom. “Whatcom, Old and New,” was responded to in a masterly manner by J. J. WEISENBERGER. It was replete with historical incidents from the busy scenes of ’58 down to the present day. He made a grand comparison of the past, present and future of Whatcom. Reuben FOUNTAIN, poet of the day, read an excellent original poem that had some merit as well as jingle. T. C. AUSTIN responded to the toast, “Single Cussedness,” with all the fervor that his condition demanded. He heaped encomiums upon the heads of the fair ladies, and narrowly escaped burial by a shower of boquets (sic) that followed… “The Press” was responded to by Judge GAZELY in his inimitable and enthusiastic style…
        After dinner four races were run on the beach. In the 1st race with 2 entries, T. JEFFERSON took 1st prize and J. JORDAN 2d. In the 3d race (Indian pony race) George WARBASS took 1st and Ambrose 2d prize. Wm CAIN won 1st money in the foot race, WHITE 2d. Jos. DAWSON won 1st money in the fat man’s race, W. H. BURDON winning 2d. Josiah WOOTEN took 1st money in the boys’ foot race, and Albert SCRIMCHER 2d. Miss Christy McLEOD won 1st price in the little girls’ race, with Sara THOMAS 2d. Wm. CAIN took 1st price in the standing jump, J. K. RAE 2d. W. J. CHIPMAN won 1st money on running jump, L. GEORGE 2d. CHIPMAN and RAE also took the high jumping prizes. CHIPMAN took 1st money and J. MATTHEWS 2d in half hammon. In the Tug of War the white team won the contest and money over the Indian team. The boat race was won by Jos DAWSON and partner. The Indian canoe race was the most exciting sport of the day. It was a grand sight to see the teams of twelve making their canoes cut the glassy waters of the bay, at a surprising speed. By a fine maneuver, the King George team took first prize over Uncle Sam.

Exploring Expedition.
Mr. L. L. BALES and M. DENEHIE returned last week from a prospecting tour on the upper Nooksack. The trip extended twenty miles due east from the head of Lake Whatcom… Whatcom County News. (Northwest Enterprise)

…Deputy sheriff PORTER, of Sterling, brought an insane settler named J. H. DART, from the Skagit woods, to Anacortes on Tuesday, and has his case adjudicated before Judge WHITE of this place. He was sent to the asylum at Steilacoom.

A fir tree was cut at MOON & MONROE’s camp on Joe LEARY slough, near Samish river…

Local Brevities.
--John EVANS, of Ferndale, came over to see the boys last Sunday.
--W. H. WHITTLESEY and H. L. ROSS returned Monday from a business trip to Seattle.
--G. W. BOWEN, of Anacortes, will remove to his farm on the Nooksack, near Lynden, within a few weeks.
--On every hand houses are springing up like magic in Whatcom-and the boom gathers force as it rolls along. --Now, let us have a road cut through to Lynden. The citizens in that part of the valley demand better and more direct communication with the county seat. --F. M. SEVIER and F. BRONSON, of Ferndale, celebrated the Fourth at this place, and before returning have left substantial tokens of their appreciation of the Reveille in the way of subscriptions.
--S. BELFORD has disposed of his grocery establishment to Messrs. ASHER & MARCEY. The latter firm proposes to put in an extensive stock of groceries, provisions and hardware.
--A. F. WELCH and family, from Sterling, came down to celebrate the Fourth at this place. Mr. WELCH invested in Whatcom real estate several years ago, and now begins to realize the fact it was a judicious investment.
--H. A. JUDSON, of Lynden, was in town this week. Mr. JUDSON has recently purchased a fine stock of merchandise and will establish at Lynden one of the finest stores in the county. He is thoroughly conversant with the wants and needs of the settlers in that portion of the county, and will undoubtedly render the very best of satisfaction in dealing with his patrons.
--The famous military commander, Gen. J. W. FORSYTH, owns a handsome residence lot in this city that he purchased while stationed at old Fort Bellingham, just above Whatcom, nearly thirty years ago. Whether or not the General intends to retire from military duties and spend his declining years here near the scenes of his red-letter days, and near unto those who, by ties that are inseparable, should be, and probably are, near and dear unto him, the Reveille is not informed.
--Senator Eugene CANFIELD, of Aurora, Illinois, arrived in this city Monday evening. Mr. CANFIELD is the fortunate possessor of 15,000 or 20,000 acres of the rich agricultural and timber lands of Whatcom county….
--Capt. ROEDER and Billy UTTER, prompted by a desire to facilitate and expedite matters, and acting upon the understanding that the brass band from New Westminster would come by way of Friday Harbor, left on Monday last with the schooner Ruby to meet the party at that place and convey them to Whatcom. Soon after leaving this city information was received from New Westminster that the band would come overland on horseback. This change in the program was not made known to Capt. ROEDER and UTTER until they arrived at Friday Harbor and met the Evangel. Adverse tides and a dead calm prevailing among the Islands, impeded the progress of the schooner, and it was not until late in the evening of the Fourth that they returned to this city. Hence, by an honest endeavor to accommodate the public, Capt. ROEDER and Billy UTTER missed a participation in the grandest Fourth of July celebration ever held in the county. It will be a cold day when they go after another band.
--M. T. TAWES, of Ferndale, was sojourning in town the front part of this week. Mr. TAWES is an old timer-came out here in '53, and now has one of the best stocked farms in the county…
--Mr. Joshua STAPLETON and Chas. M. GILLETT, of Cedarville, Ind., relatives of Capt. Wm. UTTER, of this city, arrived last week and are casting about with a view to locating. The contrast between the Puget Sound country and the State from which they hail, is striking, yet the differences are largely in favor of the Sound…
--Le Ballister missed (sic) bad whisky with a still worse temper and then performed the pugilistic feat of pummeling his klootchman. The assault came near proving fatal to the latter. Later in the evening Le Bellister ran against an obstacle in the shape of an able-bodied Siwash, and now carries his badly-mutilated face tied up in rags, with leaches and beef steak poultices applied. All this happened on the evening of the Fourth.
--C. E. FANK's photograph gallery is running in full blast…
--Jacob MATZ, of Ferndale, and Chas. KING, one of the enterprising farmers living five miles northeast of town, were callers at Reveille headquarters last Monday, and left substantial tokens of their appreciation of a home paper by depositing the necessary cash on subscription.
--Baker WILHELM, while clearing on his ranch last week, had the misfortune to cut his foot severely. He will be laid up for several days. Mr. DAVIE also met with a like accident.
--Prof. E. O. TADE, of the Alden Academy, Anacortes, is in town, enroute for Semiahmoo.
--J. OSTERMAN and wife, and Mr. Samuel CALDWELL, from Nooksack, paid us a pleasant call yesterday.
--A. M. WHITE, of Anacortes, Deputy U. S. Surveyor, paid the Reveille headquarters a visit last Tuesday.
--L. W. BABCOCK, of the Nooksack, came to town on the Fourth and had Dr. MANLY dress a severe scythe cut on one of his hands.
--Mrs. T. J. SMITH returned from Seattle yesterday, where she had gone to meet her son, who arrived from Sacramento via last steamer.
--L. L. BALES left for Seattle last Tuesday to procure an outfit for his proposed second expedition into the wild regions and gold fields in and about Mt. Baker.
--Mrs. C. H. STADLEMAN had a violent attack of pneumonia last Monday, and for a time her condition was considered quite critical. Her attending physician, Dr. MANLY, considers her out of danger at this writing.
--The chances are that the leg of John M. KING will be saved. It was feared a week ago that the serious nature of the wound would necessitate amputation, but happily things have taken a turn for the better. Dr. MANLY has charge of the case.
--J. W. VORHEES, Esq., and Dr. M. W. MAYFIELD, both of Chicago, have arrived at Whatcom and express their determination to having come to stay. They are enterprising young men, and are just the kind that are needed to aid in the development and future prosperity of this Eldorado of the Northwest…

Fourth of July Ball.
To say that the ball Wednesday night was a success would be drawing it very mildly. It was a grand affair in every particular. E. H. MARCY's capacious hall was crowded to its utmost limits with a gay gathering of youth, beauty and intelligence…The band, Mr. H. A. WHITE, Miss Flora AXTON and others furnished good music…

Finally Settled.
The contract between the Washington Colony and Captain ROEDER, Capt. UTTER and the PEABODY heirs, owners of the real estate on which the town of Whatcom is located, has been signed by all parties concerned, and is now on file for record in the county auditor's office…The colony, through its representative elected for the purpose, Dr. VAN ZANDT, will have equal voice in setting terms, stipulations and conditions on which property shall be disposed of…

Gone Back to Live with Dad.
One by one the wanderers return. After roaming in the wilds of Washington Territory and Oregon for several months, hemmed in by mighty forests, drenched by floods of rain, fatigued by traveling through mud, John MOYER, PERSONS and Frank SWEEZY concluded to return to their old home. They think there is more truth than poetry in the saying, "There is no place like home." MOYER says he would give the whole of Whatcom county for a farm in Kansas. Very little farming is done there, and the stories told of the wonderful fertility of the soil are gross fabrications…Kemph PRITCHARD and others are determined to return fully satisfied that the country is not what its friends said it was - Clay Center (Kan.) Dispatch.

Officers Elected.
Whatcom, W.T., June 23, 1883.
In the A.O.U.W. Lodge the following members were elected to office for the ensuing term: -- C. DONOVAN, Master Workman; A. E. JONES, Recorder; L. D. FRANK, Receiver; W. L. STEINWEG, Financier; T. C. AUSTIN, Foreman; B. A. HOBSON, Overseer; M. C. MALLORY, Guide; G. REHBERGER, Trustee; C.W. HILDEBRAND, Inside Watchman; T. O'NEIL, Outside Watchman.

WATKINSON-GILKEY.-At the residence of the bride's parents, at Edison, July 2d, 1883, by Rev. E. O. TADIE, Mr. Melbourne WATKINSON and Miss Ada GILKEY, both of Samish, Whatcom County, W.T.

Flying Without Wings.
John WOOD, a chopper in a logging camp near Seattle was nearly killed recently. He was standing on the lower end of a log, watching a tree fall. The tree came down on the raised end on which he stood, with great force, and giving him a toss in the air of sixty feet, as described by others standing by. He came down in the tree tops, breaking his collar-bone, tearing his flesh and inflecting injuries that may prove fatal.

Friday, July 13, 1883:

Paradise of Whatcom County.
John BENNETT's floral and fruit gardens, situated on the bay one mile above this city, are the pride of Whatcom County. Long years, covering a period of nearly a quarter of a century, has enabled Mr. BENNETT to bring his trees, shrubs and plants up to a standard of perfection unequaled by any other florist or horticulturist on the Sound…

Local Brevities.
--J. H. STENGER and Capt. BARNETT spent a few days with the Seattle boys the fore part of the week.
--RICHARDSON and TODD lost their cabin, four miles north, by fire, last week, with all their tools and utensils.
--Schr. Ruby, Capt. ROEDER, loaded lumber at the colony mill in this city Wednesday. The lumber will be used for the purpose of enlarging Capt. ROEDER's wharf at Chuckanut.
--G. W. L. ALLEN, of the new town of Atlanta, was in town this week. Mr. ALLEN reports the coming metropolis of the Samish country in a booming condition. Town lots are selling rapidly, and a bright future is in store for Atlanta.
--BALES, DENEHIE and party left Tuesday morning for another cruise among the glaciers and snowfields of Mt. Baker. There is plenty of gold in the mountain gorges and fastness, and the boys propose to dig it out. They go prepared for a several weeks' tour.
--J. S. HANLON, an old Smith County, Kansas, boy, now located out in the Ten Mile settlement, was in town last Friday and called at these headquarters to say that Whatcom County beats the world. The offer of the best farm in Kansas would not induce him to return.
--E. C. PENTLAND, the rustling real estate dealer of New Tacoma, is in town and expresses the opinion that Whatcom is destined to maintain its position as the metropolis of the Lower Sound country. He will invest in city property in Whatcom, and expresses his intention of coming here to stay.
--M. C. LATTA, of Seattle, has been in Whatcom for the past few days with a view to investing. Mr. LATTA is highly pleased with the outlook and prospective development of Whatcom and vicinity, and the Reveille hopes that he may adhere to his present determination and locate permanently among us.
--Tom O'BRIAN, inspired by an overdose of tangle foot, became altogether too obstreperous last Tuesday. Having expressed a desire to "lick everybody in town," he was taken in hand by constable LECKIE and promptly lodged in the cooler. Having somewhat sobered up, he was released on the following morning.
--The steamer Hope has been sold to Capt. H. F. BEECHER, late purser on the Idaho. Capt. BEECHER is now having her thoroughly overhauled, after which she will resume her place on the mail route between Port Townsend, Whatcom and Semiahmoo. Capt. BEECHER is one of the best steamboat men on the Sound, and the Reveille predicts for him a successful career on his new route.
--Judge REINHART had a case before him on Monday, and dealt out justice with a firm hand. The case in point was one wherein Mr. Arnold SMITH had a respectable party arrested on suspicion of having stolen $50 from him on the 4th. After hearing all the evidence of the prosecution, the case was dismissed on motion of defendant's attorney, ROTH, without offering any evidence. By his decision the Justice held that there were no reasonable grounds for the charge.
--Maj. M. A. McPHERSON, of this city, has been appointed special agent by the Northern Pacific railroad company to look after their landed interests in this county. The Reveille congratulates the Major on his appointment and compliments the company on their good judgment. No better appointment could have been made. The valuable services rendered the B. & M. railroad company in Nebraska, while connected with the land department of that road…
--The celebration of the Fourth at LaConner was a grand success. Dr. H. VERNON, recently from Arkansas, delivered an able and eloquent oration. The ball in the evening was attended by an immense gathering of the young people from the lower half of the county, over one hundred couple being present. Music was furnished by Joe GOODWIN, of this city, and the Cowden brothers, of Ferndale. Horse racing, Indian canoe races and other sports were indulges in, and altogether the affair was one of the most pleasant and interesting in the history of LaConner.
--Rev. Joseph WOLFE, late of Hancock county, Ills., and laboring under the auspices of the American Board, called on the Reveille last Monday. Mr. WOLFE and family are at present stopping with friends and relatives at Anacortes, but is desirous of securing a home in Whatcom. That he may succeed in doing so is the earnest wish of the Reveille.
--RILEY, BELFORD, and , fitted out with all the accouterments necessary for a summer's campaign, left the city Wednesday morning for the purpose of making "permanent settlement" in their respective ranches which, by the aid of the compass, they are in hopes of finding, situated somewhere on the classic banks of Lake Whatcom.
--On Tuesday last the additional service on Star route No. 43,097, from Port Townsend to this place, went into effect. The public are indebted to route agent W. H. FOUTS for this additional increase in the mail service. The mail will hereafter arrive from Port Townsend via the Islands on Tuesday and Fridays of each week.
--Sheriff O'LOUGHLIN has returned and reports the capture of THEBO and ISAACSON, on the Skagit, who "held up" and robbed a Chinaman of $40, in June. They were bound over at preliminary examination to appear at the next term of court.
--J. J. WEISENBERGER, Esq., left on Tuesday last for San Francisco, to attend to important legal business. He is engaged as counsel in two very important cases coming up before the courts of that city, and will be absent about three weeks.
--Dr. MANLY was called last Wednesday evening to dress the wound of a man named WILSON living near Bellingham, who cut his foot with an ax. A bad diagonal cut across the foot severed one toe.

Whatcom's New Postoffice.
We are to have a neat new postoffice building built just as soon as the carpenters can erect it. Our new Postmaster W. L. STEINWEG is building the office on the south adjoining his store building and will furnish it in good shape. Fifty new and improved lock boxes and eight larger boxes will be placed at the convenience of the public. Mr. STEINWEG will prove himself no novice in the postoffice, having had an experience of four years in the Sehome office. The new room will be 15x10, and Mr. STEINWEG will assume his duties next week.

Unclaimed Land Patents.
Patents remain uncalled for at the Olympia Land Office for the following name persons: Stewart LECKIE, Porter DURLEY, Martin COLTENBAUGH, Hans C. THYBERG, John SUTTER, Dennis O'KEEFE, Jacob MATZ, Edwin G. AMES, Lyman EVERETT, Wallace HUNTER, James LYNCH, Alex. McLEOD, Patrick O'SHEA, Peter REGENVETER Jr., Joseph P. LEDGER, Allan C. KITTLES, Wm. HARPER, James GUTHRIE, Phillip O. FORWOOD, Herman B. STEWART, Richard RICHARDS, S. B. BEST, John J. EDENS, James O'NEIL, Peter PETERSON and James SOLAN.

New Pass Through the Cascades.
Col. SHAW writes to Capt. UTTER, of this city, that a party of government surveyors have left Fort Vancouver for the purpose of exploring a new pass through the mountains from the east side of the range to Bellingham Bay. This pass was partially explored by Capt. PIERCE, of the 21st Infantry last summer. The party sent out to continue the reconnoisance (sic) is also under Capt. PIERCE, accompanied by Lieut. RODMAN, of the 1st Artillery…

Celebration at Birch Bay.
Editors Reveille: -- Permit me to inform you of the good time we had at Birch Bay on the Fourth of July. Pleasant grounds had been prepared at the head of the bay for the occasion, and with the day came some 300 people together and were entertained by an excellent oration, well suited to the occasion, by the Rev. Mr. CARR, and by spirited, patriotic songs by the ladies…After the exercises in the grove a large number of persons repaired to the fine residence of Mr. HENSPETER to participate in the dance, where splendid music was furnished by Messrs. CARPENTER, PRATT and KINGSLEY, assisted by Prof. YOMAN, of British Columbia…
Birch Bay, July 6, 1883

All Masons in good standing are gain reminded that the organization of a Lodge is about to be effect here in Whatcom, and that those desiring to become charter members must procure their dimits and present the same to J. P. DeMATTOS, of this city, at the earliest moment possible. No affiliations can be made while the lodge is working under dispensation. The three principal officers have been chosen, and applications will shortly be made for a dispensation. Until further notice informal meetings will be held at Reveille Hall on every Saturday evening.

Neighoring News.
--A pleasant dance was held last Thursday night.
--HOFERCAMP's cherry orchard is a very popular resort.
--Judges McCANN and HEACOCK still remain in the town, probably awaiting an opportunity to invest. They are both shrewd business men.
--L. W. WELLMAN has just built himself a neat residence.
--Mr. BARTLETT, property owner of Bellingham, soon to arrive.
--W. J. MITCHELL has erected a nice store building which he desires to rent.
--Mrs. ATKINS is an artist with paint and brush. Her rooms are decorated with a hundred pretty specimens of her handiwork.
--Mrs. HARRIS is building at this wharf.
--Judge GAZELEY is erecting two houses on his block.
--Tom SHELDON who was worsted in a prize fight at HARRIS' place, in '62, called to view the old spot last week.
Ferndale is one of the prettiest spots in Whatcom County…Property there has been so much sought after of late that the owner, Mr. D. ROGERS, has been compelled to put it upon the market, and to facilitate matters, placed the entire charge of the townsite in the hands of Mr. A. L. TEELE, an attorney and real estate dealer of this place…

Rev. J. Wolfe, Anacortes
B. Holden, City
O. Olsen, Lake What’m
Thos Carpenter, Seattle
S. D. Northcup, Salem
E. Hammon, Eagle Hb’r
E. Stockton, Augusta
A. Elliott, Agusta
Mrs Parker & child
D. H. Haines, San Fran’o
John Chesnut, Semih’o
R. Juby, New Westmin’r
F. Turner, Seattle
Frank Smiley, Seattle
A. F. Abbot, Whatcom
H. S. Strong, Denver
G. W. L. Allen, Atlanta
Frenk Desmono, Ferndle
Geo Burger, Bellingham
P. D. McKellar, Belling’m
Geo Singleton, Ten Mile
"J. Banks"
E. Eldredge
A. W. Atkins & wf
L. B. Romano, Seattle
T. Q. Romano, Seattle
J. Harper, Lummi Island
T. McDonald, Nooksack
D. J. Harris, Fair Haven
James Hibbard, Cal
James O’Loughlin, LaC
T. W. Miller, Lynden
T. Deloughtery, Mud B’y
A. Harkness, Nooksack
J. Kilcup, Nooksack
Mr. Wyat & wf, Nooksack
Mr. Brownson & wife
C. L. Judson, Lynden
Judge Gasly, Fair H’n
C. H. Reed & wf, Phil’a
Mrs. M. Dunlap, Seattle
Mr. Browning, Iowa
J. C. Nixon, Seattle
W. Cain, Semiahmoo
A. Walsh & wf, Sterling
J. A. Delander, Lynden
Sadie Severe, Semiah’o Semiahomoo
W. Roe, Sumas
E. C. Pentland, New Tacoma
M. McElroy, Edison


U. S. Land Office at Olympia, W.T., July 6, 1883
Notice is hereby given that JACOB GALER has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, Notary Public, at his office in Ferndale, W.T. on Monday, the 30th day of August, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6073, for the SE1/4 of Section 27, Township 40 north, Range 1 east.
He named as witnesses: John CANE, J. W. WALDO, Michael GEE and Wm. REA, all of Semiahmoo, W.T.
July 13—6w John E. GOWEY, Register

VAN VALKENBURG—SMITH. – In San Francisco, June 27th, E. N. VAN VALKENBURG, of Fidalgo, to Miss Maggie SMITH, of Durand, Ill.
STEWART—UPSON. – In the Congregational Church at Semiahmoo, July 8, 1883, by Rev. E. O. TADE, William W. STEWART to Miss Lettie M. UPSON, both of Semiahmoo, W.T.

Friday, July 20, 1883:

And Still They Come.
Caldwell, Sumner Co, Kansas, June 2, 1883.
Editors Reveille: -- Please send me sample copies of your paper, that I may obtain information in regard to Whatcom County and her resources. There are about twenty-five families here who intend to make Washington Territory their home within the next year, and we should like to learn the best place to locate.
W. P. Adams

Whatcom County News. (Puget Sound Mail.)
--Miss Rosa McELROY, daughter of H. J. McELROY, of the Samish, is dangerously ill and her life is despaired of.
--Citizens living in the neighborhood of McELROYs slough are about to petition for the establishment of a postoffice near the camp.
--The people of Edison have petitioned for a continuance of the mail service to that point semiweekly, and it is not unlikely the petition will be granted.
--Mr. McGLINN gave a free ball and supper in his new hotel in this town on last Tuesday evening, preparatory to finishing and formally opening the house to the public. It was well attended, and altogether a very enjoyable affair.
--Mr. Chas. JOHNSON was brought to town last Tuesday with a broken leg, which occurred to him while working in Mills’ logging camp, on the Skagit. The fracture was set by Dr. CALHOUN, and the patient is in a fair way of recovery.
--Hon. C. M. BRADSHAW was recently elected Mayor of Port Townsend.
--The forest fire southeast of Sehome burned the residence and utensils of John O’NEIL, a few days ago.
--Report is that Semiahmoo is to have semi-weekly mail hereafter to start from Ferndale. One new postoffice is to be established on the route at an early day.
--F. G. MARESCH, of New Tacoma, left on the last boat, after buying some property here. He will return and open a wholesale liquor house in Whatcom at an early day.
--Mars is the name of a new postoffice five miles north of Whatcom. From the name we judge it will be a Star-route office. Charles KING will sign himself P.M. of the new and useful office. The Reveille already has a list there.
--Senator Eugene CANFIELD, S. BAXTER, Esq., of Seattle, and F. H. RICHARDS, of Illinois, called on the Reveille Tuesday. They have been spending a few pleasant days on the lakes and in the forests about Whatcom fishing and hunting. They make a jolly trio of Nimrods.
--J. GRAFF, Northern Pacific Railroad engineer, called on the Reveille Tuesday with Capt. ROEDER. Mr. GRAFF was looking over the prospects and resources of Bellingham Bay, and showed his good judgment and confidence in Whatcom by purchasing eight city lots in the Young Giant City of the Lower Sound.
--J. N. FRY, an operative and speculative mason of East Sound, left cash for the Reveille last week. He reports the lime kilns of the islands doing very well. At present he is building a boat of fifty tons for his son, but expects to come to Whatcom in the near future. He speaks highly of our material for brick and stone buildings.
--A. E. JONES has demonstrated to the Reveille that he fully understands how to make furniture for a printing office. Last week he made us one of the neatest and most substantial galley racks on the coast. He furnished one of the St. Louis newspapers offices at one time, and acquired the knowledge which makes him so proficient. Mr. JONES has also turned out some neat carved work recently, for instance the elegant bar which adorns the Whatcom billiard room.
--It is generally conceded that the Reveille has the finest and prettiest front in the city. The broad, handsome cornice and neatly arched front, painted what as snow, are the admiration of all eyes. Mr. AXTON, asisted (sic) Mr. WHITE did the carpenter work, and Mr. PEASE added the paint. The entire work is pronounced very good.
--Mr. Valentine V. LOWE has sent the Reveille a long and very able-bodied complaint against the O.R. & N. Co. He lost an overcoat on the Idaho during a recent trip to Seattle, and thinks the boat should be responsible for it. He also complains that the same company charge $6 fare from Seattle to Victoria which is excessive.
--Mail agent FOUTS has demonstrated, by working for additional mail service, that his heart is with the best interests of this county. And we are pleased to say his work has been effective.
--Mr. and Mrs. GILMAN and Mr. and Mrs. GARDENER visited the famous Whatcom Lake Sunday. Had the event taken place any other day we might have added that they caught some nice fish.
--C. P. WOODCOCK, of Guemes Island, father of Mrs. BECKER, spent a few days in Whatcom this week, visiting and enjoying himself in the booming town.
--G. E. RIGGINS, of Anacortes, called Tuesday with two friends from Ship Harbor. We return thanks to him for leaving some subscriptions.
--Mr. THOMPSON, from California, has been spending a few days with his son, and at the same time looking over the advantages of Whatcom.
--Mr. WHITTAKER is actively preparing his brig yard, and Whatcom may soon hope to have plenty of good bricks at a reasonable price.
--Mrs. VAN ZANDT has had an addition to her residence. Remember the addition is purely her own architecture.
--Frank STERRET is back again on this route as purser on the steamer Idaho, in lieu of Capt. BEECHER.
--Miss Julia WINN had a birthday party at Sehome.
--On Saturday Mr. STEINWEG assumes the duties of Postmaster.
--Messrs. ACTON and WHITE are building a new residence for the senior editor, Mr. JENKINS.
--Mr. LATTA, a solid citizen formerly of Seattle, has concluded to drive his stake in Whatcom.
--TANSEY & MARTIN have sold their tonsorial business to W. E. MILLER, late of Seattle. Read his adv.
--Photographer FRANK is fitting himself out with conveyance and tent to travel over the Skagit and Nooksack country in his line of business.
--Michael O’DONNELL was run over and killed by the cars, at Spokane Falls, recently His body was fearfully mangled. Deceased leaves and wife and six children in Cheney.
--Last Saturday was Mrs. BECKER’s birthday and a number of her friends dinned (sic) with her. Among the number was her father, who is well up in years, with snowy hair.
--There will be services by Rev. WOLFE at Sehome next Sunday at 10 – 1/2 a.m., at Bellingham at four o’clock p.m. and at Whatcom at eight o’clock p.m. All are invited to attend.
--There appears to be a great deal of dissatisfaction against the mail route from Ferndale to Sun Rise, near Semiahmoo, and the people along the route intend to petition for a change of route.
--Judges HEACOCK and McCANN, of Sehome have not been about here for nothing. They have purchased valuable lands at Ferndale and Nooksack Crossing, where the B.B.& B.C.R.R. strikes.
--Prof. TADE reports that he has secured a lot of ground near the Court House and will immediately erect thereon a building containing three rooms for academy and church purposes. Glad to welcome such institutions.
--Capt. STODDARD, late of the United State revenue cutter Oliver Wolcott, is now in command of the United States revenue cutter Boutwell, stationed at Savannah, Georgia. He is remembered here as a courteous gentleman.
--Petty thieves seem to be abroad in the land. One of the light fingered gentry entered the room of Mr. John DAVIS, of Sehome, one night last week and relieved his pants pockets of $26 while Mr. DAVIS was asleep. Such thefts are becoming too numerous. Prepare to give the rascals a warm reception.
--Whatcom now has direct communication with all parts of Europe and the Old World through the Dominion Line Steamship Co. T. C. AUSTIN is the resident agent, and parties wishing to visit the Old World or to send for friends to locate in this country would do well to call on Mr. AUSTIN, as he sells tickets to or from any of the old countries.
--Harry SMITH, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. SMITH, of this city, after a pleasant visit of several days, will leave today on his return to Sacramento where he is holding a permanent situation in a hardware establishment of that city.
--E. C. PENTLAND, the live real estate agent of New Tacoma, has rented a corner room on the ground floor of MARCY’s block, and will open out in splendid style as soon as the room is ready.
--The Saranac has been taken to Seattle by Capt. BAKER, for the purpose of having a new boiler put in. She will then ply on Bellingham Bay and will be found very convenient.
--If you wish to be insured in good, reliable Board Insurance Companies, call on T. C. AUSTIN, the agent in this city.
--Pardon O’BRIEN will move his small saloon building back and erect a fine large two story building 20x50.
--Mrs. STADLEMAN is slowly recovering.

Fire Company.
A Hook and Ladder Company has been temporarily organized, with William POWELL as President. A permanent organization will be effected on Friday evening at the Washington Hotel. Mr. T. J. SMITH was authorized to send to San Francisco for six dozen galvanized fire buckets, and Messrs. STEINWEG and LOCKWOOD were authorized as committee to procure hooks, ladders, axes and alarm. Messrs. STEINWEG, AUSTIN, DONOVAN and DeMATTOS were elected to draft by-laws, to report Friday evening. Messrs. LACKIE, SHEPARD and STEINWEG were elected to solicit twenty-five appropriate memberships.
Adjourned to Friday evening. T. G. NICKLIN, Secretary

--P. B. CORNWALL, President of the new B.B.&B.C.R.R., and party arrived from San Francisco yesterday.
--It was only by strenuous efforts on the part of H. HOFERCAMP that the Sehome coal shutes were saved from the forest fire that raged there Friday.
--Capt. BARNETT bought twenty-three business and residence lots in Whatcom on Tuesday. He seems to have great confidence in the Young Giant.
--The advertisement of D. HARKNESS, dealer in general merchandise, Nooksack, appears elsewhere. Mr. HARKNESS carries a good stock and is entitled to the patronage of the citizens of the Nooksack valley. Low prices and fair dealing is his motto. Patronize him.

Distinguished Visitors.
The following jolly party arrived at Whatcom by special steamer from Olympia on Wednesday evening: Col. N. H. OWINGS, Secretary of the Territory, wife and son; Wm. McMICKEN, Surveyor General; Hon. Charley YOUNG, Member of the Legislature from Kitsap County; Hon. Thos H. CAVANAUGH, Special Agent of Interior Department, wife, daughter and son. As the evening was wet a party of their Whatcom friends went aboard the steamer and were royally entertained. The party spent Thursday in the city.

Sail to Lummi.
Messrs. WHITTLESEY, LECKIE and MILLER, in a yacht commanded by Captain BROWNING, took a sail to Lummi Island on Monday.
The day so mild
Was Heaven’s own child.
With earth and ocean reconciled.
They were royally entertained by W. H. BEACH, and returned in the evening when the shadows were growing long. The boys say that Captain BROWNING was “overcome” by the voyage and left them to steer their frail craft across the “yawning gulf” of waters. They report a boom of half a million logs at the camp ready for shipment.

“Katie Van Zandt.”
The Katie Van Zandt, a new sternwheel steamer, owned by Capt. J. C. BRITTAIN, was launched from T. W. LAKE’s yard in North Seattle, last night. She will be run on the Whatcom route.— Seattle Herald.
The naming of such a boat after the bright little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. VAN ZANDT is a high compliment to them as well as to Katie. If the steamer is only half as pretty as Katie it is certainly a daisy, and long may it ride the crystal waters between Whatcom and Seattle. Captain BROWNFIELD will have charge of the steamer, which will be fitted up in fine shape for passengers and freight…

U.S. Land Office at Olympia, W.T. July 9, 1883.
Notice is hereby given that ALEXANDER SHEARER has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, Notary Public, at his office in Ferndale, W.T., on Monday the 10th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6264 for the SW1/4 of Section 4, Township 40 north, Range 2 east.
He names as witnesses: J. C. BERTRAND, Jas. BRIMMER, O. L. FOSS and C. W. WORTHEN, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W. T.
July 20-6w John F. GOWEY, Register

U.S. Land Office at Olympia, W.T. July 13, 1883.
Notice is hereby given that MICHAEL KELLY has filed notice of intention to make final proof before C. DONOVAN, Auditor of Whatcom County, at his office in Whatcom, W.T., on Monday the 3d day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 5994 for the SW1/4 of Section 4, Township 32 north, Range 3 east.
He names as witnesses: Charles KING, M. DAVIE, Baker WHELHELM and Edward CALLAHAN, all of Whatcom, Whatcom County, W. T.
July 20-6w John F. GOWEY, Register

U.S. Land Office at Olympia, W.T. July 9, 1883. Notice is hereby given that LEWIS K. COGSWELL has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, Notary Public, at his office in Ferndale, W.T., on Monday the 10th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6136 for the SE1/4 of NW1/4; NE1/4 of SW1/4 and W1/2 of SW1/4 of Section 2, Township 40 North, Range 2 east.
He names as witnesses: S. P. THOMAS, A. S. SHEARER, O. L. FOSS and G. W. WORTHEN, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T.
July 20-6w John F. GOWEY, Register

Friday, July 27, 1883:

Picnicking in Whatcom County.
A pleasant party from Anacortes, consisting of Mrs. Amos BOWMAN and children, Mrs. Mary BOWMAN, mother of Amos BOWMAN, formerly of Blair, Ontario, Dr. T. B. CHILDS, wife and children, of Austin, Nevada, Dr. A. C. BOWMAN, wife and children, of Grand Rapids, Michigan; Messrs. Frank and Albert GRAHAM, and C. NELSON and Miss Ellen NELSON of Anacortes, went on a sailing cruise across Fidalgo Bay, by the trim yacht Nip and Tuck, Capt. Tom WOOTEN, on the 1st of July, for cherries on the fine fruit farm of Mr. George W. CRANDALL, near March’s Point. Mr. CRANDALL has a valuable piece of timber and farming land lying between Fidalgo and Padilla Bays, of which about five acres have been planted with apple, pear, plums, prune and cherry trees, all of which are thrifty and vigorous, and a large portion of them are bearing a heavy crop of splendid fruit this year…

Mr. P. B. CORNWALL, President of the Bellingham Bay Coal Company, and many other extensive corporations and enterprises on the Pacific Coast, has been in this city for the past week…

Whatcom Fire Company.
Washington Hook and Ladder Company Organized.
Whatcom, W.T. July 20, 1883.
We, the undersigned, agree to become members of a fire company, to be organized in Whatcom, and be governed by the following constitution and by laws…
Stewart LECKIE
…Upon motion Wm. POWELL was elected chairman, and Thos G. NICKLIN, Secretry, (sic) pro term. J. P. DeMATTOS presented a code of by laws on behalf of committee on same ...
The following gentlemen were unanimously elected, by ballot, as officers of the company for the ensuing term:
J. P. DeMATTOS, President; Wm. POWELL, Foreman; Stewart LECKIE, Assistant; Thos J. SMITH, 2d Assistant; Wm. L. STEINWEG, Treasurer; Thos. G. NICKLIN, E. SHEPARD and Chas. DONOVAN Standing Committ ...
A. E. JONES, Secretary

U. S. Land Office at Olympia, W.T. July 19, 1883
Notice is hereby that C. W. WORTHEN has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, Notary Public, at his office, in Ferndale, W.T., on Monday the 17th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D. S. No. 6208 for the NW ¼ and S ½ of SE 1/4 , of Section 4, SW ¼ of SW ¼ of Section 3, Township 40 North, Range 2 East.
He names as witnesses: O. L. FOSS, S. THOMPSON, Alexander SHEARER and Christian THYBERG, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T.
Jly 27-10w. John F. GOWEY, Register

U. S. Land Office at Olympia, W.T. July 19, 1883
Notice is hereby given that OSCAR L. FOSS has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, Notary Public, at his office, in Ferndale, W.T., on Monday the 17th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D. S. No. 6210 for the NW ¼ of Section 8, Township 40 North, Range 2 East.
He names as witnesses: C. W. WORTHEN, Alexander SHEARER, S. Thompson and Christian THYBERG, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T.
Jly 27-10w. John F. GOWEY, Register

Notices of Application to Purchase Timber Land.
United States District Land Office, Olympia, Washington Territory.
… Isaac V. MOSSMAN of Whatcom County, Washington Territory, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Section No. 6, in Township No. 36 North, Range No. 3 East of the Willamette Meridian.
…Given under my hand, at my office in Olympia, W.T., this 13th day of July, A.D. 1883 JOHN F. GOWEY, Register of the Land Office

Notices of Application to Purchase Timber Land.
United States District Land Office, Olympia, Washington Territory.
… Calvin H. HALE of Thurston County, Washington Territory, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Section No. 8; Lot 1 of Section 17, and SW ¼ of SW ¼ of Section No. 9, in Township No. 36 North, Range No. 3 East of the Willamette Meridian.
… Given under my hand, at my office in Olympia, W.T., this 16th day of July, A.D. 1883 John F. GOWEY, Register of the Land Office

Notices of Application to Purchase Timber Land.
United States District Land Office, Olympia, Washington Territory.
… Abel GOSS of Thurston County, Washington Territory, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the S ½ of SE ¼, NE ¼ of the SE ¼, and the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section No. 23, Township No. 36 North, Range No. 4 East of the Willamette Meridian.
… Given under my hand, at my office in Olympia, W.T., this 13the day of July, A.D. 1883 John F. GOWEY, Register of the Land Office

Notices of Application to Purchase Timber Land.
United States District Land Office, Olympia, Washington Territory.
… Henry BASH of Jefferson County, Washington Territory, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Section No. 6, in Township No. 36 North, Range No. 3 East of the Willamette Meridian.
… Given under my hand, at my office in Olympia, W.T., this 13the day of July, A.D. 1883 John F. GOWEY, Register of the Land Office

--W. L. STEINWEG is building a neat residence in the north part of the city.
--P. A. MACKIN has put in a fine new safe for the convenience of guests.
--W. H. PENFIELD and wife were callers at the Reveille office on Friday evening.
--Capt. JEPSON and his pile driver are busily engaged piling in the intervening space between the new wharf and the mill.
--W. L. FOUTS has the material on the ground for a 30x60 two-story business block at the corner of Fourteenth and Central streets.
--A son of the Hon. M. ANDERSON of Minnesota arrived Monday to make his home here. Several families will soon follow to Whatcom.
--Louis HOFERCAMP killed a shake (sic) last Sunday on the Lake Padden road which measured five feet two inches. By the way there are no venomous snakes on Puget Sound, and this monster is a very rare exception.
--On Sunday last a church organization was effected at the Sehome church, which will finally be merged into the Congregational church. It now consists of twenty three members, in charge of Revs. WOLFE and TADE.
--Banning AUSTIN has been prostrated during the past week with an attack of typoid (sic) fever. Under the medical care of Dr. MANLEY, he is now convalescing, and within the next few days will be enabled to resume his position at the transit.
--F. F. LANE, one of the pioneer farmers from Lummi, marketed a canoe load of potatoes and garden truck at this place last Saturday. Mr. LANE is one among many others who can bear testimony to the fact that farming is a paying business in Whatcom County.
--Steamship Evangel, Capt. BENJAMIN, came in with the U. S. mails on Tuesday last. The Evangel is only temporarily on the route. It is announced that Capt. BEECHER has about closed negotiations for the Eliza Anderson, and will next week commence running that pioneer craft on the Port Townsend, San Juan, Whatcom and Semiahmoo route.
--Albert J. ISMERT has purchased from HAYS & MERRIAM the Commercial Billiard Hall tables, bar-fixtures, liquors, etc., and will continue to conduct the business at the old stand. ISMERT is an old hand at the business, and will doubtless make it pay. HAYS & MERRIAM are too enterprising to remain out of business long, hence will soon engage in some other line.
--Seattle papers report that another stern-wheel, light draft steamer is being built at Lake’s ship-yard for the Nooksack River. She will be 85 feet long, 22 foot beam and four foot debth (sic) of hold, with scow bow. The engines are being built at Tacoma, and the boiler has been ordered from San Francisco. The boat will be owned by Capt. GRANT and Mr. COX. She will be completed at an early date.
--Jimmy VAN ZANDT, son of Mr. and Mrs. VAN ZANDT, has been very low for the past few days, and at times his life as been nearly despaired of. The complaint with which he was stricken seems in a measure to baffle the skill of physicians, or at least is very difficult to control. A violent fever, with inflammation of the knee joint, resembling in its nature inflammatory rheumatism, causing intense pain and suffering. Drs. MANLY and VAN ZANDT are attending. A slight change for the better is reported at the time this paper is put to press.
--E. B. COLLINS has ordered the machinery for a portable steam saw mill to be located on Ten Mile, near the telegraph road. The mill will be run by a 28-horse power engine, and have a cutting capacity of 10,000 feet per day. The location is an excellent one, and surrounded with a good supply of timber of a superior quality. The mill and machinery is now due at this place.
--J. C. ELKINS has had a well dug on his residence lots in this city and obtained an abundant supply of water at a depth of 45 feet. In view of the fact that Mr. ELKINS’ residence is situated on the highest portion of the town-site, it may be considered an established fact that no greater depth will necessarily have to be attained in any portion of the city.
--T. SEIDEL, superintendent of the Chuckanut quarries, five miles south of Whatcom, was in town last Sunday. He reports an output of 500 tons per week from these quarries. The steamer Gypsy now plys regularly between Chuckanut and Tacoma. The greater portion of the stone is shipped to Portland.
--B. B. JONES, Mining Superintendent of the Bellingham Bay and the Black Diamond Coal Companies, of which P. B. CORNWALL is President, and Mr. Thos HEACOCK, Territorial Inspector of Coal Mines, accompanies Mr. CORNWALL in his business trip to this city. All of which is significant (sic), to say the least.
--Billy UTTER killed a fine deer within a half dozen blocks of the Reveille office on Wednesday morning last. Billy is a terror to deer and other wild game. Yes, venison is very good, and we are quite fond of it, but then, probably, Billy didn’t think of that.
--Mr. W. T. SHARPE, recently from New York, was a pleasant caller at this office last Monday. Mr. SHARPE is an enterprising young man and fully appreciates the future greatness of the Bellingham Bay country.
--Mrs. STADLEMAN’s recovery is now certain. She has indeed had a serious time, and her friends are gratified to know what her recovery is reasonably certain. Her mother, Mrs. PAYNE, from Seattle, is with her, and will remain several days.
--Mrs. M. A. McPHERSON will accept the Reveille thanks for a generous donation of cherries bestowed upon the office. It is only fair to say that the cherries were raised by Mr. KINGSLEY, at Semiahmoo.
--The largest and plainest sign in the city graces the Reveille printing building. It can be read from any part of the bay with perfect east. F. M. BLONQUIST, artistic painter, did the lettering.
--U. B. MUMFORD, attorney at law, from Seattle, is in town.
--Chas. CELENE’s new two-story building is nearly completed.
--Capt. ROEDER has been visiting Seattle and other up-Sound towns this week.
--IVERSON’s surveying parties are making rapid headway on the head of Whatcom Lake
--D. HARKNESS, of Nooksack, is Notary Public, and is prepared to do all kinds of conveyancing.
--Frank JACKSON has purchased Mr. ISMERT’s interest in the city meat market, and will hereafter conduct that branch of business on his own hook.
--E. ELDRIDGE, of Bellingham, was severely bruised and narrowly escaped violent injuries by the falling of timbers while constructing the wharf at that place this week.
--Mrs. Agnes LOPAS, of Mountain View near Ferndale, has the Reveille thanks for an abundant contribution of cherry currants—so named because they were nearly as large as ordinary cherries.
--Alex. CHARLES, of Ferndale, was in town this week in the interests of the diagonal road. If Ferndale and Whatcom are not connected with a good wagon road, it will be no fault on the part of Alex. CHARLES.
--D. E. TUCK, one of the prominent farmers of this community, living four miles up the bay, was suddenly prostrated last Wednesday while digging potatoes. Dr. MANLY was called, and relief administered.
--Charley SMITH took a party out to Whatcom Lake Wednesday consisting of Messrs. WILSON and ARMITAGE of Abilene, Kans., Messrs. STENGER, LECKIE and a Reveille representative. The party put the day in pleasantly.
--I. S. KALLOCH founded the city of Ottawa, Kans., and delivered the opening address at the first fair there just sixteen years ago. He will accept an invitation to deliver the opening fair address there on the 27th of September.
--Dr. VAN ZANDT has not left the sick room of his son for the past week. Every moment of his time has been occupied in careful watch, and every change and symptom has been noted, and a parent’s fondest care, together with the very best of medical skill has been constantly employed to hold together the little thread of life that at times has seemed to have been taxed to its utmost tension.
--Mr. N. NEWTON brought to this office last week a bunch of timothy and orchard grass that affords of itself a sufficient evidence of the fertility of Whatcom County soil…
--Mr. F. PERRY, of Semiahmoo, was in town this week. Mr. PERRY has been a resident of this county for the past nineteen years, and is authority for the statement that the past twelve months have witnessed a greater change and development of the county than has the preceding 18 years. He informs the Reveille that he has decided to lay off a town on his land at the mouth of California Creek, and that a store will be opened there in the near future. This is most certainly an excellent location for a store, and such an enterprise would pay well. Mr. PERRY intends to pay a visit to his old home in the East this fall for the first time since he left the States over forty years ago.
--LaConner Mail: Mr. P. B. CORNWALL, President of the Black Diamond Coal Company, Coos Bay Coal Company, and also at the had (sic) of the extensive coal developments on Cedar River, back of Seattle, passed through to Whatcom on Thursday to look after his extensive land interests at that point…
--Mrs. ATKINS and Mrs. BANKS, of Bellingham, and Mrs. POWELL and daughter, Lida, of this city, were afternoon callers at the Reveille office last Wednesday.

Seventeen Jayhawkers.
On the last boat the following list of persons arrived from Abilene, Kansas, nearly all of whom have cast their lot with Whatcom: Robert KNOX, wife and daughters Lillie, Bessie and Maggie; A. RANKIN, wife and son; C. H. CHANK and wife; B. E. MUSSER and wife; Messrs. V. P. WILSON, T. L. THORTON, J. G. ARMITAGE, S. R. COWAN and Kennard ROBINSON. Mr. Robert KNOX, who is a man of considerable means and influence, has been instrumental in locating these parties, some of whom have already engaged themselves in active business. They will be found a valuable accession to Whatcom. Mr. V. P. WILSON, one of the party, is merely on a tour of pleasure through the country, and is much pleased with his visit here. He is publisher of one of the best papers in Kansas, and will probably paint the county in its true light on his return to Abilene. Tomorrow he leaves for home on the Northern Pacific Railroad.

Whatcome’s Here!
What comes here? We thought when opening our exchanges this week. It is No. 1 of the Whatcom Reveille, of Washington Territory, and is published by W. D. JENKINS, founder of the Smith County Pioneer, and T. G. NICKLIN, late of the Downs Times. We have known reveilles some twenty years ago that were not so attractive as the one named above, and when it was uncertain what comes next.—Public Record.

McDONOUGH’s Canoe.
B. N. McDONOUGH, of Lummi, is the owner of the largest and best built canoe on the Pacific Coast. It is 40 feet long, 5 feet beam and 2-1/2 feet deep. It was built by the Quileute Indians, near Neah Bay, and is an exact pattern of the huge war canoes used by the Chinook and Flathead Indians many, many years ago. It will safely carry twenty men in the heavest (sic) seas that prevail on the Sound or in the Straits. In fact it would be safer in heavey (sic) seas than any stern-wheel steamer that plys on the Sound.

Ferndale Booming.
In sympathy with the other thriving places of Whatcom County, Ferndale the leading town of the Nooksack valley continues to boom. Mr. A. L. TEELE, the manager of the townsite affairs, tells us that he has already disposed of about two thousand dollars worth of lots there, and has located there several parties in mercantile business…

Lummi is situated on the north end of Bellingham Bay, at the mouth of the Nooksack River, and an excellent agricultural district is tributary to it. A good wharf, ware house and other conviences (sic) make it an excellent landing for either Sound or river steamers. B. N. McDONOUGH is the merchant and trader that furnishes the farmers with supplies and receives and ships their produce…

Ex-Mayor I. S. KALLOCH, of San Francisco, has been at this place for the past few days. Although having been on the coast for many years past, this is his first visit to Puget Sound...

Canoe Transportation.
Nelson KELLY, of Ferndale, brought down a canoe load of produce last week from his place in the Nooksack Valley. Mr. KELLY is anxiously awaiting the time of better transportation facilities There is no longer any question as to the expediency of placing regular steamers on the Nooksack river. Hundreds of tons of potatoes, grain, butter, eggs, garden vegetables and farm produce of all kinds would be tributary to the support of a river steamer. Later: Since writing the above we have learned that Mr. KELLEY and wife, while enroute home, were overtaken by a gale on the Bay, the canoe upsetting and their goods, purchased before leaving Whatcom, amounting to over $100, was lost in the deep. From the meager report received, it seems that Mr. and Mrs. KELLEY remained in the boat and were tossed about at the mercy of the wind and waves all night, and that their suffering from cold and exposure was most intense. May fortune speed the day when good reliable steamers will come to ply on the Nooksack river, and come prepared to stay…

Railroad from Skagit to Deep Water.
Mr. John P. BROWN, special agent of the agricultural department at Washington, has been on the Sound for the past three months, and is now at this place. After a thorough examination and personal inspection of the Puget Sound country, has concluded that grander inducements are here offered to the investment of capital, enterprise…

Two New School Houses to be Built.
The public meeting called last Saturday for the purpose of discussing the question of building new school houses, was liberally attended and a lively interest manifested. Mr. ELDRIDGE was made chairman of the meeting, and Will D. JENKINS, secretary…it was deemed expedient to appoint committees to solicit subscriptions for the purpose of adding to the fund. For this purpose Messrs. HOFERCAMP, HUNTOON and PIERCY were appointed for the central and lower half of the district, and Messrs. R. STEARNS, C. DONOVAN and Will D. JENKINS were appointed to solicit and receive subscriptions in the Whatcom and Sehome end of the district.

Whatcom’s New Postoffice.
W. L. STEINWEG took official charge of the postoffice on Wednesday evening, when it was removed to the fine new building adjacent to Mr. STEINWEG’s store. With its neat boxes and equipments, it is one of the best and most commodious offices on Puget Sound, not excepting Seattle or Tacoma.

Unclaimed Letters.

Following is a list of unclaimed letters now remaining at the Whatcom postoffice:
Valentine BROWN
Edward McGRATH
Theodore SMITH
C. F. NEWBY (2)
Registered Letters.

E. Reynolds, Ferndale
P. D. McKeller, Bellham
Mrs. Owings, Olympia
Frank Owings, Olympia
J. P. Parr, Gold Ranch
L. H. Bertsh, Lake
R. Knox, w & 3 d’s Kan
V. P. Wilson, Kan
P. L. Thornton, Kan
B. E. Musser, Kan
S. B. Cowan, Kan
A. Rankin & wife, Kan
D. Clack & wife, Kan
H. Robinson, Kan
C. H. Shank & wife
N. R. Smith, Whtcm Lke
V. R. Smith , Whtcm Lke
V. R. Wilson, Colorado
Capt. Jackson, Seattle
W. H. Fayle, Seattle
D. E. Pain, Seattle
Wm Ballard, Seattle
J. D. Wilson, Tacoma
C. M. Huntington, Cal
W. L. Mitchel, Bellingh’m
S. S. Burling, Michigan
E. Stockton, Ill
G. P. Holman, Portland
Jas Burk, Illinois
J. E. Armitage, Kansas
O. B. Iverson, U. S. Survey
Mrs. Bowen, Anacortes
Mrs. Storrs, Samish
Capt Hill, str Wash’ton
Thos Mahoney, Seattle
D. P. Quinn, Seattle
A. Frank, Seattle
L. J. Powell, daughter & Son, Seattle
Mrs. Wolfe, Anacortes

J. M. Vanatta, Seattle
E. G. English, Mt Vernon
Judge Gazely, Fairhav’n
W. H. Evans, Walla Walla
G. S. Freeman, Tacoma
H. H. Alpine, Skagit
E. G. Johnson and wife, Nooksack
J. McLellan & Son, Kan
Mrs. Tade, Anacortes

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