Whatcom Reveille
Whatcom, Whatcom County, Washington Territory

Extractions by Merrily Lawson
Friday, December 7, 1883:

--It is reported that Mr. M. ANDERSON, late of Minnesota, will build a sawmill on Lake Whatcom.
--C. F. ILKENHAUS, a practical watchmaker and jeweler, late of San Francisco, has arrived and will locate on the Bay. There is a good opening here for a good workman.
--CATON was the most eloquent member of the Council. In the House KUHN was the most witty and slippery; and COPLEY was known as the watch dog of the Treasury and chronic kicker.
--Hon. Jacob STITZEL, who made the gallant fight in the House of the recent Legislature against the division of Spokane county, will remove from the bunch grass country to Seattle, where he will engage in business.
--The LaConner boys will give a grand Calico Ball on New Year's evening. Tickets, including supper, $2.0. Music by Prof. GOODWIN and the COWDEN Brothers. There should be a liberal attendance from this part of the country.
--Hon. C. M. BRADSHAW, Prosecuting Attorney for this district, was in town Tuesday on legal business pertaining to the division and reorganization of the county. There may be men in the district who have more friends to the square inch than has Col. BRADSHAW, but we have not their address at the present time.
--Commissioners EDENS and DUNLAP, of Skagit county, were in town this week. The latter official took his final leave on Tuesday morning. Mr. EDENS will shake the official dust of Whatcom County from off his feet at the next meeting of the Board, which will be on Monday, the 21st day of January, 1884.
--Among the participants in the ball last Thursday evening, from La Conner, were L. L. ANDREWS and wife, Clayton EDDY, Ed. STACY, Harry DEWEY, Perry PIERSON, Will MOODY, Richard HENDRICKS, W. F. CROSBY, Chas. CHILBERG, Andrew MORRISON, D. L. McCORMAC, Miss JACKMAN, Misses SHARFENBURG and Miss Olive SMITH. From Samish were Miss Katie and Minnie ALLEN, Eli RHODES and Willie ALLEN.
--E. F. HEMENOVER remembered the Reveille in a substantial manner on Thanksgiving day. One case of Cutter's best, ditto Von Blatz, of Milwaukee, one of Champagne and a box of excellent cigars. HEMENOVER very modestly supplemented the generous donation with the remark that he never allowed Thanksgiving day to pass without remembering the printers. When HEMENOVER's time shall have come, the Reveille will turn a rule.
--The mail service between Whatcom and New Whatcom, a distance of one-half mile, has been increased from a semi-weekly to a tri-weekly. Just why the increase does not extend to Lynden, via Lummi, Ferndale and Nooksack, we are at a loss to understand. There evidently has been a blunder somewhere. The Reveille is informed that Victor ROEDER, contractor, will refuse to supply service on the short route, alleging that the pay is not sufficient.
--The city of Whatcom has been incorporated by the Legislature, and for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Councilmen, a special election will be held at the court house, in Whatcom, W. T., on Monday, December 10, between the hours of ten o'clock a.m. and five o'clock p.m. By the act, W. D. JENKINS and Wm. UTTER will act as judges and J. J. WEISENBURGER, inspector of election. Auditor DONOVAN and Justice REINHART are designated to canvas the vote and forthwith issue certificates of election according to law...
--J. H. YOUNG, a prominent builder and contractor from Seattle, whose card appears elsewhere, has located in Whatcom, and already commenced the construction of a building 18x24 on his lot on the corner of C and 18th streets. Mr. YOUNG, in company with another party, has taken the contract to build the law office for KALLOCH & Son, at New Whatcom. This structure will be 25x40, two stories high and will be built immediately.
--The Reveille neglected to note last week the arrival of Mr. W. L. MILLER's family, from Wisconsin. The handsome new residence that Mr. MILLER had arranged to have built during his absence was completed on his return, and the family are now at home on C street. May their residence here in Whatcom always be pleasant, is the worse wish of the Reveille.
--The Fashion Saloon, MOHRMANN & JOHNSON proprietors, will have a grand opening on Monday night next. The proprietors are old settlers in this county, and will doubtless receive a fair share of patronage. A first-class lodging house, a much needed institution, will also be run in connection with the saloon.
--Photographer FRANK has recently obtained some excellent views of the cascades and water-falls of Whatcom creek. It would be a good idea, and serve as an advertisement for the town, to send these views to friends in the East as an appropriate Christmas present.
--Following are among the enterprising men who are putting up buildings in the city. SMITH & MULLER, MALLORY & Co., E. H. MARCY, Wm. POWELL, W. H. AEBER, J. W. FORST. There are others whom we have not learned.
--Rev. Henry VERNON, pastor of the Baptist Church at LaConner, has filed a lien on the Church in the sum of $150 for unpaid spiritual advice. It is hard to account for the actions of Skagit Co. fellows.
--Mr. and Mrs. BROOKS, from Oregon, relations of Mr. and Mrs. PENTLAND, have been spending a few days with them, and at the same time have been studying the resources of the Little Giant City.
--Now that the city has been incorporated, Mr. KNOX intends to build a fine new residence in Whatcom and return to make his home among us. They will be warmly welcomed.
--It is rumored that Wm. POWELL and W. C. PETTIBONE have formed a co-partnership for the purpose of dealing in real estate.
--L. L. BALES left on Monday's boat for a winters cruise in the Olympic range. He will not return to Whatcom until next spring.
--Philip STONE, of King County, shot and killed M. P. HOPKINS last week in a quarrel about some mill property.
--Mr. E. B. PARSONS, junior member of the firm of SMITH & PARSONS, returned last Monday from a trip up Sound.
--Mr. ROSENSWEIG has just returned from a visit to Portland, and says there is no place like home -- Whatcom.
--The public should patronize Capt. BROWNFIELD's new steamer, plying between Whatcom, Ferndale and Seattle.
--Senator CANFIELD has returned from Seattle. The PETTIBONE's are "still getting ready to do something."
--Messrs. MUDD and CREED have just returned from Olympia, where they went on land business.
--The Reveille invites friend WALSH, of the Mail, to come up and take sathin'.
--E. H. MARCY will leave Arvonia, Osage Co. Kansas, this week for Whatcom.

For Sale.
A span of gentle horses with harness and wagon. Apply to E. ELDRIDGE at Bellingham, or at his ranch where the horses may be seen.

--Judge Edmund FITZHUGH, so well known to the old pioneers of Whatcom, died at the What Cheer House, in San Francisco, on the 24th nlt. Judge FITZHUGH was a resident of this city in the early days of 1854, and is remembered as a bright, brilliant, brainy man, kind hearted and magnanimous to a fault. The Reveille will next week publish extracts from San Francisco papers relative to his demise.

The Masquerade.
The Masquerade Ball held at the Washington Hotel under the auspices of The Bellingham Bay Brass Band, on Thursday evening of last week, was favored with a liberal attendance, and may be pronounced a social as well as financial success. The limit placed upon the number of tickets to be issued was exhausted long before the opening of the ball. The Reveille has endeavored to obtain a complete list of the maskers present, and gives the following, which, barring the omission of names which could not possibly be obtained, may be considered correct.
Miss Georgia CROCKETT, School Girl.
Miss Lizzie CROCKETT, School Girl.
Miss Flora AXTON, Night.
Mrs. W. D. JENKINS, Night.
Miss Clara FOUTS, Highland Lassie.
Mrs. Laura LEACH, Whatcom Reveille.
Mrs. BOWDEN, High Peasant.
Miss Rilla FOUTS, Popcorn Girl.
Miss Nannie SMITH, Evening Star.
Mrs. C. E. FRANK,Night.
Miss Maggie CONNOLEY, Morning Star.
Mrs. H. HOFERCAMP, Maiden Lady.
Mrs. Stewart LECKIE, Topsey.
Mrs. Mattie HYATT, Domino.
Miss Lottie STEINWEG, Sailor Girl.
Miss Sadie SEVERE, Ballet Girl.
Miss Emma CELENE, Ballet Girl.
Miss Anne INKS, Ballet Girl.
Miss SHARFENBERG, Queen of Spaces.
Miss RESITEEN, Ballet Girl.
Miss Lizzie JACKMAN, Gipsy (sic) Queen.
Mrs. WEIDERICH, Spring.
Miss Etta DURKEE, Fairy Queen.
Mrs. N. MEO, Old Lady.
Mrs. Lillie TANSEY, Domino.
Mrs. R. BECKER, Queen Elizabeth.
Mrs. YOUNG, Masker.
Miss Mary SHARFENBERG, Starlight.
Mrs. Wm. POWELL, masker.
Miss Bertie HYATT, Queen of Diamonds.
Miss Lida POWELL, Tenas Klootchan.
Miss Minnie ALLEN, Rag Muffin.
Miss Katie ALLEN, Milk Maid.
Mrs. L. L. ANDRES, Tambourine Girl.
Miss Olive SMITH, Sherherdess
L. L. ANDREWS, Italian Page.
C. M. WELLINGTON, School Girl (sic).
L. U. STENGER, Negro.
Wm. EVENS, Negro.
P. D. McKELLAY, Polish Prince.
Lee MARCY, Bandit.
Geo. SMART, Sailor Boy.
Robt. CHURCH, Masker
F. M. BLOOMQUIST, Cavalier.
H. E. DEWEY, King of Cannibal Islands.
Ed. STACY, The Baker.
Robt. BECKER, Sitting Bull.
C. J. VERNON, Monk.
C. E. FRANK, Muldoon.
Wm. CROSBY, Masker.
A. A. DOHERTY, Domino.
W. E. MILLER, Negro.
W. C. SHEARER, Red, White and Blue.
E. RHODES, Tucker.
J. W. DAVIS, Simple Simon.
F. E. CURTIS, Vasquez.
Wm. MOODY, Italian prince.
Clayton EDDY, Jack of Spades.
J. A. BURNS, Clown.
H. WEIDERRICHT, French Page.
A. W. RAYMER, Dutchman.
James BAKER, Domino.
Geo. MERRIAM, Pill-bags.
H. L. ROSS, John from Wabash.
L. HOFERCAMP. B.B.&B.C.R.R. Locomotive.
Geo. MERO, Nobody's Darling.
Geo. BERGER, Sailor Jack.
Wm. ALLEN, U.S. Flag.
J. P. FERRY, Negro.
Stewart LECKIE, Fat Man.
F. L. FICKE, Negro Girl.
Perry PEARSON, American Traveler.
G. W. TANSEY, King of Diamonds.
Wm. POWELL, Domino.
Jimmy INKS, Negro.
C. E. GORDON, Negro.
J. H. YOUNG, Dandy.
A. A. ANDERSON, A Distinguished Visitor.
Premiums were awarded as follows:
Most ridiculous character: Stewart LECKIE, as the fat man; best sustained character, Lee MARCY, as the bandit; most elegantly dressed lady, Miss JACKMAN, as the Gypsy Queen; best sustained lady character, Mrs. WEIDERRICHT, flower girl. . .

--Dr. VanZANDT contemplates removing to New Whatcom.
--Attorney HUSSMAN will soon depart for the Coeur d'Alene gold mines, now becoming famous.
--Schooner L. J. Perry arrived from the Islands last week with a load of baled hay for MOULTRAY & LOCKWOOD of this city.

In the Probate Court of Whatcom county, Territory of Washington, ss--
In the matter of the Estate of John Harris, deceased. Notice for Creditors...
/s/ M H. Upson, Administrator

Notice of Contest.
...The people of the United States to Wm. C. LEEVER. Greeting: Complaint having been entered at this office by Wm. C. SHEARER of Whatcom county, Wash. Ter. against you for abandoning your Homestead Entry No. 4596 made December 27, 1882, for the NE1/4 of Section 27, Township 39 North, Range 3 East ...

Notice of Administrator's sale of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the probate court of Whatcom county, Washington Territory, made on the 5th of November, A.D. 1883, in the matter of the estate of David STERLING, deceased ...

The Raging Nooksack.
The Nooksack River last week was on a regular bender. The heavy fall of snow, succeeded by four days of continuous rain swelled the waters of the hitherto placid Nooksack to a magnitude unknown or unheard of within the memory of the oldest inhabitant. Many farms in the valley were entirely inundated. At Nooksack crossing the flood extended out over the low lands, doing great damage to property and live stock. In Mr. OSTERMAN's house the water attained a depth of 18 inches. David HARKNESS lost heavily by water running into his store-room, damaging goods. Large quantities of lumber owned by Mr. HARKNESS and other parties was carried away by the flood. The ferry and wire cable at the crossing were also carried away. It was only by the utmost exertions that W. R. MOULTRAY saved his horses and other live stock ...

Friday, December 14, 1883:

The Late Judge FITZHUGH.
The death of a once prominent citizen and distinguished official of Washington Territory, in the person of Judge FITZHUGH, who will be remembered by all pioneer citizens of the Puget Sound country, was reported by telegraph last week. Here he was a noted citizen, and was a participant in many acts of a stirring public character prior to the war of the rebellion. At the coming on of the struggle he went back to his native State, and served her against the Government.
A reminiscence of his life on Puget Sound was told in the words following in the San Francisco Bulletin of November 1, 1872:
In 1854 the international question of the ownership of San Juan Island was agitating the Government of the United States and Great Britain. At the time Capt. William CULLEN (at present property clerk in the Police Department in this city) was agent for the Puget Sound Coal Co. and a resident of Whatcom, Bellingham Bay.
After the Legislature of the Territory had segregated the northern portion of the Sound, and given it the name of Whatcom County, Mr. CULLEN was elected a Commissioner. The body of which he was a member soon after took action in relation to the instructions of the Government, which were to assess the property of the Hudson Bay Company at San Juan Island and to collect taxes thereon. The assessor fulfilled his duty, and a tax of $80 was levied on the company's property. The superintendent of the Company, a Mr. GRIFFIN, swelling with national pride, refused to pay the money on the ground that the proceeding was ridiculous, as the Island was the property of the British Government. A second demand being made by the sheriff and rejected, that official with FITZHUGH, CULLEN and four other Americans, armed to the teeth, went to the Island and made a third demand. Being refused, they camped out over night, and the next morning went to the headquarters of the Hudson Bay Company for the purpose of seizing any portable property that they might find. They finally captured thirty-nine rams, which cost in England all the way from $25 to $250 each. These were put up at auction and knocked down for from 90 cents to one dollar each. Not enough money being realized to pay the taxes, a lot of ewes were also sold. The sheep were put in small boats preparatory to crossing to the mainland, but before getting away from the beach GRIFFIN, with a large number of halfbreeds, came down and threatened to rescue the company's property. CULLEN and FITZHUGH drew their revolvers and threatened to furnish a number of subjects for burial if GRIFFIN attempted any violence, and told him that the sheep would be returned when sufficient coin was paid over to the Sheriff. GRIFFIN, with tears in his eyes, started for Victoria in a canoe, traveling as fast as twelve halfbreeds could paddle the craft through the water, and this was the last seen of him by the Sheriff's party. The Americans started for home about noon, and at sunset observed the Hudson Bay Company's steamer Beaver in full chase. But under cover of darkness the small boat escaped from the steamer, and three days later arrived at Whatcom safely, having in a storm on the way over lost several sheep. This was probably the first legal squabble over San Juan.
The S. F. Chronicle, of Nov. 25th, referring to the death of this once brilliant public man to whom nothing in the United States was impossible twenty-five or thirty years ago says:
At 9 o'clock yesterday morning the clerk of the What Cheer House found an old man dead in one of the rooms of the house, and reported it to the Morgue. Deputy Coroner GROOM, on going for the body, found it to be that of ex-Judge Edmund FITZHUGH, a native of Virginia, aged 62 years. The deceased was a pioneer Californian and formed a law partnership here as early as 1849 with Edmund RANDOLPH and A. P. CRITTENDEN, who was afterwards killed by Laura D. FAIR. He was one of Judge TERRY's seconds in the famous duel in which BRODERICK was killed, and during the civil war was a Major on the staff of a division General in the Confederate army. In 1854 he was located in Washington Territory as manager of the Bellingham Bay Coal Company, and while there was appointed United States District Judge by President BUCHANAN, a position which he filled with credit for four years. His wife died while he was there, and returning to Virginia, he married again, and served a term in the Legislature, being in his seat during the stormy session in which R. M. T. HUNTER was elected to the United States Senate. From there he moved to Iowa, where he leaves a widow and several children. For the last four years he has resided in San Francisco, where he has gradually sunk lower and lower, until the end of his brilliant life came, some time during Friday night. An autopsy disclosed apoplexy to be the cause of death.

Birch Bay.
Editors Reveille -- Seeing no correspondence from this point is my excuse for this letter, and if it finds its way into the wastebasket no one will be the wiser but your correspondent. We have a good country around Birch Bay, settled by good thrifty, enterprising citizens. The most of our citizens, however, are newcomers, consequently our country is not very well developed yet. We have one Good Templars Lodge in good working order, also a very interesting Sunday school, which meets every Sunday. We have a weekly mail per steamer, also semi-weekly from Semiahmoo to Ferndale per hack.
--Mr. MURAIN, of Semiahmoo, sustained a heave loss from last week's gale which broke his boom and scattered a million feet of logs to the mercy of the rolling tide.
--The Good Templars and the Sunday school will each have a Christmas tree. A good time is expected, and everybody invited to come and enjoy it. Our Sunday school boys and girls are the champion singers, and don't you forget it.
--Mrs. HENSPETERS has been in Seattle the past two weeks on business and pleasure.
/s/ Bob Babler.
Birch Bay, Dec. 8, 1883.

Murder of M. T. HOPKINS.
The Seattle Chroncile contains the following particulars concerning the brutal murder of M. T. HOPKINS, a resident of this county.
Several months ago M. T. HOPKINS of Whatcom county, sold to the firm of STONE & HUBBARD his mill in Slaughter precinct, on the line of the railroad. As security for the payment of the purchase money, he took a mortgage on the real and personal property of the establishment. Shortly afterward the mill was burned down and Hopkins filed a bill to foreclose the mortgage. He took some steps toward having Stone arrested on the charge of arson, but finally let the matter drop. Considerable ill-feeling was engendered between the two men, and on a subsequent occasion, during an altercation about the property, Stone drew a revolver upon Hopkins. He was indicted for this offense at the last term of the district court, but the jury considered him to have had strong provocation and rendered a verdict of not guilty.
Wednesday evening, HOPKINS, who had been from his home in Whatcom for several days settling his affairs in this county, came to this city with a friend of his named SHEN, and had a search warrant sworn out. He claimed that certain goods covered by his chattle mortgage had been secreted by Stone in a building on the mill premises. The next morning, in company with Wm. M. MYERS, constable of the precinct, they went over to the mill to have the warrant service. On approaching STONE they were told by him that the things wanted were in a certain house nearby, and that they were on the inventory of the receiver who had been appointed after the bill of foreclosure had been filed. Thereupon HOPKINS and the constable went into building in quest of the property, and STONE proceeded to his cabin on the premises. In a few minutes he returned armed with a Winchester rifle, and ordered both the men from the building, adding that he would fire unless they left at once. Under fear of his threat they walked out. HOPKINS remarking at the time that STONE would shoot him. Constable MYERS seeing a party of men some distance away on the mill premises, started in their direction to procure aid. He had gone about two rods when Stone, cursing HOPKINS, said that he would shoot him. As soon as the words were uttered he fired, and HOPKINS fell to the ground. Still advancing, Stone fired two more shots into his prostrate body, and then walked back to his own cabin. In a few minutes he came out, and remarking to the constable that he could not be taken, disappeared in the woods. HOPKINS, it is thought, cannot survive. He was a man about 40 years of age and leaves a wife and four children. He was generally respected wherever known, but was recognized as a man of great determination and fearlessness.
STONE is still at large, and dispatches have been sent all over the Sound country with a view to his arrest. The following is a discription (sic) by which he may be identified:
Age, about 30 years; eyes and hair, black; he has a retreating forehead, a Roman nose, and a large mouth, with protruding lips. He generally does not wear any moustache or beard, but at the time of his disappearance had a stubby growth of two weeks.

Final Proof Notices.
James WILLIAMS; Pre-emption D.S. No. 6416 for the SW 1/4 of Section 9, Township 49 north, Range 2 east.
Witnesses: H. R. HEIFFENDEN, S. P. THOMPSON, Kunan DALY and F. H. MABRY, all of Lynden. Whatcom county, W.T
/s/ John F. GOWEY, Register
F. H. MABSY; Pre-emption D.S. No. 6295, for the SE1/4 of Section 5, Township 40 north, Range 2 east.
Witnesses: H. B. HEIFFENDER, Jas. WILLIAMS, S. P. THOMPSON and Michael KULP, all of Lynden. Whatcom county, W.T
/s/ John F. GOWEY

Local Brevities.
--Mrs. HEMENOVER is still very low, with slight chances for recovery.
--Wm. HEWETT has sold out at LaConner and will locate on Bellingham Bay.
--Mrs. Robert KNOX has been confined to her room by sickness during the past week.
--A lodge of Knights Phythias will be organized at this place on Thursday evening, December 20th.
--H. A. JUDSON was in the city this week to purchase lumber for his new store building at Lynden.
--A. E. JONES has had as many as twenty men employed on new buildings in Whatcom during the past week.
--Alex. CHARLES was in the city Monday evening en route for Seattle, where he goes to negotiate for Ferndale. property.
--Messrs. SMITH & PARSONS will accept thanks for a handsome barometer presented this office. A record of the weather will hereafter be kept and published.
--Messrs. CANFIELD, DONOVAN, UTTER, WHITTLESEY, ROSS, STENGER, ROEDER, Mayor DeMATTOS, E. C. PENTLAND and wife and other distinguished citizens of Whatcom are in Seattle.
--Mr. A. M. GILMAN and wife of this city, removed to Bellingham this week. Mr. GILMAN has been engaged as machinest in the Bellingham Mill, a position that he will fill with credit to himself and satisfaction to the mill company.
--F. M. WALSH, of the LaConner Mail, in response to an invitation from the Reveille, came up last Monday to take suthin'. He was put on board the steamer Washington Tuesday morning, and when last heard from was still 'rahing for Skagit County.
--Judge GREEN, through J. A. GILLILAND, clerk, has issued a motion to jurors, summoned to attend the December term of the LaConner court, notifying them that their attendance will not be required, as the December term has been abolished by recent act of the legislature.
--A typographical error in the report of the flood last week, made us say that the water was ten feet deep in Mr. MOULTRAY's stable at the Crossing. It should have read "two" instead of "ten" feet. However, we are beginning to think very strongly that there was not, nor ever has been a flood on the Nooksack.
--RICHARDS & Co. have concluded to open a first-class hardware store at New Whatcom. They will carry a full and complete stock of shelf and heavy hardware, stoves and tinware. They are putting up a new building which will be ready in about ten days. The Butte City, Montana, papers speak well of Mr. RICHARDS.
--By the recent floods in the Nooksack river, Mr. E. M. CUDWORTH and others have lost several hundred thousand feet of saw-logs. The boom near the mouth of the river, containing about 1,200,000 feet broke, and many logs have gone to sea. The exact loss has not yet been ascertained, but will probably reach 350,000 or 400,000 feet. The loss will be a very serious one to say the least.
--M. T. HOPKINS, who was so brutally murdered in King county a few days ago, was an honored and esteemed citizen of the Nooksack valley, in the county. He came here from Moody county, Dakota Territory, where he was recognized as a benefactor to the poor and needy. He leaves a family residing in this county, also two brothers, A. G. and Edward HOPKINS. Particulars of murder published on first page.
--Mr. D. W. ALVERSON, of San Francisco, in company with Mr. Thos. HERN, of Portland, will commence immediately the erection of a steam sawmill at Semiahmoo, near the mouth of California creek. The mill will have a cutting capacity of 20,000 feet daily. A tub and pail factory will be run in connection with the mill. It is expected to have the machinery in running operation by May 1st. The location is a good one, and the Reveille is gratified to be enabled to announce this valuable acquisition to manufacturing and business enterprises of Whatcom County, and especially Semiahmoo.
--W. H. WHITTLESEY, during the storm that prevailed on the Bay last Sunday, was capsized from a canoe, near Lummi, and came near drowning. He was in the water nearly an hour, and when rescued life was nearly suspended. By aid of restoratives, administered by skillfull hands, he was resuscitated. It was indeed a close call, and had it not been for the timely and kindly assistance rendered by Mr. and Mrs. McDONOUGH, Mrs. CLARK and others, the Reveille would have had a sad duty to perform this week. Mr. WHITTLESEY is one of our most popular young men, and his many friends unite in an expression of thanks to the parties who were instrumental in saving his life.
--Johnny DeTIERE, of Port Blakeley, is in the city. He owns a valuable ranch out in the Nooksack valley, and swears by Bellingham Bay and Whatcom Co.
--C. M. WELLINGTON has abandoned his projected trip to Chicago this winter. He has secured a suite of rooms in the Marcy block, where he will be at home to his numerous young friends during the long winter evenings.
--The latest designs in Christmas and New Year cards, autograph, photograph and card albums ... In fact the prettiest line of fancy holiday goods on the Bay. David SLATTERY.

The Nooksack Vindicated.
Editors Reveille:--Gents: In your issue of the seventh inst. there appears an article under the heading of the "Raging Nooksack," for which your informant might very well be credited with more talent for quantity than for quality of news when he gave several of the items which I will give a passing notice further on. It is true that the water from the river flowed back over the bottom land and did considerable damage to the farmers by carrying away their fences and floating logs and other rubbish upon their improved lands... One man in the vicinity being aroused in the night by the water coming into his house, jumped out into it and took lodging on a stump in a field, where he remained for about twenty-four hours ...
Some farmers got their grain wet where it was out on the low land in cribs, two or three losing considerable. John HARKNESS lost eleven sheep, Wm. WALKER lost two calves and seven small pigs and Mr. McGUIRE a calf and two pigs. This is the amount of live stock lost in this neighborhood so far as I have been able to learn ...
In the article referred to your informant states that "David HARKNESS, lost heavily by the water running into his store and damaging goods." This I believe to be incorrect, as I have been in Mr. HARKNESS' store since the high water, and was told that the water touched the doorstep of the store, but did not go over the floor... At the immediate crossing the water did not go into any of the houses except one part of Mr. OSTERMAN's, which is not elevated from the ground... Again we are told that there was ten feet of water in Mr. MOULTRAY's barn, etc. Now the fact is, that ten feet of water would cover the greater part of the roof of Mr. MOULTRAY's horse stable, which would evidently leave his horses in a very perilous situation. If I understood Mr. Moultray right, there was about three feet of water in his stable...
This, Mr. Reveille, is about the state of things in the vicinity of Nooksack after the flood...

Advertised Letters. Following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for at the Whatcom Post Office:

Martin KEERS
Gabriel GOBIN 3
John J. GUNN
Louis NIMS
James C. SWIFT
Victor R. SMITH
Mrs. J. M WARD
Mrs. S. WARD
Robert ROUDY
Hugh C. HAREN 2
David L. LEWIS
Michael KELLEY
Arthur ENNIS
When calling for any of the above letters please state advertised. W. L. STEINWEG. P.M.

Fern Leaves From Ferndale.
Married Nov 29th at the St Charles Hotel in Ferndale, by Rev. John TENNANT, J. W. WATSON to Miss Carrie SISSON both of Ferndale. Mr. WATSON gave a ball on the night of the 29th at the hall, the party was select, being all invited guests, and every thing went merry as a marriage bell. We send congratulations to the happy pair, also thanks for a piece of the wedding cake.
--It is a little daughter that Thomas OXFORD and wife are rejoicing over. The latest arrival is a lonely little lady, guest of Willie and Ana Ray; she brought no baggage with her but has evidently come to stay.
--The Nooksack overflowed its banks at this place but did no particular damage aside from washing out the banks considerable in some places. It is reported that one cabin went down the river from above us, also that the body of a dead horse was seen floating down the river. Mr. LARSON and James LYNCH had their orchards nearly destroyed by the water sweeping logs and trunks of trees through their orchards. Mr. Jacob MATZ had the misfortune to loose about forty ton of hay.
--The flood caused a jam at the mouth of the river which prevented the steamer coming up here last week, but our citizens will have the obstructions removed by next Saturday so that the steamer can make her regular trip to Ferndale.
--The 4th of this month about forty of Charley TAWES friends called on him in a body and as Charley had done nothing to be afraid of the law he let them in, when they informed him that they had come to help celebrate his twenty first birthday. His parents and sisters doing all in their power to make the party one long to be remembered. Dancing was kept up until morning only stopping at midnight to partake of refreshments. The birthday cake was a "gem". It was handsomely frosted in fanciful designs, being highly ornamented with these words, "Charley, 21." He was the recipient of several presents both useful and ornamental. Charley may your future life be as bright and happy as the past, and may you ever find friends as true as those who helped celebrate your coming of age.
--The Knights of Pythias are flourishing at this place; they have thirty-four members now.
--M. L. SULLIVAN has returned home.
--R. S. COWDEN came back to spend the winter hunting and trapping, and to have a good time in general.
--Mrs. Harry COWDEN has been confined to the house for the past three weeks with a severe cold and cough but is now convalescent.
M.D.C. Ferndale, No. 9th.

Friday, December 21, 1883:

--Mr. H. B. CORWIN announces this morning that on Tuesday, at 9 o'clock, Christmas morning, Santa Claus' annual distribution of candies, toys, etc., will take place, free, to the children of the city of Whatcom, at the Red Front Store. H. B. CORWIN

Local Brevities.
--Mrs. Stewart LECKIE is visiting with friends at LaConner.
--Mr. VERNON is building a house for O. S. GOODNOW, which will be occupied as a boarding place.
--Mr. MURRAIN, of Semiahmoo, lost nearly 600,000 feet of logs by the late floods in the Noocksack valley.
--Dr. WHITEHOUSE, member of the recent Council, from Spokane, is on a visit to the Bay, and called at this office. We rather think he likes the Bay better than the bunch grass country.
--Mayor DeMATTOS, C. I. ROTH, J. J. WEISENBURGER, John STENGER, Capt. ROEDER, Deputy Sheriff LECKIE and several other distinguished Whatcomites are Courting this week at LaConner.
--Steamship Wilmington will sail from San Francisco for Bellingham Bay on the 26th inst. T. J. SMITH, of this city, is their authorized agent, and will attend promptly to shipping orders entrusted to him.
--By glancing over our advertising columns, dear reader, you will see that the business men of Whatcom, whom A. W. PETTIBONE is pleased to call the "lower element and rabble," endorse the enterprise and course of the Reveille by their unanimous support.
--J. W. WALDO, J. F. CAIN, J. H. McCAULEY, W. RAY and others, from Semiahmoo, were in the city this week enroute to Olympia. They report the northern portion of the county in a prosperous condition, with new mills and other enterprises in prospect.
--Mr. J. D. GARDNER, C. T. MORRIS and others, recently from Orange county, Texas, have located near Lynden in the Nooksack valley, and will engage in the stock raising business. They report that considerable immigration will come from Texas to Puget Sound early in the spring.
--Jimmy VanZANT has so far recovered as to be enabled to remove from one room to another by the aid of crutches. This will be glad news to Jimmy's numerous young friends, all of whom will be still more gratified when he has sufficiently recovered to take his place among his old playmates.
--Mr. M. M. PELTON and son, and Mrs. Maria GOODELL, son and daughter, all of Vermillion, Erie county, Ohio, have arrived at Whatcom with a view to locate permanently. They are relatives of Mrs. Henry ROEDER, and express themselves well pleased with this part of the Great Northwest. The Reveille hopes that they may make Whatcom their home.
--A. J. ROGERS, late of Seattle has taken charge of the Whatcom Hotel and will change its sign to ROGERS' House. He comes well recommended, says he will keep a good house. Mr. and Mrs. KELLY, who have retired from the house have suffered financial and family difficulties which are seriously regretted by our people. They have labored hard to make the hotel business a success but fate was against them. Landlords are born, not made. To wind things up finally, a divorce will probably result.
--The Reveille does not believe that Hamlin B. WILLIAMS is half as bad as the PETTIBONES are painting him. It will be remembered that when Mr. WILLIAMS left Whatcom about July 1st without leaving a legal agent here to transact business, a letter protesting against such action was written the PETTIBONES, very numerously signed by business men of Whatcom. On his visit to them Mr. WILLIAMS told them what business had been transacted and was going on, and how matters stood. In reply to the protesting letter, the PETTIBONES wrote to Capt. ROEDER a letter, which was shown to us, saying that all the business transactions of Mr. WILLIAMS had received their endorsement, and that he would still be retained as their agent at Whatcom ...
--On Monday night at the Whatcom Hotel. A. W. PETTIBONE said that in advocating an expeditious and reasonable settlement with the Colony, the Reveille has pandered to the "Lower element and rabble." He also says that for the purpose of having a paper to forward their interest, the PEABODY heirs have subscribed money enough to start a new paper in Whatcom in opposition to the Reveille-- to represent the aristocratic PETTIBONEs, we presume. It is needless to say that the Reveille will continue to represent the people of Whatcom, whom PETTIBONE is pleased to term the "lower element and rabble."
--The habit of throwing empty bottles and other articles of glass into the street is quite common, and that more serious accidents don't occur is strange. A few days ago one of Victor ROEDER's fine bays driven by Jack de LORIMER, sustained a severe cut above the hoof that may possible ruin the horse entirely. This was occasioned by a broken bottle thrown into the street, and is not the first instance of the kind that resulted seriously to teams.
--The many friends of Mr. E. C. PRATHER will be sorry to learn that he lies at Victoria with a broken leg. While in British Columbia recently his horse fell upon him in the act of jumping a log and broke his leg near the knee. Mr. PRATHER was laid up by the injury nine days before he discovered that his leg was broken.
--F. M. SEVIER, who has been engaged in the logging business, across the boundary line from Semiahmoo, was in town last week. He reports considerable damage done to the logging camps, especially Mr. MURRAINS, by the recent floods.
--Capt. ROGERS, new proprietor of the Whatcom house, gave an elegant supper to a few of his friends on Wednesday evening. The feast, consisting of game, delicacies and "things," proved the Captain to be a caterer of no mean style.
--Frank NORTHRUPT has furnished the Reveille with an elegant cabinet for paper stock. Beside being useful it is ornamental. When grained, it will show the good taste and workmanship of Mr. NORTHRUPT to advantage.
--Hon. Wm. HIGBY, of New Whatcom, has gone to California on a visit to his old home. He is a man of mature years, sound judgement and has confidence in Bellingham Bay.
--Mr. S. P. HUGHES' son at Semiahmoo, had his arm broken recently by falling from the girt or cross beams of a barn. Dr. DEMENT set the bones.
--J. M. GALE will start a skating rink about January 1st, in the new Ludwig & Mallory building. More fun for the boys.
--The little boy of J. R. JENKINS, of Ferndale, is seriously ill.
--Mr. and Mrs. POWELL are now keeping house on Bay View Avenue.
--Jno T. JORDAN, of Seattle, is looking after his real estate interests on the Bay.
--Thos. CAIN, one of the best men in the customs service, has been in town for the past few days.
--Mr. HENRY will run the colony shingle mill hereafter to its full capacity, having entire control of it.
--All parties holding bonds for deeds may get their deeds when the elder PETTIBONE comes, so A. W. PETTIBONE informs us.
--There will be a Christmas tree at the Tabernacle Church, Whatcom, Christmas eve. All are welcome, and the tree will be free to all who wish to give presents to their children and friends. Mrs. PENFIELD and Mrs. NESSELROAD are the committee to receive presents for the tree. Tickets will be sold at BLOMQUIST's, city drug store, Whatcom House, STEINWEG's, and SMITH & MILLER's.
--Two masked men entered the residence of Mrs. PERRY, at Semiahmoo, on Sunday night last, and by force and violence compelled the lady to surrender her cash on hand, $1.50, together with a small amount of jewelry. They left her with her feet tied together, but by the aid of a butcher knife she released herself and went immediately to Mr. UPSON's and gave the alarm. At last accounts the parties had not been found out, though a very strong clew (sic) has been obtained. The citizens of Semiahmoo are very indignant, and will make it very warm for the parties, if caught.

Friday, December 28, 1883:

Final Proof Notices.
Paul FISCHER; Pre-emption D.S. No. 7285 for the SW1/4 of Section 25, Township 40 north, Range 2 east.
Witnesses: E. S. SMITH, H. W. SMITH, William FORBES and Peter RAYNE, all of Lynden, Whatcom county, W.T.
/s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

Hotel Arrivals.
Washington Hotel. John DeTIERE, Geo. C. CURTIS, J. L. LIKENS, W. RILLY and wife, city; N. REVEY, Port Townsend; O. B. JOHNSON, Nooksack; G. D. RODNEY, Geo. W. ALEXANDER, Tacoma; Thos. E. PEISER, Wm. LESLIE, E. O. EDSON, Seattle; M. P. LIGHT, Chas. BOMSTEIN, S. F.; George J. JACOBS, Washington, S. P. HUGHES, Semiahmoo; Jas. PROPER, Michigan.

Local Brevities.
--Mrs. PETERSON, of New Whatcom, is seriously sick.
--JENNIG, the tailor, is doing a good business at Bellingham.
--STADLEMAN is having a new blacksmith shop erected on the old stand.
--Peter JANSEN was torn limb from limb at Tacoma last week by being caught in the belting of a saw mill.
--Ex-Mayor KALLOCH has announced a lecture in San Francisco on the "use and abuse of the revolver." He can speak from actual experience.
--STEINWEG & Co. have presented Mr. Stewart LECKIE with an elegant and durable $12 pair of boots, the prize they gave for the ugliest make up at the masquerade.
--If the PEABODY heirs have no "ax to grind" in that new scheme, let them pay the money due the Colony, and the wharf will be completed. One wharf completed would be better than two such half done.
--Two young men, Floyd CAIN and Hiram RENSHED, of Semiahmoo, were arrested for the robbery perpetrated last week upon Mrs. PERRY, of that place mention of which was made in the last issue of this paper. This is indeed an unfortunate position for these boys, and as they have confessed, there remains no doubt concerning their guilt. Had the robbery been perpetrated by traveling hoodlums, the affair would in a measure be divested of its most disagreeable features. But in this case, two able bodied boys, verging upon manhood, and able to earn a living by manual labor, went in the dead of night intent on robbery, and assaulted a lone woman, and by their conduct proved themselves to be devoid of those attributes that should possess every young man, and by their own choice will now be consigned to a felons cell. They are now in the hands of the proper authorities, and will be dealt with according to law. A disposition will be made of them at the January term of Court to be held at this place.
--Mr. T. J. SMITH, of the firm of SMITH & PARSONS, will leave this city within a few days for San Francisco, where he will lay before the Board of Trade of that metropolis the importance of the rapidly growing commerce of Bellingham Bay, in particular, and the lower end of the Sound in general.
--Mr. J. N. FRY writes from East Sound that he does not receive the Reveille with that degree of regularity to which his subscription entitles him and ironically suggests that probably we do not have enough to go around to each of our thousands of subscribers ...
--Mr. and Mrs. C. H. STADLEMAN gave a Christmas tree entertainment at their residence on Tuesday evening, in which their immediate friends and neighbors participated. The event also marked the seventh wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. STADLEMAN, and after the many handsome presents had been distributed to the little ones, an excellent repast of delicious cakes, coffee, fruits, nuts, candies, etc., was spread. The home and fireside of Mr. and Mrs. STADLEMAN is indeed a pleasant tone, and the event on Tuesday evening last was truly an enjoyable one, and with those who were present, will always retain a page on memory's book of pleasant recollections.
--During the high wind that prevailed last Monday the underpinning of Johnny FORST's new building on C street gave way, the building careened to the southeast and finally fell with a terrible crash, breaking into splinters nearly every portion of the frame work. This is indeed a serious loss, and one that Mr. FORST is illy able to stand. By hard work and strict economy he had saved a sufficient amount to build the structure, hoping soon to be enabled to derive an income therefrom in the way of rents. The material with which the building was constructed is now practically valueless.
--The sea was rough on Monday and many of the boat passengers refused to land and returned to Seattle rather than risk themselves in a small boat or walk the muddy trail to this city. We learn that the PEABODY heirs will not allow a company to build a wharf to Old Whatcom for fear said company may acquire a strip of flats. It was the same fear that some one else might make a dollar that prompted them to pocket the money due the Colony and thus prevent the completion of that wharf.
--J. J. WEISENBURGER, Esq., of this city, was appointed by Judge GREENE at LaConner last week as prosecuting attorney to serve during the temporary absence of Hon. C. M. BRADSHAW, who was called home in consequence of sickness in his family. This was indeed a merited compliment bestowed upon Mr. WEISENBURGER and one that he well sustained as is evinced by the fact that he successfully prosecuted every Territorial case that came before the Court.
--Skagit county has the honor of inaugurating the practice of mixed juries. The grand jury recently empanelled has among its members Mrs. BRADLEY and Mrs. ANDERSON. Mrs. CALHOUN was impaneled, but was not allowed to serve on account of not being naturalized. The changes are that the findings of women jurors will be tempered with too much mercy.
--J. C. ELKINS' little folks desire to return hearty thanks to Mr. E. F. HEMENOVER for a bountiful donation of holiday presents ...
--Probate Judge WHITE spent Christmas in the city.
--Hon. M. ANDERSON and family are now keeping house "at home" in the city.
--Harry J. HUFFMAN advertises as attorney at law in this paper. He is an old practitioner.
--P. A. McMACKIN has carried one arm in a sling a long time from the effect of a stubborn boil or ulcer.
--In this issue of the Reveille A. J. ROGERS advertises great improvements in the old Whatcom House.
--Mr. WALTERS, an old tonsorial artist from Nevada City, Cal., has located his shop in the Whatcom House.
--Old Whatcom must have a wharf, and if the PETTIBONEs will pay the Colony the $7,500 justly due them, the wharf will be completed.
--A. C. MARSTON has the thanks of the Reveille for a blooming rose of the Battle Giant species, plucked from the garden on the day before Christmas ...
--Rev. WOLFE is a worker worth something to Whatcom. Beside the Academy, he teaches singing, writing, Sunday school, and preaches every Sabbath. His earnest labors would soon make him wealthy were he to abandon the church for more lucrative business.
--Why don't the PEABODY heirs pay the $7,500 due the Colony and allow them to complete the wharf already far along? ...
--The attorney for Chas. MITCHELL, alias "Greek Charley," indicted by the grand jury for killing James HARRIS at Point Roberts, about eight months ago, has obtained a change of venue to Port Townsend. It is now believed that the scene of the murder was located on the military reservation, in which case the trial will necessarily go to the U.S. District Court. This would be a saving of several hundred dollars to Whatcom county.
--Judge GREEN has appointed E. C. PENTLAND Clerk of the District Court of Whatcom County. Mr. PENTLAND is a young man of good qualities, an excellent penman, and will make an efficient officer, and we believe the appointment will give general satisfaction. Now that we have a District Clerk at Whatcom, homestead final proof may be made before him, thus saving the time, trouble and expense of going to LaConner or Olympia, as heretofore required to transact such business.

District Court.
Court convened at LaConner on Tuesday, the 18th inst., with Chief Justice R. S. GREENE on the bench, and J. A. GILLILAND Clerk
Prosecuting Attorney BRADSHAW was present, but was excused on the second day of the term on account of sickness in his family, and Mr. J. J. WEISENBURGER, of Whatcom, was appointed in his stead.
The grand jury found a number of indictments, and would have dealt with the gambling places of Whatcom, but for the fact that Whatcom requested the right as a city to manage her own affairs.
The following Whatcom attorneys were admitted to practice on presentation of certificates and taking the necessary oath: Chas. I. ROTH, H. J. HUFFMAN and J. F. GAZLEY.
Attorney DeMATTOS secured divorce for Katherine C. HUNTLY, attorney HUFFMAN referee.
Case of GAZLEY and ROTH vs. H. B. CORWIN, transferred to Whatcom Court.
Case of John EVANS, J. HOPE, J. H. PLASTER and J. WEBBER vs. Henry WEST and wife. Continued for service.
Henry ROEDER vs. O. B. IVERSON and others; injunction suit. To be heard and settled at Seattle.
B. B. R. & Nav. Co. vs. H. ROEDER; injunction. Same as above.
A. M. GILLMAN vs. Washington Colony, Transferred to Whatcom Court.
The Colony case, C. J. PETTIBONE vs. H. B. WILLIAMS, H. ROEDER, and William and W. A. UTTER. Agreed to be argued and determined at Seattle, at chambers, before Judge GREENE within a month.
Judge GREENE announced that in accordance with the new law Court will begin at Whatcom, January 8th, at which term proper organization will be effected and a few urgent cases tried.

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