Newspaper  Items 

From The West Ferndale Clipper, Nov. 9, 1894:  Vol. 3,   No. 47   (only a small section remains)
Published Every Friday in West Ferndale, Whatcom county, Washington by ROGERS BROTHERS, Publishers.

In taking charge of the Clipper and assuming to fill the place of E. B. SMITH as editor, the public must not presume that we are vain enough to consider ourselves equal to the task. ...

Thos. OWENS has leased Mrs. LEWIS's Mt. View ranch for seventeen months.

Harry COWDEN and wife attended the funeral of their brother at Seattle, Sunday.

Funeral of Charles COWDEN
The funeral services over the remains of Charles COWDEN, one of the cavalrymen who captured Jeff Davis near Irwinville, Ga., May 10, 1885 (sic), took place yesterday afternoon at the First Presbyterian church, corner of Spring and Fourth streets, under the auspices of Puget Sound Lodge, No. 10, Knights of Pythias, and John F. Miller Post No. 31, G. A. R. The church was crowded with people, prominent among whom were members of the lodges. It is calculated that full 250 G. A. R. men and knights were present. The casket in which the remains were encased was surrounded with flowers of all kinds. The most prominent pieces, however, were three large pillows from the members of Miller post and a large shield from the Knights of Pythias. There were also two large bouquets of beautiful lilies. The services were conducted at the church by Rev. Alexander ALISON, pastor of the church, and Rev. John F. DAMON. Each spoke feelingly concerning the dead and eulogised his character. At the grave in Lake View cemetery the services were conducted by the G. A. R. and Knights -P.I.

From The Chehalis Nugget, Chehalis, Washington Territory, Sept. 28, 1888:

Lynden will soon have a newspaper, The Pioneer Press.

Lynden will shortly have a telephone line to Whatcom.

Sixty Grand Army veterans attended the recent Whatcom County reunion at Ferndale.


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