January 6, 1921:
Mrs. Lela King DYE and Rev. W. O. BENADOM were married in Kansas City on New Years Day. Rev. and Mrs. BENADOM will travel through California, and will be at home in Lynden the end of this month. A beautiful wedding was solemnized Wednesday afternoon, when Miss Nancy VAN DIEST, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. VAN DIEST, became the bride of Mr. Harry VANDER MEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman VANDER MEY, at the home of the bride's parents at Riverside. The Rev. A. J. BRINK performed the ceremony in the presence of eighty relatives and friends. The bride and groom descended the stairway to the strains of a wedding march played by Miss Allie VANDER MEY. The altar under which the ceremony took place was formed in the living room, and was made decorative with a color scheme of blue and white, and towered with a large wedding bell. Immediately after the ceremony, punch and cookies were served, followed by a wedding luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. VANDER MEY will make their home at Glendale. Miss Marie DE JONG, driving a Chalmers car toward Bellingham, narrowly missed having a bad wreck on the Hannegan river bridge Friday. A car in front of her slowed up, and to avoid a collision, she ran into the railing. Her mother Mrs. DE JONG, was thrown to one side, breaking her glasses, and inflicting a long cut beneath her eye. The rest of the family was uninjured. Two wheels were knocked off the car. Miss Alma MEENK and Mr. George NEEVEL, who both formerly resided in Lynden, were married Dec. 30 at La More, California, where Mr. NEEVEL has purchased a fruit farm. Mr. and Mrs. NEEVEL expect to make a trip to Lynden, after which they will return to make their home at La More. The Clarence CAVENDER family spent New Year's Day with Mr. CAVENDER's mother, Mrs. Susan CAVENDER, in Lynden. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. DAY were New Year's guests of their daughter, Mrs. Wm. McNALLY at her home near Ferndale. The following 8th graders got 100 in an arithmetic test Friday: Lana TELGENHOFF, Beulah SERRURIER, Opal KILPATRICK, Martha VERMEULEN, Izetta LIVINGSTON, George VANDERYACHT, Justine CUSIN, Clare JOHNSON, Francis WOOD, Walter Le COMPTE, Florence BRADLEY, Nellie DUIFF, Mabel CROSIER. Alton PALMER is absent from the third grade on account of measles. Mrs. John HAVEMAN and children spent last week at the home of Mrs. HAVEMAN's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. BOVENDAM. Miss Gertrude SCHUYLEMAN returned Saturday from Bellingham where she spent her vacation with her sister, Mrs. James HAYES. Mr. Phineas and Nathan BELLINGAR received the sad news Thursday of the death of their brother, Delbert, of Mt. View. Their many friends extend their sincerest sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. W. TELGENHOFF entertained Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. CRUMLEY of Ladner's Landing, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank De LINE. Mrs. CRUMLEY is a cousin of Mrs. TELGENHOFF. Raymond BAJEMA, son of Mr. and Mrs. John BAJEMA, has returned to Lynden, after spending a few years at Tacoma. Charles Edmund HODGEMAN of Lynden, has been transferred from the Receiving Ship at New York, to the U. S. S. Beaver according to information received today from Commander C. C. KRAKOW of the U. S. Navy. January 13, 1921: Mr. Ode DYKES arrived here Wednesday from Nevada where he has been staying with his brother.
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