The Lynden Tribune
Lynden, WA

Extractions by Susan Nahas
January 3, 1918:

Two were burned in Lynden as a result of gasoline explosions during the time that the city was without electricity. Hundreds were using oil stoves of various kinds for cooking, and lamps for lighting, and escapes were many. Mrs. C. E. GILBERT was severely burned on Tuesday, when an oil can with which she was lighting the fire exploded. Her dress caught fire, and the flames spread to the interior of the home. Without waiting to extinguish her flaming clothes, Mrs. GILBERT carried her baby to safety, and the effect of the burns was more serious because of the delay. Little damage was done to the GILBERT home.
Ira STAUFFER was painfully burned on the face and hands Wednesday. A gasoline lamp in his hen house exploded as he was filling it. STAUFFER uses electric lights to keep the hens scratching overtime, and had substituted gasoline lamps during the shortage of electricity. His clothing caught fire, and he ran outdoors and extinguished it by rolling in a water hole. Then he ran back to put out the flames In the building.

--Louis LARSON is home for the winter.
--Oliver GIBBONS from the Soldiers' home visited in Lynden Christmas.
--The Amphictyon Club will meet January 4 with Mrs. George WAPLES.
--Mrs. H. B. TUCKER was operated on Tuesday at St. Luke's hospital.
--Henry BOYCE has moved into the Le COMPTE house in Lynden.
--John HANOVER visited in Bellingham Monday.
--Jerome AUSTIN is home from the Soldier's Home visiting and working during the winter.
--Arthur SWENSON was home from Mare Island, California, for Christmas.
--Mr. and Mrs. George FRICK and family and Mr. W. T. ROBERTS were guests New Years Day of Mr. and Mrs. Paul FRICK of Nooksack.
--Miss Edith JESSE, who is teaching at Coulee City, Washington, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Paul HENDERSON, over New Years.
--Little Clarence REED, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lew REED, is seriously ill.
--Mr. and Mrs. Herbert FRITZ, Miss Ada PYEATT, Miss Mary TREMAIN, Mr. Alvin PYEATT, and Mr. Elmer Lund spent Sunday afternoon at the W. H. JACKMAN home.
--E. B. ROBINSON of Bellingham visited Sunday at the JUDSON home.
--Miss Mildred ROBINSON of Bellingham visited in Lynden last week.
--A daughter was born last Wednesday to Dr. and Mrs. B. V. MOUNTER.
--Miss ENEGREN and Miss CRAWFORD are spending the vacation in Seattle.
--Cecil JAMIESON has been appointed sergeant in the Reserve Officers Training Corps at the University.
--Miss Margaret GWINN is spending the vacation at her home at Garfield, Washington.
--Mr. and Mrs. Andrew JAMIESON and daughter returned last Wednesday to their home in Seattle.
--Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDOUGAL and baby daughter of Eastern Washington are visiting Mrs. McDOUGAL's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. SEAT.
--Miss Anna De BOER, Miss Katherine LINDHOUT, Mr. Fred De HOUGH, and Mr. Morris De BOER attended the "Messiah" at the Trinity Methodist Church in Bellingham last Friday evening.
--Mr. Henry LINDHOUT was home from Bellingham over Christmas.
--Word was received in Lynden this week that John M. SIGHTS, formerly of this city, had passed away at Santa Rosa, Cal. Mr. SIGHTS was a member of the Lynden Lodge, Knights of Pythias.
--Mr. F. E. KELSEY left Friday for Seattle to have his eyes treated.
--Mr. and Mrs. John LIMING and family are visiting in Lynden over Sunday.

Mr. John BOERHAVE of Oak Harbor passed away Tuesday, Dec. 25. His sons, J. P. BOERHAVE and Nick BOERHAVE, and his daughter Mrs. R. PILON of Lynden, attended the funeral at Oak Harbor Thursday.

A son was born Monday, Dec. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. LANCASTER.

Miss Amy KROON was thrown from a buggy and badly bruised Saturday evening, Dec. 23, while coming home from an entertainment at the Sunshine school. The horse became frightened and started to run away, tipping the buggy over and smashing it to pieces. Although there were three girls and one boy in the buggy at the time of the accident, Miss KROON was the only one injured.

January 17, 1918:

H. HENDRICKS of Lynden passed away Monday morning, following a long illness. Funeral services will be held today. Mr. HENDRICKS was born in Germany in 1850. He came to Michigan as a young man. There he was married, and later moved to Washington, arriving in 1898. His wife passed away in 1902, and he remarried later. Besides the widow, he is survived by four children - Mrs. J. BOSMAN, Mrs. H. ASSINK, Ben HENDRICKS and John HENDRICKS.

January 24, 1918:

Many friends attended the funeral services at the M. E. Church Sunday afternoon for Phyllis Irene LINDSAY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. LINDSAY of Lynden, who passed away Friday, after an illness of ten months. Rev. W. O. BENDADOM conducted the services. The pall-bearers were Misses Beulah SERRURIER, Florence MILLER, Evelyn ECKER, and Mildred FOUNTAIN. Phyllis Irene LINDSAY was born at Blaine, Wash., March 19, 1907, and was 10 years, 9 months, and 30 days old. She attended the Lynden grade school.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the First Reformed Church on Grover Street for the late E. TOP, father of Gerrit TOP. The Rev. H. K. PASMA officiated. The body was shipped from Freewater, Ore., where Mr. TOP passed away after an illness of many years. Mr. TOP had many friends around Lynden, for although he never lived here, many of his old neighbors had moved to the district. Mr. TOP, who was 80 years and 2 months old, is survived by his widow, two sons and two daughters. Only one son, Gerit TOP, lives near Lynden.

Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon at KNAPP's funeral parlors for the late Miss Edith Elizabeth ENGMAN, who passed away on Wednesday night at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. MARKSTROM. She was 32 years of age and is survived by two other sisters in addition to Mrs. MARKSTROM, Mrs. E. E. FREDEEN and Mrs. F. ERICKSON of Bellingham, and by an aunt, Mrs. J. A. FROBERG of Lynden. Miss ENGMAN had been ill for some time. She lived for many years in the Delta neighborhood, and had many friends in and around Lynden.

February 7, 1918:

Funeral services are being held today for the late Mrs. P. A. OAKES, who passed away Tuesday afternoon at her home after an illness of a few weeks. Mrs. OAKES is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Marion WARD, Miss Nellie OAKES, and Miss Ruth OAKES.

Funeral services will be held Friday in KNAPP's funeral parlors for the late Andrew MATHESON, who passed away Sunday morning at his residence at Glendale. Services will being at 11 o'clock, and interment will be at Bellingham. Mr. MATHESON had been ill for a number of years with cancer. He is survived by his widow, who plans to move to Bellingham. A brother came from Minnesota to attend the funeral.

February 21, 1918:

Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Christian Reformed Church for little Jessie SLOTEMAKER, four year old daughter of J. SLOTEMAKER, who passed away Monday. The little girl had been ill for some time.

February 28, 1918:

Fred H. IRELAND, for many years a Lynden resident, passed away at his home in Bellingham Thursday evening after an illness of several years. Mr. IRELAND was 41 years old at the time of his death. He is survived by his widow and his father, H. M. IRELAND of Ontario, Canada. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the KNAPP funeral parlors. Rev. W. O. BENADOM conducted the services in the presence of many friends.
Card Of Thanks
Signed by: Mrs. H. F. IRELAND, Mr. and Mrs. HEATON, Mrs. Aleck OLIVER.

Funeral services were held Sunday morning at KNAPP's funeral parlors for little Clarence REED, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lew REED, who passed away last week after an illness of five months. Many friends of the family attended the services, which were conducted by the Rev. C. E. HODGES.
Card Of Thanks
Signed by: Mr. and Mrs. L. W. REED, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. RINEHART, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. REED

March 21, 1918:

Henrietta, the two-year-old little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John HENDRICKS passed away Saturday at a Sumas hospital following an operation for appendicitis. Funeral services were held Monday at the Christian Reformed Church. The Rev. E. BREEN conducted the services.

May 30, 1918:

Phineas C. WILLIAMS, who conducted a store and creamery in Lynden several years ago, passed away at his home in Bellingham Friday afternoon after a short illness. He was buried in the Lynden cemetery Tuesday. Mr. WILLIAMS will be remembered by many of the old families of Lynden. He ran a store at Third and Front Street for several years, and moved later to Fourth and Front Street, on the site of the Star Mercantile Company building.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at Knapp's Funeral Parlors for the late Mrs. Elizabeth SMITH of Blaine, who passed away in Seattle Saturday. Mrs. SMITH was a daughter of D. CRUIKSHANK, and had many friends in Lynden. She was 42 years, 7 months and 13 days old. Mrs. SMITH passed away at a Seattle hospital, where she had gone for treatment.

Rev. COGDON of Blaine conducted the funeral services Monday afternoon for Mrs. Elizabeth SMITH of Blaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. CRUIKSHANK. Mrs. SMITH is survived by her parents, her husband, E. B. SMITH, and her two brothers, Frank and Wilmer CRUIKSHANK.

Mrs. Hattie H. HADLEY, for many years a resident of Lynden, passed away in Portland Saturday. Funeral services were held at the Lynden cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. H. K. PASMA reading the service. In addition to many friends, Mrs. HADLEY's sons, Owen and Willis, attended the services. She is survived besides these two sons, by a son, George, and two daughters who reside in San Francisco.

June 20, 1918:

Funeral services were held in Lynden Wednesday for the late Elijah MAUPIN, who died in Bellingham this week. MAUPIN was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church of Lynden and the services were held there. Mr. MAUPIN is survived by a widow, three sons and two daughters.

Miss Elven TINNEY aged 20 years, died Wednesday at Ten Mile. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha TINNEY, and two brothers and two sisters. Funeral will be held at Ten Mile Friday at 2 p. m. Interment will be made in Ten Mile cemetery.

September 5, 1918:

Funeral services were held Saturday for the late Wesley J. DEEM who passed away Thursday at Bellingham. The Rev. W. O. BENADOM conducted the services at KNAPP's Funeral Parlors in the presence of many friends. Mr. DEEM was 56 years, 8 months and 9 days old. His wife passed away in April, 1917. He is survived by a son and three daughters, Mrs. C. HADDON, and Misses Laura and Chloris DEEM.

September 19, 1918:

Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at KNAPP's parlors for the late Norman SHARRARD, son of Mrs. Anna SHARRARD, who passed away at Medical Lake, Wash. The Rev. H. K. PASMA conducted the services in the presence of many friends. Norman was thirteen years old.

The little 13-months-old WYNSTRA baby passed away Wednesday night.

Funeral services were held Tuesday for little Margaret MULDER, daughter of Mrs. Bertha MULDER. The Rev. E. BREEN conducted the services. The little girl was four and a half years old.

October 24, 1918:

Funeral services were held Wednesday for the late Mrs. Daisy F. WALKER, who passed away at Deming Monday. Mrs. WALKER was 44 years of age. Rev. W. O. BENADOM conducted the services. Interment was at Ten Mile cemetery.

November 7, 1918:

Funeral services were held Sunday at the Lynden cemetery for the late Charles Dexter ALEXANDER, who died at his home at Ten Mile last Thursday at the age of 47. He is survived by a widow, Mrs. Nora ALEXANDER, two daughters, Ada and Verna, and one son, Frank. Lee ALEXANDER, another son, died of influenza Oct. 12 at an aviation camp at Dayton, Ohio.

November 28, 1918:

Mrs. Emil KNIRCK, age 72, passed away Tuesday night at her home in Lynden. Funeral services will be held Friday, and burial will be at the Greenwood cemetery.

William FOLLIS, sr., age 88, passed away Monday at Glendale at the residence of his son. Funeral services will be held today (Wednesday). Mr. FOLLIS had a long and interesting career. He was acquainted with Abraham Lincoln, who signed his naturalization papers.

December 5, 1918:

Mrs. Lola ADAMS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. SIMONS of Lynden, and a sister of Mrs. August DUNKER, passed away at Butte, Montana. The body is being brought to Lynden for burial.

A crowd of friends gathered at the Lynden cemetery Monday to attend the services for the late Mrs. Norman HICKEY, who passed away Saturday, a victim of the influenza. Rev. W. O. BENADOM conducted the services. Mrs. HICKEY was twenty years old. She was the daughter of Captain and Mrs. Joseph LEACH, and a sister of Miss Sue LEACH, who has a position at the Lynden Department Store.

Funeral services will be held Friday for Henry G. HEUSINKVELD, who passed away Tuesday from pneumonia, following an attack of influenza. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. HEUSINKVELD, and was born in Crook County, Colorado. He was 25 years, 6 month and 9 days old. A brother who is in the army will be home in time to attend the funeral.

Mrs. Walter LEAKE passed away Tuesday, a victim of meningitis following influenza. Funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m.

December 12, 1918:

Newton D. RIDDLE, 1 1/2 months old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe RIDDLE, passed away on Saturday of pneumonia. Funeral services were held the same day.

On Sunday, the month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy RIDDLE died. Burial was on Monday.

Funeral services were held on Sunday for the late Mrs. Lola P. ADAMS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. SIMMONS, and sister of Mrs. August DUNKER. Mrs. ADAMS passed away on December 3 at Butte, Montana. Mrs. ADAMS was born at Hart, Mich., and was 33 years, 2 months, and 13 days old. She is survived by her husband and one son, her father and mother, four sisters, and one brother.

Funeral services were held Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. LEIST for their grandson, little Alvin Claire KELLY, who was killed Saturday afternoon. Rev. W. O. BENADOM conducted the services. He had been riding on a gravel wagon, and was thrown under it when one of the horses shided suddenly. "Buster," as he was called, was a very bright and cheery little fellow, and will be missed by a wide circle of friends. He was born in Lynden July 3, 1909, and was 9 years, 5 months and 4 days old. He was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. KELLY of Lynden.

December 19, 1918:

Mrs. John HOKSBERGEN and infant baby passed away Wednesday night as a result of the influenza. Mrs. HOKSBERGEN was thirty years old. Funeral services will be held at Monumenta cemetery on Saturday.

December 26, 1918:

Friends gathered at the funeral services for the late J. W. LINDSAY Sunday at the Lynden cemetery. Rev. W. O. BENADOM conducted the services. Mr. LINDSAY passed away Friday after a brief illness. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow and one son, three brothers and one sister. He was born in Nebraska June 21, 1871. He was brought to Washington the same year by his parents, and was raised at Blaine.

Friends gathered at the Christian Reformed Church Tuesday to attend services for the late Mrs. Sasse STUURMANS, who passed away Saturday. The Rev. E. BREEN conducted the services. Mrs. STUURMANS was 75 years, 8 mos. and 19 days old. Interment was in Monumenta Cemetery.

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