The Lynden Tribune
Lynden, WA

Extractions by Susan Nahas

February 25, 1915:

-Friends and relatives of J. T. DYKSTERHUIS will hold a day of celebration in his honor Friday in honor of his eighty-second birthday. Because of the illness of Mrs. DYKSTERHUIS, the festivities were post poned from Dec. 24.
- A marriage license was issued in Bellingham this week to Klaas DYKSTERHUIS, age 51, of Lynden, and Janitra ENGELHARD, age 45, of Denver.
-Mrs. B. P. SHOEMAKER passed away quietly at her home on East Grover Street Tuesday, after a short illness.
-Klaas DYKSTERHUIS and Mrs. Jans ENGELHARD were married Saturday morning at the home of J. T. DYKSTERHUIS by the Rev. E. BREEN in the presence of a few relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. NOTEBOOM have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Henrietta Wilamina, to Leonard J. LENSSEN Thursday, March 4, at 11 a.m.
-Mr. and Mrs. L. BODE have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Gertie, to John HENDRICKS at their home Friday at 10:30 a.m.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. H. JOHNSON have moved on the RIDDEL ranch at Van Buren. Mrs. JOHNSON is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. WESTBROOK.
-Born, Thursday, Feb. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. M. DUIFF, a girl.
-A Washington's birthday girl baby arrived Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will BAUMAN.
-The Ladies' Aid Society of the Christian Reformed church gave a beautiful present in gold to Mr. and Mrs. S. H. STUURMANS, who celebrated their golden wedding Tuesday.
-Miss Pearl ELDER and Miss Mabel SQUIRE, who are teaching in Anacortes, visited over Sunday with Miss ELDER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter ELDER.

-Miss Theresa JAMES and Mr. Harvey PERRY, of Mt. View, were quietly married in Bellingham on Saturday. Both are well known here as Mrs. PERRY attended the Ferndale High School for several years.
-Dr. and Mrs. H. J. BIRNEY, of Bellingham, who have purchased the John FOLEY ranch, have moved onto it. They will erect a modern home.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed JONES, on Monday, a son.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl OAKES on Feb. 12, a son.

-Whitnah RARICK spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Robert KIRKMAN.
-Klaus ROO and Orrel NOLES have started their buildings on Mr. NOLES' place where they expect to keep chickens this summer.
-Mrs. O. WILCOXSON and children spent Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. RARICK.

-The people of Everson are sorry to hear of the death of Nate HARKNESS. The end came Monday evening at a Bellingham hospital.
-Friends of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. MEAD, formerly of this place, will be sorry to hear of the death of their six-year-old daughter, at Ferndale.
-Mrs. HILLYER, of Laurel, with her son, Willard, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. HAMILTON over the weekend.

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