October 17, 1912:
Wedding Bells.
The marriage of Mr. Walter SOMMERS and Miss Madeline STEINHAUER occurred last Saturday at Mission Junction, B. C. After visiting New Westminster and Vancouver, the young couple returned to Lynden and are at home to their friends at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. STEINHAUER.
Mr. Arthur B. MILLER, electrician of the Lynden Mill and Light Co., was married at Bellingham Monday to Miss Alice GARDNER, of Amany, Oregon. The newly married couple have gone to housekeeping at Tenth and Liberty streets.
October 31, 1912:
-Miss Amy VAIL returned Tuesday from Blaine where she had been visiting the J. R. VAIL family for a few days.
-Mrs. PILON is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. BOERHAVE.
-A baby gir arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. DICKINSON on Thursday, October 24.
-Mrs. E. B. SMITH of Blaine visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. CRUIKSHANK, Wednesday.
-Wynand VANDEKAMP is rapidly recovering from his attack of scarlet fever.
-Peter ZOBRIST, of Van Wyck, was a caller at The Tribune office on Thursday. Mr. ZOBRIST is the socialist candidate for county commissioner.
-Mr. and Mrs. James ZYLSTRA have returned from Tacoma where they have been for some time and will make Lynden their home. Mr. ZYLSTRA is with the Lynden Department Store.
-JANSEN Brothers, formerly of Lynden but later of King County, have returned, and have purchased the stock and implements and leased the farm of Sol JOHNSON, Route 2, and will engage in stock raising and farming.
-Mrs. A. L. TROMP went to Bellingham Friday for a few days' visit with her daughter, Anna.
-A baby daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. BROWN Wednesday.
-Rev. and Mrs. F. Alban WEIL, of Bellingham, are the happy parents of a baby girl, born Monday.
-The public schools opened Wednesday after being closed several days on account of a threatened epidemic of scarlet fever. Only the two cases reported last wee having developed, no further spread of the disease is anticipated.
-Julius VANDER MEER underwent an operation for enlarged tonsils at the office of Dr. WOOD Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. BECKES have moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. KNITTLE.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. F. BYE are seriously ill, and under the care of a physician.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. R. RICE and family went to Bellingham Friday where they expect to make their future home.
-Mr. Wilmer CRUIKSHANK, who has been visiting in Lynden for several days, left yesterday for his home in Santa Cruz, California.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry FOUNTAIN have moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. L. J. BROWN.
-Mrs. George WORTHEN, who has been visiting in the east for the past six weeks, returned Tuesday evening.
-R. HOEKSTRA and bride arrived in Lynden from Holland last week Mr. HOEKSTRA's parents and sister accompanied them and expect to make Washington their home.
-Mrs. Perry HEATHERS, who has been ill for sometime passed away Monday at the home of her mother, near Van Buren. Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Van Buren church.
Real Estate Transactions
BECKES & STUART during the past week have sold the following property:
--The Henry MUYSKENS ranch consisting of 45 acres, located about 2 miles north of Lynden, to C. H. WELLS, a son-in-law of Dr. T. NELSON, who recently purchased the Frank McPHERSON ranch. Consideration, $4500.
--A tract of land in Staight's Addition belonging to George PASCHTAT. The purchaser was John D. ISENBRANDS, a recent arrival from the east, and a relative of Fred FOELKERTS. Price $2200.
--The KNITTLE property on Grover street now owned by C. W. RIDDLE. Mrs. STUART, mother of H. E. STUART, was the purchaser.
Mr. L. J. BROWN and Mr. George H. COLE have purchased a grocery business in Bellingham, and Mr. BROWN and family have already moved to that city. Mr. COLE is also in Bellingham but will return to Lynden to reamin some time before taking up his permanent residence in the Bay city. ...
A sad accident occurred at Booth Corners last Saturday, October 26, when Guy HIMENOVER, 17 years of age, was instantly killed by the explosion of some sticks of dynamite which he was handling. The boy's parents, Mr. and Mry William HIMENOVER, came to this county last June, buying a place in the vicinity of Booth Corners in July. Guy Thompson was born in Iowa, November 27, 1895, and was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Himenover when he was nine years of age. The boy had never seen dynamite until he came to this country when he had assisted his father in clearing their land. He had been cautioned not to touch it when his father was not present, but on Saturday Mr. HIMENOVER was obliged to go Bellingham, and left the son in charge of the place. That afternoon, saying nothing to his mother of what he intended to do, he apparently took several sticks of the dynamite to the place where he and his father had been clearing land. Just how the accident occurred is not known. Mrs. HIMENOVER, upon hearing the explosion, rushed to the spot where the smoke still lingered and found that the body of her son had been blown to fragments, the head, arms and upper part of the body being literally blown to bits.
The coroner was summoned, there was nothing to indicate how the accident occurred. The funeral was held at the home Sunday afternoon, Rev. Herbert Jones conducting the services. Interment was at Lynden cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. HIMENOVER of Samish Lake were in attendance. The casket was covered with beautiful flowers sent by sympathizing friends.
The friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. William Himenover whose son was recently killed instantaneously by an explosion of dynamite, gathered at their home yesterday, and with gasoline engine, teams and implements, removed logs and stumps and leveled the ground, removing all trace of the deplorable accident of last Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Herbert CAMERON, of Vancouver, B. C., are spending the week with their relatives, the Robert THOMPSON family.
-Mrs. Henry AYLING and son, of New Westminster, are visiting their relatives, the BUSHBY, GRELL and ARNELL families this week.
-Mrs. George HOWE visited Mrs. GRELL on Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. BREWER celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding last Sunday in Bellingham where their large circle of friends fave a dinner part for them. Mr. BREWER is section foreman of the Milwaukee road.
-The Misses Helen and Emma MEURER, Clara LIBERTY, Isabel DOW, Lillian BULLOCK and Carmen ROBINSON, who gave a dancing party Saturday night, are receiving a good deal of favorable comment on their highly successful management of the same, it being said that it was one of the nicest parties of the year.
-Mrs. E. E. PARKER taught in the primary department a portion of the week in place of Miss CARD, who was ill.
-Mr. and Mrs. George CREME visited friends here Sunday and were callers at the Vern PARISH home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Russell HURLEY are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son born October 1st at the home of Mrs. HURLEY's parents, Mr. and Mrs. COUSINS, in Bellingham.
-The depot in Everson is being painted the colors of the new road, dark green with yellow trimmings.
-Mr. and Mrs. L. G. MECKLIN have returned from Olympia where Mr. MECKLIN has been in the automobile business during the summer.
-Mrs. Eliza BEVIS, of Vancouver, who has recently returned from a visit to her old home in England, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. ARNELL, and Mrs. C. GRELL and L. BUSHBY.
-The four daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Vern PARISH are ill with the whooping cough.
-Mrs. Ben MAHON is suffering from a badly burned foot.
-Arthur BUTTON who was so severely burned sometime ago is still confined to the house.
-The Laurel Grange gave a box social Thursday evening at their hall. Several political speakers were present and a nice program was given. Music was furnished by Prof. RICHARDSON and his pupils. The proceeds were more than $30.00.
-Wardie BURGET has the measles, which are quite prevalent here.
-Mr. GUY and sons have moved into their new store.
-Mrs. H. PIERCE was a pleasant caller in this neighborhood last week.
-Raymond WHIPPLE was a Bellingham visitor the first part of the week.
-Mrs. Alfred BEATTY and little son of Kendall, spent a few days with Mrs. BEATTY's mother, Mrs. L. E. WHIPPLE.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lorne FURNESS had an auction sale Friday, and have moved to the home of Mrs. FURNESS' mother.
-Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS have returned from a visit of a few days with Mrs. BEATTY, at Kendall.
-Lyman WAMPLER spent a few days at home, returning Sunday to his work at Chilliwack.
-Mrs. Perry HEATHERS passed away Monday at the home of her mother, Mrs. M. J. MORRIS, and was laid to rest in the Lakeside cemetery Tuesday. Services were held in the Van Buren church.
-Mr. W. F. HEATHERS who has been quite ill is slowly improving.
-Mr. and Mrs. G. F. MUNDELL went to Bellingham Thursday to meet Mr. MUNDELL's mother who came from Texas to make her home with them.
-Mr. and Mrs. George ANDERSON spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. YOUNT.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ALEX spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. CLOW.
-Mrs. Joe WHIPPLE has been on the sick list the past week.
-Mrs. WAMPLER and son Harold were Lynden visitors Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. F. M. YOUNT were Nooksack visitors last week.
November 7, 1912:
-Mr. and Mrs. George ZURN, who have been visiting friends and relatives in Iowa and Nebraska for the past two months have returned.
-The condition of Mrs. Mark W. STONE, who has been seriously ill for the past several weeks, is reported as critical.
-C. C. KING and C. L. MOSS leave tonight for San Francisco where they expect to close a deal for the sale of their gold mine at Goldfield, Nevada.
-The wedding of Miss May BARRY and Mr. Morris WILLIAMS will take place today at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. E. R. SHAIN.
-Cornelius SPAAN left Tuesday for a visit to several points in Iowa, and expects to be absent about three months.
-Mrs. N. BAME is confined to her home by an attack of hemorrhage of the lungs.
-Mr. E. J. SINNES, a well known resident of Goshen, and Miss Annie SMEDSRUD, of Bellingham, were married Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. DYVEN, in Bellingham, the Rev. T. J. MOEN performing the ceremony. Mr. L. SINNES, brother of the groom, and Miss Ethel GERDRUM attended the couple.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ed KNAPP, who left Lynden last March to make their home in Lakeport, California, have returned, and -Mr. KNAPP will engage in business at Everson, having traded his stock of merchandise at Lakeport for the stock of hardware and groceries of C. F. EGGERT at Everson.
-Mr. C. R. AXLING has been elected as the new manager of the Lynden Co-operative Company, to succeed George H. COLE, who leaves Lynden to engage in business with his former partner, L. J. BROWN. at Bellingham. Mr. COLE will remain with the Co-operative Co. until about the first of the year. Mr. AXLING begins his duties at once.
-Will LEEK, who has been with the condensery here for the past six years, is taking a vacation and visiting his parents in Oregon.
-Paul JOHNSON, of Bellingham, nephew of Mrs. L. BUSHBY, is clerking at the BUSHBY store.
-Fred WILCOX, member of the G. A. R., who is spending the winter at Orting, was here this week looking after business interests, visiting old friends and voting.
-W. J. STANHOPE has sold his confectionery store to J. B. TRACY of Bellingham, who has taken possession.
-The friends of Mr. W. D. STOUT, of Nooksack, helped him to celebrate his 77th birthday Friday by arranging a surprise party for him at the home of his son, Herman STOUT. Guests from Everson were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. WILLIAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Ed BRECKENRIDGE, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley HON, Mrs. C. F. EGGERT, Mrs. Henry BEERNINK.
-Mr. and Mrs. Herbert CAMERON of North Bay, Canada, who have been guests of R. THOMPSON and family left the first of the week to visit relatives in Sedro-Woolley.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. WEEKS and son left their home at Fairview last Monday and will return to their labors in missionary work in India.
Thursday, November 14, 1912:
-John BYLSMA left for his former home in Iowa Tuesday.
-J. W. GROVE has left Lynden to locate in Eastern Washington.
-A wee man arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. VAN RY last Thursday.
-A baby girl came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John BYLSMA last Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles GAHAN are happy over the arrival of a little daughter who came to their home November 7.
-A marriage license was issued by the county auditor Tuesday to Delbert F. NELSON, of Everson, and Effie A. JOHNSON, of Lynden.
-The stork put in an appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ROO yesterday and left a beautiful baby boy.
-Frank J. SHINN left this morning to join his family at Ashland, Oregon. They will come back to Lynden in the spring and make this their home again.
-Mr. and Mrs. Judson WEEKS and little son returned to their missionary field, Burma, last week, after spending their year's vacation with Mrs. WEEKS' parents, Mr. and Mrs. SCRIMGER.
-Friends of Mrs. T. H. BROOKS, formerly of Lynden but now living in Mentor, Ohio, have word of an injury received by her in an accident, which will confine her to her bed for about three months.
-Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. WILLIAMS whose wedding occurred at noon last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. SHAIN, left on the evening train the same day for various Sound points, after which they will be at home in Ferndale. The wedding ceremony was witnesses only by the immediate relatives and a few intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAMS were the recipients of many beautiful wedding gifts.
-Mr. and Mrs. L. C. MOSS will leave soon for their new home in California.
-Mr. and Mrs. George THAYER left last week for an extended visit at their old home in Minnesota.
-John LENSSEN arrived from his home in Dakota last Friday, being called here by the illness of his mother.
-Friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. SAXAUER, of Bellingham, have received word of the arrival of a baby boy at their home.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. W. HOLMES have moved to a camp north of Sumas where they will have charge of a boarding house.
-Mr. HANGEN, representing a sewing machine house in Bellingham met with an unfortunate accident while returning to his home Friday evening. Owing to the darkness he ran into the ditch near the Abbott place, receiving serious injury, and suffering the loss of his horse by drowning.