The Lynden Tribune
Lynden, WA

Extractions by Barbara Lynch
July 9, 1908:

Wilson PLUMMER was taken to the hospital in Bellingham Monday and Tuesday. It was thought best to amputate his leg above the knee. He stood the operation well. Mr. PLUMMER's knee had been troubling him slightly ever since he was 14 years old. For the past four years it has irritated him more than ever, but not until about six weeks ago when he fell off from a wheel and hurt it, quite badly, had it been bothering him seriously. Since then he has been walking on crutches and the swelling had gone clear down into his foot and there was danger of blood poison setting in. Mrs. Wilson PLUMMER went down Wednesday to care for him.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse STARK visited with his mother, a few days the latter part of last week and first of this.

A large number of Wright County, Iowa, people, about 70 in number, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George HANDY July Fourth to celebrate the National Holiday and enjoy a picnic dinner. Among those in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. George HANDY and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. CRABTREE and family, Mr. and Mrs. A HINKLEY and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Walter ELLER, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DAY, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee HAMILTON, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HANDY and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ELDER and family, Mrs. FIELDS and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. SMITH and son, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. SMITH and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. STUART and family, Misses Pearl and Nellie CRABTREE and Pansy STUART, Messers. Harvey SMITH and Benjamin CRABTREE.

A quiet little company gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George BRUCE to spend the Fourth. It was in the form of a picnic. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. George BRUCE, Mrs. Mary JONES, Wilder JONES, Peter BERGRAFF, Miss Myrtle NICHOLS, Miss Vera NICHOLS and Clarence NICHOLS.

Jack JOHNSON was fooling with a loaded revolver in the Billiard Hall on the night before the Fourth and the revolver was accidentally discharged, the shot passing into Fred FOURTNER's knee. Dr. MULDER was called and dressed the wounds. He says that it is getting along nicely and if no complications set in, it will soon be well.

RANDALL and CROSS leave Monday next from here in their sloop, the "Spray" for their seventh annual trip among the islands of the Sound. The "Spray" is a splendid 26-foot sloop which guided by the experienced hands of the two owners has weathered many a severe gale. Accompanying the sloop is their 11-foot tender ....They will go to their mines and do their assessment work. The mines they opened last year and found a fine-veined hard coal which has been pronounced the best west of Pennsylvania by experts ....Neither Mr. RANDALL nor Mr. CROSS can refrain from occasionally gratifying his curiosity as to whether all the fish have been hooked from the bay. Some six weeks to a month after leaving, they will land at Birch Bay.

BROWN and TREMAIN have just placed a handy new barber pole in front of their shop.

Miss Jane SMITH of Tacoma is visiting with her grandmother while her parents are in Alaska.

-ERZ & BECKES closed a sale this week whereby J. B. LITTON of Spokane, Wash., becomes the owner of one of the finest small ranches in Whatcom county. It was formerly the property of T. T. BOOTH and is near Booth's Corners. The consideration was $1600 for the 20-acre tract of land.
-S. A. SUTLEY has bought the lot on east Front street from Mrs. STARK.
-SWIM & ALDRICH sold four lots in the Swin & Aldrich adition (sic) to Mrs. Martha TOPPING this week.
-Richard SCHERER sold to George W. RIDER through the Swim & Aldrich Agency 30 acres of improved river-bottom land adjoining the Forbes ranch, for $4,000.

At their regular meeting last Monday evening the K. P.'s installed the following officers to serve for six months:
H. FRASIER, Chanc. Com., Wm. DANIEL, Vice C. C., J. W. DALY, Prelate, George VINUP, Serg. At Arms, H. BAKENHUS, Inner Guard, B. H. LORING, Outer Guard, W. W. GASKILL Master of Works.

The ladies of the Baptist Church met at the parsonage on Wednesday last with the following officers:
Mrs. W. F. BARNHART, pres., Mrs. GREEN, vice pres., Mrs. BEERNINK, secretary, Mrs. CASE, treas. The Society will meet with Mrs. W. F. BARNHART on Grover St. July 22. All those in sympathy with our work are cordially invited to meet with us.
Mrs. J. BEERNINK, secy.

The Whatsoever Society will meet this week at the home of Mrs. Washington TOPPING.

The Lynden Dramatic Company made a grand hit with their comedy play, "Above the Clouds." Mr. J. B. GALE directed. Cast included J. B. GALE, Fred SAXEUR, Geo. DeWITT, H. E. STUART, Geo. HALL, Frank KNAPP, Jim STARK, Mrs. CARTY, Mrs. BEACH, Mrs. HALL, and Edith HARRIS. The play which opened July 4th was so well received, an additional performance on July 16th was added.

NORTHWOOD CHIPS - Married, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. JACOBS, Miss Cecelia JACOBS to Mr. Harry Elmer HUTTING of Raymond, Wash.

Rev. MUYSKENS has received a call from four different places: Oak Harbor, Chicago, New York and one other city in the east. Mr. MUYSKENS is a very talented young man and whatever place gets him will be very fortunate.

Old Glory now has 46 stars. One new star being added on the Fourth of July for the state of Oklahoma.

Frank BIXBY comes out this week with an announcement of his candidacy for the office of prosecuting attorney of Whatcom county. Mr. BIXBY is the first candidate to make formal announcement and is in the running early in the game. Over in Lynden, where Mr. BIXBY is better known than at any other place in the county, the people speak very highly of him and consider him a winner. Mr. BIXBY has been in the county a number of years and during that time has shown that he is a man who is not afraid to do things as he sees them to be right. It is said that he goes into the campaign without the support of certain political wire pullers who desired to control him and were told that he would not submit to such control and would remain independent of political promises. Such men make good officials and Mr. BIXBY is to be congratulated upon the stand he has taken.

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