~A new daughter greeted
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Veriett Monday last.
~J. E. McDonald will open a fruit and cigar stand in Gee's building on H
~There will be a special meeting of the Ladies Relief corps at the school
house, Saturday April 12 at (?) p.m. sharp. All ladies are requested
to be present. MRS. J. KING, Secretary.
~Capt. Tarte of the steamer Brick says he has not entered the com___ation
to raise rates, but will continue to run at the old prices. The citizens
of Blaine should stand by him, as he is allied with the interests of the
International City.
~Mrs. Angeline Pendleton, wife of Robert Pendleton, died at her home on Dakota
creek, at 8 a.m., April 5th. Mrs. Pendleton was a member of the Baptist
church. She leaves a husband and six children.
~The Episcopal society will effect a permanent organization Sunday next.
Rev. Mr. Wilson of Tacoma will be present and take charge of the services
on that occasion. Regular services will be held every Sunday hereafter.
~Last Monday, while Officer Radcliffe was arresting James McMahan, the assistant
cook at the Washington House made some interference. The outcome was that
McMahan was lodged in jail, and the cook was fined ten dollars, which was
not paid, and he was also locked up.
~W. C. Hammond was in Whatcom
the first of the week.
~Oval Pirkey was down to Whatcom last week on a business trip.
~Mr. E. A. Boblett and wife and grandma Whitcom are visiting friends in Victoria,
B. C.
~Senator Tom Payne, of Skagit county, has been in the city for several days,
looking after private interests.
~J. S. Johnston of Spirit Lake, Iowa, is in the city, and will establish
a stock company bank; doing business on Harrison avenue.
~Miss Ella Sweet, of Sleepy Eye, Minn., sister of Mrs. Wm. Evans, has arrived
in Blaine, and will soon open a dress-making shop.
~S. Wade and family, of Poania, Colorado, will arrive in Blaine in a few
days. Mr. Wade will reside here permanently, as he is one of the promoters
of the large hotel to be built on Harrison avenue and Alder street.
~Dr. H. Thompson, late of Clare county, Michigan, made the INTERNATIONAL
POST a pleasant call last Friday. Dr. Thompson proposes to cast his
lot with the enterprising citizens of Blaine, and will take up his residence
here in a few days.
~Mrs. W. J. Gillespie was called to Seattle week before last in response
to a telegram from her niece, Mrs. W. L. Church, of Dungeness, Washington,
who was taken ill at that place while on her way to Blaine to pay Mrs. Gillespie
a visit. |